My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 72

The emperor smiled saying, “Come here.” After speaking he stepped forward wanting to hold the curtsying Zhaoyang princess, who would have imagined before he even got close he saw the Zhaoyang princess take a step back in fright, her face immediately somewhat deathly pale.

The emperor"s heart sank, retracting his extended hand, with an emotionless face he said, “What have you been doing recently?”

Zhaoyang princess seeing the emperor did not approach her, finally felt rather secure, acting in accordance to convention she replied, “Reporting to imperial father, Wan Er has been learning the Three Character Cla.s.sic from the tutor these past few days, in addition to the guqin and embroidery.”

As usual after the emperor finished his questioning he waved his hand for someone to take the Zhaoyang princess away.

Waiting until only consort Shu and the emperor were left in the room…, the emperor firmly placed down his teacup onto the table, issuing a clanging noise, he said, “Why is she afraid to see us?”

Consort Shu was so scared she didn"t sit down, she kneeled on the floor, kowtowing she said, “Your Majesty, I"ve failed older sister"s expectations, I did not teach the Zhaoyang princess well, please punish me Your Majesty.”

When the emperor saw consort Shu look like she would fall to the ground with the wind, he was very agitated that he spoke just a bit louder and she was so scared kneeling on the ground admitting she was wrong, he said, “Did we say we are going to punish you? Why are you kneeling on the floor?”

Consort Shu however did not dare to get up, as before seriously admitting her wrongs she said, “I, your servant was wrong.” After she repeated these words, apparently only like this could the panic in her heart lessen slightly.

The emperor only felt a ball of anger stuffed up in his chest, even his breathing wasn"t smooth, impatiently he said, “Fine, quickly take Zhaoyang princess to see the empress.”

Consort Shu however did not get up, saying, “Your Majesty it"s I, your servant"s fault”

The emperor was rapidly irritated, yelling, “We told you to get up, you want to disobey an imperial order?”

All of a sudden the sound of weeping came from outside, Zhaoyang princess came running in clutching her skirt, teardrops clinging onto her little face, looking unbearably pitiful and adorable, she kneeled on the floor, saying, “Imperial father, you mustn"t punish auntie, it"s my fault, I wasn"t 

obedient, wuwuwu.”

“Princess…” Consort Shu turned her head to look at Zhaoyang princess, an unspeakable love in her eyes.

The emperor was so angry his liver hurt, with a clatter, he immediately threw the teacup onto the floor, then pointing at the old and young on the floor he said, “Drag them out.”

Rui Fu was beyond shocked, saying, “Your Majesty…, Zhaoyang princess is still young, it"s hard for her not to be afraid…”

Consort Shu and Zhaoyang princess however were holding each other crying on the floor, as if they were about to be parted by death immediately.

The emperor veins popped, he roared, “We said to let them return to the palace, we don"t want to see them right now!”

Rui Fu then released a breath, stepping forward to help Zhaoyang princess up, and gave a meaningful look to consort Shu, “His Majesty already doesn"t blame niangniang.” After he pointed at Zhaoyang princess with a face full of tear stains he said, “Why is niangniang not hurrying to take the princess back to the palace?”

Consort Shu wiped her tears with her sleeves, eagerly she got up saying, “Many thanks eunuch.” Afterwards she left holding Zhaoyang princess without turning back, like there was some demon hidden behind her.

After the two of them got very far away, Zhaoyang princess then leaned on consort Shu"s shoulder saying, “Auntie, does imperial father like to eat children?”

Consort Shu"s face ashen, she shrieked, “Who taught you that? A bunch of nonsense! Your imperial father is…” Consort Shu recalled the former rumours, before there was a while when corpses of imperial concubines were removed one by one from his palace. Consort Shu firmly shook her head, pushing down the fear in her heart, holding Zhaoyang princess she said, “Remember, in the future you need to keep those words in your head, you cannot say it to anyone!”


“He is your imperial father, the emperor of the great Zhou, children must not criticise him, do you understand?”

Zhaoyang princess held onto consort Shu"s neck tightly in a panic, saying, “Auntie, I understand, don"t be angry, I won"t say it anymore, from now on I will definitely be good.” If not…, imperial father will eat up her auntie and her?

The emperor simply did not know in his daughter"s heart he had become a man eating demon, in any case he was extremely angry and unstable right now, he determinedly pushed aside the curtain…, entering into the bedroom he had not entered for a very long time, the muslin canopy on the bed was fluttering in the breeze from the half opened window, if you look at it carefully, it seemed like there was still a person lying in it.

