My Mr.Mermaid

Chapter 23

Publishedat 4th of August 2019 01:13:57 PMChapter 23

When Yun Duo left home, her mum gave her ten thousand dollars . Yun Duo declined . "I"m already earning my own money . "

Her mum scoffed, "What"s that little amount of pay good for? Didn"t you say you wanted to move to a new place? Are you planning to live in a bas.e.m.e.nt? Or maybe share rent with a bunch of people and have to line up just to use the bathroom?"

" . . . it"s not that dramatic . " Honestly, she was already prepared to live frugally after renting a new place .

"I"m giving it to you so just take it . Your dad"s and my money will all be yours sooner or later anyway . "

Yun Duo was very touched . "Mum, I"ll definitely take it seriously when you set up more blind dates for me next time!"

"Haven"t you been taking it seriously these last few days?"

"Erm . . . "

And so, Yun Duo boarded the flight back to City-B with rental money sponsored by her mother .

When she returned to the office, she was very quickly pulled back into her work . Yun Duo went looking for Director Liu to find out what was the verdict regarding Tang Yi-Bai"s interview, and his answer did not fall outside her expectations . "We intend to wait until the championship is over before making a decision . " After a slight pause he added, "You can go ahead and make contact with Tang Yi-Bai first . "

Yun Duo was a little unhappy . She said, "Who am I to just go and ask him to reserve an exclusive interview for me?"

Director Liu was left at a loss for words . Yun Duo was right . Those in the news industry were all clamouring for hot topics, and there were not many who could hone in on a hot topic before it even sprouted . If Tang Yi-Bai truly started showing signs of being a fruitful seed, the media would flock to him — it would be almost impossible for Yun Duo to obtain an exclusive interview with him considering her rather junior status in the field .

That said, the "Sports Weekly" was a large agency which had reporters other than Yun Duo .

Thus, Director Liu very quickly reinforced his previous conservative choice . Keep an eye on the situation — at worst, they could just jump in later and compete with the others .

When Lin Zi learned of this, he sighed, "Is everyone in the media all so short-sighted?"

As usual, this fellow slammed an entire population with his general large-scale attack . Teacher Sun was dismissive, "Well, that"s not quite accurate . Working with news is not like investing after all . What we pay attention to are the events of the greatest concern at the current moment, not things of the future . "

Yun Duo nodded . Teacher Sun"s explanation made sense, so she very quickly accepted it . Who knows if she would get a chance for an exclusive interview with Tang Yi-Bai? The prospects looked dim . . .

On February 28th, the results for the Level 4 to 6 English exams were released . Tang Yi-Bai had spent the whole day training, so he only managed to send in a text inquiry that night . When he received the reply text, he immediately called Yun Duo .

"Yun Duo, I"ve pa.s.sed level 4 . "

"Really? That"s great!" Yun Duo was very happy for him .

Her voice was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with sincere joy — Tang Yi-Bai could almost imagine her ecstatic appearance right now: her small white teeth peeking through her smile and her two bright black eyes curved up into little crescent moons .

He could not help but dip his head and smile, replying with a soft sound of agreement .

Yun Duo then asked, "Tang Yi-Bai, how much did you score?"

"465 points . A narrow pa.s.s . "

"That"s already very good . You"re so busy . I"ve seen people who have nothing to do all day who still can"t pa.s.s level 4 . " Yun Duo presented a negative example to encourage him .

Tang Yi-Bai hummed lightly in agreement and then said in an extremely solemn tone, "Yun Duo, thank you . "

"Haha, I"m really not used to you being so serious and proper . " Yun Duo teased .

Tang Yi-Bai huffed in laughter and then deliberately deepened his voice to say, "Could it be that you like me when I"m not being serious?"

" . . . Hey!"

He stifled his laughter . "Alright, I"ll stop teasing you . Actually, I want to treat you to a meal, but it"s been too busy recently, so it"ll have to wait till later when there"s some free time . "

Yun Duo responded with understanding . "I know . The Championship is just next month . How are you doing?"

