My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 280: Eruption! The Bad News from Zeus

Chapter 280: Eruption! The Bad News from Zeus

Fear was contagious.

If they fled, they would end up being trapped.

It would only take a moment to bomb the camp.

Warning had already been given that if anyone dared to move, the Huaxians behind would be used as hostages. If anyone stirred, they would be killed off one by one.

Now, however, after Su Mo had accurately shot dead the two most arrogant people, the remaining yellow-haired foreigners panicked!

At this moment, they knew that in the eyes of such a fearless executioner…

Even if they killed these Huaxian hostages, there would be only one end for them. 

The only option left to them was to flee!

They could only survive if they managed to reach the trucks or find a blind spot.

The formation went into chaos. The people in Zeus Shelter did not know who had come, but the people in Hope Village were galvanized into high spirits.

"The Almighty Su has returned!"

"Charge! Kill this bunch of lousy sh*ts!"

Pa.s.sions ran high. Coupled with the rage they had felt earlier, even the villagers of Hope Village displayed unparalleled courage and swarmed toward these tall foreign devils to give them a good beating.



The moment an opportunity presented itself in the chaos, Zhong Qingshu had already taken action from where she was concealed in the shadows. With two accurate gunshots, she instantly took down two enemy gunmen.

In this wasteland, how many people truly dared to fight for their lives apart from actual mercenaries?

With everyone fleeing, the truck parked at the back of the field was about to drive off until Moore got off a few shots and shattered the gla.s.s. The truck driver immediately abandoned the attempt and put on his best behavior. 

They were all people from the modern world with no one to boost their morale. They did not possess a fighting spirit like that of ancient battlefields, where soldiers fought to the death.

Now that the Huaxians" morale was soaring, the scene was already under control before Su Mo could resume shooting.

Now that over a dozen of the most arrogant foreigners were dead, the remaining yellow-haired foreigners finally could no longer endure the terror caused by all the gunshots and began running around in a panic with no thought of resisting at all.

"Hands over your head and get on the ground. Anyone who moves will die."

"Get out of the car, truck driver. Move it, or I"ll shoot!"

"You lot that"s running off, get back here, or you"re dead meat!"

It was like harvesting wheat. When the people in the very middle began lying down, a chain reaction started.

The truck driver obediently got out of his vehicle and crouched down beside it, both hands covering his head.

The ones running away obediently turned back and joined the crowd lying on the ground, hands behind their backs. 

Compared to the Huaxians, these Westerners who lived every day of their lives happily attacking things with firearms were undoubtedly much more conversant with how vulnerable the physical body was under gunfire.

After seeing that the villagers from Hope Village had the situation completely under control, Su Mo took his time climbing down from where he had been high up on the s.h.i.+pyard, using the scaffolding to make his descent.

All the villagers immediately s.h.i.+fted their gazes in his direction.

After realizing that it was Su Mo, everyone felt even more excited. They could not wait to escort these enemies over and ask for recognition of their services.

This was the first war since the establishment of Hope Village, and it was also the first battle where everyone pitched in. Old or young, no one cried craven—they all joined forces in confronting the enemy.

With sheer numbers on their side, they managed to pull off a solid victory. Collectively, everyone gained more of a sense of belonging.

For someone in power like Su Mo, everyone naturally…

Loved and respected him from the bottom of their hearts!

Underneath the sunlight…

Seeing how the people around him were cheering, Big Beard, who was lying on the ground, cast his gaze to one area and stealthily turned his head.

This allowed him to see a sight that he would never forget.

The figure that had everyone"s attention was clad in silver-gray armor. Under that, his clothes were all black, and he wore a mask. He looked very much like a killer from a Hollywood blockbuster.

In his hands was a rifle, model unknown.

His movements between the scaffolding were extremely agile. With still four or five meters to go, he leaped lightly to the ground without the need for any cus.h.i.+oning and stood there, mysterious as a phantom.

"Su Mo? This is Su Mo?"

"Hey! Do you think you can simply call him by name? Call him the Almighty Su, you dumb*ss!"

Su Mo kept sighing inexplicably when he saw Big Beard stealthily turning to look behind.

The villagers next to Big Beard immediately reacted. Not only did they give Big Beard a hard kick, but they also spat lightly at him.

Currently, the Almighty Su was no longer a complimentary t.i.tle. Instead, it had become a nickname that everyone respected.

No matter where a Huaxian was from, as long as they liked the Almighty Su, they were all family.

Of course, as far as Big Beard"s astonishment went, no one saw anything unusual about that.

After all, in everyone"s eyes, even if Su Mo did something incredible, it was also normal!

Step by step, Su Mo walked very slowly but steadily.

He took off his mask and looked long and hard at every person in Zeus Shelter. Su Mo was expressionless, but his eyes were murderous.

"Brother Su…you"re back!"

Before he could approach further, Chen Shen, who stood in the middle, went up and greeted him immediately, eyes full of surprise and delight.

Previously during the confrontation, everyone had already prepared themselves to fight to the death.

After learning that Su Mo had entered the ruins and might be there for half a day or even a day, everyone had decided... even if it meant death, they would stall the enemy regardless!

As for when these people had arrived, it seemed to be a coincidence—practically as soon as Su Mo had left, they had already come hotfoot on his heels.

Therefore, to prevent these people from entering the ruins and disturbing Su Mo…

At Chen Shen"s call, the villagers, who were farmers to begin with, immediately armed themselves for combat. They then rushed to the s.h.i.+pyard for a confrontation.

However, because the ruins had already vanished after Su Mo entered them, the Zeus Shelter inhabitants naturally thought the s.h.i.+pyard was the treasure that had caused the aurora.