The emperor calm and collected stood outside the muslin canopy, looking at it for a good while, he finally felt it was better not to say much, turning his head he was ready to leave, who knew just as he got to the door a coa.r.s.e voice called out for him, “Hehehe, you"re finally willing to come see your imperial mother?”

A skinny and shrivelled hand pulled open the muslin canopy, revealing an eyeless monster, long black hair parted on two sides, setting off her pale skin, there was a horrific feeling in the middle of the day which set one"s hairs to stand on end.

The emperor however remained unmoved, he said, “Why have you not eaten recently?”

The person inside hearing the emperor"s words, seemed to think of something she was angry about, gloomily she croaked, “You indiscriminate murderer, you killed him, you still dare to see me?”

The emperor seemed to know who the him the person was talking about, a somewhat mocking smile appeared on his face, he said, “Your son has actually never understood, I am undoubtedly your own child…, why must you only have older brother in your heart?”

If it was before, the emperor would not have asked this question, because from the start when he felt wrong, to later when he got used to it, again to the neglect now, his heart was already numb.

However today, seeing his daughter who was scared of him, the emperor suddenly wanted to ask.

Since he was young the empress only had the eldest prince born from the previous empress in her eyes, to him she was strict and harsh, but to the eldest prince she treated him gently, at first he had thought it was only because it was difficult to be a stepmother, mother was afraid of people gossiping about her.

However slowly, he discovered…, apparently it wasn"t because of this.

Mother would punish him to kneel in a bustling corridor, making him lose face, at that time it had just snowing, it was so cold that water turned into ice…, after that there was a problem with his legs from kneeling, even now, it would still hurt when it rained, if it wasn"t for Rui Fu pitying him, finding the eldest prince to plead on his behalf, he guessed he would have been disabled from kneeling?

Yes, what was incomprehensible was, the one who interceded was in fact his older brother with the same father but different mothers, that eldest prince who has been doted on by mult.i.tudes of people since he was young.

The eldest prince was cultured and refined since young, humble and ambitious, the son of the woman the former emperor loved, and was the son his imperial mother loved dearly…, so much so it exceeded the love she had for her own son.

“You low being want to place yourself on par with the eldest prince?” The empress dowager maliciously spat out these words.

The emperor"s expression became even more indifferent, he said, “Aren"t I the low being you gave birth to?”

The empress dowager immediately was stirred up, brandishing her skinny arms, as if she wanted to tug at the emperor at her side, nevertheless because she was blind and unable to see, in the end she pulled on a corner of the muslin canopy, venting her anger she ferociously tore it down, saying, “I truly regret after giving birth to you I didn"t immediately kill you, then my pitiful eldest prince would not have been killed by you…” The empress dowager wept, because she had no eyes, there were also no tear glands, only the sound of her wailing could be heard, a heart wrenching sound, seeming very terrifying.

The emperor exhaled from his chest, it was so cold he was a little unwell himself, unconsciously he embraced her shoulders, saying, “Such a pity, you only gave birth to such a low being like me, and the n.o.ble eldest prince was actually your own.”

Rui Fu cautiously and solemnly stood guard outside, every time the emperor came out from the bedroom he would be in a fit of rage, only this time he saw that even though the emperor"s expression was cold, but there was a soberness and calm in his eyes, he lowered his head to see the stopping Rui Fu, he asked, “When did she find out older brother"s army had been defeated?”

Rui Fu said, “She knew a month ago, the maid Yan Xi who serves her in order to pa.s.s on the message, committed suicide by swallowing gold, when the empress dowager saw it wasn"t Yan Shi who delivered her meals she knew the eldest prince had already been defeated.”

“Yes.” The emperor muttered to himself, he turned around with his hands behind his back he stood under the veranda, the midday sun was warm and glaring, it dragged out the emperor"s shadow.

Rui Fu felt the emperor"s back seemed to be rather lonely…, he couldn"t help find it difficult to bear in his heart, even wild beasts looks after their young, but these words were not fitting for the empress dowager, that was a malicious woman who would use a knife to stab her own son if it meant it could help the eldest prince, he felt his woman simply was not suited to be a mother.

When Zhao Jin Yu saw Zhaoyang princess she was simply stunned, she was such a pretty child, jet-black hair, clear bead like eyes, and rosy apple cheeks.

When Zhaoyang princess had greeted Zhao Jin Yu childishly without practiced etiquette…, Zhao Jin Yu felt her heart break, at once she got up to help Zhaoyang princess, saying, “I"m still not your imperial mother, there"s still a month to the crowning.”

