My Mr.Mermaid

Chapter 12

Publishedat 12th of May 2019 09:20:22 AMChapter 12

After the editorial department ended their regular meeting, Yun Duo was notified that only one of her two ma.n.u.scripts had been approved for publishing . The one that had been kicked back was the one on Tang Yi-Bai .

"Why?" Yun Duo was very surprised .

"Because there isn"t any news value," the other party replied .

Such a cursory explanation left Yun Duo feeling even more troubled . How could Tang Yi-Bai have no news value? Could it be that she had taken the wrong approach in writing the article?

She wasn"t thick-skinned enough to continue pestering the other for details, and when she asked Cheng Mei, Cheng Mei was unable to make things any clearer either . So, Yun Duo could only carry these dark and dejected feelings with her as she waited for the return of Teacher Sun .

In the late afternoon right before work let out, Teacher Sun returned to the agency to retrieve some things, only to see Yun Duo sitting at his work station, her face scrunched up like a steamed bun . Teacher Sun asked curiously, "Yun Duo, were you scolded by Director Liu again?"

"No . Teacher Sun, I"d like to ask you a question . " Yun Duo briefly recounted what had happened, as well as showing him the words of recommendation Cheng Mei had written as proof that her ma.n.u.script was pretty good .

After listening to her story, Teacher Sun comforted her dismissively . "Who hasn"t had some ma.n.u.scripts get rejected as a reporter? Don"t take it to heart . "

But Yun Duo was stubborn . "I just want to know why . "

Teacher Sun pulled up a chair to sit beside her and helped her to a.n.a.lyse the issue . "Yun Duo, firstly, the main reason this ma.n.u.script did not pa.s.s is that you"ve overestimated Tang Yi-Bai"s status . News is time-sensitive, and the effect of news is also time-sensitive . Indeed, Tang Yi-Bai really did raise quite a bit of attention when he became champion of the national swimming championship, but it has already been a month since then . National-level swimming compet.i.tions can be held up to 4 times a year — the swimming championships is just one of those events . No matter how great someone performs in events like this, the end result is just a brief surge in popularity . It"s wrong to think that a chance encounter with Tang Yi-Bai is newsworthy enough for a standalone article . Secondly, you"ve missed the main point . Tang Yi-Bai is an athlete . Before he becomes a major superstar, the most valuable selling points on him can only be related to sports . For example, if you had managed to dig up the detailed reasons for his ban three years ago, then you would be able to use that as the main point for your news . But doing what you did — using what top scholar, motivational perspective as the focus of your article . . . these are all things that are merely icing on the cake . If Qi Rui-Feng was a top scholar, then that news would have much greater potential . Tang Yi-Bai still has not produced results as an athlete, so this sort of decorative piece is really not substantial enough . Do you understand?"

His words instantly enlightened Yun Duo . She scratched her head . "I understand now . It"s all because Tang Yi-Bai isn"t famous enough, right?"

Teacher Sun nodded and said, "And one more thing — the recommendation Cheng Mei wrote for you is also problematic . She may have written a lot of praises for you, but she is even more off-topic than you . You were originally already off-base, and her words of recommendation just pushed you even further away . It would have been a miracle if your ma.n.u.script was accepted . "

Yun Duo bowed her head in thought . "Teacher Sun, I know how to fix this now . "

"Hey, hey, hey," Teacher Sun looked at her is surprise, "I told you all this not to teach you to fix your ma.n.u.script . Don"t think about fixing this ma.n.u.script anymore . It"s pointless . Just save it in your hard drive for memory"s sake . "

Yun Duo shook her head with determination . "I want to try . "

"Why are you so strong-willed, you child," Teacher Sun sighed, shaking his head . He suddenly drew closer to her and looked at her with an expression intent on gossip . "Say, don"t tell me you really have a crush on Tang Yi-Bai?"

Yun Duo was really afraid of the word "crush" now . She shook her head empathically, "What — no! Teacher Sun, don"t make wild a.s.sumptions . "

Teacher Sun looked at her understandingly . "I understand . "

Yun Duo face-palmed .  What is it that you understand?!

