My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 389: I Am Waiting for the Golden Lion King, Who Are You Waiting…

Chapter 389: I Am Waiting for the Golden Lion King, Who Are You Waiting…

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Over the past few days, these ocean beasts have become more and more arrogant. Were it not for our disadvantages in this terrain, we would have already found a way to kill them!”

“That’s right, these foreign marine races think that we are afraid of them. If they were on land, I would be able to destroy all of them by myself!”

“Guys, don’t quibble with those idiots. The humans are now a.s.sembling according to plan. As long as the Five Royal Clans take action, we can follow behind them and get our share of the pie.”

“By the way, I haven’t seen Old Devil Su around recently. Didn’t the Five Royal Clans say that they wanted to take action against Old Devil Su? Why is nothing going on?”

“Yeah, but according to the news from my side, Old Devil Su has not appeared on the humans’ side too. He didn’t even show up in the last t.i.tle promotion ruins. I wonder what he’s up to.”

“I think Old Devil Su might have already built himself a home in the New World, don’t you think?”

“By the way, the Golden Lion King hasn’t appeared recently either. I want to watch the Golden Lion King sailing forth to take action against these ocean beasts!”

“Hehe, I kind of miss that yellow-haired girl coming out to scold people. It’s meaningless watching the Five Royal Clans performing their one-man show now that she doesn’t show up.”

“Snow Soaring Bear, I’ll say it one more time. You’re allowed to have an opinion, but wait until our hunting plan is successful. Then we can find a s.p.a.ce and compete against each other properly. Stop spewing nonsense every single day.”

Aside from some specific strong foreign races, most ordinary foreign races were different from the images conjured up by the imaginations of the average wasteland human—in which they were beasts that would only drink blood, eat raw meat, and feel uncomfortable if they did not kill something everyday. Their strengths grew extremely slowly and, after they arrived at the wasteland and were somewhat influenced by human culture and behavior, logging into the World Channel from the cores everyday to chat and brag had become a source of joy to these foreign races

However, just as they were watching the chat about to erupt into a fight between Snow Soaring Bear and Crystal Dragon again, a sudden message suddenly appeared.

“d.a.m.n it, the Golden Lion King is going live. Let’s go watch it, guys!”


It was as if a bomb went off in the World Channel.

When this information spread, the foreign races that were lurking in the World Channel suddenly appeared out of nowhere in an instant.

The scrolling chat that had been moving at a leisurely pace, suddenly transformed into a torrential downpour of messages that drowned each other out.

At the same time, more foreign races were quitting the World Channel directly and going straight to the Disaster Resistance channel!

The previous “Battle of the G.o.ds” against tens of thousands of foreign races could be said to have established the lofty status of the ‘Golden Lion King’ among the foreign races.

Of course, cutting off the live broadcast at that critical moment had also made all the foreign races heave their chests and stomp their feet in disappointment.

However, since Golden Lion King could still appear on the Disaster Resistance live broadcast page again, then the result of the previous battle was pretty clear…

The Golden Lion King had won!

They had defeated tens of thousands of troops from the foreign races with only the strength of two people.

With a sense of shock and awe, the ordinary foreign races entered the live broadcast stream, and the Five Royal Clans soon followed.

It only took less than ten minutes for this live broadcast stream, which initially only had a four-digit viewer count, to exceed 4 million viewers in an instant!

Plus, as time went by, the live broadcast stream’s increase in popularity was still increasing at a terrifying rate of six digits per minute.

However, inversely proportional to the increasing popularity was the duration of this live broadcast stream.

It only lasted twelve minutes and fifty-five seconds!

If you subtracted the ten minutes of waiting at the beginning, the actual duration of this live broadcast was less than three minutes.

On the eleventh second of the live performance of Hope One, which lasted less than three minutes, the entire Disaster Resistance comments screen froze immediately.

Even after it ended, it took less than ten seconds for the foreign races’ World Channel to suffer the fate of the Disaster Resistance comments screen; it was instantly paralyzed.

Su Mo was a little familiar with this crazy scene.

At that time, after blowing up the Heavenly Dog Pseudo G.o.d with the DF-17 missile, the same thing happened in the humans’ World Channel in his live broadcast stream.

Facts had proven that, no matter what species it was, the strong would always be wors.h.i.+ped and venerated.

“Connie, bring someone down with you and pick up all the chests for me.”

“If they ask, just tell them not to stick their noses into things that don’t concern them, or they’ll end up booking their own ticket to the underworld!”

Su Mo tapped on his earpiece and sent over instructions while he stood on the bow, gazing at the adoring faces of the foreign terrestrial races below.

When the OS brought the s.h.i.+p to a halt 30km from the battlefield 25 minutes ago, the radar had already completed the scanning of the data of the living creatures present.

This was a battle between foreign terrestrial races and the foreign marine races!

The hilarious reason why the two foreign races were fighting over was none other than…

Right of way!

The foreign terrestrial races wanted to go west, while the foreign marine races wanted to go east. It was unknown what was wrong with the two races, and they just refused to make way for each other.

They were in a vast ocean and, since there was hatred on both sides, this state of mutual hostility was both inexplicable and reasonable at the same time.

The reason why the two had yet to actually start fighting was that the combat strength of both sides was on the same level, and neither side was significantly stronger than the other.

Both sides called for their brothers in the Regional Channel and were looking for more people to support them so that they could annihilate the other party.

