My Offers For You

Chapter 60

Meanwhile, Wu Yanchen came out from the school building holding Wu Muqing in his hands. It was a sight to see for the people present there. They both looked like a perfect pair... and plus they had the prefect matching tops. They were a perfect father and son duo.

As Wu Yanchen was approaching the car, he found the front seat to be empty. He was surprised for a second, but then he thought that she might have sat at the back seat. Because their son always wanted to sit at the front and enjoy the beautiful view while taking the cold air from the air conditioner. He would always put his elbows on his thighs and his palms would rest on his chubby cheeks. He would then open his mouth and take the cool wind inside.

Wu Yanchen unlocked his car and searched for her in the back seat but he didn"t find her. Knowing she wasn"t there, his heart started to beat faster and his mind started to think something different. He quickly averted his thoughts and made Wu Muqing sit in the front seat. While he was adjusting his son"s seat, he heard someone yell. He looked to were the sound was coming from.

He saw a woman wearing a blue dress holding a man"s collar and crying. He noticed that it was Xu Zhuya and the man whose collar she was holding was none other than Li Wei. He instructed Wu Muqing to sit in the car and he locked the car and went towards Xu Zhuya.

Xu Zhuya was asking him again and again about her lost son. She felt someone keep their hands on her shoulders, and she turned back to look who it was. Knowing it was Wu Yanchen, she snuggled up to his chest and started crying. Wu Yanchen consoled her and spoke a few words and left.

Li Wei scrunched up his face when he saw how tightly Xu Zhuya hugged him. There was a time, when she used to hug him like this and now she was hugging someone else.

Li Wei heard Wu Yanchen speak "Don"t you dare try to harm her, Mr.Li. Just leave her alone and return our child back to us. Just leave her be and return our child back."

Li Wei chuckled at his words. And soon, his chuckle turned into a laugh "Hahahaha!! In your dreams, Wu Yanchen!! I will not return Wu Lang back to you guys. Moreover, you are asking me to let her go, just wait and see she will come back to me forever and ever and she will let you go." He laughed and left the place.

Wu Muqing saw his dad coming back with his mother. He was delighted to see his mom... He said to himself "Ohh!! So it was a surprise."

His sad face instantly turned into an excited one and he became happy when he saw his mother coming towards him. As his dad unlocked the car, he immediately got out of the car and hugged his mom.

Xu Zhuya felt someone touching her legs and she looked down. It was her son Wu Muqing. She bended down and hugged him tightly. She kissed him on his forehead and embraced him more tightly.

Wu Muqing : "Ahh!! Mommy you will suffocate me, you are hugging me way too tight."

Xu Zhuya lightened her embrace and kissed his forehead again. "I"m sorry... I just missed you." Wu Muqing saw his mom"s crying face and asked her "Mommy, are you crying ??"

Xu Zhuya smiled and wiped her tears, she acted like as if something went inside her eye and said "No, it"s nothing honey. Just something went inside my eyes."

She picked him up in her lap and asked him "How was the surprise??" Wu Muqing smiled and said "At first, I was sad but now I"m happy, I saw you." Instantly his smile became dim and he said "I missed you." He hugged her tightly and she patted his back lightly.

Xu Zhuya made him stand on his feet when they were back to their car. Indicating towards the front and back seats of the car she asked him "C"mon Young one, where do you want to sit ?? Front or back ?? Or...." She paused trying to get a response from him. "Or, what mommy??" Wu Muqing asked her to continue.
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Xu Zhuya continued her sentence "Or... Let"s take you in the lap." With that she opened the door and sat inside the car. She then took him in her lap and made him comfortable and she also sat comfortably.

Wu Yanchen smiled looking at the mother and son"s interaction.He opened the door of the driver seat, started the engine and sped off.

Meanwhile, Li Wei had already left the place. He was now halfway there to his house. He was worried about his son Wu Lang. But, thoughts from what happened a few minutes back were running into his mind.

He got reminded of that tight slap and caressed his cheek. Her slap was so hard that when she slapped him, he felt his cheek vibrate. He chuckled "You have changed Zhuya...Now, it"s time for you to see me change...Hahahaha!!" With that he ended up laughing.

Wu Muqing was now deeply asleep in his mom"s arms. He was removing his full day"s tiredness now by resting it on his mom"s lap. How sweet it would be, when you get to sleep in mom"s embrace reminding you of your childhood days...

Wu Yanchen who was driving looked a little at his son "Ohh, He is asleep" and then focused on driving again. Xu Zhuya caressed her son"s forehead and made him comfortably sleep in her arms.

She looked at Wu Yanchen, he was happily driving the car. She had always imagined her life to be this sweet and happy.

It was an hour ride from school to home. And almost for more than 30 minutes no one spoke, just a little waggling of their son when he was disturbed by a sudden jerk or jump caused by the car.

Xu Zhuya then spoke "Will he be fine ??" This was indicated to their other son, Wu Lang. She was worried about him. All these 6 years they were staying in Country X but they never saw Li Wei or any members of his family. Seeing him today she felt that familiar ache of loosing her child, she really wanted to know how he was doing. Was he fine?? She got more afraid as her mind started to think more deeper... But she shook her head from those thoughts and waited for Wu Yanchen to reply.

Wu Yanchen who was driving was surprised by this question. He had a feeling that she would ask him that question and he was preparing himself to answer for it, but he hadn"t expected her to ask it this fast. He heaved a sigh and brought the car to a stop.

Xu Zhuya was soo much lost in her thoughts that she did not even know that the car had came to a halt. Wu Yanchen then kept his hand on her shoulder and made her a.s.sured saying that their son will be fine. He then started driving the car and went back home.

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