My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 425: Wasteland Frenzy On The Eve of Departure!

Chapter 425: Wasteland Frenzy On The Eve of Departure!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Doomsday Calendar, Month 3, Day 10 was the first day the disasters came toa stop.

Per a quote that was commonly heard on earth, “It was never an alarm clock who could ‘awaken’ a person, but ambition.”

In the wasteland, there was a different version of this statement.

It was not just danger that could wake a survivor who was sound asleep, but… rewards too!

At five in the morning when the skies were still grey with the dawn, survivors across the wasteland got up early and started their day’s work.

Even though everyone did not ask each other why they were up so early, the excitement in everyone’s eyes betrayed them completely!


They cleaned up the seaweed tangled under the raft; went out to sea to catch fresh treasure fish, and repaired some previously exposed weak parts of the s.h.i.+p…

Usually, the survivors who were a.s.signed to these tedious and tiring jobs would laze around and take a long time to finish their jobs.

However, today, just after 6.10 am, these people had completed their days’ work with an efficiency that put the captain in disbelief. They did amazing work too!

smoke was rising from the stoves on the raft ferry and everyone looked at it with hopeful eyes. Some of them rubbed their hands together; some of them shook their heads.

‘What made everything look organized was that everyone was staring in the same direction.

It was…

The location of the five “meteors” that exploded early yesterday morning.

Battlefield Area Three, Tundra Ocean, Hope One, 6.30 am.

Su Mo stood in the washroom attached to the captain’s quarters. He was shaving off the stubble on his face and chin while wiping his face with a warm wet towel.

Although it was not a life-changing transformation, two months were enough to leave many marks on the human body.

Thanks to the enhancement to his physique, his beard was growing as fast as a leek.

Meanwhile, the super-short hairstyle that he used to fas.h.i.+on before he transmigrated was growing wildly now too, making him look more like an ‘adult’.

Su Mo dried his wet hair with a towel and splashed cold water onto his face.

As he felt the coldness on his skin, he looked up into the mirror and at his drenched face.

“Yep! Young and full of energy! Much better than how I looked on earth!”

Last night, he thought that only the average survivor would lose sleep from being too excited.

He did not expect that he would lose sleep too!

He tossed and turned in bed.

From the construction of underground bases, the development of shelters, the transformation of the terrain opening, and the rational use of resources, he brooded over everything.

After the thousand people on board went over to the shelters, the pressure from having insufficient supplies would be incomparable.

For now, the supplies stored on top of Iron Rock Mountain were sufficient to feed a thousand people for about a year but if anything went wrong with the supplies, things would get tough.

Although he did not feel extremely anxious as a shelter leader, Su Mo had to admit that he was feeling rather apprehensive about this internally.

He planned everything out until his alarm rang at 6 am. He was stunned to realize that the night had pa.s.sed without him realizing it.

‘A few minutes later, he was done was.h.i.+ng up.

Stepping into the early morning sea breeze and daylight, Su Mo quietly got out of the captain’s quarters.

From yesterday night till now, over two hundred people have been verified to move into Hope One.

Different from the empty silence before, the rear deck of Hope One was now full of people.

They curiously looked around the familiar sea, yet an unfamiliar excitement flashed in their eyes.

The floor in the crew cabin was hard—everyone woke up in the morning supporting their backs after a night’s sleep.

Yet, it was the sensation of touching solid wood that gave them unprecedented peace of mind!

Not letting anyone see him, Su Mo leaped like a gazelle and skillfully tossed himself into the air before entering the c.o.c.kpit in a flash.

Asecond later, the hatch closed and the blackout curtains lowered slowly. Lights inside the c.o.c.kpit turned on simultaneously too.

“OS, did you notice anything unusual in the surveillance cameras last night?”

Life was hard enough as it was, and there was no need for unnecessary exposure.

However, there were twelve external surveillance cameras on the first floor of the crew cabin and a full twenty-eight of them hidden in different corners.

These devices had been sent over by Chen Shen a few days earlier and were reinforced in the deck by the robot workers.

The surveillance cameras allowed the first floor to be observed at every angle to make sure that nothing would get overlooked.

