My Mr.Mermaid

Chapter 33

Tang Yi-Bai did not make a move to head back to the swimming team even when it came time for lunch. Yun Duo was very surprised by this. To that, Tang Yi-Bai said, "Just came back from the highlands, so we have a day off."

Yun Duo was now once again able to be in the same place as Tang Yi-Bai and remain calm. Just as Chen Si-Qi said, she had been the one who benefited, so what was there to be worked up about? Hehehe.

In the afternoon, Yun Duo made egg fried rice, celery stir-fried with enoki mushrooms, and lettuce with oyster sauce. Tang Yi-Bai only helped by cracking four eggs, but he polished off three-quarters of the food. He himself felt rather sheepish about it, and so he went out and bought back a large watermelon. Yun Duo was a terminal patient of fresh aesthetic syndrome — she carved the watermelon up into small round b.a.l.l.s and put them into a transparent colourless gla.s.s, making them look especially vibrant and beautiful. Tang Yi-Bai was a quick learner and was soon able to help her with the carving. After that, every one he carved, she ate, till her belly was good and round.

Once she had enough of the watermelon, Tang Yi-Bai moved to sit cross-legged on the sofa with the rest of the watermelon on his lap, where he then proceeded to dig into it and eat slowly and leisurely.

Yun Duo sat by and observed him.

She felt that he was very different today.

In the past, when she saw him, whether he was being kind or domineering, it was always as an athlete. Like a rich watercolour painting, even though the colours were bright and intense, the lines were still crude and rough, only showing one side. But today, completely distanced from his ident.i.ty as an athlete, he seemed even more real and present. Like a camera lens straying slightly off-focus, capturing a heretofore unseen angle.

This him ... was probably the most real version of himself, right? The base truth of himself as an ordinary young man.

Tang Yi-Bai was happily eating his watermelon when Yun Duo suddenly said, "Let me take a picture of you?"

He knew this was an occupational disease of hers — she always wanted to take pictures when she saw people, and so he nodded, huffing a soft nasal sound in agreement.

Yun Duo took out her camera and chose an angle, snapping several shots in quick succession.

The angle she chose was very special, and she applied a monochrome filter onto the picture. The afternoon sun shone through the gauze curtains, creating a boundary of blurry splotches of light on the floor. The reflected light hit the lens, forming a surreal halo. Tang Yi-Bai was seated on the sofa, his side facing the balcony. His figure was bathed in light and shadow, the outline of his features clearly etched, like an ancient sculpture. Due to the backlight, his face could not be seen clearly, but the lines of his profile stood out even more, appearing even more handsome.

His T-shirt and Bermuda shorts were loose and comfortable, and his figure looked slightly thin in them. His bared arms were bent loosely, and a stainless steel spoon was held between his slender fingers. The light pa.s.sed by quietly, shining on the fair skin on his arms, making it gleam as white as clean jade.

Yun Duo showed him the final edited picture and waited for his layman praise. However, Tang Yi-Bai took a look and then said, "So awkward."

"This is art," defended Yun Duo.

He tugged lightly on his T-shirt and gave a constructive suggestion. "Shall I take off my clothes for you to take another shot?"

Yun Duo"s mind instantly jumped to an image inappropriate for children, and her face flushed bright red.

"Cough," Tang Yi-Bai looked at her devilishly, "I"m referring to just my top."

Without her approval, he took off his shirt, revealing perfect muscles. Yun Duo fiddled with the camera and then looked at him through the lens. The scene of him eating watermelon bare-chested really had nothing to do with art anymore. The feel was closer to that of an old uncle picking at his foot ... and a dumb dog even stumbled into the frame at a critical moment ...

Er-Bai stood near Tang Yi-Bai, looking up at the watermelon in Tang Yi-Bai"s hands. His gaze was filled with yearning.

Yun Duo helplessly put down her camera. "Why don"t you share a little with him? He"s so pitiful."

Tang Yi-Bai said righteously, "There"s an order to all things. The younger must respect the elder. I must finish eating before giving any to him."

Yun Duo sweatdropped. "Are you sure those sayings can be used like this ...?"

Tang Yi-Bai continued chomping on the watermelon a little longer before finally bestowing whatever was left to Er-Bai. Er-Bai ate rapturously, not at all bothered that he was getting watermelon juice all over his face. After he was done eating, he accidentally ended up with the watermelon skin on his head, and began happily trotting around with this new watermelon skin cap. At a glance, it looked like a watermelon spirit had appeared.

Yun Duo shook her head in amus.e.m.e.nt. Every time she began to think he could not be any sillier, he would prove her wrong with his actions.

Tang Yi-Bai was feeling rather bored. "Let"s watch a movie."

Yun Duo found a comedy she had seen before but Tang Yi-Bai had not, and then put it on a USB stick to watch it on the television. In the meantime, Tang Yi-Bai went out to the convenience store to buy some snacks. Popcorn, pistachios, juice ... all of it was for Yun Duo.

The video was set up, the curtains were drawn — the two of them took their seats on the sofa.

He was sitting rather close to her, so close that he could see her bright eyes with just a tilt of his head.

At this moment, Er-Bai came over with his tail wagging. He cluelessly hopped onto the sofa as well, squeezing between the two of them before settling down to stare intently at the television screen.

Tang Yi-Bai: "..." Why did he suddenly feel like killing this dumb dog ...?

The movie was hilarious — Yun Duo still ended up laughing till her tummy hurt even though she was watching it for the second time. She could not stop giggling. Tang Yi-Bai was not as easy to amuse; he did not find the movie all that funny. But whenever he heard Yun Duo"s laughter, the corners of his lips could not help but be pulled upwards as well.

