My Mr.Mermaid

Chapter 37

When Yun Duo woke up the next day, Tang Yi-Bai had already left. He had to return to the team today. Madam Lu did not have morning exercises, so she was taking Er-Bai to task. He had ravaged the first aid kit. The medicines had been scattered everywhere; it was a complete mess. He too seemed to know he had done something wrong. He lay down motionless on the ground, turning his face away from Madam Lu. When he saw Yun Duo walking out of her room, he stared at her pleadingly, seeking support by acting cute. Yun Duo did not dare to help him — she kept her head bowed and pretended not to see him.

She had no interviews today, so she went in to the office for work. As soon as Yun Duo arrived at the office, Lin Zi told her excitedly that: The fugitive murderer had been caught. Rumour had it that he had been apprehended by two brave and righteous, ordinary citizens.

Yun Duo affected a look of aloof pride, merely smiling in silence.

She finally understood why so many people loved being unsung heroes — this feeling of "I am that great hero you"re worshipping but I will not tell you that I am hahaha" was really satisfying ...

However, she didn"t get to enjoy it for long. The leader of the public security bureau had come to her office with a pennant, to formally thank this good citizen for her courageous act. Their arrival was so high-profile that even Director Liu was startled.

When the police car first stopped at the entrance, some people thought that someone in the agency had committed a crime. However, after seeing the pennant, they were all left murmuring in awe. Yun Duo"s name was printed on the pennant, along with the words "to boldly do what is righteous, to proudly embody a positive spirit". How strange ... wasn"t Yun Duo that young lady in the editing centre? It"s been less than a year since she joined the agency, what righteous act of courage could she have done?

Out of curiosity, several people trailed after the policemen, some even craning their necks as they tried to see what was going on.

Director Liu moved in reaction to the commotion. By the time the police found Yun Duo, he was present at the scene as well.

In front of the crowd, the police narrated what happened with Yun Duo, drawing heartfelt applause from everyone. Director Liu felt proud by a.s.sociation — he felt that the words "to boldly do what is righteous, to proudly embody a positive spirit" were the direct result of his teachings.

Yun Duo felt terribly embarra.s.sed. She accepted the pennant from the police, face flushed, and her eyes swept across the scene. Even Director Lou was clapping for her — only Lin Zi"s expression was rather dark for some unknown reason.

After the pennant was bestowed, the police also gave Yun Duo a cheque. It was clearly stated on the wanted notices that anyone who provided important clues to the authorities would be awarded 100,000 yuan. Frankly, the police did not believe that 100,000 was enough to reward Yun Duo and Tang Yi-Bai for the arrest of the criminal, but no one had expected such a thing could happen, so the stipulated amount had been capped at 100,000.

100,000 yuan was truly a astronomical sum of money for Yun Duo right now. Yun Duo carefully took the cheque from the police, and the officer asked, "May I know where your boyfriend"s office is? Or is he still a student? He did not fill in that information yesterday, and when we went to look for him at his home today, he wasn"t there. He"s not answering his phone either."

Yun Duo felt too lazy to continue explaining the boyfriend issue. She thought, "Luckily Uncle Tang and Auntie Lu have both gone to work. Otherwise, if they find out their son had been fighting with a criminal, they would definitely be worried after the fact." Still, wasn"t it a thing to be proud of to have such a courageous and upstanding son?

Tang Yi-Bai was an athlete, and so could also be considered a public figure, although most who currently knew of him were people within the industry or lascivious women lurking in the gossip forums. If everyone knew that the other courageous Samaritan was Tang Yi-Bai, it would certainly become news. At that time, perhaps it would become household news — who knows if this would cause him any trouble. At the thought, Yun Duo said to the police officer, "Let me give him a call today and ask. His occupation is rather special."

The officer nodded. "Okay. If possible, we hope to personally hand over another pennant to him."

After sending the police off, Yun Duo was just about to call Tang Yi-Bai when she received a call from him. Was this due to some mystical soul connection? Yun Duo accepted the call and said happily, "h.e.l.lo, Tang Yi-Bai, the police are awarding us 100,000 yuan!"

