He & His Mystery

I didn"t get any text from that person again.It was almost one week but still no reply.

That day in the our Viber Anime group I shared my Instagram ID with a girl & deleted it afterwards but I guess someone took it & started spamming in my account. I was talking about this matter in the group & didn"t know what to do.The spammers were spamming from different accounts.I didn"t wanna close my account but I was at loss what to do.That night I went to sleep being sad & tensed.

The next morning when I opened my Instagram I saw a text saying,

"R u f.u.c.king stupid? Why did u open ur personal Insta ID in a public grp???"

I wasn"t expecting someone to curse me like this early in the morning. I became a little angry.

I checked this person"s ID but I saw that he was following no one & n.o.body was following him as well.I thought maybe he was one of the spammers but I was angry so I wanted to reply.

I said,

"May I know who is telling me all this ??"

I was surprised because it was seen by the sender instantly & he started typing.

I wasn"t expecting him to write back & now I was regretting my choice because I wrote him back.

"I"m the man who"s gonna set all the rules for u frm now on."

Shocked by his reply I didn"t know what to say.The only thing that came to my mind at that time was

"Excuse Me!!!"

He saw the text this time as well but didn"t reply.

But I was still afraid of what was going on with me.

First that unknown caller & now this.I started worrying.I had school that day but I couldn"t focus at all in my studies.

After coming home I don"t know why but the first thing I did was to check was my phone & as I was expecting I really got a reply from the unknown person.

It was an apology note from him.He said he was very sorry for his choices of words in front of me.He was having a bad day so he said all that out of frustration.

I was kind of happy & relieved seeing the text but I kind of felt bad for him as well.I texted back if he was alright.

He was offline then so I went to finish my shower.

I take a whole lot of time to finish shower.From 50 minutes to one hour not before that. Yes I like to stay clean that"s my excuse.

While showering my mom knocked at my washroom door.

I asked,

"What is it mom?"

She said I was getting a call from an unknown number relentlessly but n.o.body is speaking after she is picking up.

I said I"ll check it as soon as I finish my shower & told her it must be from one of my friends.

Though in my heart I knew it might be him & actually it was.

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