My Mr.Mermaid

Chapter 4

When that man tossed out this question, the resulting uproar lasted for only a moment before being abruptly strangled into stillness. The reporters surrounding Qi Rui-Feng also picked up on the strange silence over on this side, and all of them turned their heads to look over in confusion.

Like the others, Yun Duo had also been shocked dumb by the word "stimulants". What this term meant with regards to an athlete was self-evident. It was synonymous with deception, darkness, and shame — things all athlete tried their hardest to avoid.

And yet, it was also one of the words the media was most excited about. Reporters loved to dig up anything that could instantly capture the eyes of the public. It didn"t matter whether it was wholesome or evil, true or false. Thus, when this question was tossed out, after the uproar and resulting calm due to shock, almost all of the media representatives there had some measure of a glow of excitement on their faces. They stared hungrily at Tang Yi-Bai, like starving jackals faced with fresh juicy lamb.

In that instant, Tang Yi-Bai was the focus of everyone"s attention. The gazes of these people were weighted, compressing the surrounding air. This invisible force pressed down on the people"s chests, causing everyone"s breathing to slow. Everyone stared at him with bated breath.

In contrast to their eager impatience, Tang Yi-Bai"s expression was placid, appearing leisurely and calm. His gaze swept lightly across the crowd to land on the questioner within the crowd. Tang Yi-Bai stared at him, his gaze as clear and tranquil as ever. He had just opened his mouth to speak when he was interrupted.

A clarion female voice rang out, its tone br.i.m.m.i.n.g with anger, "How can you be like this? What proof do you have to accuse someone of using stimulants?

All at once, all eyes were drawn to her. Everyone fixed their gazes on this girl who had spoken. Who knows which media company she was from? She was very young, and very pretty. A small and delicate oval face, framed by thin, curved eyebrows which were currently locked in a frown; her eyes were the exemplar of almond-shaped eyes, currently wide and round from anger.

The reporters at the scene exchanged looks; this scene was rather refreshing. Reporters often went overboard with their questions, pushing the lower boundaries. However, no matter how underhanded the questions were, the person being questioned was always the one left to handle them. Today was the first time they had seen a reporter jump out to rebuke another reporter. What was this? Peers outright undermining each other? This girl seemed rather uncaring of the unspoken understanding reporters had ...

Yun Duo was not thinking much at all about any unspoken understanding or whatnot. She was very angry right now. An athlete, so diligent and hardworking ... having the label of "stimulant" tacked onto them with just 上下嘴唇一碰: the original Chinese is more literally "a touching of lips", but I feel the more native English version carries the derisive tone here better.a flap of a reporter"s gums ... despicable!

Teacher Sun quietly tugged on Yun Duo"s sleeves. "Leave it," he said. He truly regretted not stopping her earlier. Ah, the young are always impulsive!

That male reporter was a bespectacled middle-aged man. Seeing a little girl rebuke him on the spot like that — not at all respectful of her elders — he too became somewhat annoyed. "I brought up the question for Mr. Tang Yi-Bai to answer. Who are you to b.u.t.t in?"

"Who am I? I am just an ordinary reporter. Precisely because I"m a reporter, I always remember to be objective and honest. All discussions should be based on fact. You, sir, may I know what basis you have to accuse Tang Yi-Bai of using stimulants? Do you have any proof? If you have no proof, then this is slander. Not only does that violate your professional ethics, it even violates the bottom line of human decency."

Said to this extent, the crowd knew that a lack of evidence was unworkable, and so they all turned to look at the middle-aged reporter, hoping that he would be able to produce some strong evidence for this grand exposé.

That middle-aged man did not disappoint. With a cold smile, he said, "From what I know, three years ago, the General Administration of Sport issued a 3-year ban on Tang Yi-Bai. This is the root cause behind Tang Yi-Bai"s absence from all compet.i.tions in these past three years. And the reason for this punishment was that his urine had tested positive for stimulants back then. May I ask Mr. Tang Yibai whether this matter is true?"

Finished speaking, he turned to Tang Yi-Bai, smug and very confident.

The reporters rallied, their gazes turning to pin Tang Yi-Bai like searchlights as they waited for his reply.

Yun Duo also looked towards Tang Yi-Bai. His expression was still that usual calm, but she could see the faint sorrow he could not hide within his limpid eyes.

That person had spoken the truth — Tang Yi-Bai had truly been banned from competing before this, and the reason was due to a drug-positive urine test! In a flash, Yun Duo realised this, but no matter what, she was still unwilling to believe that Tang Yi-Bai would use stimulants. She did not know why, but she just could not believe it.

Watching a person doing his best for a collective win just a while ago, only to face an interrogation by the media prodding at old wounds right after when it should have been time to celebrate the victory ... Yun Duo felt very sad. She stared mutely at Tang Yi-Bai, who seemed to sense her gaze for he suddenly glanced back at her.

And then, the corners of his lips lifted into a small smile. This silent smile bloomed quietly within the air thick with tension, like a lotus flower springing from the mud, clean and composed.

Yun Duo knew he was trying to comfort her ... even at this time, he was still trying to comfort her. Her eyes suddenly felt hot, blood was rushing up into her head. Brushing aside all concerns almost recklessly, she stubbornly said to the middle-aged reporter, "Does a positive urine test definitely mean someone has taken stimulants? There are many cases domestically of athletes whose urine test turned out positive due to the mistaken ingestion of certain foods. If you consume 瘦肉精: The original used here does not have a proper English equivalent. The best I could find was "betagonist food additives", of which the most common example is "clenbuterol". These are additives added to cattle/pig feed to keep them lean while raising their weight ... or something like that. It was very confusing. @[email protected] Rather than wade into all that, I looked up what could cause a false positive for a urine drug test, and apparently weight-loss supplements can result in a false positive for stimulants. So, it makes sense in this context besides working as an insult to the reporter as well.weight-loss supplements with your rice every day, your urine drug test may also turn out positive."

