My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 414: No Reason To Not Wors.h.i.+p the Almighty Su If You See Him!

Chapter 414: No Reason To Not Wors.h.i.+p the Almighty Su If You See Him!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

[Record]: Congratulations, player Su Mo. You have automatically risen to the top of the leaderboard as the disaster-resistance property of your s.h.i.+p was detected to be much higher than the other shelters.

Record): You may now enter the live feed and manage your live broadcast stream!

The roc would one day fly as swift as the wind and soared high twenty thousand miles into the sky!

As of now, Hope One’s completion level had una.s.sumingly reached 60% after the vertical module was put into use.

Compared to the s.h.i.+ps on the Disaster Resistance Channel leaderboard, Hope One ranked last in terms of completion level, achieving a mere 0.6 using the weighting factor. However, all of the thirty s.h.i.+ps on the leaderboard would be overshadowed if the potential value of Hope One was taken into consideration!

Upon switching channels to the Disaster Resistance live broadcast stream and having the leaderboard located in a corner, you would observe that Hope One had spontaneously won first place.

The points scored were a string of numbers that would make anyone’s eyes glaze over from looking at it!

Previously, Thunderbolt achieved the highest rank with a score of 276500 points for four days continuously!

Nevertheless, Hope One achieved an unprecedented score of 67500000 points! There was an approximately two-hundred times difference between the two, although one had a mere 0.6 weighted score whilst the other had a 1.0 weighted score.

“Oho, I haven’t started managing my live broadcast stream, there are already ten million people watching!”

The popularity of his pitch-black live broadcast stream was boosted by a large audience of ten million viewers whilst he gave the leaderboard a cursory glance.

The numbers fluctuated again as Su Mo was sighing.

This time, it did not fluctuate from ten million to eleven million, or ten million to twenty million. Instead, it fluctuated to…

One hundred million!

It took less than ten seconds for a hundred million viewers to begin watching the pitch-black live broadcast stream.

This would have seemed like pie in the sky if it were to happen during the civilized era, but otherwise, it would have been a common occurrence in the wasteland.

Without paying further attention to the influx of audience, Su Mo placed his focus on the live broadcast stream.


It was once again… a familiar feeling!

The feeling of billions watching, admiring, and having high expectations of you. The feeling of holding their lives in your hands and determining the best path forward.

He was red in the face from this burning enthusiasm, and his muscles also tensed up from the constant shrugging!

It has been a long time!

The screen started flickering. Su Mo, with his past experiences in hosting live broadcasts managed to keep things under control and made it look easy as though he has returned home.

Soon, the pitch-black screen vanished and was replaced with two choices of where he could position the lookout point for his audience.

The first would be to secure a bow seat on Hope One.

The second would be to give them an overhead view and a five-kilometer radius view of the sea.

The first choice would allow all survivors to get a full view of Hope One, and also to get a good look at the Almighty Su, who had been keeping a low profile for a long time.

The latter choice would enable Su Mo to observe the opening in the sky and ponder where these Pseudo-G.o.ds came from.

Silence is more eloquent than words!

Su Mo has not said a word in the live broadcast, even so, this was in line with the persona he created previously. Thus, everyone let their guard down and started chatting with each other in the comment section of the live broadcast.

However, after Connie joined the live broadcast, there was an influx of foreign races and their emotions were the exact opposite of what the humans were experiencing!

At this point, the marine attack plan was undoubtedly a success.

However, this success did not bring any semblance of comfort to the ordinary foreign races. Instead, their mood plummeted as though they had fallen into an empty ice cave!

The Five Royal Clans had previously claimed by propaganda that the foreign marine races was their target and would give them a “treat” in the form of humans.

However, after the successful launch of the second step, they finally learned what the third step in the plan was.


It was true to life, something that would happen in the animal kingdom.

After reaping the rewards from the deities supporting the Royal Clans, the Wasteland would turn into an arena of mutual hostility.

When that happened, if the foreign terrestrial races decided not to fight against the foreign marine races, they would not have any other enemies to prey on.

Escape would be the only remaining task and staying behind would only lead to death.

Thus, when the foreign races noticed the Golden Lion King hosting a live broadcast stream, their innate need to be in pursuit of the strongest person made them join and watch the live broadcast instinctively.

They were interested in seeing how the Golden Lion King would react during times like these.

However, once they took a closer look, they felt their world… collapsed around them!

Snow Soaring Bear: Golden Lion King’s sister, tell me that this isn’t true. Tell me that you didn’t seek refuge from Old Devil Su!

Chilly Black Deer: I can’t believe that the Golden Lion King is actually Old Devil Su! F*cking h.e.l.l, the Five Royal Clans are traitors, and the Golden Lion King is a human. The foreign races are doomed to go extinct!]