That night, in high spirits, Yun Duo managed to fix her ma.n.u.script overnight . She readjusted the position of the article: The reporter had had a chance encounter with Tang Yi-Bai, who had obtained 3 golds and 1 silver at the recent national swimming championships (key point), at the campus of Sports University . He indicated that he was very confident for the upcoming winter swimming championships and that he was thoroughly prepared (key point) . When asked about his training condition, Tang Yi-Bai stated that his training was going very well (key point), and that he was still able to take the time to go to school and attend (casual mention) . According to reports, Tang Yi-Bai was a third year student at this famous sports school . His results in his studies and professional achievements both ranked number one when he had first been admitted, and he has maintained a good record for all three years at the university (casual mention) .

Alright, Tang Yi-Bai"s lack of fame was a significant drawback — this was the most she could do to salvage things .

The next day, Yun Duo took her ma.n.u.script to Teacher Sun . After he was done looking it over, he sighed, "This girl really learns quickly . "

Teacher Sun felt that this matter had instructional value, not just for Yun Duo, but also for Cheng Mei . Thus, he handed the ma.n.u.script over to a senior editor in the editorial department, and after the editor finished writing the accompanying words of recommendation, he let Cheng Mei take a look at it for comparison with her own to feel the difference .

The latest issue of the newspaper was already finalised, so Yun Duo"s ma.n.u.script could only be scheduled for the discussion meeting for the next issue .

Yun Duo"s luck was good . The overall content for the next issue was relatively spa.r.s.e — there were not many articles submitted for print, and so her ma.n.u.script was accepted .

Ehehehehe . . . Yun Duo laughed gleefully as she clasped the newspaper which was still exuding the aroma of ink .

She pinged Tang Yi-Bai on WeChat .

Yun Duo: Are you there?

Yun Duo: The article about you is already in the papers . I want to give you a copy as a memento ~

Her message hung there for a long while; Tang Yi-Bai did not reply . It was not till the afternoon when Tang Yi-Bai responded .

Tang Yi-Bai was currently having lunch . The four bros — Qi Rui-Feng, Tang Yi-Bai, Ming Tian, Zheng Ling-Ye — were all seated at the same table . Ming Tian saw Tang Yi-Bai looking down at his handphone, and so he asked, "Big Bro Yi-Bai, is it another confession by a beautiful lady?"

When the other two heard these words, they shamelessly stretched their necks to try and sneak a peek at Tang Yi-Bai"s handphone .

"Just eat your food," Tang Yi-Bai said, not even looking at them . He tilted his handphone slightly, stopping them from seeing anything .

He glanced at the timestamp of Yun Duo"s message and replied: Sorry, I was in training earlier .

Yun Duo: Yep yep . ^_^

Tang Yi-Bai typed out this line in the input box: "I can actually buy your newspaper here . " But right when he was about to click send, he hesitated, thinking, and then he deleted the line and changed it to "Where is your workplace? I"m going out for tomorrow, so I can go find you . "

Yun Duo: No need, no need . You"re so busy . I"ll come look for you instead .

Tang Yi-Bai: Is that convenient?

Yun Duo: Convenient . Wandering around and poking our noses everywhere is what reporters do . Going anywhere is convenient .

Tang Yi-Bai: Thanks for the trouble then .

Yun Duo: You"re too polite . You haven"t eaten yet, right? Go eat!

Tang Yi-Bai: Ok . ^_^

The next day, Yun Duo entered from the south gate of the Sports University . Tang Yi-Bai came out from the instructional building, and the two of them met up at the gymnasium .

There were some small groups conducting activities at the open s.p.a.ce in front of the gymnasium . There were even some people playing jianzi . Yun Duo and Tang Yi-Bai sat side by side on the steps before the gymnasium . The steps had many tiers — they were seated very high up . Tang Yi-Bai was wearing blue casual trousers . His legs were stretched out carelessly, resting along the steps below the one they were sitting on . His right leg was stacked over his left — the two legs looked very long and straight . Following his example, Yun Duo stretched out her legs, and this led to the tragic discovery that with him as a contrast, she was really starting to look like a corgi . . .

