My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 70

Truthfully since leaving Xihua palace the emperor was slightly regretful, the cold night wind blowing against his body was particularly cold, the towering palace in the distance was illuminated in the darkness, a kind of insurmountable coldness and alienation, this was the imperial palace…, it"s n exploitative place, and a place that makes people yearn for endlessly, like how everyone praised of exaltation, a n.o.ble and spotless moral character, wasn"t it for this position that launched a waste of manpower and resources, a war which engulfed your life?

The emperor felt increasingly cold, even if he wrapped the fur clothing around him tightly it still didn"t warm up his heart at all, because there was someone missing by his side.

These past few days he seemed like a youngster led by his first urges, ignited anytime and anywhere, like a ball of fire was burning in his chest, making him irritatingly hot beyond tolerable, in fact…, before her, this palace ought to have been like how cold it was now right?

At the start he clearly could leave, why did he have to pester Zhao Jin Yu again and again to stay by her side.

Indeed staying by her side meant he could eat tasty food, when he slept at night he was held against her chest, he wouldn"t feel so cold like tonight.

Zhao Jin Yu refusing him like that made him very angry, make him fly into a rage like she was being disobedient, even more from the refusal there was a kind of…, broken-heartedness, the pain of being full of hot blood then drenched with cold water by someone.

But is hurting her better?

Back when they were being chased down by the Tiangui sect, it was still a stone, however in order to save Zhao Jin Yu he was undaunted by perils, it hurt a lot when his body shattered, but he again felt an indescribable ease, because he knew, she was safe and sound.

Such a precious women who he placed in his heart, why did he have to make her unhappy?

Didn"t he only need to endure it for a month?

Before waiting made him feel like it was endless, in order to allow Zhao Jin Yu to live peacefully in such troubled times, he and the extremely disdainful Tiangui sect"s Xianjun made an agreement, this was something he never dared to imagine before.

Such a long time he still endured it, could it be he can"t manage a month?

Rui Fu stood beside the emperor with a face full of profound mysteries, thinking about how to advise 

the emperor, he could tell the emperor treated that Lady Zhao differently from the others…, he actually reckon this was related to when the emperor could not be waken when it was night time, even more it was related to when commander An was sent to Hangzhou.

Because the emperor had never been a love at first sight person, even though he was young he had experienced many things, his heart had already earlier been heavily damaged, without much flesh, the Empress Dowager had heartlessly made him loathe women.

That"s why this Lady Zhao must be different, capable of making the emperor confer the t.i.tle of empress straightaway, able to make the emperor unable to even carry on reading account books, hurriedly run out just to see her happy face, furthermore without apprehension he had wanted to spend the night at Xihua palace, as if he had not thought about…, Lady Zhao was still not the empress currently, if the emperor favoured her she needed to be summoned to the palace where the emperor lived.

All these things made him understand this Lady Zhao was important…, anyhow, the emperor had left in such a rage today, what"s more he might favour another in anger, he guessed there was a divide between the two of them, this was something he did not want to see, he had seen the emperor grow from a toothless child to a man, he hoped he could live an ordinary life.

Bear and raise children, living with xinuailie, to not always be cooped up in that icy-cold palace.

Rui Fu sneaked a glance at the emperor"s face, he quietly said, “Your Majesty, when you left you did not put on the jade pendant the former emperor left for you, that was personally polished by the former emperor, don"t lose it, should this old servant help the emperor return to get it?” Rui Fu omitted to mention the emperor"s previous anger, only giving the emperor a reason to go back.

The emperor felt he had been given a pillow when he felt like sleeping, he was very pleased, he glanced at Rui Fu profoundly saying, “That…set out to return to Xihua palace.”

There were at least several tens of people escorting the emperor, with flapping sounds they again headed back, as they walked they thought, Your Majesty what is this?

How can you go back and forth like a sulky child?

After the emperor left Zhao Jin Yu had sat rigidly on the bed without a word, nanny Li held a cup of thick warm almond tea in her hands, she said, “Niangniang, your hands and feet are cold, quickly take a sip.” Following which she placed the almond tea into Zhao Jin Yu"s hands, seeing her hold it did she then sigh, saying, “Niangniang, His Majesty has left.”

Zhao Jin Yu lowered her head to drink a mouthful of almond tea, she only felt her heart sink, she said, “Yes.”

“Niangniang…, you"re actually scared aren"t you?” Nanny Li after all was experienced, of course she was more meticulous in her thoughts than others, she said, “There"s nothing to be afraid of, it"s something women will always have to experience, besides, niangniang isn"t so young, don"t you want a child? Last time you held the third old master"s family"s child not willing to let go, saying he was so fair and plump very cute.”

Zhao Jin Yu took a sip of the almond tea, she felt the sweet and tasty almond tea warm up her stiff hands and feet slightly, she said, “Nanny, don"t ask.” She was afraid, but this kind of fear was not the same fear as nanny Li understood, she was afraid of the emperor"s position.