"Not bad . "

Yun Duo thought for a moment then said, "Tang Yi-Bai, you must swim well in the Championship!"

Tang Yi-Bai was rather surprised . "Why this all of a sudden?"

Yun Duo did not hide her intent . "Because I really want to interview you . "

He was still puzzled . "Haven"t you been able to interview me every time?"

"Not just interview, but have an exclusive interview . "

After a moment of silence, Tang Yi-Bai asked, "Does that mean that I can"t answer anyone else"s questions, only yours?" He was willing to cooperate with her, but he would probably be thrashed by Coach Wu if he did . . .

"No, we"ll just set up a time to have a one-on-one chat and conduct an exclusive comprehensive interview . But the leaders of my news agency is still holding back right now," said Yun Duo, and she followed up with a brief description of Director Liu"s stance . And then, she added, "So I hope you"ll be able to perform well . "

Tang Yi-Bai nodded solemnly even though Yun Duo would not be able to see it . He said, "I will . "

Yun Duo thought, Even if you produce good results in your swim, I may not definitely get the chance to have an exclusive interview with you . . .  She was frustrated just thinking about it .

Tang Yi-Bai then asked how Yun Duo"s search for a new place to rent was going . Yun Duo felt her head ache at the topic . "I"m still looking . Already looked at a few, but they"re all not quite right . There are just too many crooks nowadays . All fancy words and flattering descriptions when the reality is actually very bad . The intermediary is also a mess, and they"re even asking for a whole month"s worth of rent for their fee . That"s why I"m looking for an independent individual rentor . But then there"re also lots of terrible landlords offering lousy rentals under an independent banner . The whole scene is a mess . "

"Is there so much to look out for just to rent a place? I never knew . "

Yun Duo sighed . "That"s life for you, young man!"

Tang Yi-Bai then asked, "How did your recent blind dates go?"

"Let"s not talk about it . I"m only going on the dates to appease my mum . I feel like my mum is soon to become menopausal . . . if I even bring up refusing to go on blind dates, her eyes turn red . "

Tang Yi-Bai laughed . His laughter was deep, its tone resonating with his amus.e.m.e.nt . He said, "My mum is also almost menopausal . She"s complaining how I"m always not going home . Yesterday, she even called to say that she has already thought of a good way to handle me . Also, I"m clearly studying in Beijing, but she told other people I"m studying at the North Pole . "

Yun Duo was overcome with amus.e.m.e.nt by his quips .

The two of them chatted for a little while longer before ending the call . After some consideration, Yun Duo posted an encouraging message to the other friend circles which included the swimming team members:

Good luck for the championship! ↖(^w^)↗ Swim and produce unparalleled great results!

Very soon, she received all kinds of replies .

Xiang Yang-Yang: There"s no need for cheers for the championship . Just simple swimming will be okay .

This was the laidback kind .

Zheng Ling-Ye: Thanks .

This was the solemn and serious kind .

Ming Tian: Thank you, big sister! I will! The Asian record is about to be broken to pieces by me! Hahahaha! *clenched fist* *clenched fist* *clenched fist*

This was the overly wordy kind . . .

Qi Rui-Feng: Are you talking to me or to Tang Yi-Bai?

This was the confused type . . .

Yun Duo: Of course I"m talking to you . Good luck!

Qi Rui-Feng: Hmph

Yun Duo: = . =

Yun Duo: What"s that "hmph" mean?

Qi Rui-Feng: That was a typo . ╭(╯^╰)╮This expression, I like this expression .

Yun Duo: h.e.l.lo, brother tsundere, goodbye, brother tsundere .

Qi Rui-Feng: Bye, Sister Egg .

Yun Duo: . . .

When Tang Yi-Bai entered the dorms holding his phone, Qi Rui-Feng looked up at him and said, "Yun Duo just sent me a boring message . Did you receive one?"