Boo hoo hoo . . .  this big sister is already at least 167cm tall, okay?!

"Your legs are really long," she marvelled with sincere admiration .

Tang Yi-Bai sighed .

Yun Duo felt like hitting him .

She rifled through her bag and took out a folded newspaper . She then flipped to the page with the article about him and showed it to him, saying with an apologetic smile, "Unfortunately, the print s.p.a.ce was limited, so your dashing photographs could not be used . "

"Is that so?" Tang Yi-Bai replied, peering at the contents of the article seriously .

Yun Duo sat to the side, watching him .

The weather today was very nice . Blue skies for miles and the sun shining brightly up above . Under such a splendid backdrop, he appeared ever the more handsome and graceful, radiant and n.o.ble . His expression was very focused, his eyes relaxed at half-mast . Along with the plain gla.s.s spectacles perched on the bridge of his nose, he looked attentive and serious, like a refined and handsome scholar .

When Tang Yi-Bai was done reading, he folded the newspaper neatly . "It is well-written . Thank you . "

"Welcome, welcome . " Yun Duo grinned at him and asked, "Tang Yi-Bai, will you take another picture with me?"

All humans have an obsession for beautiful things — not necessarily to possess them, but to at least retain some part of the beauty of the present moment .

Tang Yi-Bai naturally would not refuse . The two of them sat close together . Tang Yi-Bai sat up straight, his legs bent with both hands crossed over his knees, and his head was tilted slightly towards Yun Duo . Yun Duo lifted her handphone with one hand to take the selfie . She took several shots, but something was always off . She rubbed her arm, and said somewhat helplessly, "Maybe my arm is a little too short . "

"Allow me . " So saying, Tang Yi-Bai took her phone from her .

With the phone in his right hand, his left hand suddenly left free with nowhere to go . If he placed it behind him to brace his body against the steps, his body would be twisted slightly in an awkward position . And so he simply looped his left arm behind Yun Duo, resting it gently over her shoulders .

On the screen of the phone, circled by Tang Yi-Bai"s arm, Yun Duo looked like a cute little critter being sheltered .

Cough . . .

She felt her face turning slightly warm .

