My Offers For You

Chapter 69

"I don"t want to know anything from you right now. You are not well now, I suggest you to take some rest. When you are willing to share it with me; you can. I don"t want to harm you." Yan Rong said it to Xu Zhuya.

Xu Zhuya opened her eyes and said "You have been my friend since years. I feel embarra.s.sed that I didn"t share anything with you. But now I want you to know everything; all that what had happened in the past years." Xu Zhuya got up from her seat and stood infront of Yan Rong. She hugged her and said "You are the best companion I ever had in my life and you have done many things for me. You have supported me, you have cheered me, you made me carry on with my life; and today I stand like this just because of you. I"m happy to have a friend like you YanYan."

Yan Rong hugged her back and started crying. She said teasingly "Hey, Stop it!! You are gonna make me cry..." She huffed and puffed a little and allowed Xu Zhuya to start speaking.

Xu Zhuya stood near the wall which was beside the window. It was morning and the sun had risen up already. The sun rays were trying to come out from the little s.p.a.ce which was left in between the curtains. Xu Zhuya opened the curtains and allowed the sun rays to fall on the brown tiled floor. The sun rays shone brightly on the floor and it made the atmosphere more warm and subtle.

"Wu Lang is also my son." Xu Zhuya said as she stood infront of the window looking down at the people coming in and going out of the hospital. She looked beautiful with the sunlight falling on her.
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Just like that Xu Zhuya continued the story and told each and everything to Yan Rong. She then took a deep sigh and said with a cracking voice "And that"s how things ended up like this. All these years, I carried the pain in my heart. Wu Yanchen and his family also shared the same pain with me; afterall, it was his son; his own blood. But you all have been really supportive of me. Maybe if you guys weren"t there, I wouldn"t have been alive." With that Xu Zhuya ended her story.

Just as she was about to say something, the clock which was hung up on the white colored wall; rang. She looked at the watch and the time was 12. It was afternoon, she had two more hours to go back home. So she decided to spend her time with her son, Wu Lang. She went towards room no. 11 and opened the door.

Wu Lang was sleeping in his bed. Xu Zhuya approached him and opened the curtains. Sunlight fell directly on Wu Lang"s face and he moved on the bed. He rolled onto the other side of the bed and slept again.

Xu Zhuya looked at him and smiled. She approached him and tried waking up "C"mon!! Get up now. It"s time for you eat something." Wu Lang rolled again and covered his face with the blanket. He heard the sound of the door open and close. He annoyingly got up. He looked around but there was no one.

He rubbed his eyes and adjusted himself to the bright light falling on his face. Just as he got down from the bed, he heard the sound of the door open and close again. He saw that Xu Zhuya entered the room with a tray of fresh food in her hand.

Xu Zhuya entered the room and saw that Wu Lang was now awake. Smiling she went towards him said "Good boy!!" She placed the tray on the bedside table and took Wu Lang in her lap. "Oooof!! You are tall as ever now." She took him to the washroom and cleaned his face with water and made him gargle.

She then made him sit on the chair and cut an apple for him. She fed him some soup and she gave two pieces of apple and two pieces of orange for him to eat. He ate it and later after some time, she looked at his pulse. It was all fine now.

His medicines were to be only taken in morning and in the evening, so he didn"t take his medicine in the afternoon. Xu Zhuya again took him in his lap and they both went outside for a stroll.

They both had a long walk for 30 minutes. Xu Zhuya was happy to spend some time with her son and Wu Lang... as for him, it seems that he didn"t dislike spending time with Xu Zhuya. After their long walk, Xu Zhuya took him inside his room and made him sit on the bed while she sat on the chair which was near the bed.

"Ahh!! That was a long walk..." Xu Zhuya said while resting on her chair. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Just as they both were going to speak further, Yan Rong entered the room and said "Zhuya, your husband is waiting for you outside."

Xu Zhuya looked at the watch and it was 2.30. Her shift had been over. But, she wanted to spend more time with her son. She took out her phone from her pocket and called Wu Yanchen.

The phone rang for a few times and later the call was answered "My darling!!! I miss you... We have to finish what we started." Wu Yanchen was happy to pick her up from work. In the morning, he didn"t continue it because his interest was gone. Not only that, he didn"t wanted to make her angry.

But his happiness turned into sadness when he heard her say "Can you wait for a little more while. I have a patient to whom I have to bid goodbye and he is a very close one." He felt himself being jealous when she said that he is a close very one. Without answering her back, he felt in deep thoughts thinking as to who that close person was....

Getting no response from the other side, Xu Zhuya spoke again "Are you there?? Just give me 15 more minutes okay??" Wu Yanchen retreated from his thoughts and agreed. He waited for her in the parking lot.

He was trying to avert his thoughts by switching on the radio. As the radio was switched on, he felt his heart run fast. The volume was way too high which scared the s.h.i.t out of him... Just as he was trying with something else, he felt someone familiar pa.s.s by. He looked at the person who was entering the hospital while taking long steps.

He was wearing a navy blue coat and pant. Though his face was not seen as he had already entered, but Wu Yanchen recognised who it was. His back could give the answer to that.

Angrily, Wu Yanchen got out of the car and entered the hospital. But before he could see where he was headed, he was gone. He had lost track of him. It was a better chance for him to talk about things. Afterall; the time was near now, things had been waiting for too long. Worrying why he had entered this hospital, he headed towards Xu Zhuya"s room.

Xu Zhuya introduced herself to Wu Lang. Well, how stupid it was, they both hadn"t known each others names. Not both, only Wu Lang. Xu Zhuya recognised him since the time she read "his" name on the report. This "his" was directed to Li Wei. She didn"t know why she was still thinking about that f***ing dumba**.

Xu Zhuya then asked "So, where is your mom??" She wantedly asked this question. She wanted to know how that dumbf*** had treated her son for so long. But she felt bad, when she saw her son become upset. Her heart clenched at this.

She immediately hugged him and said sorry. Wu Lang shook his head and then said "My mother is my daddy and my father is also my daddy." Xu Zhuya felt like crying on hearing his innocent reply. She quickly kissed his forehead and said "I"ll be your mommy... Just let me be."

Xu Zhuya was waiting for his answer when she heard a familiar voice "Yes, You can be his mommy... I"ll let you be." She became terrified as she heard him say. She was no more surprised by this person now as she had already met him just a week before....

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