My Memoirs

Chapter 68

That this book may prove useful to others is my most fervent wish.

I have forgiven my enemies, and I trust those whom I have wronged may forgive me.

As I write these lines, my daughter is resting near me, lying on a couch. She sleeps, and her young husband is painting by the window.

There reigns ideal peace and serenity in this room, which overlooks a great English meadow, so fresh, so green.... It seems almost unbelievable after the years of maddening turmoil I have lived through....

My little Marthe will be a mother in a few months" time.... Her child will one day read these Memoirs. May he, when that time comes, learn--like all other readers of this book, I trust--to understand my life, to forgive whatever weaknesses have been mine, and to love his mother"s mother, a woman who has made mistakes in life, but who, G.o.d knows, has paid all too dearly for them.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Plan of the first floor of the house in the Ronsin, where the double murder was committed. Dotted line shows probable movements of the]

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