793. Transmission Formation (1)

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

“Young master, Sun Yu’s hand got wasted by Mo Fei.” A lackey by w.a.n.g Cheng’s side reported flatteringly.

w.a.n.g Cheng smiled treacherously, “Sun Yu laughed at my incompetence. But now he got his hand wasted.” Although he also got serious injured, with good treatment, he still could recover, while that Sun Yu…was totally different.

“Yeah! Quite a few of his underlings got killed. Now he is like a stray dog.” the lackey said gloatingly.

“He deserves it.” w.a.n.g Cheng gave a cold snort.

“Yeah.” Echoed the lackey.

w.a.n.g Cheng’s face suddenly darkened down, “Sun Yu deserves to die, but Mo Fei deserves to die even more.” Mo Fei and his groups are so unappreciative!

The servant, head down, tried to comfort him, “Young master, those guys have no back. They could only be a bully in the Immortal Valley. After going out, we’ll definitely teach them a lesson.”

w.a.n.g Cheng’s eyes flashed some kind of c.o.c.ky feeling. Among that gang, the most powerful one was merely at the peak of xuan cla.s.s. With a hand, his grandpa could kill hundreds of them!

In the sect, those at that level were all extremely deferential to him, while those a.s.sholes… He’d change his surname if he couldn’t take the revenge! “See how I kick their a.s.s after going out!” w.a.n.g Cheng grinded his teeth.

The lackey nodded, “I’m afraid Sun Yu also won’t let them go.”

w.a.n.g Cheng snorted lightly, “They are my prey. How dare Sun Yu step in?”

The lackey looked at w.a.n.g Cheng’s gloomy face and instantly echoed, “Yes, yes.”

w.a.n.g Cheng bit his teeth, “Shangguan Feiyan went to see Mo Fei?”

The lackey’s face changed, and he nodded warily, “Yes.”

w.a.n.g Cheng grinded his teeth, full of resentment, “That silly girl! She knew it is those people who hurt me, but still tried to cotton up with them! Is she slapping in my face?”

The servant looked at w.a.n.g Cheng’s ferocious face and dare not say another word.

w.a.n.g Cheng bit his teeth unwillingly. Although he was arrogant and imperious, there were people who he dared not offend, and Shangguan Feiyan was one of them.

“Shangguan Feiyan must have a crush on someone of them, so, she would be so partial on those a.s.sholes! That silly girl has a harmless face, but in her bones, she is a total s.l.u.t!” w.a.n.g Cheng snapped.

The lackey looked at w.a.n.g Cheng, head down. w.a.n.g Cheng dare say so those words about Shangguan Feiyan, while he dare not.

As w.a.n.g Cheng was complaining, he suddenly thought of something. His face became a little frightened, and he looked at the lackey darkly. “If you dare tell anyone what I said today, you are so dead!”

The lackey nodded, “Got it, got it.”

Walking in the valley, Zhao Yufei could not help frowning, “Mo Fei and his people are so unbelievable! First offended w.a.n.g Cheng, then Su Yun! I’m afraid they’d have no chance to live after going out.”

Chen Yuxuan smiled, thinking in the heart: That’d be better.

“Yufei, are you worried about Mo Fei? What? You have a thing with him?” asked Chen Yuxuan.

Zhao Yufei shrugged her shoulders, helplessly saying, “No, I just feel sorry for them.” It’d be a waste if that Mo Fei just died like that.

Chen Yuxuan ignored her words and said with a faint smile, “Mo Fei is talented, but can not read the situation, this kind of person is doomed to have a short life.” There’s nothing to feel sorry about.

Chen Yuxuan had always been a very proud person, so when he found that Mo Fei was more powerful than him, he felt so jealous. Now seeing that Mo Fei was in big trouble, of course he’d feel gloated.

Zhao Yufei shook her head, “Enough of him, let’s go look for star herbs.”

Chen Yuxuan nodded, “OK.” They spent so many star crystals to come in, of course they needed to find some more back.


In Mo Fei’s shop

“Mo Fei, the Immortal Valley will be open in five days. I heard that guy Sun Yu means to catch you and sell you to Goulan Brothel.” said w.a.n.g Chengfeng worriedly.

Mo Fei frowned and said grumpily, “That b.a.s.t.a.r.d! I already showed mercy to break only one of his legs! He even wants to sell me as a male prost.i.tute? So heartless!”

w.a.n.g Chengfeng sighed helplessly.

Mo Fei looked at w.a.n.g Chengfeng, “Chengfeng, there are still a few days before it opens. You should take your people to leave.”

w.a.n.g Chengfeng looked at Mo Fei strangely, eyes wide open, “Why?”

Mo Fei shrugged his shoulders. “We can’t get you involved into this.”

“But I have to be faithful to my friends!” w.a.n.g Chengfeng’s face turned red.

Mo Fei shrugged his shoulders, “I know you are loyal to your friends. But this time, the one we have offended has solid background. If you got involved, maybe they’d seek trouble for your whole family.”

w.a.n.g Chengfeng looked a bit indecisive. Although his family had a little power, facing a heavenly cla.s.s master, they could only end up being destroyed.

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