As for the new people on board, Su Mo would not completely have his guard up against them but they would not completely have his trust either!

[Captain Su Mo, no abnormalities were detected by the surveillance cameras.]

Data appeared one by one along with the sound of the OS, every person that came on board last night could be seen behaving as they should.

Even after the curfew was announced at midnight, those who wanted to go to the bathroom did not dare to go out and hastily took care of it in their own rooms.

“What about the guardroom on the third floor, what’s the situation there like?”

[Captain Su Mo, no widespread abnormalities in the guardroom, unusual movement detected from specimen three last night]

Another prompt appeared.

He frowned as he keyed in the access to his captain’s authority. After reading through all the data, he waved his hand to turn off the prompt.

Then, following Su Mo’s violent tum, an unpleasant buzzing started to ring. It was the sound of the hidden door being opened-it was the hidden door that joined the c.o.c.kpit to the engine room!

He walked along the familiar pathway of the stairs to the hidden door.

It did not take long for Su Mo to get down to the engine room where the matter engine was located.

As the s.h.i.+p maintained a minimum power output, the temperature in the engine room was rather low at approximately twenty degrees.

After fumbling around, Su Mo gently pressed on the right wall and another hidden door opened up slowly.

After fumbling around for a while, a dark pa.s.sageway was revealed as the door ascended from the ground.

Su Mo continued to head deeper into the pa.s.sageway.

This time, after walking for about twenty seconds, he finally came to a door which led into a fully enclosed room with only a small window to look in!

In the past, foreign races who had been infected by the suppressant were held here.

However, they were different than before. Now, all of their limbs had disappeared; tubes were inserted into their mouths for the OS to deliver life-sustaining substances on time.

“Oh, Specimen Three, Wolf Three!”

“His strength actually disappeared again. It happened three days earlier than expected. It could be due to the damage to his body!”

Through the small window, he could see that it was as though Wolf Three’s body was paralyzed. He looked several times weaker compared to the first infection.

However, as always, the fierce look in Wolf Three’s eyes was more intimidating than before.

Based on his current situation, it was projected that Wolf Three would not be able to hold up after his third rebound and would end up becoming a bloodthirsty monster.

“Among the Rank $ and Rank A personnel recruited, there happens to be someone who majors in biology.”

“That’s good. We can obtain the experimental sample of the zombie foreign race in advance, face disasters three months from now, deploy our defense strategically as well as research for solutions!”

After observing for a while and making sure that the other specimens were okay, Su Mo returned on the path he came from and closed the hidden door again.

Experiments on living creatures were extremely dangerous, especially with the highly contagious zombie virus.

Once an outbreak happened and one person got infected, it would become a disaster for the shelter.

Su Mo was very careful in this matter.

On this s.h.i.+p, only him, Connie, and Moore, who was in charge of transporting the foreign races, had access to this confidential piece of information.

Perhaps more people would join in on this experiment in the future. However, for now, until they get to the New World, this place would be the top secret among many top secrets.


After returning to the c.o.c.kpit, he watched the hidden door close shut. Su Mo clapped his hands with satisfaction, opened the door, and headed out.

Judging from the direction at how things were developing, everything was going in the right direction.

Although the general environment had not changed, compared to the difficult situation previously, at least the road ahead now was no longer dark and hopeless.

‘Hey, Big Brother Lu, are you here to freeload on food again?”

Not even two steps out after opening the door, he saw Lu Yongyi walk up from the lower deck full of smiles while talking to Zhang Long. Su Mo was also interested so he put on a smile and greeted them.

“Goodness, Su Mo, youre still trying to mess with my mood, aren’t you?”

“Freeloading on food may be a false statement but receiving awards is real. Why don’t you tell me what sort of goodies have you chosen for us?”

With so much talent getting pried away last night, Lu Yongyi was not annoyed but happy. Similar to Su Mo, Lu Yongyi did not sleep the entire night either.

If the two shelters were once considered to be connected via the wispy relations.h.i.+p of burning incense, it had now become as solid as iron!

Inasense, after Su Mo made the promise, Tundra Shelter could be considered a branch of Almighty Su’s shelter!

