"Where are you, Bella?" Helena"s voice brought me back to reality.

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"Bella wa.s.sup?Will you tell me already?"

"Please pick me up from this place!"

"Where are you?" Helena asked.

"I don"t know!!"

"OK can u read the street signs? Please look around!"

I looked around me to find a store. It will have the address written hopefully.

Suddenly I saw a silver Jaguar approaching me.

"Wait who"s that?" I said out loud.

"Bella are u alright? What"s happening? Who"s after you?" Helena said almost screaming.

Trembling I left the phone receiver and came out of the phone booth. The car stopped just before me!

"Who"s there?!!"

I screamed my lungs out so that other people in the street hear me. But my luck! Not a single person was on the street.

The gla.s.ses of the car was totally black I couldn"t even see who was inside. Suddenly I saw the driver"s door open and a familiar figure came out.

"Jake!..." I already started crying while saying his name. I ran to him and hugged him, hiding my face in his jacket. I was ashamed for what he saw, scared for what was happening...

"I thought you were going to land a fist on my face! But your hug will also work to kill me," Jake said hugging me back.

"Ugh Jake! Don"t joke please! I"m scared!" I lied. I wasn"t afraid anymore. I wasn"t worried a bit. I knew he will save me, support me till the end. Because I believe him but most importantly...

I looked at Jake"s face while hugging him. I found my answers in his eyes.

A drop of water fell on my forehead. I looked up to see and it was about to rain. Jake grabbed my hand gently but with an a.s.surance of never letting go.

"Let"s stand inside the phone booth Bella!! Come!!" He said while running to the phone booth with me.

We got soaked a little though! I was so cold! He noticed it just like he understands all my emotions. He made me wear his jacket and zipped the chain.

"You are cold silly! Don"t fight please. Wear it Bells" He said in his calm enchanting voice which I couldn"t fight against.

I saw he was standing really close to me. Both of his hands were on my both side and he was facing me while I stayed leaning on the booth"s gla.s.s wall.

"Bella Swan!" Jake called me saying this suddenly!

"What the h.e.l.l Jake! I"m not her!" I said pouting.

"Haha will you let me be the Edward of your life?"

Jake"s sudden ques made me blush. I couldn"t look up to his eyes!

"Be mine only and I promise I won"t let any living thing lay a scratch on u my princess, I promise!" He hugged me, closing his eyes, whispering to my ear, "Because I love you more than I can ever love myself...."

"Jake...!" I called his name in my trembling, shaking voice!

"Give urself to me Bella...." Jake looked at me seriously this time letting me go from the hug.

Tears were already falling from my eyes.

Because I believe him but most importantly


As he kissed me with all the sunshine and warmth he had to offer and I understood I have fallen in love again. Ben I"m sorry I"ve fallen in love with Jake....

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