At long last, the number 15 became my age…

What’s so special about the number 15?

The answer is I’m ‘entering school’!

“My beloved lil’broooooooo.”

The night before I have to leave, I left Salsaal to his own device in my room and ran to my lil’ bro who’s reading books instead. I looked at the time and it was 11pm. A totally adorbs child should be sleeping right now and not reading books! But when I think about it, Ca.s.s going to bed late might as well be good since he won’t grow much. Your big bro naturally prefers a portable version of you.

“Why are you here.”, Ca.s.s scrunched his brows together and took his eyes off from the book.

“Tomorrow your big bro has to go to school…”, I made myself look as pitiful as possible. “You know, one of those brutal schools with dorms! Ju-Ju-Just thinking about how your big bro will not be able to see his lil”…”

I can feel my tears flowing out again.

No one understands! The youngest person at the school is 15 years old! Where the h.e.l.l can I find totally adorbs children. Even if there may be shotas* or lolis**, they will only be lookalikes because they are way too old. None of them will be able to beat my lil’ bro at all!

“Elder brother, you shouldn’t start crying so easily, are you a man? Huh…disgraceful.”

“Yeah I know, I’m a disgrace. I’m a good-for-nothing that can’t live without his lil’ bro. Cry…”

“When I scold you, you have to remember it! Don’t be a good for nothing like this! Do you know, if you still act like this, you will be bullied!”, little Ca.s.s knitted his eyebrows and jumped down from the chair. “I’m not saying it because I’m worried about you! But when you do something please think of the surname you’re using. I’m ashamed!”

“Yes, yes. Your big bro will be careful. Cry….”

“You idiot elder brother!”, my lil’ bro said angrily. Although, he’s angry, he’s still cute as always. “…S-S-S-Since we won’t be able to s-s-see each other, today, would you like t-to sleep together…”

Yes, that’s what I was aiming for!!

I wiped my tears away quickly and jumped onto the bed. I know, no matter how sharp my lil’ bro’s mouth can be it is but an element of those who are tsunderes! I swear this wasn’t planned out…but, since I’ve been born, I just want to hug a soft lil’ bro to bed.

I’m telling you right now lil’ bro, if you let your big bro hug you, you will definitely beat my psychotic fujoshi lil’ sis! Because when I sleep with her at night, she will always punch, kick and push me out of the bed onto the ground at night…

I looked at my lil’ bro with sparkling eyes. This made Ca.s.s sigh in irritation and went to turn off the lights. When my angel lied down on the bed, I wanted to become more familiar with him so I started a conversation. “What kind of book were you reading at this time of day?”

The little mermaid? Cinderella? Jack the giant slayer?


…Lil’ bro, please don’t grow up so quickly! You’re still at the age of 7!

I made a hard to swallow expression but it was dark so Ca.s.s probably didn’t see it. “It’s about Arthur Pendragon…Guinevere and Lancelot.”

Hm? I raised my brow. These three names make me think of the famous triangle love story. The tale of King Arthur is undoubtedly famous but nowadays it seems like the story has been altered a fair bit – the story of a love triangle, consisting of King Arthur Pendragon, Queen Guinevere and the Knight Lancelot, was added to this tale.

The Knight Lancelot was Arthur’s most powerful knight and he was also Arthur’s trusted friend. However, at the same time, Lancelot was also Queen Guinevere’s secret lover and I think Lancelot and Guinevere eloped and they only returned when King Arthur pa.s.sed away.

“Ca.s.s, why are you suddenly interested in the history of that time?”, to me that tale is like watching a soap opera unfolding. It’s not interesting, to say the least.

“I just wanted to know stuff…so I might discover something”, my lil’ bro said quietly. “…I don’t want to miss something merely because I have no knowledge of it anymore…”

“Ca.s.s, you’re still 7 years old…”, he shouldn’t pressurise himself this much. This is the ripe age to be as happy and carefree as he could.

“It’s because I like to read books”, my lil’ bro said. He looked pensive for a while, his golden eyes stared at me doubtfully. “…I like to read a lot so sometimes, when someone drops their book…I would always read it…”

“Yeah!”, my lil’ bro doing whatever will be cute no matter what!

“…This also applies to your books.”

I thought…they’re probably textbooks that Calis forced onto me before taking a test with Salsaal.

Imagine it, a man holding a whip, shaking his feet and ordering you to kneel before him! If your answer is wrong, you will be whipped! If your answer is right…nothing will happen. He won’t praise you or do anything, he’ll just proceed to the next question! So, with this kind of testing, even if your IQ may be only 100, it will spike up for survival!

“…Your book…”, Ca.s.s’ sound made me wave the thoughts of Salsaal laughing out of my brain. “…is rather…weird.”

