My Pervert Roommate

Chapter is still an unedited, and English is not our first language so grammatical errors and some mistranslations might appear.


Translator: NinjaGal

Co-translator: Vannie

WARNING: Chapter is still an unedited, and English is not our first language so grammatical errors and some mistranslations might appear.


Bolded texts are already written in English in the Raw.Italicized texts are the thoughts of a character[Character name] means that it is that the following part is in that character’s POV(point of view)

Translators’ Corner:

Ninja Gal: He He He. Chapter 11’s t.i.tle should be “long and hard”. Real t.i.tle is Innocent though but I still think it should be Long and Hard seriouslyVannie: Long and hard? Are talking about Blake’s hardship? Or ‘that’ long and hard? *I need to quickly read this chapter*   Chapter 11: Innocent[BLAKE]

“Oh, why do you look like that? Who punched you?” My female cla.s.smate asked as I reached the cla.s.sroom and sat on in my usual spot.

“I couldn’t sleep,” I replied, not feeling like myself[1]. She is referring to my bloodshot eyes.

When I saw my face this morning, it looked like someone punch me in the eyes. I wasn’t able to sleep at all due to my frustration. That frustration stemming from the fact that Leon confessed to me and had plans on courting me.

Added to that frustration is Sehun confessing that he’s jealous. Jealous of what? He left me with no answer. He didn’t even leave me any clues. Until now, I’m still thinking about why he’s jealous. I don’t want to a.s.sume that he’s jealous because of Leon courting me after all. Or maybe he’s jealous of Leon? Impossible! He doesn’t know the relationship I have with Leon.

“It’s bad to have sleepless nights.” was what my cla.s.smate said as our professor arrived.

After cla.s.s, I plan on heading back to the apartment to get a quick nap. I had quite some time to spare in between It’s, so I only got 2 It will be quite a while in the afternoon for my next cla.s.s, and I’m not cla.s.smates with Leon in my morning cla.s.s because of his schedule for that different. In everything else, we’re cla.s.smates though.

When I arrived at the apartment/dormitory, I immediately went into the room to get some shut-eye. I didn’t know how long I’ve slept there. But when I woke up, I looked at the clock and saw that I still have an hour to spare before the next cla.s.s. I rose up from the bed and went to the shower to tidy up.

Yawning, I entered the bathroom with my eyes still drowsy and closed.

I was going to open my fly preparing to pee when I b.u.mped into someone. It’s wet and hard. My eyes suddenly flew open, and it resulted in me to stand where I am. I figured there’s only one person I’d be likely b.u.mping into and the bad thing is that its Sehun. Who else can it be?

Dug, dug.[2]

He just finished showering. I stared at his face, teasing smirk out in the open. Amus.e.m.e.nt in his eyes are there while looking at me.

“Are you a voyeur Blake?[3]” He teasingly asked. Wait! If he just finished showering, and his towel is on his shoulders, does this mean he doesn’t have any towel covering him down there?

Because of that, my eyes couldn’t help but move to check but quickly averted my gaze up. I felt my face go hot and turn to tomato red. Shiiiiiiit! What did I see? Why is it long?

The idiot is still smiling, looking teasingly. He edged a bit closer and clasped my hand. I couldn’t bring myself to protest because that’s how I usually act in this situation. You all know this right? I couldn’t move, I felt faint and stunned. That’s why I couldn’t do anything when Blake touched my hand.


Har. Har.[4]

“You can touch me if you want” as he moved our clasped hands towards his biceps. It’s hard and wet. s.h.i.t! (TN: I bet that’s not the only long and hard thing he wants to touch)

“You can touch me here” he then moved my hands towards his chest. It’s hard. Oh my! My hands were trembling as he clutches it. He moved my hands downward, towards his 6 pack. Waaaaaah!

“You can touch this also.” I was running out of air[5] due to his actions. I felt so weak, and I feel like I’m going to faint anytime soon. I was staring straight at Sehun while he looks amused at the whole thing. (TN: Not that kind of straight, totally bent MC)

I was brought back to my senses when he started to further guide my hand towards his d.i.c.k. I quickly took my hand back to punch him. Yes, I punch him. And I aimed at his face.

“You pervert!” I shout as I quickly exited the bathroom.

I’m pacing back and forth now. If someone else is in the room, they would probably be dizzy watching me pace around the room.

After a few minutes, I’m still pacing around. I was panicking, not knowing what to do. Until now, Sehun still hasn’t gone out of the bathroom. Oh s.h.i.t! Maybe I knocked him out. My punch was pretty strong. Thinking that I immediately ran into the bathroom and saw Sehun lying down on the floor, knocked out. I panicked even further. c.r.a.p! What am I to do?

Even though Sehun is pretty heavy, I endeavored to carry him and bring him to his bed. But hey don’t be green ah[6], I wasn’t looking at his d.i.c.k because I covered it with a towel. And I secured it with the towel while my eyes are closed. I didn’t know what to do. I’m panicking, and my whole body is restless. Waaaah! What do I do with him? Help me, G.o.d.


In my thoughts, I’m still smirking as I was lying flat on the ground. Even with my eyes closed, I felt his concern for my welfare.

It was a show. I’m just pretending to lose consciousness. His punch wasn’t even that strong, it was like being punched by a kid. I just wanted to play a prank on Blake now. Just like that Blake. Ahahahha.

“What do I do with you? Uhm. Sehun, I didn’t mean to do it. It’s all your fault. If you didn’t try to get me to touch you down there, then I wouldn’t have punched you.” He said in a worried tone. I was inwardly smirking. My Blake is so cute.

Yes. My Blake. I’m claiming him right now, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

“Sehun, what are you doing. Wake up already.” He said once more at this time he’s shaking my shoulders, trying to get me to wake up.

“Hey, Sehun! Come on, wake up already!” I know his face is very close to mine as I feel his breath quite close. His scent is really fragrant. So Irresistible. And because his face is very close to mine, this is the right time to execute what I’ve been planning all along.


“Open your eyes already.” I was almost shouting while shaking him. It’s been a while, and there are no signs of waking. I wasn’t even able to go to cla.s.s so I can wait for him to wake up. I couldn’t bring myself to leave him unconscious knowing that it’s all my fault.

I moved my face closer to shout so that he can hear me better. “Hey, wake up. Sehun, wak–” I was cut off when I saw him wake. He pulled me closer and threw me on the bed. He pinned me with his body. And as usual, my reaction is to be stunned and feel my heart go faster. What is it he’s doing? What is it he’s planning?

“Se-Sehun” I stammered his name as I looked at him. He was smirking and staring intensely at me. Waaaaaaaah! So handsome!

Because his face is very close to mine, I can feel his breath. I can see his face so clearly and could scarcely see any blemishes on his pale and perfect skin.

Wait, why am I feeling something hard poking my thigh.

“I-I’m feeling something hard p-poking me on my t-thigh” I stammered through as he smiled.

“You’re so innocent. Something woke up Blake.” He answered as I frown in confusion. He laughed lightly. “My pet is awake because of you.” He added smirking. (TN: Yeaaah Sehun Jr is standing to attention)

It took me a while to get what he was trying to infer. My eyes widened.

It’s so hard and long.




[1] Wala sa sarili – the feeling that you get when you lack sleep. “out of it”

[2] Like Doki Doki – probably the sound of a heartbeat?

[3] Bin.o.bosohan mo ba ako Blake – Are you watching me pervertedly Blake?

[4] MC inwardly freaking out while talking to himself

[5] hyperventilating/losing air/freak out

[6] Don’t be green-minded

[7] May nagagalit kasi – literally Someone is angry.

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