My Offers For You

Chapter 56

Wu Yanchen turned to the left and then..


His car collided with a tree and due to the fierce collision, his head got banged with the steering wheel, blood dripping from his forehead, he lost his consciousness.


When the truck driver heard the sound, he stopped his car with strong force and the truck came to a halt. Stopping the truck in the middle, he looked out of the window and he saw a car was clashed with a tree.

He immediately got out of his truck and went towards the car. Looking at the front window, he saw a man lying on the steering wheel. He panicked on seeing the man"s blood flow from his head. He immediately called for the hospital.

"h.e.l.lo... h.e.l.lo.. is this One Life Hospital ??" He stammered while speaking.

"Yes!! It is... What"s the matter??" The attendant responded.

"Please come to this place. There"s a person lying unconscious. He got hit by the tree. Please come quick, it looks serious.." He forwarded the location and waited for the Ambulance to come.

Then he thought to atleast bring the person out of the car so, he tried to open the door but the door was locked. Panic-stricken he banged on the window hoping that the man would hear him, but.... it was useless.

He searched for some hard stuff near the car to break the window. "Uggh!! I just need one hard stuff to break this window. G.o.d!! Please help me in saving this person"s life." He kept on searching while praying. Then he found a piece of wood lying scattered near the tree.

"Ahh!! That might be a good one... Let"s use this!!" Talking to himself, he heaved a sigh of relief and took the wood in his hand.

**BANG** **BANG**

He hit on the car"s window twice but the window didnt break. Finally, he smashed the window with more force and then...


The window broke and he opened the lock by inserting his hand inside. He opened the car door and tried to wake Wu Yanchen up. He lightly slapped his face to wake him up "Hey man... Get up... Please get up." He tried shaking him and then he started to search for water.

He searched in Wu Yanchen"s car and found an unopened bottle. He opened it and sprinkled some water on Wu Yanchen"s face. And when he didn"t respond, he rubbed his hand.

While he was rubbing the hand, the ambulance arrived. They immediately took out the bed and took Wu Yanchen out of the car. They laid him on the bed and kept the bed inside the van. They instructed for the truck driver also to sit in the car and they sped off.


Xu Zhuya was waiting near the Operation Room with the two kids when the doctor came out of the Operation Theatre. The doctor was going away when she trailed behind him and asked for his health.

The doctor turned behind and gave her the news with a depressed face.

But... the news which she heard gave her a shock. "Sorry... We couldn"t save your husband." This one sentence was enough for her to fall down on her knees and start crying. The whole time the sentence kept on playing in her mind.

"Nooooooo!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs and woke up. She looked at her surroundings, it was not a hospital, instead of Wu Yanchen, Li Wei was sitting near her leg and the babies were in the cradle.

"So it was just a dream... phew!!" She wiped the sweat on her forehead and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Are you okay ?? What dream are you talking about??" Li Wei approached her and rubbed her back.

A while before, Li Wei was sleeping peacefully near her leg. He felt soo happy and it was the first time after their divorce that he was able to sleep this peacefully.

But... his sleep was broken by someone"s scream. He suddenly got up and looked at Xu Zhuya. He saw that Xu Zhuya was a little scared and frightened. The way she looked at the surroundings, then looked at her kids and then searched for someone else, all these actions made him feel tayt she was scared or frightened.

He doubted that she might have had a nightmare and his doubt turned out to be true. She indeed had a nightmare when she said that sentence "So it was just a dream... Phew!!" And that"s when he realised she had a nightmare.

He went near her and rubbed her back. Afraid Xu Zhuya hugged him tightly. Li Wei felt happy that she was hugging him. But his happiness was gone when he heard her speak "You are alright. I thought I lost you Yanchen..."

"So she was thinking about Wu Yanchen... Looks like she is really happy with him otherwise why would she take his name??" He thought to himself.

He pushed her a little and Xu Zhuya looked up. The expression on her face made Li Wei"s heart clench. Now, he really was repenting for all that what he had done. Her expressions were mostly angry and shocked.

Upon seeing Li Wei standing infront of her, she felt angry. At first, Xu Zhuya was shocked to see him but then she recalled all that what had happened and then she got angry.

Xu Zhuya pushed him back and got out of the bed. She searched for Wu Yanchen in the room. When she didn"t find him, she took her phone and started to dial his number.

The bell was ringing, but it was being heard in the room only. Xu Zhuya searched for the phone in the room and saw Wu Yanchen"s phone lying beside the bedside table. "He left his phone here ?? If his phone his over here, then he might be in this house only. Let me go down and search for him."

She took his phone in her hand and opened the door to go downstairs when Li Wei stopped her "Are you searching for Wu Yanchen??

When Li Wei saw that Xu Zhuya was getting mad in searching Wu Yanchen, he felt broken. "She"s searching for him so badly. Looks like I should leave her be."

Xu Zhuya didn"t even want to respond to his question but it was about Wu Yanchen so instead of speaking she just nodded.

Seeing her nod Li Wei spoke "I saw him take his car and go somewhere."
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Xu Zhuya felt a little panicked. Her heart started to beat fast, not because of love but because she felt her dream turning out to be somewhat true.

In her dream also, she saw him go out of the house, all drunk. Her heart started to beat rapidly. She immediately ran out of the room and searched for him downstairs.

Li Wei looked at her run hastily. "So she hates me this much, that she doesn"t even believes to what I say." He went towards Wu Lang and Wu Muqing. He kissed on their foreheads and spoke "Well, Looks like your mother is deeply in love with your father. If she loves him this much, then I guess it"s better not to stay over here anymore." He directed these lines to Wu Muqing, to his own son, thinking him to be Wu Yanchen"s son.

He picked up Wu Lang and without being noticed left the house....

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