My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 345: Golden Lion King, The Eternal G.o.d!

Chapter 345: Golden Lion King, The Eternal G.o.d!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Leader, this d*mned Thunder Monkey King wants us to communicate with him through video call. What should we do? Should we reject the invite and continue typing insults, or do we spit in his face via video instead?”

Connie noticed that the Thunder Monkey King had made this decision on the spur of the moment, which was very unlike his usual self. She sat in the captain’s quarters, stuck out her tongue, and licked the hair on her claws. Unlike the average foreign race member, she was not afraid of the royal clans. Instead, she was full of fighting spirit!

Among the Five Royal Clans, Connie had already offended Crystal Dragon, Cursed Tiger, and Primordial Pig just two days ago.

It was especially so for Crystal Dragon whom Connie had verbally abused on the chat channels.

Besides that, she also went overboard and made a vow in the chat channel that, if the foreign races’ plan failed, she would behead Clark to appease her foreign race brothers and sisters.

The Snow Soaring Bear had a strength rating of 10.8. If he insulted someone, everyone would a.s.sume that it was just an argument between the major clans.

However, Connie only had a strength rating of 3.2, and her efforts sparked a sense of “excitement” among the ordinary foreign race representatives.

Almost 90% of the foreign races would remember the name of this “Golden Lion King” that had been boasting so arrogantly this entire time!

While the Thunder Monkey King would be lying if he said he did not recognize the Golden Lion King, he was also smart enough not to humiliate and humble himself.

He was reluctant to mute Connie in the live broadcast chat channel; he would be making a fool out of himself if he did that.

He knew that if the Golden Lion King was muted, she would go on a verbal rampage in the foreign races’ world channel.

That was why his strategy to use the video call function displayed the complexity and depth of the Thunder Monkey King’s thoughts compared to the average foreign race member.

If Connie accepted the video call, he would broadcast the call live and use it to his advantage to strike back at the Golden Lion King.

If Connie did not accept the video call, then he could say that he did not have to acknowledge a coward who only knew how to be a keyboard warrior.

He did a really great job in secretly employing this strategy.


“Connie, let the call through. You don’t have to say anything right now though. I’ll handle it.”

“I’ll show you how even the simplest insult can create the best results!”

It was a live broadcast stream, but because Connie was not in the top ten, others would only see a black screen if the video call connected.

Because they could not be seen, whatever language they used would be converted into the foreign races’ mother tongues. Thus, they would not have to worry about being exposed.

Connie noticed the confident expression on Su Mo’s face, so she grinned maliciously and accepted the video call request.

The next second, the view of the captain’s quarters around them began to vanish as it was gradually replaced by the live broadcast stream.

Inside the live broadcast stream, Su Mo could see the Thunder Monkey King’s smile.

In the past, Su Mo might have felt a wave of panic when he saw a monkey smiling in the middle of the night.

However, now Su Mo could not help but smile himself when he thought about what was going to transpire in the next few moments.

“My goodness, Golden Lion King, my friend, you seem even happier than you did two days ago!”

“Of course, I’m happy, among those animals ranked among the Five Royal Clans, yours is the fourth one I’ve seen so far. I thought that a b*stard like you would actually do better, but I never thought that you would be worse off than that piece of trash Clark!”

“Seeing that there are four idiots in the Five Royal Clans, it’s no surprise that I felt happy and thought that there are more heads for the children in our clan for us to kick around now!”

On one side was a black screen, and on the other was a clear image.

After Su Mo changed his voice and said those words, the Thunder Monkey King’s expression visibly darkened.

Even the ones in the chat channel watching the drama could feel him struggling to hold his rage in.

“Golden Lion King, I’m giving you face, but you’re insulting me instead. You’re just a piece of trash with a strength rating of 3.2 who can’t even ascend the rankings. All you have is a sharp tongue that endlessly spouts nonsense. If I ever meet you on the sea, you will suffer the consequences!”

“Whoa! I have to say, you idiots really haven’t learned a d*mn thing, eh? Here you go again.”

“Listen up, I heard that your monkey wife spent a night in Primordial Pig’s room and cheated on you so badly that you became so angry that your organs caught fire and you died on the spot! But it turns out that those were just rumors, what a shame! Because your mom died early, I actually did you a favor by tailor-making a few sets of funeral shrouds for you, but it’s fine. After all, you’re going to use it very soon when I see you!”

Since Su Mo had the experience of observing arguments like this on Earth, he did not hesitate when it came to engaging in non-vulgar verbal sparring like this.

On the other hand, the Thunder Monkey King had never been insulted like this before so, after he heard those words, he became so furious that the hair on his forehead stood up and emitted a few sparks of electricity.

“Why you…”

“What do you mean “why me”? Do you really think that we’re all stupid? Enslave humans? With what? The Five Royal Clans have been worrying about and planning to kill Old Devil Su for so many days now, but what do they have to show for it? How is he still alive and kicking?”