Zhaoyang princess cowered a little wanting to take a step back, but seeing Zhao Jin Yu"s warm smile she again relaxed slightly, thinking she wasn"t that scary, turning her head she glanced at consort Shu, seeing her nod in encouragement at her, she plucked up the courage saying, “But sooner or later won"t you become my imperial mother? Teacher said etiquettes cannot be abandoned.”

Zhao Jin Yu saw that although Zhaoyang princess had said these words in dead earnest, but her childish voice had a natural suppleness, so adorable her heart wanted to melt.

“Our Zhaoyang princess is very clever, you can actually say such reasonable things.” Zhao Jin Yu energetically praised Zhaoyang princess, finally getting her sweet smile.

Zhaoyang princess felt the imperial mother in front of her wasn"t scary in the least, and seemed to be very easy to get along with, puffing out her little chest she said, “I can even recite the Three Character Cla.s.sic, I can do a lot more.”

“Is that so?” Zhao Jin Yu pretended to be surprised, she couldn"t help but say, “Then recite it to me, if you recite it well, imperial mother will reward you with a gift?”

“Yes!” Zhaoyang princess happily said, “I want to fly a kite!”

Zhao Jin Yu said delightedly, “That"s possible, then you must recite for imperial mother to listen first.”

Zhaoyang princess began to earnestly recite, her clear child voice, soft and tender, like a spring wind in spring blowing inside and out of Xihua palace.

When the emperor arrived he prevented the eunuch from announcing his arrival, watching quietly, fragments of sunshine moving in his eyes.


At night, the emperor drew Zhao Jin Yu to him, burying his head into her neck, he took deep breaths of her scent, only feeling an uncontrollable thirst…, however he could only resist it, it simply was a kind of suffering.

Zhao Jin Yu sensed the emperor"s longing, she coughed loudly once, saying, “Your Majesty, it would be better for us to sleep in separate rooms.” Truthfully facing the wolf like emperor everyday…, the gaze the emperor looked at her with was like a person who had been starved for the past several ten thousand years, as if he wanted to swallow her in one go directly, she was also under a lot of pressure.

The emperor made himself recover a little bit of his calm, with a smile on his face he said, “We saw you treated Zhaoyang princess really well today.” The emperor was actually somewhat worried, whether Zhao Jin Yu and Zhaoyang princess would get along, after all Zhao Jin Yu was still young, Zhaoyang princess was also a timid and meticulous child, but seeing the two of them get along well today, he was in fact happier than anyone else.

“Zhaoyang princess is really adorable.” Today if it wasn"t for the emperor"s arrival, Zhao Jin Yu had wanted to take Zhaoyang princess to fly kites, it"s just that Zhaoyang princess was fine, but when she saw the emperor she was like a mouse seeing a cat, she withered, in a moment she had lost her liveliness.

“Then you give birth to a little prince for us, he certainly will also be very cute.” The emperor finally couldn"t help take a bite of Zhao Jin Yu"s creamy earlobe, breathing deeply he said.

Zhao Jin Yu"s face was very red, she firmly pushed the emperor away, rolling to the other side, she said, “We came to an agreement.”

The emperor seeing Zhao Jin Yu pout her lips in a tantrum felt the gentleness in his heart bubble forth, he said, “Fine…, we do not renege anyway.” Following which he reached out his long arm to again pull her into his arms.

Until he felt his chest was sticking to the soft Zhao Jin Yu, then did he sigh comfortably, gathering up his arms he said, “What do you think of consort Shu?”

Zhao Jin Yu thought about it saying, “She"s different from what I thought.”

“How different?”

Zhao Jin Yu had originally thought a woman trying hard to protect a child, using all her effort to raise her, it must be because she loves this child"s father a lot, but today seeing consort Shu…, the way consort Shu looked at the emperor was as clear as water, if it had to be described it was fear and dread.

“Anyhow I feel she has brought Zhaoyang princess up very well, she"s just a little timid…”

The emperor proudly smiled, saying, “Naturally, we are never wrong judging people.” The emperor seemed to recall something from very long ago, his gaze somewhat distant, “She was a daughter of a concubine, if it wasn"t for our perseverance, she wouldn"t have been the one to enter the palace, rather a daughter of the first wife.”