“Nanny won"t ask.” Nanny Li seeing Zhao Jin Yu"s complexion still as deathly pale, her heart ached indescribably, holding her in her arms she coaxed her, “It"s nothing, the emperor is only angry for the moment, after a few days when his anger has dispersed things will be fine.” Nanny Li did not believe the emperor who allowed Zhao Jin Yu to be jealous like that would be willing to let Zhao Jin Yu go, just like when the eldest old master used to get angry…, he always would return to sweet-talk the madam.

This person…, as long as the other person was in his heart he would hate to be angry with her.

Zhao Jin Yu has always been grateful to nanny Li, she had thought of making her live a comfortable live at the Zhao residence, who knew she however obstinately insisted on coming with her…, at this moment she was nevertheless thankful for her perseverance, in the cold and unfamiliar palace, without the emperor, she felt in any case the silence was frightening, and only a person like nanny Li who cared for you genuinely can make you feel it wasn"t that bad.

“Niangniang…, eldest young lady, why are you crying?” Nanny Li had directly called Zhao Jin Yu eldest young lady out of nervousness, because in her heart, Zhao Jin Yu was just that, that t.i.tle was branded into her mind for life, forever the eldest young lady in her heart.

Originally nanny Li had been impartial towards Zhao Jin Yu, compared to the later Zhao Jin Yu she had much preferred Zhao Rui Zhi who she had watched grow up…, it wasn"t that she was very biased, and not because she did not understand the madam"s frame of mind, rather affection between people gradually build, she had watched Zhao Rui Zhi grow from a little girl to a young lady, she was educated and well-balanced, soft and obedient, and was very good at picking things up, naturally as an elder she was fond of her.

However later the madam being beaten one after another, in addition to Zhao Rui Zhi"s actions, it made her begin to slowly look at her heart…, the most impactful situation was perhaps when the madam had pa.s.sed away, she could be sn.o.bbish and picky towards others, be partial to others, but she was absolutely the most loyal to the madam.

Taking care of the eldest young lady was the madam"s greatest desire, then she would accomplish this wish on behalf of the madam, let alone…, Zhao Jin Yu didn"t even have the heart to allow Zhen Zhu to take her place…, this was an admirable moral quality which truly moved people"s hearts, compared with fickleness, she was a thousand times better than Zhao Rui Zhi who acted one way in front of people and another way behind them.

Nanny Li sincerely felt sorry for Zhao Jin Yu.

“Don"t cry, maybe His Majesty will return immediately.” Nanny Li began to comfort her, she thought Zhao Jin Yu was crying because the emperor was being cold.

Who knew as if in reply to nanny Li"s words, outside came the coa.r.s.e voice of a eunuch, “His Majesty has arrived.”

Nanny Li was stunned, somewhat stupefied she watched a maid push apart the curtains to welcome a man in, that face held the cold wind and frost of outside, a face full of pent-up frustrations, however she had not been wrong, unexpectedly it was His Majesty the emperor of the great Zhou.

Could he have come to punish Zhao Jin Yu? Nanny Li"s mind was practically blank, she simply did not think the emperor would go and come back merely because he was worried about Zhao Jin Yu…, perhaps he came wanting to sweet-talk Zhao Jin Yu.

Nanny Li couldn"t be blamed for such thoughts, the emperor existed in her eyes like an impa.s.sable mountain, this sort of person has always been provided for by others, again how would he come back head lowered to admit he was wrong to coax someone?

That"s why nanny Li swiftly kneeled on the floor, kowtowing she said, “Your Majesty, niangniang already knows she has wronged, she has cried for quite a while after you left, please take into consideration she has just entered the palace, she doesn"t understand the customs please forgive her this time.”

The emperor had actually uttered the words we shouldn"t have gotten angry over and over in his mind on his way over, yet he couldn"t say it, the reason was the emperor has never admitted he was wrong to others, who knew as soon as he entered the door he would be rebuked by nanny Li like this…, those words were stuck in his throat unable to be said.

Zhao Jin Yu hearing nanny Li"s words, and seeing the emperor"s ashen face, she thought he emperor really came to criticise her heavily, she was both furious and sad, just now that little bit of regret disappeared, in a flash she got up pulling at nanny Li saying, “Nanny, I was wrong, why are you kneeling?” Afterwards she pushed nanny Li up kneeling herself, she said, “Your Majesty, everything is my fault, I didn"t know how to appreciate favours, I did not behave in custom and offended His Majesty, if His Majesty needs to punish someone just punish me alone, it has nothing to do with nanny Li.”

The emperor"s heart was alarmed, his body leapt as he watched Zhao Jin Yu kneel on the ice-cold floor wearing a thin unlined garment like this, paled complexion, and hearing her say such stiff words, without any emotions, as if she was talking to a stranger, it chilled him to the bones like being poured with cold water in the middle of winter, he reached out pulling her into his embrace.

Until that warm and soft body touched his chest, then did he feel that chill just now dissipate quite a bit, his absolutely empty heart again was filled, it started to beat again, he said, “We were wrong, we shouldn"t have forced you, don"t be angry with us.” The emperor affectionately kissed Zhao Jin Yu"s cheek, saying what he never thought he would say, softly.

Rui Fu had secretly observed them all along, in the end hearing the emperor"s words he amongst stumbled to the ground, His Majesty really has set his heart on this person.

Four types of human emotions, namely: happiness, anger, sorrow and joy.

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