My Offers For You

Chapter 86

Getting annoyed by him, Xu Zhuya takes steps towards him. She take long bold strides towards Wu Yanchen.

Seeing her walk so boldly in that simple hospital gown, Wu Yanchen feels agitated. A weird feeling starts erupting in his body and he feels something amiss.

"Seems like I shouldn"t have teased her like that.... I really can"t escape this feeling."

Wu Yanchen takes a step back and Xu Zhuya takes a step forward towards him.

Seeing Wu Yanchen feel weird, Xu Zhuya gives a mocking smile and changes her style of walking.

She opens her collar b.u.t.ton and seductively walks closer to Wu Yanchen.

Wu Yanchen takes another step back and collides with the chair. He stumbles and sits on the ground.

Seeing him fall down, Xu Zhuya starts laughing. "Mr. Wu, you really are too much. Hahahaha !!!"

Within ten seconds, Xu Zhuya stops laughing and says in a stern voice "Jokes apart !!!" She straightens her dress and closes her collar b.u.t.ton.

While pointing at the child in the photo, she asks "Who is this kid ?? And why am I in this picture ??"

Wu Yanchen crosses his legs and sits properly on the floor. He looks at Xu Zhuya pointing at Wu Muqing.

He replies "It"s Wu Muqing, your son."

Hearing the word "SON" brings utter disbelief to Xu Zhuya. She keeps her mouth wide open and looks at him with an inexpressable look.

"My... ss...son, you say ??" Stammeringly, she asks to make things a.s.sured.


"But how can it be ?? My son is someone else !!"

Hearing this, Wu Yanchen looks up at Xu Zhuya in shock. "What did you say ??"

Xu Zhuya : "My son is someone else. It"s not him... I..I... Wait a minute !!"

She paused and walked towards her bed. She started searching.

Seeing her search, Wu Yanchen asks "What are you searching for ??"

"My phone. I had just kept it here... Yeah !! Got it !!" Spotting the phone under her duvet, she takes it in her hand and opens her gallery.

Wu Yanchen sees her sliding her fingers up and down and soon, she shows a photo to him.

Questioningly, he looks at Xu Zhuya.

"This is my son." She shows a picture of a kid same as Wu Muqing"s age having brown eyes.

Wu Yanchen gets surprised upon knowing who it is. He asks her again "Is this your son ??"

"Yes, he is." Xu Zhuya answers with a smile and looks at the photo again and again. She kisses on the screen and smiles at him.

Flabbergasted, Wu Yanchen stares at her. He keeps on looking at her without blinking and becomes terrified.

"What I thought turned out to be true...."

Inside Li Mansion.

Feeling some weight on his arm, Li Wei opens his eyes. He adjusts himself to the bright light of the room. He looks at Wu Lang sleeping on his arm.

"He is sleeping so peacefully."

He chuckles at his sleeping posture and slowly removes his hand from underneath his head.

Feeling some disturbance, Wu Lang blinks his eyes and he also wakes up. He looks at his father looking at him dotingly.

"Oh !! Did I wake you up ??" Li Wei asks while ruffling Wu Lang"s hair.

Wu Lang shakes his head.

"Now that, you are awake ; let"s go and freshen up and then go down to have dinner."

Wu Lang nods and they both go inside the bathroom. Since, Wu Lang was a little short, he was unable to reach the tap.

Seeing this, Li Wei chuckles and brings a small chair from the room. He keeps it near the wash basin and tells Wu Lang to stand on it.

After making him stand on the table, he takes a toohtbrush and applies toothpaste on it. He then hands it over to Wu Lang. "Here, Brush your teeth. Till then, your dad will take a bath and come."

After saying this, he heads towards the shower. He takes off his clothes and adjusts the tap to medium and opens it.

The water falls on his entire body including his wound, he gives a small hiss and tries bearing the pain.

After taking a shower, he comes out of the bathroom, wearing a bathrobe. By the time he had finished showering, Wu Lang had washed his face and was dressed.

Seeing no one inside the bedroom, he a.s.sumes that Wu Lang is already gone downstairs. He walks towards the closet and chooses some casual clothes.

He picks a black polo shirt and white pant.

After getting dressed, he combs his hair and steps out of the room.

Upon reaching the dining table, he sees Wu Lang, Li Fan, Li Man and his first wife, Ning Xiaohua seated.

Li Wei was always cold towards Ning Xiaohua, but he never treated the twins badly. He smiled at the twins and asked "How was your day today ??"

The twins replied in unison "It was fine, daddy." Li Man, the boy, then asked "How are you feeling now, Daddy??"

"I feel wonderful."

"Now that, you are feeling good, can you feed us all ?? It has been a long time since we were fed by you." Li Fan, the cute girl said smiling.

Hearing this, Li Wei keeps the napkin which he had taken in his hand on the table and looks at the three. Yes, she was right. It was actually really a long time since he had fed them three.

He was so focused on getting Xu Zhuya back, that he didn"t care about them at all. And moreover, he was so taken by her that his love had turned into l.u.s.t and he started harming the child whom he had raised for all these years.

Ning Xiaohua widens her eyes on hearing her daughter"s question and lightly taps on her hand. "What are you saying ?? Daddy is still unw..."

Not allowing her to proceed, Li Wei interrupts " Fine. Let"s feed you all."

Hearing this, the three cheer in excitement and get out of their chair. They go and hug him. "Slowly, slowly !! You will touch my wound."

Seeing this moment, Ning Xiaohua smiles and takes a look at the man sitting infront of her. It had been almost 11 years, and her love for him was growing stronger.

No matter how much she tried, she couldn"t stop loving this person.

Even if it was for just a moment, she wanted it to remain forever.

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