In the future, once Tundra Shelter rooted itself in the Deep Sea, they would continue to recruit capable personnel.

‘When the opportunity was right, all Su Mo needed was to senda s.h.i.+p over. Then, Su Mo would be able to recruit a large number of outstanding personnel for the sake of developing further without even stepping out of the s.h.i.+p.

“Huh? We’ve been waiting for the entire day. I can barely hold it in for this final hour!”

“Be patient. What’s the point if only one person is happy? We’ll know how it feels like to prosper together when everyone is happy!

“Oh, right. I can give you a hint, though.”

Lu Yongyi immediately looked around. “What hint?!”

Su Mo grinned. Without saying a word, he gestured with his hand.


Looking at Su Mo making the cla.s.sic picture-taking pose, the peace sign, Lu Yongyi was confused for the first few seconds.

Then, an epiphany hit him.

Lu Yongyi was stunned on the spot and his gaze was filled with uncontrollable shock.

“Really? Yay?”

“Not a word to a soul, so keep it to yourself!”

Lu Yongyi hissed as he inhaled sharply. Noticing that Lu Yongyi looked like he had just seen a deity, Zhong Long gave everyone a confused look from behind Lu Yongyi.

However, he merely scratched his head without giving it much thought. Then, he excused himself, quickly walked to the back of the s.h.i.+p, and started to gather all the scattered survivors.

“Su Mo, Zhang Long is a good seedling. He just needs a little push.

“There’s also Liu Neng and the rest too. They’re not horrible people. It’s just that they haven’t seen enough of the world and need a lot of training.

“In terms of potential, they’re enough to build a solid cornerstone if they were on earth!”

Looking at Zhang Long’s leaving figure, Lu Yongyi sounded like he was either lamenting or pa.s.sing information before “handing over the ropes”. Sorrows were written all over his face.

A day had pa.s.sed yet there were no signs from Su Mo.

These previously unruly captains quickly straightened themselves and started to become part of the support pillar.

Lu Yongyi envied this kind of ability but he could not do it.

“Big Brother Lu, don’t worry. My legs aren’t agile—I can’t kneel and I’m not used to letting others kneel too.

“When we go to the Deep Sea, I still need you to be around. Maybe I’d find myself unable to earn a living in the New World one day. If that were to happen, I’d come and join you.”

This cheeky statement brought Lu Longyi so much joy he kept laughing.

So much so that it washed away the worry in his eyes that stemmed from their separation.

“In that case, I’d better prepare a place for you. If you ever came over, I might just have to call you Leader Su!”

“Haha, that works too! Though I’d prefer it if I could hear you shouting that name in the New World!”

‘Haha, wonderful! Wonderful”

‘The Huaxian language was profound.

Just by exchanging a few words, the tables were already set up and the dishes were getting served below them.

Su Mo reached out with one hand and Lu Yongyi did as the host wanted.

As the two of them sat down with grandeur, the crew that had long a.s.sembled at the back began to serve food in the order of precedence.

‘There were no leaders.h.i.+p speeches. As Su Mo picked up his chopsticks, everyone’s first meal onboard Hope One had officially begun.

In terms of taste, even without the addition of psychic energy water, this meal was uncontestably amazing with a five-star executive chef in charge.

However, except for the people on Su Mo’s table who ate with relish, everyone else was preoccupied with something else. They frequently summoned their system panel to check the time.

Su Mo could overlook this change but he did not speak up to stop it.

Believing that people who gave spoilers deserved death, Su Mo chose to be silent. He allowed these people the privilege of surprise. This is the greatest commendation to them for struggling on this wasteland!

“Shelter Leader Lu, cherish the road ahead. Take these people with you and live a good life!”

“Shelter Leader Su, don’t worry. As long as your reward is powerful enough, I guarantee you that none of these people will die!”

“Then, I’ll be making a voice recording now!”


Having a conversation that n.o.body really understood, Su Mo glanced at the time. With only less than a minute to eight o’clock, an unreadable smile appeared on his face. He waved his hand and put away all the dishes on the dining table into the storage s.p.a.ce.

In the next second, the moment it turned eight, everyone’s game panel nearly simultaneously…

Exploded! 7

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