"No," Tang Yi-Bai shook his head, and when he saw Qi Rui-Feng"s eyebrows shoot up in reaction, he added, "We talked over the phone . " How strange — what"s up with the faint surge of smugness e felt inside when he said this . . .

The next day, Yun Duo went to look at more houses after work . This time, she was going to a small neighbourhood near her office . It was about 15 minutes away by foot — a rather good location . She had already noticed this neighbourhood when she had been browsing for places online previously, but due to the higher prices, she had been skipping over it all this time . After the various frustrations she had suffered over this past period of time in her search for a place, she had finally come to realise a fact: You get what you pay for .

Therefore, if it was a little bit more expensive, so be it! This lady here is someone with the grand amount of over ten thousand yuan in her accounts! What"s there to be afraid of, huh?!

Block B, Unit 1, Room 102 . Yup, this is the place .

Knock, knock, knock — Yun Duo knocked on the door . After a moment, the door opened . Inside stood a man of about 50 years old of average stature . He was wearing a white ap.r.o.n over a grey sweater . His hair was neat though touched with frost, and he was clean-shaven . When he opened the door, he still had a soup ladle in his hand .

Yun Duo smiled at him . "May I know if this is Mrs . Lu"s residence?"

"Yes," he nodded, "You"re here to see the house, aren"t you? My wife just called to tell me about it . Please come in . "

After letting Yun Duo in, he offered her a pair of indoor slippers, and then brandishing the ladle in his hand, he said, "I"m still cooking . Please wait a moment . " When Yun Duo nodded, he turned and went back into the kitchen .

Yun Duo observed that his steps were steady and his back was straight like a pine tree . She was secretly awed — it was truly rare for a man at such an age to not let himself go, not being pot-bellied or hunch-backed, appearing kempt and spirited .

She changed into the slippers and looked towards the living room as she straightened up again . This one look was enough to make her jaw drop in shock .

The living room was very clean and tidy . The windows were clear and the floorboards gleamed — there wasn"t a speck of dust to be seen . If it was just clean, that would not have been too uncommon . Anyone with a penchant for cleanliness would be able to do as much . However, besides being clean, this living room was also very tidy and organised, perhaps overly so . The pillows on the sofa were arranged neatly, the s.p.a.cing between them precisely the same; there was a gla.s.s vase with fresh flowers on the coffee table, placed at the crosshairs of the very centre of the table; there was nothing but the television on the TV cabinet — Yun Duo could not even see where the remote control was; and as for other decorative knick-knacks, there wasn"t a single one .

A large wedding phot hung on the wall — from the age of the couple featured within it, it was most likely a retake later in the couple"s marriage . The woman in the wedding photo was very beautiful, carrying a unique grace and beauty which had developed over the years .

The furnishings of the entire living room displayed a sense of order; the furniture were like orderly troops awaiting inspection .

From the midst of this orderly formation, an inspector appeared . A plump, st.u.r.dy, glossy-coated . . . husky .

Yun Duo"s jaw dropped . Where did this dog come from? It didn"t fit into this scene at all!

Also, with a dog in the house, how did they still keep things so clean? How did they do it?

It was really incomprehensible .

Huskies were renowned for their intelligence in the pet industry . When it saw Yun Duo, it was very happy . It walked over with its tongue hanging out and tail wagging, and then looked up at her with a pure and simple "pet me if you love me" look on its face . Yun Duo did not doubt for a moment that if a thief found their way into the house, this fool would welcome that uninvited guest just as enthusiastically .

The husky looked steadily at Yun Duo — Yun Duo was moved by its persistence and stretched out a hand to pat it on the head .

It was very happy .

At this moment, the man had finished cooking . When he walked out of the kitchen, he had already removed his ap.r.o.n . Seeing the husky, he said, "Why are you out here? Go back . "

The husky did not listen to him, running circles around Yun Duo .

