My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 748: Tracking Down the Enemy’s Base at Night! Part 2

Chapter 748: Tracking Down the Enemy’s Base at Night! Part 2

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Just a moment, Captain. There was a bit of a problem I was checking Captain Liu’s carts.

“The quant.i.ty and list of goods and number of carts must be an exact match.

“Look, I’m in charge of taking precautions and ensuring the protocols are followed, so it shouldn’t be a problem for me to check your carts for the territory’s sake, right?”

Huang Bing went from pa.s.sive and cautious to aggressive and bold.

Knowing that he would inevitably be dragged into this vortex, Huang Bing became more courageous in the face of the third team’s captain, deliberately hinting at him.


What happened next was also as expected.

The third captain had “guilt” in his heart. Thus when he confirmed that Huang Bing stopped them to seek compensation, he immediately took out his bribe and handed it over without hesitation.

Liu Kai had given him a whole pack of cigarettes, but this captain in hemp clothing only handed him a pack with ten cigarettes.

However, the quant.i.ty and price of the cigarettes were much better than the ones from Liu Kai. Despite the quant.i.ty, both of them were about the same value.

“I couldn’t tell you’re a very bold one, Captain Huang.”

The third captain had an indifferent expression and sneered as he watched Huang Bing act unscrupulously, even checking the cigarettes in front of him.

Funnily enough, Huang Bing’s face darkened, and he said indifferently.

“Very good. I’ve finished checking, and there aren’t any problems.

“It’s a very dark and windy night. Please do hurry up on your journey, Captain!”

Huang Bing smiled mockingly regardless of the third captain’s displeased expression. He smiled, showing all his big white teeth, and happily stepped aside.

The two packs of cigarettes he obtained from the dirty scheme tonight were enough for him to exchange for twenty days of food in the gathering place.

In addition to the eight days of meals he had stored, he would be able to survive until the next month even if he did not have any income!

However, since he had been caught up in turmoil, he had no choice but to serve “Mr. Yang” to the best of his ability and strive to become a valuable p.a.w.n.

By doing so, even if he were to die sooner or later, at least he had time to prepare himself and react accordingly.

Ten more minutes pa.s.sed, and the last cart left the territory gate. Huang Bing waved his hand at the city gate and it immediately fell.

Afterward, he did not go directly to the location where he had spoken to Su Mo a few moments ago.

Although Huang Bin had no special skills, he was quite clever.

He pretended nothing had happened and returned to his post to continue chatting with his colleagues.

In the process, he observed his surroundings to ensure that no one else could be watching nearby.

Then, he handed the three guards each a cigarette and used an excuse that his stomach hurt to leave.

“You guys go ahead and smoke. I need to go…go to the toilet for half an hour. Call me if anything happens!”

“Alright, we got you, Huang Bing. Don’t worry. There are three of us here. There won’t be any problem!”

With the cigarettes, the three guards were unbothered that Huang Bing wanted to slack off and simply rea.s.sured him that they would be fine.

Huang Bing no longer wasted time and headed to the previous location.

“Huh? No one is here?”

He was at the previous spot, but there were no signs of the blue light in the darkness.

However, with the vague lights, Huang Bing saw some words written on the ground.

Walking closer, the words became clearer in the darkness.

‘Act like usual, do not say a word to others, and come to see me tomorrow morning!’

A sentence easy to read was carved into the ground.

Huang Bing was surprised to see the words “come to see me tomorrow,” but he quickly reacted. He stepped back and used his foot to wipe away the words.

From now on, with so many secrets held in the other’s hand,he knew that he would have either pretend to be unaware of anything or obediently cooperate with this Mr. Yang from now onward.

Huang Bing was suddenly worried after the freedom that seemed insignificant just yesterday was suddenly taken away in one day.

Seconds later, he thought about the situation and clenched his fists together. He had the urge to roar to the sky a few times. ‘I’ll be on Mr. Yang’s side from tomorrow onward!’

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