(Holy Tin Sparrow: Those b*stards from the Five Royal Clans. They said they were going to lead us to rise up and tackle Old Devil Su, but they’ve all ended up going back on their word! I’m going to relay this message to my clan. I want the Five Royal Clans to pay the price during the next attack!)

Lingering Green Rabbit: I’ve been trying to tell you in the chatroom that the Golden Lion King is actually Old Devil Su, however all of you didn’t believe me. See for yourself. How could it be possible for a new royal clan to suddenly appear amidst the foreign race? This is obviously a plan between the Five Royal Clans and Old Devil Su. They’re joining forces to take us down. We’re the actual victims here.]

[Broken Lizard Warrior: The Five Royal Clans have already summoned their ancient G.o.ds by sacrificing this much. No matter what, humans must perish this time. I refuse to believe that Old Devil Su can slaughter a G.o.d, let alone slaughter five G.o.ds! Giant Lynx Monkey: If Old Devil Su can get the Royal Clans’ G.o.ds out of the way, I am willing to join him and pledge my loyalty to the Golden Lion King.

[Booming Thunder Cow: Not a chance. The Five Royal Clans plan is too vicious.

They’ve completely fooled us. They didn’t just target humans only, we are included as well!)

Flaming Turtle: The Royal Clans have already sent invitations to a battle between the races. Everyone, let’s run!)

The foreign marine races could lurk beneath the sea ice which helped to safeguard them from threats up above.

However, the foreign terrestrial races on the sea surface faced similar threats as the humans did!

Due to humans being defeated too quickly, the Royal Clans had lesser treats” to savor.

Thus, the G.o.ds supporting the Five Royal Clans made an immediate decision! They wanted to have everything for themselves!

It did not matter if they were an ordinary foreign race, an extraordinarily powerful foreign race, or humans. All of them would be included in their attack plan.

The thick layers of sea ice that blocked all escape routes for the foreign races proved the fierce ambition they had in the first place.

“Hah, five fake G.o.ds. They’re just cowering. Take a good look at how they’re going to be destroyed!”

Connie could not help puffing up with pride and as she watched the increasing number of people commenting in the comment section, including a few messages which were in support of Su Mo to get rid of the Five Royal Clans’ G.o.ds.

The G.o.ds up above were triggered by an audible sound. The opening in the sky which was expanding gradually, expanded to several times its size in the blink

of an eye. Although they prepared to fight back with the power of the resistance force, the existing tear was enlarged when they released forces once again.


“What a wonderful smell.” “We’re back. h.e.l.lo, wonderful land, we’re back again!”


“The deplorable curse is still here though.”

The loud booming sound roared across the heavens and earth.

Unlike the previous foolish-looking Heavenly Dog Pseudo-G.o.d, everyone could tell by looking at these pseudo-G.o.d eyes peeking out from the opening, they were very similar to humans in terms of… their presence of mind!

They no longer had that muddled look and were not expressionless anymore!

Five G.o.ds.

Monkey, pig, dog, tiger, earth dragon.

Instead of launching an immediate attack on the creatures living on the ground, they had emotional conversations with each other.

Moreover, they used the human language to communicate with each other!

The ancestors of the Crystal Dragon, Ruminant Dog, and Primordial Pig spoke in fluent Mandarin, whereas the ancestors of the Cursed Tiger and Thunder Monkey spoke in English with an American accent.

The five G.o.ds whilst busy catching up with each other were oblivious to the living creatures watching them nervously from below.

If the game had not sent a timely reminder at that moment, the humans and foreign terrestrial races would probably have thought that the G.o.ds had arrived with good intentions, and were not having a meeting to discuss how they would divide their spoils!

Record): Platinum-level disaster detected. The current copper-grade disaster “tsunami” has been forcibly replaced. All players, please prepare for disaster. [Record]: This disaster has been officially named “Invasion of the Foreign G.o.ds”!

[Record]: Anomalies were detected in the source of this disaster, the game has applied the following disaster-resistance buffs for all players:

Energy recovery speed +100%, movement speed +100%; weapon force +100%; defense level +100%….

[Record]: This disaster triggered by a foreign race player on the Wasteland has been detected. Permanent punishment has been meted out, all partic.i.p.ating creatures will be obliterated immediately.

Record]: According to estimations, about 99.9% of all creatures are extinct in this disaster.

Special rewards will be awarded to all survivor players.

The five reminders came one after the other.

A comprehensive series of disaster-resistance buffs were included simultaneously!

However, the smidgen of add-ons was only sufficient for a fight against the foreign races. It was still far from enough if they wanted to battle the Pseudo-G.o.ds up above.