The man chuckled . "He likes you . "

He then led Yun Duo into the living room and Yun Duo said, "Your house is so tidy . "

"Yes, I used to be in the army, so I"ve gotten used to keeping things in order . "

So that"s how it was . Yun Duo looked around the living room under his lead, and then moved on to look at the bedroom . This house had three bedrooms and two common rooms . One of the bedrooms had been turned into a study, while the couple was occupying the master bedroom . The room for rent was the second bedroom .

The furnishings of the bedroom were relatively simple . There was a desk and a chair, and a cabinet with sliding doors embedded into the wall . This helped save a lot of s.p.a.ce, making the bedroom seem much bigger . The bed sheets and the blankets were from the same set, a seblue colour with simple wave patterning printed on them . They had been folded into a neat stack, and had been placed at the head of the bed .

Two posters hung on the walls, one of Kobe and the one of Luffy .

"A boy lived here before this, right?" Yun Duo asked, looking at the Kobe poster .

"Yes, the sheets and covers have been washed, but you can use your own if you mind it . "

Yun Duo shook her head, "It"s fine . " She was sure that the sheets and covers had already been washed — this retired veteran soldier who loved cleanliness would have absolutely ensured it .

She asked, "If I stay here, can I decorate it as I like? I don"t want Kobe to look at me as I sleep . . . "

He smiled, "Of course you can . "

After that, he led her on a tour of the kitchen and the bathroom . If she rented the room, this bathroom would pretty much be just for Yun Duo"s use, because the couple"s master because had its own bathroom attached . Done looking, Yun Duo was very pleased, and they began to discuss pricing . Yun Duo was too embarra.s.sed to bargain, but after staying silent for a long while, face flushed, she eked out, "Can it be any cheaper?"

He smiled and said, "I can"t make this decision on my own . Please wait for a while, my wife will be back soon . "

He had just finished speaking when they heard the sound of the door opening . Yun Duo turned her head and saw a woman pushing the door open to enter .

The woman was the one from the wedding photo . She was tall with very fair skin, and her makeup was light and elegant . When she entered and saw Yun Duo, she was not at all surprised, only nodding at her and saying, "You"re here?"

"Yes . "

"Honey," the man said to her, "This little lady would like to rent our room, and she"s asking whether we can give her a cheaper price . "

The lady owner walked over and after giving her a once over, she asked Yun Duo a few questions . Age, occupation, educational history, where was her hometown, what was her monthly income . . . When it came to the monthly income, after she heard the meagre figure Yun Duo reported, she huffed with a slight frown, "Are the HR departments all so miserly these days? Abusing young children!"

She spoke with a powerful presence, as of she often chastised others . Yun Duo"s shoulders trembled slightly . "Cough, so, the rent . . . "

"I"ll lower the rent by 200 yuan . Use that money to buy some cosmetics . You aren"t wearing any makeup, right?"

"I"m not . " Yun Duo felt she was being looked down on .

"Youth itself is a resource," she sighed, "Sign the contract then . What are you standing around for?"

"Huh? Oh, thank you, thank you!"

The man hesitated, "Honey, are we really renting?"

"Yes, rent it! No one"s staying there anyway, why shouldn"t we rent?"

Yun Duo happily signed the contract . Although this auntie had not been friendly since entering the house, she was clearly a kind-hearted person based off the fact that she had unhesitatingly deducted 200 yuan off the rent . Yun Duo felt that she had finally had a stroke of luck after slamming into so many obstacles before this .

After signing the contract, Yun Duo paid one month of deposit and three months of rent in advance . After handing over the money, Yun Duo left with the arrangements of moving in next week . As she left, the man walked her to the door with the husky in tow . The husky rubbed up against her, reluctant to see her go .

Yun Duo petted the husky"s head and asked with a smile, "What"s his name?"

"Er-Bai . "

Yun Duo found the name a bit strange . Huskies were really quite silly (Er), but this one was not at all white (Bai) . . .

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