My Offers For You

Chapter 84

After briefly talking with Dr. Yi, Wu Yanchen comes out of the room and heads towards Xu Zhuya"s room. On the way, he remembers something ; so he heads towards Xu Zhuya"s work room.

He opens the door and sees Yan Rong inside. Yan Rong was busy reading a patient"s report, so she doesn"t sees Wu Yanchen standing at the door.

While standing at the entrance of the door, Wu Yanchen clears his throat and Yan Rong looks up.

Yan Rong : "Ohh, Mr. Wu, It"s you!! Please come in and have a seat."

Sighing, Wu Yanchen enters and sits on the chair which was infront of the table.

When Yan Rong got to know that her only best friend was shot by a gun, she didn"t know how to react. Thankfully, Liu Xenguang was just beside her otherwise she would have harmed herself.

When Xu Zhuya was brought to the hospital, her condition was so bad, that she had to be kept in the Intensive Care Unit for almost 2 days.

Knowing that her friend was in the intensive care unit, she couldn"t control herself. Time by time, she used to take a knife and try on cutting her wrists or harm herself, but, Liu Xenguang used to stop her all the time.

Those 2 days when Xu Zhuya was undergoing treatment, Yan Rong was trying to take her life. She was skipping all her meals and was attempting to kill herself.

Thankfully, after 2 days when the doctors said that Xu Zhuya was out of danger, she became so happy just like a child who gets happy when they get the things that they like.

She ran towards her and hugged her. But, she was shocked when she heard Xu Zhuya ask her "Who are you ??"

Seeing Xu Zhuya not being able to recognize her, Yan Rong felt broke. Then she got to know that Xu Zhuya had lost her memory.

With a gloomy face, Yan Rong asks "How is Xu Zhuya now ?? Can she remember something ??"

Wu Yanchen shooks his head and says "No response till now."

"Mr. Wu, Will she ever remember us ??" Yan Rong asks in a low voice.

Hearing this, Wu Yanchen immediately gets up. He smiles and confidently says "Of course!!! She will remember us. There is no way that she can forget us. And even if she does...."

"YanYan, the patient in Room No. 4 is asking for you." Before Wu Yanchen could complete his sentence, a nurse comes to call Yan Rong.

She nods and takes the report which she was reading previously, in her hand and walks towards Wu Yanchen.

She pats on his shoulder and says "I know Mr. Wu, she will never forget us." After saying this, she goes out of the room.

Wu Yanchen approaches Xu Zhuya"s table. Her stuff was kept just how she had left it. Her papers on the right, the phone to the left, a monitor in the center and a small photoframe of them was kept just beside the phone.

He looked at it and picked it up. It was the photo of them three - Xu Zhuya, he and Wu Muqing. He was holding Wu Muqing in his lap and Xu Zhuya was looking at them both, lovingly, smiling.

Seeing this, Wu Yanchen touches her face and smiles. "You are a wonderful person, Xu Zhuya."

Suddenly, he remembers something. Holding the photo in his hand, he goes out of the room and runs towards the room where Xu Zhuya was getting treated.

He hurriedly opens the door and stops. He sees Xu Zhuya sleeping. With a smile, he walks towards her. His heart beating loudly.

Xu Zhuya had her hair scattered all over her face. Seeing this, he chuckles and slowly pushes her hair aside.

He was afraid that if she got up, then she wouldn"t allow him to be this close to her. He didn"t wanted to be pushed behind, again and again by her.

Being away from her was hurting him; HURTING HIM BADLY.

He looks at her face and bends down to kiss her. Rather than kissing on her lips, he kisses her on her forehead and places the photoframe on the table beside the bed.

"I hope she gets a little bit of memory from seeing this photo."

Looking at her, he grabs a chair and sits on it, a little far from her. He pulls out a pack of cigarette from his pocket. How ironical was this, he had quit smoking, yet the pack of cigarette was still in his pocket.

He took out one from cigarette from it. He held it in his mouth and searched his pockets for the lighter.

Within a few seconds a lighter came near his cigarette and the cigarette started to burn.

Surprised, Wu Yanchen looked at the hand holding the lighter. "This soft and small hand couldn"t be mine." He looked up and a fair oval face came in his sight.

He immediately took the cigarette out from his mouth. "When did you get up ??"

Xu Zhuya straightened her clothes which were crumpled due to her bending and said "When you started searching for your lighter."

Making an "O" face, Wu Yanchen kept the cigarette in his mouth. He took a long drag of the cigarette and blew out a cloud of smoke. Then with an evil grin he looked at her "Does this annoy you ??"

Xu Zhuya folded her arms around her chest. Looking at him with an arched eyebrow, she said "Do you mean by the smoking ?? It doesn"t annoys me as long as someone blows it on my face. Besides...."

She paused for a while and walked towards Wu Yanchen. Bended infront of him, and pulled the cigarette out of his mouth. "Smoking is injurious to health, don"t you know that ??" With an evil smirk, she twisted the cigarette onto the ash tray and kept it there.

Wu Yanchen was shocked by her change in behaviour. Starting from her approaching him and pulling the cigarette out of his mouth till the twisting of the cigarette and putting it on the ash tray; all of that shocked him. He felt dumbfounded by her.

"Hmmmm... No wonder she changed. Things will be more interesting from now on."

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