“Idiot big bro, what do you think you would do if the anime character you like comes to life?”

I answered her with a straight face, “If Kirino-chan is actually real then I’ll propose to her!”

Kirino is the most popular younger sister type character at the moment, my love for her is only second to my psychotic fujoshi little sis.

“Yeah, I can’t say anything cause if Haref Lancelot were to be standing in front of me right now, I’ll also do the same.”

I scrunched my eyebrows together, isn’t that a bit odd, “Psychotic fujoshi lil’ sis, you’re a girl don’t you think you should act a bit distant at first and only become close to him when he shows you affection, something like proposing to him right of the bat would only make him think of you as a wh.o.r.e!”

“I’ll be a wh.o.r.e if I can get someone as attractive as him!”, my lil’ sis shook her head, “Or if he’s in love with Ca.s.s Bedivere, I’ll cheer them on from the sideline! I’ll support them! Look after them! As if I was one of those nice neighbours, who will forever look after them, protect them and…”.

I was still for a moment.

“Psychotic fujoshi lil’ sis, can you swear that you’ll just be a good neighbour to your fav ship and not have any binoculars near you so you can ‘look after’ them.”



“Stupid big bro, I love you a lot.”

“As a courtesy to what you’ve said , your big bro will turn a blind eye to this.”




Everyone knows ‘Prince Salsaal’ never leaves his castle and they all know the reason why he’s second in line even though he’s the eldest.

“Salsaal…Are you Salsaal Secalno De Arthur?”

This was why when I saw Calis I thought ‘the cat’s out of the baggggg’.

“Those eyes…what power did your G.o.d give you in return?”, Salsaal shrugged off Calis’ words from before, “In the future that I saw, ‘Calis Merlin’ isn’t blind like this”.

Calis smiled an empty smile, “My eyes…I traded them for my memories from my past life…but my past life was rather special, through my past life I was able to foresee this world’s future…”.

Calis reached his hands to tuck his hair which covered his eyes to one side, half of his face was donned with a beautiful motif in the form of a curse, “…which was why I was cursed by my own G.o.d…”.

I feel like…something’s weird.

I looked at Salsaal, if Calis was curse because he knows this world’s ‘future’, then what about Salsaal who’s got the power to see the future?

“My G.o.d isn’t fond of me”, his hair drop back into its former position, “…but I think that kind of thing isn’t important, probably? The Salsaal I ‘know’ cares about nothing but his own satisfaction, am I right?”.

“…How did you ‘sense’ me”, the Prince lowered his eyes, his body which was usually floating decidedly descended to the floor, “From the spell I’ve casted, the only person who can see me and sense my powers is only this idiot right here…”.

His thumb pointed at me…Salsaal I’ll find a way to take revenge on you in the future.

Calis smiled playfully, “You’ve got a bad habit of looking down on others and if you still have this habit in the future...even if it took you your whole life span,  you will never be able to kill King Arthur “.

Salsaal’s eyes widened, don’t Salsaal! I swear I’ve said nothing!!

Good thing, he’s not turned to me yet, I think I’m safe…

“Huh…as expected of someone who said that their ‘past life’ knows of this world and its future…”, Salsaal curved the corner of his lips into a smile, “Would you be so kind as to inform me who dies first, me or the old man in that castle?”.

“Did you only come to me to ask me this, Prince?”, Calis tilted his head, his eyes were void of any light but I could sense his happiness.

“Huh, obviously not! Hey! Bedivere, go get me a chair!”, I smiled at the other who’s using the mansion’s owner as his manservant…if you’re gonna treat me like this might as well call me ‘you slave’. By the way, the chair you told me to get, it’s for Calis right? You’ve never even allowed me to sit on a chair once! Even though, I’ve cursed him in my mind, I still dragged the chair awkwardly to him but it seemed like I’ve overestimated him way too much cause the one sitting down was him and not the blind man…you’re a spirit Salsaal, what are you sitting for, so you can laugh at others cause they don’t have a chair to sit on?

“What do you think made me want to meet you, Calis Merlin”, he sat in imposingly  as if he’s one of those mafia gang leaders, maybe you’ve forgotten Salsaal, but…Calis is blind.

“The reason why I wanted to see you was because of my powers in ‘this life’.”

“Yes, there’s no one in the entire kingdom who’s more powerful than Merlins, not even Lancelots…but naturally, that’s not the only thing I’m interested in”, the Prince smiled evilly, “There’s a Merlin beside that idiot father’s side, I won’t beat around the bush, who’s more powerful between you and your father?”.

