My Offers For You

Chapter 75

Wu Yanchen looked at his son for a while and then lifted his face up. Wu Muqing had kept his eyes closed and so he didn"t look back at him. Looking at his child"s face, he consoled him by saying "It"s just for a few days... Mommy will be here soon. Grandma and Grandpa are here. Besides, daddy is also gonna be here. So chill out !!"

Wu Muqing who had his eyes closed, opened them and hugged his dad. His nose and ears had become red and his eyes were watery. He didn"t cry much and just tightly hugged his dad.

The Wu elders saw the scene and they both became emotional. However, they changed the mood after that.

After some time later, Wu Yanchen let go of his child and said "I"ll go and prepare something for you all." He looked at his son and said "C"mon young boy!! Let"s prepare something and send the photos of our food to your mommy okay ??"

Hearing this, Wu Muqing"s face instantly brightened and he hurriedly went to the kitchen.

Wu Yanchen looked at the retreating back of his child and heaved a deep sigh.

"So, what"s going on ??" Xiao Tan looked at her son with a suspicious look.

Wu Yanchen stood up and looked at his mother. By seeing the suspicious look of his mother, he knew what was going to come. But he just didn"t wanted them to say it right now. So he scratched his head and said "You see, I"m a little tired. Wu Muqing is in the kitchen so I"m heading to the kitchen... Nothing much is going on lately..."

He turned and had just taken a step when a harsh voice came from behind "You won"t answer your mother ??" Wu Mo was looking at Wu Yanchen with a deathly glare.

Shivers ran down his spine when he felt his dad"s deathly glare. This was the only thing which could scare a man like Wu Yanchen.

His glare used to scare the people below him and his dad"s glare used to scare him.

Wu Yanchen took a deep breath and said "Fine!! I"ll say it. Let me put Wu Muqing to sleep first. I don"t want him to know it."

"You better say after he is asleep." said Wu Mo.

Seeing the matter settle down, Wu Yanchen quickly ran to the kitchen and started preparing food along with his son.

After everything was over, he took Wu Muqing to his room and put him to sleep. He had to tell him a small story to put him to sleep.

Just as he opened the door to come out of the room, two elders were standing infront of him.

Their interrogating eyes were too much for him to handle. By looking at them, he felt like he was a miniature standing infront of them.

He closed the door behind him and said "Geez!! You guys!! Let"s go to my office."

His mom and dad were so much eager to know about everything that they immediately ran towards the door and turned back to look at their son who was just starting to walk.

Wu Yanchen was surprised on seeing his parents reach over there. "When did they even go there ?? Did I miss something??" He questioned to himself and stood infront of his office. He opened the door and they all went inside.

Wu Yanchen narrated all the happenings from the beginning to the end. From time to time, he would look at his parents and see their faces turn their color.

At last, he told about what happened to Xu Zhuya and that he didn"t know where she is. He saw that his parents were now seated in utter disbelief.

They hadn"t realized that this much had happened already. Xiao Tan sat on the sofa crying and Wu Mo tried comforting her.

Wu Yanchen approached his parents and said "Don"t worry mom, dad.. I"ll bring her back." He hugged them and brought them back to their room.

Wu Yanchen again went back to his office and took the box of cigarette which was kept on the table. He took one cigarette from it and kept it in his mouth.

"Dammn it!!" He took the unlit cigarette from his mouth and threw it on the floor.

Back then, whenever he used to smoke in the house Xu Zhuya used to come and take that cigarette away from him. She would then throw it on the floor and then would stomp it with her feet.

She had told him many a times to quit smoking. She was against smoking. So because of her he had quit smoking. But, today he was so frustated that he felt that smoking would keep him cool. But in the end, he decided against it.

He opened the second drawer of his table and took out a phone from it. This was the phone which his brother had given him along with the information regarding Li Wei.

Wu Fan had asked him to use this phone only. But Wu Yanchen had declined him saying that he was accustomed to this and so he will only use his present phone.

But, now he had to use this phone because his present phone wasn"t working anymore.

He switched on the phone and instantly two to three messages popped up. He opened those messages and it was from his brother, Wu Fan.

"Good bro.."

"Finally you switched it on."

"Glad to know that you will be using it."

Wu Yanchen opened his contacts and saw that all his most necessary contacts were saved in it.

He searched for Wu Fan and called him.

"Ahh!! Wu Fan... I"m about to come... Ahh!! Ahh!! Wu Fan...I..I..I.."


Wu Fan who was having a wet dream was awake by a phone call. He searched for the phone with his hand and picked it up.

"F**k!! Who is it calling this late at night ??" Without seeing the caller ID, he picked up the call and was already cursing the person.

Wu Yanchen unmoved spoke in a stern voice "It"s me."

Hearing his brother"s voice, he immediately got up and sat on his bed as if he was struck by lightning. "Ahh!! Brother, it"s you... Seriously I was having such a good dream... You spoiled the fun." He looked down and saw that he was erect.

Wu Yanchen : "Help me find Li Wei"s location."

Realizing that his brother was in no mood of having fun, Wu Fan also became serious and asked in a serious tone "Is everything alright??"

"Nothing"s alright. Xu Zhuya"s gone. He took her along with him and also Wu Lang." Wu Yanchen spoke while running his fingers through his hair.

Wu Fan was shocked when he heard it. "Are you alright bro??" Knowing how much his brother had loved Xu Zhuya, he asked him that question.

Wu Yanchen didn"t response to his question. After three seconds, he continued "Get me locations of all the small houses which are under Li Wei"s name."

Wu Fan hung up the call with an okay and called his allies. His allies were spread everywhere in both the countries. Few of them were even disguised as Li Wei"s men.

On the other hand, Wu Yanchen tried tracing the point which went missing.

He took out a paper and traced all the things which had happened lately. Starting from the day from Xu Zhuya first met him after these many years, till today when Xu zhuya was taken away by him.

Knowing what it was, he threw the pen on the table and said "So it was all a part of the plan... There was someone who was helping him and that someone was no one else other than that lady who had fallen from the stairs; YanYan."

He got out of his office and went inside his son"s room. He laid down beside him and went to sleep.

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