826. The Seal Got Broken (2)

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

The little golden flood dragon suddenly burst up. “Scared, who is scared? Would I ever be scared? You think too much.”

Mo Fei shrugged his shoulders, “Don’t worry. He’s bigger, stronger, more powerful and has more heads than you. It’s no big deal if you’re scared.” To be honest, your young master Mo Fei I am also a little scared!

The little golden flood dragon disdainfully looked at Mo Fei, saying proudly, “Don’t compare me with you. I am the n.o.ble flood golden dragon race, I’m going to ascend to become a real dragon. Words like scared don’t exist in my life dictionary.”

Mo Fei rolled his eyes and said, “The word ear doesn’t exist in your life dictionary? Come on, aren’t you afraid of One Hundred and Twenty?”

Hearing Mo Fei’s words, the little golden flood dragon got shamed into anger and swung his claws towards Mo Fei.

Lou Yu threw a punch on the little golden flood dragon’s head, which made him dizzy.

“Stop that now.” Lou Yu said blandly.

The little golden flood dragon looked at Lou Yu resentfully, under Lou Yu’s cold eyes, he could only shrink back onto Mo Fei’s shoulder.

A burst of cold air sweeping over, several female cultivators in white were flying over elegantly.

“The saintesses of Tianshan Sect!” People’s whispers came into Mo Fei’s ears.

Seeing them, the evil beast inside the light curtain suddenly shrank its eyes. To the evil beast inside the light curtain, the more people outside, the smaller his chance was. And those women let it feel some kind of indescribably threat.

Mo Fei narrowed his eyes, Saintess Feixue was a master at the late stage of heavenly cla.s.s, who was said to be the number one female cultivator of the mainland.

Seeing the arrival of Zhuo Feixue, people all looked complicated. The more masters here, the higher chance. But, it also meant the share they could get would be less.

Zhuo Feixue nodded to w.a.n.g Yangfei, while w.a.n.g Yangfei also nodded back.

w.a.n.g Yangfei was also a cultivator at the late stage of heavenly cla.s.s. Before Zhuo Feixue came, everyone took w.a.n.g Yangfei as the leader.

There was a sudden loud howl. “Back off!” Mo Fei shouted loudly.

The seal burst open at a draught, a master at the early stage of his heavenly cla.s.s that was closest to it immediately got bombed to ashes.

Seeing this scene, Mo Fei instantly got cold sweat all over.

A heaven cla.s.s master had already been the world’s top presence, but directly got killed this way?

w.a.n.g Weixing looked quite gloomy, so did Cheng Mobai.

Seeing the master that got blown into ashes, the evil beast inside the seal also showed a strange feeling. Mo Fei felt that was some kind of disappointed feeling.

The little golden flood dragon lay on Mo Fei’s head, “The evil beast meant to roast that guy, but accidentally roasted him into ashes. He is quite disappointed.”

Mo Fei’s heart mercilessly twitched. What the h.e.l.l is this little thing talking about?

The seal again fluctuated, dozens of energy waves rushed towards those people.

Mo Fei and his group were quick enough to hide away, and another heavenly cla.s.s master got killed under the attack of the seal.

The little golden flood dragon sharpened his claws while saying, “Last time that beast didn’t control well, but this time it’s improved. It’s half-roasted. Although it looks not very tasty, it’s not flying ashes anymore.”

Mo Fei’s facial expression went stiffened. At such a critical moment, the little golden flood dragon still had the mood to make a joke?

d.a.m.n! Why did he think he was not joking? Because he was telling the truth!

“What did that beast do? I even didn’t see how it moved.” Mo Fei asked Cheng Mobai.

w.a.n.g Weixing frowned, “It took advantage of the seal.” The seal ten thousand years ago was far more complex and powerful than those today.

“Already two heavenly cla.s.s masters got killed. If going on like this, all heavenly cla.s.s masters are not enough.” said Mo Fei worriedly.

“Not that bad. The seal is weakening. It can only launch such an attack for one more time tops.” w.a.n.g Weixing thought.

Mo Fei frowned and saw that the seal glow was noticeably dimmer than before.

Cheng Mobai made a frown, “That seal is about to break.”

Mo Fei’s face changed, full of panic, “No way!” He was just here to watch for fun but didn’t want to get involved into this!

“s.h.i.+fu, is it too late to escape now?” Asked Mo Fei.

As Mo Fei’s words came out, Zhuo Feixue swung a hand, and a wave of killing qi spread. Her sharp sword qi hit at the light curtain, which caused a big stir.

The evil beast looked at Zhuo Feixue, eyes flas.h.i.+ng some exciting feeling.

With a swing of its tail, it hit on the light curtain, which immediately got severely shaking.

“Bang~” Under the joint action of both sides, the light curtain broke,

“It’s too late.” Cheng Mobai answered.

Mo Fei bit the lip, thinking in his heart, “You don’t need to tell me now!”

The three-headed beast ran out like a wild horse. As soon as the evil beast came out, it crushed the neck of a heavenly cla.s.s master and swallowed him down.

Seeing this scene, those cultivators only felt cold in the heart.

“Stay calm.” w.a.n.g Yangfei swung his arm, and a golden steel ring flew out.

The steel ring was widening rapidly, encircled the three-headed beast’s neck, while the beast let out an angry roar.

With a wave of her sword, Zhuo Feixue instantly threw over a hundred cuts. And one of the three-headed beast got split into halves.

The three-headed beast made an angry roar, the ground instantly cracked open.

A powerful pressure blew in the face, Mo Fei had a kind of impulse to bend the knees.

“All together.” w.a.n.g Yangfei shouted.

Hearing w.a.n.g Yangfei’s words, hundreds of cultivators there all threw attacks at the three-headed evil beast.

Although the attack of the earth cla.s.s masters was weak, hundreds of people together, it was still hard for the evil beast to resist.

“Ouch!” There was a scream.

Mo Fei frowned. Another heavenly cla.s.s master died. That person tried to sneak into the ancient tomb while people were all sieging the evil beast, but got attacked by a lizard-like evil beast.

Mo Fei blinked. In others’ eyes, that lizard-like evil beast was only a common one, only he knew that was a puppet!

Ten thousand years ago, it was amazing that someone could make a puppet so lifelike, and more importantly, after all these years, the puppet could still move freely.

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