“Naturally, it’s my father…”, Calis laughed, “if you compared us before I became blind”.

So, are you saying you’re more powerful now that you’re blind…I looked at Salsaal whose eyes sparkled.

“But I can’t undo the magic that imprisons you, Prince.”, Calis said flatly, “The magic that was cast on you is the type that will last for an eternity, King Arthur has done everything to ‘keep you captive’, meaning, no matter how hard you struggle, you can only be free for a little while…”.

The sparkles in Salsaal’s eyes darkened, he clenched his jaws and said in a flat voice, “Huh, I know…I know it best”.

“Even if you were to kill King Arthur, the magic casted on you won’t disappear.”, Calis smiled, “Don’t you ever think that it’s cause he loves you a lot, that’s why he’s only held you captive and not executed you yet…”.

“Love…is that so?”, Salsaal close his eyes.

“Pff, it makes me want to puke.”

“You’ve phrased it in such an elaborate way but isn’t he basically leaving me to rot and die in that stupid cage for my entirety of my life?”, Salsaal smiled scornfully, “As for the little freedom he may give me as you’ve said, is he giving me the freedom I want? The answer is no! I’ve created this freedom with my two hands, I struggled and obtained it through my despair, that’s why, don’t say that he’s given it to me cause he’s never given me anything except from death which I do not desire!”.

Because he has the power of darkness, he was destined to die.

But because he wanted to live, he came up with a fake ritual but fear still remained within the people, leading to him being held captive. This made him have the desire to break away from that cage.

Maybe…ever since we’ve know each other, Salsaal Secalno De Arthur who seems disinterested in everything, is actually the person who struggles more than anyone just to live for another day…

I pressed my lips tightly together, clenched my fist and opened my hand…I wanted to go to him, pat his head and say ‘you’ve done a great job…you truly have’. The big bro instinct in me is too strong it’s scary…ahh….

He’s too old, I don’t have to look after him!! That’s why, my hand…don’t do it! Or else he’ll punch me!!

While Salsaal’s anger seemed to increase, Calis smiled faintly without an ounce of fear, “You seem more hot-blooded than I thought you would be, there’s no way you’ll defeat King Arthur like this”.

“So you’re on King Arthur’s side…huh, good, then…”

“I can help you escape from your cage…”

Ghost Salsaal flinched and lowered his eyes before saying in a heavy voice, “What do you mean?”.

“Not now”, Calis smiled, “In the future that I now of, I don’t know if you’ve reached that stage yet but Ca.s.s Bedivere will help you out of your captivity. However…I can help you out before the time comes, but just not right now”.

Salsaal close his ruby coloured eyes, I think he’s trying to calm himself down. Salsaal’s short-tempered after all, it’s good enough he’s not thrown anything towards Calis, “Say it!”

“The components aren’t ready”, Calis reached to touch his own tattoo, “Another thing, Prince, you do know there’s no such thing that’s free in this world right?”.

“Obviously not”, the Prince smiled, “just tell me what you want, if I can give it to you now, I’ll give it to you”.

“You can give it to me now then…”, Calis closed his eyes and took a deep breath as if he’s preparing himself for something…

He kneeled down…

Right in from of me.

…Wait!! Wait!!!!!!!!!!!

Do-Do-Don’t tell me, the thing I’ve been scared of is finally coming true, Calis Merlin you’re not in love with me right?!! When you molested me and blamed it on your blind eyes, those were the signs right?!!

I looked at the Prince, SOS, please help me!

But the Prince only raised his eyebrows as if he’s just figured something out, “Oh, If you want…um, then, have him…”.

“Please…marry this adorable girl and become a cute husband to me…

Salsaal Seclano De Arthur!!”



The corner of my mouth twitched, Salsaal’s eyes were wide in shock while Calis Merlin looked up at me, who he thought was Salsaal.

Wait, ‘adorable girl’?

“Idiot big bro, what do you think you would do if the anime character you like comes to life?”

“If Haref Lancelot were to be standing in front of me right now, I’ll also do the same.”

“…but my past life was rather special, through my past life, I was able to foresee this world’s future…”.

Someone who will want to marry a character from a BL game…

Someone who knows what will happen in the game Ushinawareta Hoshi…

“Ahem! Umm…Calis Merlin, in your past life…are there any chances that you happened to be a fujoshi?”

“Ehh…How did you know?!”

…d.a.m.n it.

Even though I’ve been reborn, there’s till a fujoshi!!

I introduce to you “Kirino-chan” ( most possibly this one ). The ending though…

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