“Whoa! It’s easy for you to tell us to capture those humans, but what should we do when Old Devil Su comes around looking for revenge? Thunder Monkey King, you’re really monkeying around, aren’t you? You’re really playing us all for fools, right?”

Old Devil Su was the eternal thorn in the Five Royal Clans’ hearts.

Going up against animals like this, you had to call them out when insulting them!

Without underestimating his own ability, Su Mo struck back with a savage response that caused even the Thunder Monkey King to freeze up.

In the chat room, some of the ordinary foreign races suddenly realized something, as if they suddenly regained their “brains” all of a sudden, so they started bickering among themselves in the chat.

“That’s right, the Golden Lion King is right, you Thunder Monkeys don’t fear Old Devil Su, but we can’t handle the backlash if he decides to come after us.”

“If he does attack, it’s not you, the Five Royal Clans, who will die, it’s us. And if we die, you’ll be the ones benefiting from it. Only idiots would believe in your words.”

“As long as Old Devil Su lives, no one would believe a word the Five Royal Clans say. Don’t even think of coaxing us to become your meat s.h.i.+elds.”

“Golden Lion King, the eternal G.o.d, he’s the hero among us ordinary foreign races who dares to speak up! The Five Royal Clans can blabber all they want, but we’re following the Golden Lion King’s lead!”

“You’re just bullying the Golden Lion King because of his lack of strength, but our history books recorded that the lion clan was one a Royal Clan generations ago, so don’t you dare suppress them using your t.i.tle!”

The foreign races had low IQ levels, but that did not mean that they could not figure out the truth behind something, especially when there was someone around to enlighten them; they had enough common sense and logic to put the pieces of the puzzle together and come up with a conclusion.

Su Mo noticed that he had so many “loyal brothers” behind his back, so while the Thunder Monkey King’s words and actions were still on cooldown, he smiled sinisterly and played the final card in his hand.

A “card” that would allow the Thunder Monkey King to see a ray of hope!

Hey monkey-business, you’re bullying me because I’m weak, aren’t you? How about this, when I get my s.h.i.+p tomorrow, I’ll show you what true power looks like.”

“I want to make you the laughingstock of the Five Royal Clans!”

“Oh? A piece of trash with a strength rating of 3.2 is going to do that?”

The Thunder Monkey King suddenly responded the moment he noticed Su Mo announce his “weakness”. The tense expression on his face eased up a little as he replied according to the situation at hand.

“Everyone, don’t just hang around these noisy monkeys all day, at 4 p.m. tomorrow, remember this everyone…”

“At that time, our clan leader, the Golden Lion King will start the live broadcast and make you Five Royal Clans see with your own eyes what true power really is!”

After that, Su Mo did not even wait for the Thunder Monkey King to react before and used the deadliest killer move in all of trash-talking history; he quit the room immediately!

Just like playing a MOBA game, after satisfactorily trash-talking the other guy, following up by quitting the game and the server after that would certainly deal more damage to your opponent than any of the words you said previously.

At that moment, even someone with a good temper would not be able to resist adding you to their friend list and then trying to continue flaming you until they are satisfied.

In such a case, you did not have to do anything at all except treat the other guy as if he or she did not exist.

It was just that simple. You would make them so angry it would haunt them for the entire day. They might even end up losing ten or more games later on because of this.

The Thunder Monkey King was placed in that exact situation.

When he noticed that the “Golden Lion King has quit the video call” just like that after successfully announcing himself to the world, he suddenly realized something.

The one insulting him was not the Golden Lion King, it was his follower. In addition, this lion follower was quite the one, and was even more arrogant than the Golden Lion King himself!

Now, even if the Thunder Monkey King was an “elegant and easygoing” person, at this very moment…

He was fuming!

The furious expression on his face was just like the three other Royal Clans from before, which was jokingly described as “helplessly furious” by the ordinary foreign races.

After Su Mo got what he came for, he did not even bother to continue watching the Thunder Monkey King stomping around in his live broadcast stream, and instead happily browsed through the live broadcast streams of the other foreign races for a little while, after which, he terminated his connection with the foreign races’ game panel.

Other than the fact that the Thunder Monkey King had a clipper, he was not very different from the other foreign races and humans.

The Shaoxing Dog on the second rank had a silver sand s.h.i.+p, and the other foreign races had bronze sand s.h.i.+ps.

As for the humans’ sailing battles.h.i.+ps, the s.h.i.+p of the line, it was not that the foreign races did not want them as well, but the high level of craftsmans.h.i.+p required to build the s.h.i.+p made it difficult, if not impossible, for the foreign races to build.

Not to mention that the higher echelons guarded the blueprint designs to such sailing battles.h.i.+ps to the point that each blueprint was only in the possession of one person.

If the spies sold the sand s.h.i.+ps’ blueprint designs to the foreign races to obtain some resources and other stuff, the higher echelons would still let them off the hook.

However, if any one of them dared to sell off such a strategically important item like the sailing battles.h.i.+p blueprint, then there would be no excuses.