“Why did you choose the daughter of a concubine?” It wasn"t that Zhao Jin Yu looked down on a daughter of a concubine, rather she felt it wasn"t too fitting based on the emperor"s status, Zhao Jin Yu could be here, be bestowed the t.i.tle of empress by the emperor without anyone daring to complain, purely because she was the eldest young lady of the Zhao family, and the Zhao family was a first cla.s.s family of the great Zhou having produced a sacred calligrapher before, it was these pedantic matters which shut the mouths of the imperial censors, instead they approved of the emperor"s decree this time.

The emperor rubbed Zhao Jin Yu"s cheek, giving it a peck he said, “I wanted someone who treated children sincerely, and not a woman who was only set on currying favour in the hope of advancement.”

No one was clearer about this than the emperor, what it felt like to not have a mother"s love in this imperial harem…, Zhaoyang princess had already lost her birth mother, that"s why he wanted Zhaoyang princess to have a happy childhood.

“At that time, I saw the others were grooming and making themselves look nice, only she continuously looked at the child in swaddling clothes.” The emperor mentioned before the empress pa.s.sed away, she had summoned several of the empress"s younger sisters into the palace to have an audience with the emperor, everyone knew this was an opportunity, that"s why the clever ones tried their best to use this opportunity, consort Shu, the only one who didn"t seize the chance but spent her time on the child was unexpectedly the one who got the opportunity.

“Was she willing?” Zhao Jin Yu asked.

The emperor was very confused, he said, “Why wouldn"t she be willing?”

Zhao Jin Yu couldn"t say why…, each woman who entered the palace had their own way of thinking and aim, some people"s purpose was for their family to achieve meteoric success, some people"s reason was for themselves to live a life of luxury, there were even more people who were greedy for admiration and vanity…, or people who admired the emperor.

However what was the reason for consort Shu? Is it because she didn"t dare to refuse an imperial decree?

The emperor seeing Zhao Jin Yu"s peaceful face under the faint yellow light felt she was a hazy beauty, his heart couldn"t help pace, holding her waist his body pushed her down.

“Wuwu, Your Majesty.” Zhao Jin Yu was woozy from the emperor"s kiss, her body was soft and weak from head to toe.

The emperor"s mellow and rich voice had an intoxicating gentleness, he said, “My little one, let us kiss you…”

Rui Fu was chatting with nanny Li outside, Rui Fu wasn"t very young, he experienced as much as his age, to nanny Li who had experienced just as much equally, very soon they chatted together.

“Oh my, so you"re from the west.” Nanny Li said beaming, “That"s a coincidence, me too, but when I was young I was sold by my parents to the Zhao residence, after contact with the family stopped.”

“So we"re from the same hometown.” Rui Fu said laughing hehe.

“Exactly.” Nanny Li also laughed along, “You look chubby, not looking at all like the people from 

over there.” Nanny Li meeting someone from the same hometown, her words naturally had a local accent.

Rui Fu, “…”

Nanny Li seeing Rui Fu rather shyly glanced at her head, she couldn"t help patting her own head saying, “Look at me, I"m always like this, no filter on my mouth, I just say whatever, actually you"re not really short, you"re taller than me still by half an inch.” Those from the west tend to be tall, yet Rui Fu was a short plump person.

Rui Fu"s face darkened, “That is because our eunuch boots are elevated.”

“There are insoles inside those boots as well?” Nanny Li looked greatly interested, very much suggesting for you to quickly remove them for me to take a look.

Rui Fu simply was at his wit"s end, how can such a seemingly very reliable empress, have such an impatient person by her side? Unable to take a hint at all.

Fine, after all she was a popular person by the empress"s side, he had to get along with her, without a choice he stood on one leg taking off a boot, he said, “Take a look, it"s like this.”

“Eunuch Rui, you really are someone who likes to be clean, this shoe doesn"t smell at all.”

Rui Fu was unable to contain his joy, pleased with himself he said, “Naturally, I soak my feet daily, 

chance my socks.”

“That really is rare.” Nanny Li showed an admiring expression, “I"ve seen a lot of eunuchs rush out to serve without even washing their faces.”

“Those little brats are very dirty.” Rui Fu began to speak of matters of the palace to nanny Li.

The two were chatting away very happily, all of a sudden they saw the curtain inside the bedroom being pushed aside, the emperor with a dark expression, holding a pillow in his arms, walked out in a fl.u.s.ter.

The two jumped, but each one had a different concern, nanny Li headed towards the bedroom in worry, clearly afraid Zhao Jin Yu had suffered, and Rui Fu only stared at the red mark on the emperor"s arm, he muttered to himself, he couldn"t have been hit by the niangniang right? 