When he heard Yun Duo"s excited voice, Tang Yi-Bai"s heart settled. At first, he had been somewhat worried about Yun Duo"s mental condition today — after all, she had been so frightened yesterday. Tang Yi-Bai smiled and said, "Really? The police are really too kind."

"Yep, yep, how should we divide the spoils? Half-half?"

"You don"t have to give any of it to me. Keep it for your rent."

Yun Duo was nonplussed. "The rent doesn"t cost that much."

"Then just use it to pay for a couple of years" rent."

It was really impossible to communicate with him. Yun Duo could only say, "I don"t care. Send me your bank account number. I"ll transfer the money to you. Also, the cops were asking me where your office is today. They want to give you a pennant."

"That"s so troublesome. Just ask them to courier it to me."

"... That"s a pennant! Who has ever heard of a pennant being couriered?!"

Tang Yi-Bai laughed and said, "Then what should we do?"

Yun Duo was resigned. "Forget it. I"ll help you take it."

"Thank you ... when exactly can I treat you to dinner?"

Yun Duo had long forgotten this matter — who insists on treating someone to a meal so much like they were trying to collect a debt? She replied, "Anytime will do. Let"s base it on your schedule."

"Then how about tomorrow?"


After arranging a place and time, Tang Yi-Bai hung up. And then, he heard Wu Yong bellow from behind him, "Tang Yi-Bai! Sneaking off to play with your phone again! Are you asking for trouble?!"

Tang Yi-Bai hurriedly put away his phone and scrambled back, saying with a smile, "Just making a call."

Coach Wu threw him a disgruntled glare, and then his eyes dropped to the bruises on his belly. He raged, "What is this? Are you cultivating a 内丹: A cultivation term referring to a Core magical beasts cultivate which contains their essence and/or cultivation base. Here, Wu Yong is implying the bruises are the core Yi-Bai is forming.Beast Core?!"

"No ..." What kind of comparison was this? He wasn"t a magical beast.

Tang Yi-Bai merely explained that he had received the injuries in a fight and that he could still train as normal with them. In the end, Wu Yong did not have the heart to push him as hard — he reduced the training tasks Tang Yi-Bai had to complete for the day. Who could have guessed that the brat would immediately reach for more? "Coach Wu, I"d like to go out for a bit tomorrow evening after practice."

"What for?"

"To treat a reporter to dinner."

"Yun Duo?"

Tang Yi-Bai did not reply, but Wu Yong really did not need an answer from him. He merely warned Yi-Bai, "Go. But let me say this in advance. I don"t care if you start dating, but don"t let it get in the way of your career."

What the h.e.l.l? Tang Yi-Bai was too lazy to explain. He dove headfirst into the water and began his training for the day.

After he was done with his first stage of training, he sat on the edge of the pool and looked at Qi Rui-Feng. Qi Rui-Feng was leaning against the lane rope in the pool as he threw a conspiratorial look at Tang Yi-Bai. "You"re having dinner with Yun Duo tomorrow?"

Tang Yi-Bai stared back at him warily. He did not answer his question, asking instead, "Why are you asking?"

Qi Rui-Feng was rather smug. "Don"t deny it. I heard everything."

Tang Yi-Bai could tell instinctively that Qi Rui-Feng had nothing good to say, and so he turned to swim away, but Qi Rui-Feng"s arms were as long as a gibbon"s — with a simple stretch, he managed to snag hold of Tang Yi-Bai"s arm with his claws. Qi Rui-Feng said, "I want to go too."

"No." Tang Yi-Bai was speechless. This person was really too shameless. He had already been cornered once before — was he to be cornered a second time?

Qi Rui-Feng smirked. "If you don"t let me come, I"ll tell Ming Tian and Xiang Yang-Yang. Then it won"t just be me coming along."

Tang Yi-Bai sighed long and loud. He was actually being threatened by Qi Rui-Feng ... retribution came too swiftly ...


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