If the offense was not too serious, everyone would just work together to catch the person who leaked the information, and label them as a traitor on the world channel, so that the person would be seen as disgusting vermin that should be smacked by everyone on the street.

A serious offense, however, would warrant all the large shelters to label them as a fugitive to be killed on sight. They would be killed the moment anyone caught sight of them.

Under the threat of such serious consequences, these lurkers hiding beneath the waters would definitely know how to weigh the risks and benefits. Even if the foreign races wanted to buy the blueprint designs from them at a ridiculous price, no one would dare to sell them.

“Leader, that was a genius maneuver. The Thunder Monkey King’s trying to add me into his friends list now. Should I accept his request?”

After consciously observing Su Mo’s actions and learning from him, Connie suddenly felt like her cognitive abilities had increased a few times over, just like Hope One speeding at top speed across the ocean.

“No, but don’t reject it either. As I said, we’ll accept the request tomorrow at 4.”

“At that time, you’ll just have to listen to my commands carefully!”

In terms of cunning mind games like this, even though Connie’s IQ had broken the upper limit of what an ordinary foreign race’s IQ level should be, it was still a little difficult for her to comprehend something like this. After listening to Su Mo, she quickly left the captain’s quarters with some new knowledge in her mind.

The only person left in the s.p.a.cious cabin was Su Mo.

However, now that he had vented to his heart’s content, his anger when he first watched the Thunder Monkey King live broadcast stream just a while ago…

Turned into satisfaction!

“There sure are quite a lot of secrets hidden in the brains of these Five Royal Clans. I’ll have to look for an opportunity, whether it’s for the humans or for myself, I have to catch all of them to obtain these secrets.”

“The other foreign races can still be used after defeating them, but these people from the royal clans are simply animals that cannot be peacefully subdued. They must be killed no matter what!”

Just like that, Su Mo simultaneously interfered with the Thunder Monkey King’s plan to enslave the humans, while also managing to lay out the “bait” for tomorrow’s plan.

With such a flawless plan, Su Mo had absolute confidence in making the foreign races fall for his plan!

On the outside, after his run-in with the Thunder Monkey King, it was already 2 o’clock in the morning.

After telling the system to set Hope One’s traveling speed to cruising speed, Su Mo opened the door, stretched his muscles out and surveyed his surroundings.

After cruising at max speed for two hours, Hope One had traveled more than 180 kilometers north of the basin.

At this moment, the sea level had risen to about 10 meters, and most of the tall trees that grew on the land could barely even be seen now.

After enjoying the sea breeze for a while, and making sure that nothing else was wrong, Su Mo issued instructions regarding the s.h.i.+p’s security measures during the night, put on his bluetooth earphones as he walked back over to the captain’s quarters and lay down on the bed.

Su Mo opened the game panel once more. However, this time he did not connect to the foreign races’ game panel.

Instead, he went straight into the chat channel and browsed through the humans’ disaster resistance channel.

It was getting late, and the time was almost three o’clock in the morning.

Unlike the quiet and desolate chat channel of the foreign races, the humans’ chat channel was still lively as before; what an encouraging sight it was.

Even a random live broadcast stream had hundreds of millions of viewers, and the top ten streams even recorded billions of views!

“It seems this time the evaluation criteria doesn’t benefit the larger shelters, as there are still a few lone wolves on the rankings list!”

After glancing through the number of people in the different live broadcast streams, Su Mo nodded after he noticed that the highest number of people in a shelter was 212. He then began to excitedly browse through the captions of the different live broadcast streams.

[My s.h.i.+p took twenty years of effort to build. Can you handle it?]

[New ways of fighting the disaster, do not blindly chase after the idea of gathering in larger numbers.]

[I am the real owner of the Flying Henan People!]

[Late night chat discussing the improvement and advancement of maritime navigation technology.]

[Pretentious much? Are sailboats even considered s.h.i.+ps? Ignore him! Are boatmen even considered professionals?]

[A thirty-year old fisherman will never let you leave empty-handed!]

[In the age of sailing s.h.i.+ps, even rowboats can conquer a piece of the world.]

[The only raft on the ranking board… now that’s the comeback of the tire gang!]

[I am Nonsense Su, I am Nonsense Su, please come and watch my live broadcast stream. I am Nonsense Su, let’s talk some nonsense together!]

[My s.h.i.+p is so big, so just hang in there!]

[This is a s.h.i.+p that only good quality men can ride on. Come in and have a look, you won’t regret it!]

[I couldn’t buy a house on Earth, but I’m sailing a s.h.i.+p on the wasteland. Guys, will I make it?]

Before the large shelters appeared on the rankings, each of these lone wolves’ captions were more interesting than the last. Even Su Mo could not help but feel delighted.

After filtering through the live broadcast streams on offer, Su Mo did not choose to tune in to the top-ranked live broadcast streams.

Instead, he scrolled down and tapped into the stream that was ranked 23rd, but somehow had 3.38 billion people inside…

The only “wooden raft” live stream in the channel!

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