It was just that, before the brothers of the foreign marine races could arrive, the ‘brother’ of the foreign terrestrial races, the Golden Lion King, arrived!

No unnecessary words were exchanged. After they turned on the live broadcast and waited until they had enough viewers, a single cannon sh.e.l.l wiped out about 300 of the foreign marine races on the spot in the presence of millions of viewers from the foreign races.

The strength of the Golden Lion King had once again been affirmed by all foreign races.

Not to mention the Golden Lion King’s final sentence, “Those who offend the foreign terrestrial races, however distant, will be destroyed!’ was deeply imprinted in the minds of all the ordinary foreign races.

After a while, Connie led the foreign races into the sea to collect all the treasure chests. After she went back to Hope One and reported everything, Su Mo’s knowledge of the foreign races increased even further.

Contrary to what she expected, when Connie gathered these spoils, the foreign race clan, which was the Shocking Thunder Gold Weasel, did not sense anything unusual about her actions.

When they saw the treasure chests, they did not display any strange expressions either. Instead, they looked as if all of this was somehow reasonable.

This was how the strong were treated in the animal kingdom.

Even when they did something ridiculous, the weak had no reason to question them.

As for those weak foreign races, they were still laying on the wooden rafts, waving their short hands emotionally as they watched Hope One prepare to depart.

While the ordinary foreign races were unable to see the Golden Lion King, it was an astronomical honor to have summoned the aid of such a strong ally in the Regional Channel.

They were glad that, while the humans had Almighty Su, they also had the Golden Lion King.

At the same time, they were expecting to see what kind of visual impact the Golden Lion King would bring them the next time she started her live broadcast.

However, what they did not expect was that, unlike last time, they did not have to wait a few days for the Golden Lion King to fulfill their expectations.

This time, the Golden Lion King’s live broadcast appeared again after only an hour and 46 minutes in the foreign races’ Disaster Resistance page.

This time, in just five minutes, the live broadcast’s popularity reached a never-before-seen five million viewers!

However, as if matching the stream’s popularity, the live broadcast duration this time was even shorter. After only six minutes and eleven seconds, the live broadcast stream ended once again.

The only thing different from the last stream was the revelation from the Golden Lion King that…

If one cannon sh.e.l.l was not enough, use two!

The 700 foreign marine races, which was double the numbers from the last time, were blown to pieces by the before they had the chance to speak. Their corpses had now become a permanent part of the ocean.

The rescued 200 foreign terrestrial races, which bore serious injuries, also seemed to have gone insane. They were lying on their wooden rafts as they kowtowed loudly in Hope One’s direction!

At this moment, Su Mo had no doubts about the kind of lofty status he commanded in the eyes of these surviving foreign races.

At the same time, he also knew that these surviving foreign races would go onto the World Channel to sing his praises over the next two days.

All in all, those two had earned him more than a dozen chests in exchange, as well as the wors.h.i.+p and veneration of millions of foreign races. This deal was super worthwhile!

This night was bound to be a sleepless night for the foreign terrestrial races.

Every time the Golden Lion King’s live broadcast stream lit up, to the foreign races, it felt like the Lunar New Year celebrations had arrived.

From five million viewers in the first five minutes, to six million one and a half minutes later.

Of the six-minute live broadcast, only two minutes were spent to resolve the battle.

A total of 14 shots were fired that night, and Hope One annihilated more than 7000 enemies. Compared with the previous annihilation of the 20 thousand troops of the foreign races, the drop rate of the chests had lowered slightly.

Even so, Su Mo still managed to earn a bountiful harvest of one gold treasure chest, nine silver treasure chests, and nearly fifty other a.s.sorted treasure chests!

On this night, all the foreign terrestrial races scattered all over the ocean were shouting, “Long live Golden Lion King!” in unison, regardless of where they were.

On this night, all the foreign marine races that had been so arrogant previously, became dispirited. When they saw the foreign terrestrial races, they all took a detour for fear that a battle would start and the Golden Lion King would descend upon them like a G.o.d.

After the tsunami disaster arrived, for a 12-hour period, with the Golden Lion King as the vanguard, the foreign terrestrial races were magically victorious in more than ten thousand small-scale skirmishes that were caused by disagreements between them and the foreign marine races.

The will to fight that had been dormant in the foreign terrestrial races, due to their decadent lifestyle, was awakened and aroused by the Golden Lion King on this night.

‘Foreign marine races?’

‘So what if you have the home ground advantage?’

‘Can you endure a single shot from our Golden Lion King?’

‘If you don’t give way obediently and get lost, we’ll beat you up!’

‘Hmm? You’re not convinced?’

‘I’m waiting for my brother, the Golden Lion Ling! Who the f*ck are you waiting for?’

Thanks to this overwhelming situation, the human survivors who were besieged by foreign marine races were also surprised to find that their situations had improved a lot overnight.

The foreign marine races that used to be so arrogant at night were chased and killed off by the foreign terrestrial races tonight while screaming for mercy.

It felt strange, yet somehow comfortable. Humankind enjoyed its most comfortable night since the start of the tsunami disaster.

Even if there was a tsunami raging around them, they slept very peacefully during every minute of rest time they had that night. They were not at all worried that there would be some stupid foreign marine creature coming to attack them!

Were things getting better?

The humans had no clue.

However, as the protagonists and masterminds of this entire disaster, the Five Royal Clans, after the third day of the tsunami disaster, as the fourth day dawned…

They could no longer sit still!

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