That"s strange ... was laughter contagious?

When the movie ended, Yun Duo returned to her room after a brief respite. A while later, Tang Yi-Bai saw her come out again. He was startled.

She had changed into a dress. A long-sleeved white dress spotted with small pale green flowers, and lacquered light blue low-cut flats decorated with a bow. Her hair was loose, and a small hair clip about the same colour as her shoes was clipped in it at a slanted angle. She appeared so sweet and pure, but the long glossy black hair draped over her shoulders also gave her a seductive feminine charm.

Tang Yi-Bai was gaping in shock. "What are you doing?"

Yun Duo strode over to the dressing mirror in the hallway; she did not have such a large mirror in her room at present. She tugged at her dress, peering at herself from different angles in the mirror, and answered, "I"m going out for dinner with someone later tonight, so I need to change ... What do you think of this outfit?"

Tang Yi-Bai almost blurted out "it"s very nice", but he managed to shut his mouth in time and asked instead, "Is this necessary?"

"This is just basic etiquette." And there was something else Yun Duo did not say. She was a reporter by profession, running around outside all day, so her wardrobe was mostly practical in nature. As such, it was very rare for her to wear beautiful clothes. Now that there"s a chance, she was of course going to enjoy it fully!

She spun around in front of the mirror, her dress swaying like waves, and she asked once again, "Does this outfit look good?"

"It"s alright," Tang Yi-Bai paused, searching for the right words, "But it just seems a little too much. Not natural enough."

"Right? I was also thinking that the flowers and bows are a little childish."

Yun Duo went back into her room and changed into a different outfit. This time, Tang Yi-Bai gave the review of "too old-fashioned, artificial".

Another change, into a long white dress which all G.o.ddesses must have, along with a pair of high heels. Tang Yi-Bai stroked his jaw and said, "The clothes are very nice, but you look so-so wearing them." Sigh, yet another huge lie ...

Yun Duo changed from one outfit to another, going through her entire wardrobe, but not a single one gained Tang Yi-Bai"s approval. She said with a long face, "You have very high standards."

Tang Yi-Bai consoled her, "Don"t mind it. There"ll be plenty of chances to buy better clothes in future. I think, rather than going too far, you might as well keep it simple and natural."


"Just wear what you were wearing when you walked the dog this morning."

She had just been wearing a plaid shirt and jeans in the morning. Yun Duo hesitated. "Wouldn"t that be too casual?"

"Trust me. Men all prefer natural beauty. Also, don"t put on any makeup, and tie up your hair. Otherwise it won"t match your outfit."

"... Really?"

"Are you the man or am I?"

Yun Duo chose to trust the actual man in the end. This trust only lasted for 30 minutes. When Liang Ling-Chen drove over to pick her up and she saw that he was dressed in a suit and tie, she suddenly realised she had done something really stupid — she had actually trusted in the fashion sense of an athlete.

Tang Yi-Bai gently pushed her shoulder. "Yun Duo, get into the car."

Yun Duo got into the car, and then she saw Tang Yi-Bai get in as well.

Yun Duo: ???

Tang Yi-Bai said something to Liang Ling-Chen, clearing up her confusion along the way, "Cousin, thanks for treating me to dinner."

Liang Ling-Chen made a soft sound of agreement in response.

Yun Duo thought that Liang Ling-Chen must have been worried that they didn"t know each other very well, so he had invited a mutual acquaintance of them both to dinner as well. This way, there wouldn"t be any awkward silences later. Well, that was pretty thoughtful of him.

The three of them came to an upscale Western restaurant. Inside, all the guests were dressed to the nines — only Yun Duo and Tang Yi-Bai were dressed so casually, leaving the waiter at a loss what to do. Sitting together with Liang Ling-Chen, the two of them seemed like they were out at Sha County for snacks.

Yun Duo glared darkly at Tang Yi-Bai, only to see him pressing his lips together trying his best to keep from laughing.

See, this was the consequence of mixing with the wrong crowd.

Liang Ling-Chen looked handsome and sophisticated. He had graduated just last year with a medical doctorate, and was currently working at a Hospitals in China are organized according to a 3-tier system that recognizes a hospital"s ability to provide medical care, medical education, and conduct medical research. Based on this, hospitals are designated as Primary, Secondary or Tertiary inst.i.tutions. Based on the level of service provision, size, medical technology, medical equipment, and management and medical quality, these 3 grades are further subdivided into 3 subsidiary levels: A, B and C. This results in a total of 9 levels, with 3A being the best. (Info sourced from Wikipedia.)grade 3A hospital — he could be said to be young and accomplished. His speech was courteous and natural, like a fresh breeze upon the senses. Yun Duo listened as he talked about some of his experiences in his profession.

She liked listening to what others had to say about themselves.

Tang Yi-Bai joined the conversation every once in a while as he ate. Later on, he began making folds in his napkin, much like a special needs child. Yun Duo couldn"t tell what fun he was getting out of it. At the end of the dinner, he handed her a little rabbit.

A plump little rabbit folded from the napkin.

"For you."

"How cute." Yun Duo pinched the little rabbit"s ears.

"Like you."

She pouted. "Am I that fat?!"

Tang Yi-Bai lowered his eyes and said nothing. Liang Ling-Chen turned around after paying the bill and just so happened to catch sight of his shameless thick-skinned younger cousin acting strangely. His cousin"s eyes were drooped low but they shone brightly, and the smile at the corners of his eyes seemed about to spill over.

Liang Ling-Chen was rather nonplussed.


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