Immediately he firmly slapped himself…, His Majesty was the supreme ruler, who dared?

“What are you looking at? Give us another bed.” The emperor bellowed.

Rui Fu, “Where to?”

“Of course inside.” The emperor pointed at the bedroom turning around to re-enter after speaking, after Rui Fu and nanny Li heard the emperor"s voice immediately become very gentle, “We said we couldn"t restrain ourselves for a moment, don"t be angry.”

At once Rui Fu and nanny Li turned away, nanny Li thought their family"s eldest young lady was still the most impressive…, having such an unwavering hold on the emperor, on the other hand Rui Fu felt…, fine, this great Zhou"s emperor became a toothless tiger in front of Lady Zhao, uh-oh, it really made him fl.u.s.tered.

Where was His Majesty"s holy prestige? Rui Fu was simply bitter and hateful, how can His Majesty not have any courage?

Zhao Jin Yu laid inside with her back to the emperor, panting with rage she said, “From now on you sleep on the bed outside.”

The emperor pulled a face lying on the bed which had just been moved in, even though they were only a few steps apart he felt like they were separated by thousands of mountains and tens of thousands of water, he said, “After the crowning ceremony then I can?”

Zhao Jin Yu very fiercely said, “No.”

The emperor said not resigned, “But you promised us before.”

“You were the one who didn"t keep your word first.” Zhao Jin Yu only felt the emperor"s scorching body lingering on her, she blushed, ever more angry, “Just sleep like this.”

The emperor was unhappy, he sat up straight, chest rising up and down, clearly he was very angry, Rui Fu sneakily glanced over, and thought the emperor at last couldn"t help show his true powers, he thought to himself, as it ought to be, he needed to let this Lady Zhao know what respecting a ruler is! 

In the end Rui Fu waited filled with expectation, who would have imagined Zhao Jin Yu blew out the candle on her side, the emperor laid back down like an obedient cat.

Rui Fu suddenly felt his heart hurt a lot.

The next day the emperor again attended morning court with dark circles under his eyes, he threw a torrent of abuse at the person from the Ministry of Rites preparing the big wedding, asking frankly why it takes so long to organise a crowning ceremony? Making the chancellors dejected and depressed, crying out injustice, huge weddings tend to need a year to prepare, cutting it down to one month was already considered very quick!

Although Zhao Jin Yu had not officially been crowned, consort Shu nevertheless very consciously began packing, the next day she had moved out of the former empress"s Fengxi palace.

When she brought Zhaoyang princess to pay respects to Zhao Jin Yu, cautiously and paying her part she said, “Niangniang, originally we stayed in Fengxi palace because His Majesty was worried 

Zhaoyang princess missed her imperial mother, specially giving an imperial decree, but now that the current niangniang is already the mistress of the imperial harem, it"s not appropriate for us to stay there.”

Zhao Jin Yu saw Zhaoyang princess was slightly different today, the rims of her eyes red, having cried before, she couldn"t help ask, “Zhaoyang princess, come here.”

Zhaoyang princess unwillingly walked over, her eyes drooping.

Zhao Jin Yu asked, “Have you been crying?”

Consort Shu said harshly from the side, “Zhaoyang princess, why aren"t you responding?” She clearly looked at Zhao Jin Yu very unsettled, wanting to push the aloof Zhaoyang princess.

Zhao Jin Yu shook her head stopping consort Shu"s movements, she walked over crouching down to be on the same level as Zhaoyang princess, she softly asked, “Why are you not happy? Tell imperial mother, maybe imperial mother can help you.”

Zhaoyang princess restlessly glanced at consort Shu, seeing her admonishing gaze, her heart sank, immediately she again turned her head to look at Zhao Jin Yu, seeing her gentle gaze, encouraging, not knowing why she had the courage all of a sudden, she said, “Imperial mother, my swing is inside 

Fengxi palace, and the balsams I planted…”

“Zhaoyang princess!” Consort Shu yelled rather fl.u.s.tered.

Zhaoyang princess cowered back, crying in fear, she said, “I don"t want to move, I want to live in the place my imperial mother lived in before.”

Zhao Jin Yu watched the weeping child, abruptly her heart ached.

This is a literal translation. There are records/references of people swallowing gold to commit suicide as the weight of gold (think about lumps of gold not jewellery pieces) can tear internal organs and has been reported to be fatal if above a certain weight. Some people might think of it as swallowing poison but I like to think the author was sticking to the literal meaning.

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