It would be a ridiculous thought if the strength of humans is not increased a millionfold or even a hundred million times!

“Golden Lion King Old Devil Su..G.o.d Slayer… Hahaha, let’s see where the human, Su Mo is!”

The group of tribes that was a part of the Five Royal Clans was wiped out by the game instantly.

However, this did not affect the five Pseudo-G.o.ds in the slightest. On the contrary, the news delivered by the Royal Clans before they died piqued their interest.

The ma.s.sive tiger head in the sky began scanning its surroundings the way a scanning device would. He was not aware that the person he was seeking, was also gazing at him from below!

[Cursed Tiger Ancestor G.o.d (Incarnation of Pseudo-G.o.d)]

[Description]: The disaster has significantly weakened the spatial barriers. Clark, the Cursed Tiger Chief utilized the flaws in the doomsday world and successfully outlined the summoning spell as a guide to lead the incarnation the Cursed Tiger Ancestor G.o.d into the world of Wasteland.

G.o.d’s real name): Grant Reichl G.o.d’s strength]: True G.o.d Ignite G.o.d flame (s.p.a.ce-grade)

Current status]: Incarnation (Since it is not an avatar, the current strength limit is at a fixed rate of 1%, including various limitations and weaknesses.)

[Limitation 1]: The Cursed Tiger Ancestor G.o.d is not allowed to descend indefinitely, has a limited maximum duration of 120 minutes.

[Limitation 2]: The Cursed Tiger Ancestor G.o.d is not a spiritual ent.i.ty. It has a physical form after it descends. The rise of attack strength up to a certain level inflicts damage.

[Limitation 31: The Cursed Tiger Ancestor G.o.d’s attacks are not physical, its incarnation possesses one opportunity to release a wide-ranged plague attack. If one was to be infected with the plague before their individual strength reaches demiG.o.d status, the infection will spread quickly in the body and can cause death.

Limitation 4]: Plague activation condition (Destroy creatures’ faith and ensure above 70% of the emotions are based on the feeling of despair to become a breeding ground)

[Limitation 5]: The incarnation of the Cursed Tiger Ancestor G.o.d must not be exterminated. However, only a certain amount of damage to the dimensional rift is required to create fluctuations that can cause the rift to close forcibly.

[Comment]: The forces of darkness will devour you if you are on the brink of self-destruction, whereas the forces of darkness will fear you as if you were a G.o.d when you forge ahead!

The foolish-looking Heavenly Dog Pseudo-G.o.d is very different from the Heavenly Dog Ancestor G.o.d that just descended.

The Cursed Tiger Ancestor G.o.d who was obviously more “st.u.r.dy” and confident also chose the safest way to descend through incarnation.

Additionally, though the G.o.ds seemed superior, they were in awe of every opponent they met and it can be observed from the skills possessed by these human forms of G.o.ds!

“If this was the previous wave of players, they would be at their wits’ end if they encountered such skills.”

“However, for the current humans…”

Su Mo pondered while examining the physical attributes of the other four Ancestor G.o.d statues as he was already loosening up.

Seconds later, their eyes met as numerous wasteland creatures stared nervously at him.

The Giant Tiger Head up in the sky finally locked eyes with the Almighty Su, who was on Hope One!

It felt like Mars collided with Earth. Although the difference in size between the two was ten million fold, despite that, all creatures were stunned to discover

The Almighty Su was not the least afraid. Instead, the expression on his face was one of indescribable… calmness?

“You… are… Su Mo?”

The buzzing sound of the questions asked was as loud as thunder, everything stood in a bleak and desolate landscape.

Angered by Su Mo’s att.i.tude, the Cursed Tiger Ancestor G.o.d exerted force to depress the sea level.

The Cursed Tiger Ancestor G.o.d always used this trick before descending.

Every time he used the same trick, the other party would scramble as their pillars of faith crumble, exposing their biggest flaw!

However, he was confused today!

The humans who appeared like ants from his high vantage point did not flee in fear after listening to his intimidating speech. Instead, he held his head up high while brandis.h.i.+ng his fragile weapon.

Did the ants just declare war against the ma.s.sive dinosaur?

Was this an act of death-defying rebellion? Did he know not to underestimate his opponent?

The Cursed Tiger Ancestor G.o.d’s mind was racing.

However, there was not enough time to bring him to his senses and continue his speech. Numerous creatures on the Wasteland and the other four G.o.ds were still watching him intently.

A bear with gray fur and a large dog with black-and-white fur strutted out and stood next to the human.

Seconds later, as the large dog gently barked once, two beams of black and white colored divine light shone respectively. The bear standing next to it seemed to have received its orders. A beam of green-colored electrical light shot out of its fur, and a voice almost

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