“Ca.s.s, you’re still a child. There’s no way you’ll understand! Wait until you’ve grown up a little and you’ll be bale to understand it.”

“No, I…understand them even if I may not be able to read it.”, Ca.s.s tried to explain. “Even though, I may not understand the dialogues but when I look at the pictures, I can comprehend that it’s of the romance genre and…how should I phrase it…”


Wait, wait, wait!!

I suddenly felt cold sweat trickling down…my face paled. Please let the book not be what I’m thinking… No! No! NO!

“…love making between a man and a man?”


It’s the Salsal x Haref doujinshi I drew with Calis…

I trembled, I trembled harder and harder. My beloved lil’ bro, please don’t…please don’t know anything more than that!!

“…I just found out, when guys…enter…they…use…that place”


My lil’ bro can even read 18+. Such an intelligent and curious lil’ bro…






I couldn’t fall asleep. My eyes are puffy cause I’ve been crying.

“What the h.e.l.l is up with you”, Salsaal greeted me with a refreshed face as he ordered my servants to carry 10 of my bags out…in reality, I only have 2 bags, the rest are the Prince’s.

I looked at him briefly and did not say anything, it’s best if I didn’t or else I would be murdered. The Prince did not pay me any attention and walked towards the carriage light heartedly while I tried to keep my tears at bay…

…I corrupted my angel with yaoi…

I’ve made a terrible mistake. The most horrible mistake everrrrrrrr!!

I was crying even when mother and father came to say good bye. They must be thinking that I’m homesick so the ambience was filled with sadness. Father looked like he was near tears, mother took out a handkerchief to wipe her tears away, as if I was not going to a school but I was going to be executed…

After speaking to each other, I looked left and right, searching for Ca.s.s but I did not see him so, I sighed in both relief and sadness but it was not long before a tiny figure with golden hair came running towards me. Father and mother both became silent, a breeze of cold air emitted from them. I know they love me and my lil’ bro equally but it’s just that they don’t know how to express it to my lil’ bro.

“E-Elder brother…”, Ca.s.s panted. His small legs were trembling. It was clear, he was running as fast as he could. He looked so pitiful. “…Go-Good luck…”


“Do-Don’t cause problems…”, my lil’ bro pressed his lips tightly and opened his mouth again. “…If you have any holidays you have to come back home…I-I miss you…”

Oh…I blinked my eyes. Is this the time when the dere**** part shows up?!

“Yes, yes. Your big bro will come home. No matter how much homework I may have, if it’s a holiday, your big bro will definitely come back to you Ca.s.s!”

My lil’ bro pressed his lips together and scrunched his brows together. “I’m very tired you know! So you have to bend down. Why do you have to make me shout!!”

“Oh, yes. Your big bro will bend down”, I smiled and fulfilled my little angel’s request. I looked at him, who was tilting his head left and right. Finally, he took a deep breath and…

…kissed me on my cheek.

“Th-They say a knight’s first kiss is important s-so…you’ve mad a promise, don’t break it.”

Ca.s.s’ face was beet red. I widened my eyes in shock.

“…I promise you, even if I might have to die, I will crawl back home and return to you!”. When I regained my composure, I told him with a rapidly beating heart. At this point, Ca.s.s’ importance is above my lil’s sis’! Dear lil’ sis in the sky, look! Look at this!! I’m becoming to favour my lil’ bro rather than you! So don’t you dare start crying!!

I smiled joyfully, waved good bye and hopped on the carriage happily. I looked at Salsaal who entered the carriage after me and felt like he was more handsome! A world filled with happiness is truly wonderful!!

“…Gilbert, stop smiling. It’s disgusting…”, the Prince uttered in annoyance but at this moment, I’m too happy to pay him any attention.

“Sigh…”, my mood brightens when I think of my lil’ bro. I also wanted to tell him that a knight’s first kiss which means loyalty will normally be done on the back of a hand. Having my lil’ bro kiss me on the cheeks is truly bad for my heart but a sublime feeling for my mind!

Sibling’s love is always wonderful! You psychotic fu-fusjoshi lil sis!

What I had forgotten came running back to me.

This world is a BL game.

I am Gilbert…Gilbert Bedivere, the incest route’s owner.

And Ca.s.s Bedivere is the protagonist of the game who will ‘flirt’ with all the 12 to-be Dukes…


I bursted out crying again.

Is my lil’ bro flirting with me?!!!

*Shota = little boys ( preferably elementary school boys )

**Loli = little girls ( preferably elementary school girls )

***Yaoi = j.a.panese term for BL ( Boys Love )

****Dere = sweet, caring person ( in this case, the tsun bit has been taken out to show that Ca.s.s is revealing his loving side towards his big bro )

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