After the editorial department ended their regular meeting, Yun Duo was notified that only one of her two ma.n.u.scripts had been approved for publishing . The one that had been kicked back was the one on Tang Yi-Bai . "Why?" Yun Duo was very surprised . "Because there isn"t any news value," the other party replied . Such a cursory explanation left Yun Duo feeling even more troubled . How could Tang Yi-Bai have no news value? Could it be that she had taken the wrong approach in writing the article? She wasn"t thick-skinned enough to continue pestering the other for details, and when she asked Cheng Mei, Cheng Mei was unable to make things any clearer either . So, Yun Duo could only carry these dark and dejected feelings with her as she waited for the return of Teacher Sun . In the late afternoon right before work let out, Teacher Sun returned to the agency to retrieve some things, only to see Yun Duo sitting at his work station, her face scrunched up like a steamed bun . Teacher Sun asked curiously, "Yun Duo, were you scolded by Director Liu again?" "No . Teacher Sun, I"d like to ask you a question . " Yun Duo briefly recounted what had happened, as well as showing him the words of recommendation Cheng Mei had written as proof that her ma.n.u.script was pretty good . After listening to her story, Teacher Sun comforted her dismissively . "Who hasn"t had some ma.n.u.scripts get rejected as a reporter? Don"t take it to heart . " But Yun Duo was stubborn . "I just want to know why . " Teacher Sun pulled up a chair to sit beside her and helped her to a.n.a.lyse the issue . "Yun Duo, firstly, the main reason this ma.n.u.script did not pa.s.s is that you"ve overestimated Tang Yi-Bai"s status . News is time-sensitive, and the effect of news is also time-sensitive . Indeed, Tang Yi-Bai really did raise quite a bit of attention when he became champion of the national swimming championship, but it has already been a month since then . National-level swimming compet.i.tions can be held up to 4 times a year — the swimming championships is just one of those events . No matter how great someone performs in events like this, the end result is just a brief surge in popularity . It"s wrong to think that a chance encounter with Tang Yi-Bai is newsworthy enough for a standalone article . Secondly, you"ve missed the main point . Tang Yi-Bai is an athlete . Before he becomes a major superstar, the most valuable selling points on him can only be related to sports . For example, if you had managed to dig up the detailed reasons for his ban three years ago, then you would be able to use that as the main point for your news . But doing what you did — using what top scholar, motivational perspective as the focus of your article . these are all things that are merely icing on the cake . If Qi Rui-Feng was a top scholar, then that news would have much greater potential . Tang Yi-Bai still has not produced results as an athlete, so this sort of decorative piece is really not substantial enough . Do you understand?" His words instantly enlightened Yun Duo . She scratched her head . "I understand now . It"s all because Tang Yi-Bai isn"t famous enough, right?" Teacher Sun nodded and said, "And one more thing — the recommendation Cheng Mei wrote for you is also problematic . She may have written a lot of praises for you, but she is even more off-topic than you . You were originally already off-base, and her words of recommendation just pushed you even further away . It would have been a miracle if your ma.n.u.script was accepted . " Yun Duo bowed her head in thought . "Teacher Sun, I know how to fix this now . " "Hey, hey, hey," Teacher Sun looked at her is surprise, "I told you all this not to teach you to fix your ma.n.u.script . Don"t think about fixing this ma.n.u.script anymore . It"s pointless . Just save it in your hard drive for memory"s sake . " Yun Duo shook her head with determination . "I want to try . " "Why are you so strong-willed, you child," Teacher Sun sighed, shaking his head . He suddenly drew closer to her and looked at her with an expression intent on gossip . "Say, don"t tell me you really have a crush on Tang Yi-Bai?" Yun Duo was really afraid of the word "crush" now . She shook her head empathically, "What — no! Teacher Sun, don"t make wild a.s.sumptions . " Teacher Sun looked at her understandingly . "I understand . " Yun Duo face-palmed .  What is it that you understand?! That night, in high spirits, Yun Duo managed to fix her ma.n.u.script overnight . She readjusted the position of the article: The reporter had had a chance encounter with Tang Yi-Bai, who had obtained 3 golds and 1 silver at the recent national swimming championships (key point), at the campus of Sports University . He indicated that he was very confident for the upcoming winter swimming championships and that he was thoroughly prepared (key point) . When asked about his training condition, Tang Yi-Bai stated that his training was going very well (key point), and that he was still able to take the time to go to school and attend (casual mention) . According to reports, Tang Yi-Bai was a third year student at this famous sports school . His results in his studies and professional achievements both ranked number one when he had first been admitted, and he has maintained a good record for all three years at the university (casual mention) . Alright, Tang Yi-Bai"s lack of fame was a significant drawback — this was the most she could do to salvage things . The next day, Yun Duo took her ma.n.u.script to Teacher Sun . After he was done looking it over, he sighed, "This girl really learns quickly . " Teacher Sun felt that this matter had instructional value, not just for Yun Duo, but also for Cheng Mei . Thus, he handed the ma.n.u.script over to a senior editor in the editorial department, and after the editor finished writing the accompanying words of recommendation, he let Cheng Mei take a look at it for comparison with her own to feel the difference . The latest issue of the newspaper was already finalised, so Yun Duo"s ma.n.u.script could only be scheduled for the discussion meeting for the next issue . Yun Duo"s luck was good . The overall content for the next issue was relatively spa.r.s.e — there were not many articles submitted for print, and so her ma.n.u.script was accepted . Ehehehehe . Yun Duo laughed gleefully as she clasped the newspaper which was still exuding the aroma of ink . She pinged Tang Yi-Bai on WeChat . Yun Duo: Are you there? Yun Duo: The article about you is already in the papers . I want to give you a copy as a memento ~ Her message hung there for a long while; Tang Yi-Bai did not reply . It was not till the afternoon when Tang Yi-Bai responded . Tang Yi-Bai was currently having lunch . The four bros — Qi Rui-Feng, Tang Yi-Bai, Ming Tian, Zheng Ling-Ye — were all seated at the same table . Ming Tian saw Tang Yi-Bai looking down at his handphone, and so he asked, "Big Bro Yi-Bai, is it another confession by a beautiful lady?" When the other two heard these words, they shamelessly stretched their necks to try and sneak a peek at Tang Yi-Bai"s handphone . "Just eat your food," Tang Yi-Bai said, not even looking at them . He tilted his handphone slightly, stopping them from seeing anything . He glanced at the timestamp of Yun Duo"s message and replied: Sorry, I was in training earlier . Yun Duo: Yep yep . ^_^ Tang Yi-Bai typed out this line in the input box: "I can actually buy your newspaper here . " But right when he was about to click send, he hesitated, thinking, and then he deleted the line and changed it to "Where is your workplace? I"m going out for tomorrow, so I can go find you . " Yun Duo: No need, no need . You"re so busy . I"ll come look for you instead . Tang Yi-Bai: Is that convenient? Yun Duo: Convenient . Wandering around and poking our noses everywhere is what reporters do . Going anywhere is convenient . Tang Yi-Bai: Thanks for the trouble then . Yun Duo: You"re too polite . You haven"t eaten yet, right? Go eat! Tang Yi-Bai: Ok . ^_^ The next day, Yun Duo entered from the south gate of the Sports University . Tang Yi-Bai came out from the instructional building, and the two of them met up at the gymnasium . There were some small groups conducting activities at the open s.p.a.ce in front of the gymnasium . There were even some people playing jianzi . Yun Duo and Tang Yi-Bai sat side by side on the steps before the gymnasium . The steps had many tiers — they were seated very high up . Tang Yi-Bai was wearing blue casual trousers . His legs were stretched out carelessly, resting along the steps below the one they were sitting on . His right leg was stacked over his left — the two legs looked very long and straight . Following his example, Yun Duo stretched out her legs, and this led to the tragic discovery that with him as a contrast, she was really starting to look like a corgi . Boo hoo hoo .  this big sister is already at least 167cm tall, okay?! "Your legs are really long," she marvelled with sincere admiration . Tang Yi-Bai sighed . Yun Duo felt like hitting him . She rifled through her bag and took out a folded newspaper . She then flipped to the page with the article about him and showed it to him, saying with an apologetic smile, "Unfortunately, the print s.p.a.ce was limited, so your dashing photographs could not be used . " "Is that so?" Tang Yi-Bai replied, peering at the contents of the article seriously . Yun Duo sat to the side, watching him . The weather today was very nice . Blue skies for miles and the sun shining brightly up above . Under such a splendid backdrop, he appeared ever the more handsome and graceful, radiant and n.o.ble . His expression was very focused, his eyes relaxed at half-mast . Along with the plain gla.s.s spectacles perched on the bridge of his nose, he looked attentive and serious, like a refined and handsome scholar . When Tang Yi-Bai was done reading, he folded the newspaper neatly . "It is well-written . Thank you . " "Welcome, welcome . " Yun Duo grinned at him and asked, "Tang Yi-Bai, will you take another picture with me?" All humans have an obsession for beautiful things — not necessarily to possess them, but to at least retain some part of the beauty of the present moment . Tang Yi-Bai naturally would not refuse . The two of them sat close together . Tang Yi-Bai sat up straight, his legs bent with both hands crossed over his knees, and his head was tilted slightly towards Yun Duo . Yun Duo lifted her handphone with one hand to take the selfie . She took several shots, but something was always off . She rubbed her arm, and said somewhat helplessly, "Maybe my arm is a little too short . " "Allow me . " So saying, Tang Yi-Bai took her phone from her . With the phone in his right hand, his left hand suddenly left free with nowhere to go . If he placed it behind him to brace his body against the steps, his body would be twisted slightly in an awkward position . And so he simply looped his left arm behind Yun Duo, resting it gently over her shoulders . On the screen of the phone, circled by Tang Yi-Bai"s arm, Yun Duo looked like a cute little critter being sheltered . Cough . She felt her face turning slightly warm

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