After she said all this, several reporters could not help but laugh, diffusing some of the tension.

That middle-aged reporter retorted angrily, "Who would eat weight-loss supplements with rice every day?!"

"I"m just making an example. As a veteran reporter, don"t tell me you can"t differentiate between a fact and an a.n.a.logy!"

"I ..."

"In short, even if Tang Yi-Bai"s urine had tested positive, you still can"t know for sure that he used stimulants. If you want to accuse him of doping, please provide more evidence. You all call yourselves proud members of the media — is this your pride as journalists?"

Yun Duo"s argument was aggressive, even stunning Teacher Sun. The hand he had initially reached out to pull her back retracted. That middle-aged reporter"s face was suffused with awkward embarra.s.sment. In the end, he stiffened his jaw and purposefully ignored Yun Duo. "Could Mr. Tang Yi-Bai please answer my question?"

"Hmph!" Yun Duo turned her head away in exasperation, fully displaying her contempt.

Seeing her act so huffily, Tang Yi-Bai smiled softly. He replied to the middle-aged reporter, "All I want to say has been said by this reporter." Then, turning to Yun Duo, he said, "Thank you."

Yun Duo answered softly, "You"re welcome."

A meticulous reporter asked, "So, you"re saying that it"s true that your urine tested positive?"

"Yes," Tang Yi-Bai nodded, his expression open and unguarded, "The positive urine test is true, and the ban from competing is also true. But I have never used stimulants. Never before, and I never will."

"Could you speak a little on what could be the reason behind your positive urine test?" a reporter pressed.

He smiled softly. "No."

"..." Dammit, couldn"t he answer that a little more indirectly?!

At this moment, that middle-aged reporter who had first started this exposé still did not seem to have given up yet. He continued pushing, "Then why wasn"t this matter revealed in the media?"

Tang Yi-Bai broke out in silent laughter, his expression amused and baffled at the same time. "You"re asking me?"

That"s right ... why the media had not reported the incident was naturally the media"s own problem. How could they turn around and ask the subject involved instead? These three brief words were like a direct slap to the middle-aged reporters face; his expression was unsightly. However, very quickly, he realised that this was actually a logical ruse by Tang Yi-Bai. Hence, suppressing his anger, he said, "If your side had not deliberately controlled the news, the media naturally would have reported it."

Tang Yi-Bai"s patience seemed to have run out. "You can go ask the General Administration of Sport. It"s pointless to ask me."

The middle-aged reporter clenched his teeth. If he could get a straight answer from them, would he have had to run all the way here?!

At this moment, two on-site staff came over to notify the crowd that the time for interviews was over; they could not continue staying here. The reporters reluctantly departed, still tossing out a question or two as they left in the hopes of getting lucky. Tang Yi-Bai just faced it all with a smile, pretending he heard nothing.

At this point, the reporters had to admit that they had encountered a very powerful opponent.

"Let"s go," said Teacher Sun to Yun Duo. He was actually rather angry, but he did not chastise Yun Duo in front of all these people, merely saying, "You were too impulsive."

Yun Duo stuck out her tongue. Now, she could admit that she may perhaps, probably, very likely have been too impulsive earlier ... but she really couldn"t help herself back then!

The two of them were just about to leave when Tang Yi-Bai called out her name, "Yun Duo."

"Hm?" Yun Duo turned to look at him with some surprise. He actually still remembered her name.

Tang Yi-Bai walked over to stand before her. He nodded at her, his gaze warm and gentle. "Thank you."

"Er ... you"re welcome." Yun Duo scratched the back of her head, vaguely embarra.s.sed. She hadn"t done anything much.

Tang Yi-Bai handed her the flowers he had in his hands. "For you." This was accompanied by a smile even lovelier than the flowers.

The flowers were a bouquet he had received during the awards ceremony. It was huge, containing many different types of flowers all in full bloom. Holding it in her arms, Yun Duo could smell a light fragrance coming from it. No girl would be unhappy to receive flowers. Hugging the large bouquet, Yun Duo"s face was red as she said, "Thank you!"

Tang Yi-Bai smiled once again, his eyes bright and enchanting. Yun Duo was dazed just staring at him.

At this moment, a voice abruptly rang out, "I never expected you to be such a gutsy girl. Very good! I have already forgiven you."

Yun Duo sweatdropped. With a troubled expression, she looked at Qi Rui-Feng. "Who would ever praise someone the way you do ..."

Qi Rui-Feng"s expression was haughty as he thrust the flowers in his hand to over to her, "To reward you."

Can I not accept them? thought Yun Duo, looking at the new bouquet of flowers in her arms.

However, things did not end there. Very soon, Tang Yi-Bai"s teammates as well as Qi Rui-Feng"s teammates all came over, each with their own bouquet of flowers for Yun Duo. These youths" spirits were pure and simple. Still inexperienced with the ways of the world, they had been unable to help when Tang Yi-Bai had been besieged by the media. Now, they were using this method to express their grat.i.tude for Yun Duo"s righteous outspoken defence. Yun Duo could not refuse such lovely intentions, and so she soon found her entire person submerged in flowers.

After this incident, Teacher Sun gave Yun Duo two nicknames: Friend of the athletes, public enemy of the media.


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