Even after those with authority to speak in Zeus Shelter had explained that this was not something that fell from the heavens, but a s.h.i.+pyard built by Su Mo, the people"s desires still overcame their reason.

After all, n.o.body knew why Su Mo was not there.

As long as these people could be dealt with, Su Mo would be on his own when he returned. As if they could fail, under these circ.u.mstances!

Therefore, although it had been possible to have a discussion at the very beginning, the Zeus Shelter people became greedy and began causing trouble until things reached an

Fortunately, the gun of "justice" …

Had spoken!

"Well done. Don"t be so reckless next time. We can rebuild things if they"re destroyed, but we can"t bring a person back to life once they"re dead."

After listening to all of Chen Shen"s narratives, Su Mo felt very moved and emotional.

At the same time, it a.s.sured everyone that the s.h.i.+pyard could be retained.

"This old trick of threatening us by using the Huaxians has been used on Earth for so many years. Who would have thought that once we"d arrived in the wasteland…"

"You could still use the same trick!"

As he glanced at some Huaxians in the Zeus Shelter who were avoiding his gaze, Su Mo patted Chen Shen on the shoulder, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Tie those Huaxians up and don"t let them go. We"ll see what happens after the interrogation.

"Hope Village will accommodate innocent people, but those who became greedy and have the blood of their own kind on their hands…

"Kill them without mercy!"

The first time Su Mo had encountered them, Zeus Shelter was still located in the mountains.

Currently, it was unclear what had happened, but they had become a team that roamed around the wasteland committing crimes.

Su Mo was able to deduce some of this by looking at the bloodstains on their bodies and the disorganized materials in the truck.

This sort of person could abandon their scruples in just a month and kill members of their own clan without mercy.

If they were to go to the new world in the future, they would be a scourge to all mankind!

Seeing that Su Mo had taken this att.i.tude, Chen Shen, who had received approval, hesitated no longer. With a wave of his hand, he took out the vine-twisted hemp rope and directed that the Zeus Shelter people should be tied up.

There were so many people that things might not be settled for quite a while. After kicking a few of them at the head and making sure that things were on the right track, Su Mo turned and headed for the truck.

The Airdrop Reward Truck No. 2 looked practical, but in terms of actual use, it was a far cry from an excavator.

Given the storage s.p.a.ce that all human beings in the wasteland now possessed, the truck"s cargo capacity was like chicken ribs…

Tasteless, but a waste to throw away.

If it were not for these people developing a method of pulling a sled with it, this truck would be nothing but a burden.

Su Mo walked around the captives on the ground, making occasional stops.

However, before Su Mo even got to the truck, he saw Zhong Qingshu rus.h.i.+ng over from afar with an anxious expression on her face.

"What"s wrong? Why are you panicking?"

Seeing Zhong Qingshu in a panic, when she was usually as cool as a cuc.u.mber, Su Mo"s heart sank, and he hurried over to her.

"Su Mo, I think we"re in big trouble this time!"


This was a shock out of nowhere!

Zhong Qingshu was anxious, yet she signaled for Su Mo to avoid arousing any suspicions. He understood immediately and quickly hurried off with her to a deserted spot. 

Now that he had come to know much more about this mysterious land, Su Mo"s knowledge of its secrets had also increased.

The various peculiar G.o.ds aside, before Su Mo"s group even arrived, countless human beings had already been sent into the wasteland. 

These secrets slowly brewed over time.

For the time being, Su Mo had no idea what Zhong Qingshu knew, but judging from the grim expression on her face, he had a few vague speculations. 

They kept walking until they were about three to five hundred meters away from the crowd and stopped only when they came to a stretch of deserted highland. 

"We"re in huge trouble, Su Mo.

"All the foreign races in the wasteland have gone mad. They were able to control themselves before this, but now they"ve started pursuing humans and warring with them.

"Not only that, most importantly, they"ve begun joining forces!

"Wasn"t Zeus Shelter located on the mountains before? The reason they"re retreating now is because the foreign races have united."

This was an utterly shocking piece of information!

Even though Su Mo was fully prepared for it, he was still startled to hear about the foreign races uniting.

Ever since the lioness led dozens of the lion people to attack the migrants from Hope Village, even risking their lives to do so, Su Mo had already guessed that they were not far from the day when the foreign races would lose their reason!

However, he had not expected that the day would come like an invasion or that it would happen just as swiftly.

Within the s.p.a.ce of a month, except for those who were lucky like Su Mo, most shelters at the a.s.sembly point would still be able to ward off the attacks from a single foreign race group, albeit barely.

However, a confrontation with two, or even three or five foreign races that had joined forces would mean only one thing for mankind…

A life-or-death struggle!

"Has it started everywhere, or is this happening only in sporadic areas…"

For someone like Zhong Qingshu, who always followed the news, the meaning of Su Mo"s question was immediately apparent. She paused and swallowed hard.

"Everywhere. It began at 6 o"clock today. All the foreign races seemed to have agreed on the time and made their move!

"Eighteen days. Mankind needs to hold out until after the ocean disaster in eighteen days to survive!"

The ocean disaster was originally one that would afflict the entire wasteland, but now it had become the hope for mankind"s survival.

Admittedly, this ending was what the game desired to see.

It was what the individual behind the scenes desired to see!

However, for mankind, this was the cruelest of all cruel realities!

"That won"t do. I"ll let you handle these people. I"m going to personally interrogate the lioness now. I need to know what they"re up to.

"Tie up those who should be tied up. As for the others…"

Su Mo drew a finger across his neck in a gesture of slitting his throat and watched as Zhong Qingshu nodded. He did not stop but dashed toward Iron Rock Mountain. 

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