My Offers For You

Chapter 7

After sleeping for almost 3 hours Xu Zhuya woke up . She felt some heavy weight on top of her stomach . She kept moving . Realising that it"s a hand she turned to her right to see the owner of the hand .

It was him . Li Wei was in a peaceful slumber . Feeling some movements he opened his eyes to see a beautiful woman struggling to go away from his embrace .

He made his grip more tight and again went to sleep with a smile on his face . Xu Zhuya tried and tried and after some gave up and just laid over there looking at the ceiling.

After some time she looked at Li Wei and she murmured "Why did you do it to me ? What was the need for you to cheat on me ? We could have been happy together, we could have discussed our problems together but why did you cheat ?" and started crying again .

Their faces were just inches apart . Li Wei felt that some teardrops had fallen on his face so he woke up and saw that Xu Zhuya was crying .

He never knew that she would be this brokened so he hugged her tight . Feeling the instant hug Xu Zhuya tried backing him but his hug was very tight so she let it go .

After some while Li Wei let go of her and replied "It was a one night stand ."

Trying to put the information in her brain Xu Zhuya blinked her eyes and looked at him with a confused expression .

Seeing that she didn"t get it Li Wei said it again and this time in a detailed way "It was a rainy day. That day our company had lost a huge sum of money in a deal. I didn"t know what to do so I thought that alcohol would give me some ease. So I drove to a nightclub and got drunk. I got out out of the nightclub and started driving the car. In the midst of a lonely area I saw few men hara.s.sing a young lady . They tried touching her here and there . So I went to rescue her ." He paused and saw her reaction. Her face was mixed with different emotions.

When Xu Zhuya noticed that he had stopped she frowned a little and told him to continue .

Li Wei : "I punched those men and got the lady safely to my car. I offered her my coat and she replied "Thank You for saving me back there." I just nodded and started driving . While driving I had asked her that where does she stay she replied saying that she"s new to the country and had arrived today , she had lost all her belongings and also her purse was also stolen so she doesn"t know the address of the house her friend gave. So I took her to one of my bungalows. It was raining badly and I couldn"t drive in that bad weather so I decided to stay over there."

Just as Li Wei was about to continue speaking a knock was heard on the door.

Xu Zhuya was lost so Li Wei went to open the door. He noticed that Butler Gong was holding a pack of medicines and behind him two lady servants were standing with the food tray.

Butler Gong bowed and said " Good Afternoon CEO Li. These are the medicines which you had ordered. And this is the food."

Li Wei indicated Butler Gong to keep the medicines on the table and Butler Gong did as instructed . He even instructed the two servants to keep the food tray on the bed .

The two servants entered the room and greeted Xu Zhuya and kept the food tray and left. When Li Wei closed the door and turned back he noticed that Xu Zhuya was busy in her thoughts, So he coughed a little to get her attraction.

Hearing the cough Xu Zhuya immediately came out of her thoughts and looked up at him. She frowned and said "I don"t have an appet.i.te right now. Just continue with your story. I wanna know everything." From hearing her cold voice it was clear that she was angry but still Li Wei went beside her and took one spoonful of rice along with some soup and brought it near to her mouth.

Seeing this Xu Zhuya was more angry, but on looking at the food, her stomach growled, so she hesitated a bit and then opened her mouth and as the food went inside her mouth she took her own time to chew it and swallow it.

Li Wei had a smile on his face and he was witnessing this eye catchy moment of them. Just as he was about to feed her another spoon she said "I can have the food by myself. Just continue your story."

Realising the way his wife spoke to him he couldn"t help but feel depressed over it. So he gave the bowl to her and continued. "Yeah so where was I?" after saying this Li Wei kept on thinking where he had stopped

Just then Xu zhuya replied "You decided to stay over there. You have to continue after that."

Li Wei"s memory was good but Li Wei just wanted to notice that whether she was focusing or not so he had pretended to forget the words.

Then he started speaking "Ahh!! yeah, now I remember . Yeah, so because of the bad condition I decided to stay in the house and went along with her inside. As we entered the bungalow there was an eerie silence between us only the sound of the raindrops falling on the window panes was heard and yeah of course our even breathing too. I took a glimpse of that young lady standing beside me she looked wet and pretty. Her auburn hair were all wet and her loose clothes fitted her body due to the water. Her hourgla.s.s figure made my throat dry. Before she could say anything I grabbed hold of her wrist and pinned her on to the sofa, kissing her plumped up lips. For a while she struggled but then she started responding to my kisses. I took off her clothes and I...." Just as he was continuing Xu Zhuya"s voice cut him of.

Xu Zhuya : "Stop the detailed conversion and tell me who is she ?? Do you still love her ?? Be honest."

Li Wei thought for a while and then said "She"s my wife. But I don"t love her. That"s the truth."

Xu Zhuya : "So you even married to her ??"

Li Wei : "Yes I married her but I still love you. The day when my eyes fell on you I fell in love at first sight. It was a really good feeling. That kind of feeling which I had never experienced before. You are the one and only person whom I love and there"s no one else other than you to s.n.a.t.c.h my heart away."

Xu Zhuya : "If this is the case then why did you marry her ??"

Li Wei took a deep breath and spoke "Actually these all stuffs happened almost 5 years before when I was 24 year old. When I was just new in this business line."

He sighed as if trying to recollect all those moments and then said "That day after having s.e.x i took her to bed and slept with her. It was her first and even mine. In the morning I woke up early and kept a pile of cash near the bedside drawer and left the house. A week later she came to me saying that she is pregnant and when I didn"t agree she threatened me saying that she will abort the child and also expose me in public saying that I impregnated her. Unfortunately this would have caused our company to go bankrupt so that"s why I avoided it and also I didn"t wanted her to abort the child, So I married her. Now she stays in one of my bungalows with my two kids. If you want I can divorce her , It"s not that I want to stay with her. I don"t plan on spending my future with her anymore."

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