My Sweet Physician Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1122: Heartbreaker

Chapter 1122: Heartbreaker

Da Bai was very happy to know that it would see Nuannuan soon, so it did something it normally would not.

Sensing something coming at her from behind, Bai Liyue turned around only to see a large white beast pouncing on her, sending her staggering violently.

Just a moment ago, she was still dismayed by how similar Da Bai was to a certain someone in terms of being an ingrate. In the second that she turned around, Da Bai had already pounced on her.


Da Bai let out the sound that would usually only appear when Nuannuan was around. It placed both of its paws on Bai Liyue’s shoulders and turned her around to look at its face.

At this moment, Bai Liyue’s face was covered in tears, and Da Bai faltered slightly.


Women were such troublesome beings. Da Bai had not started blaming this heartless human for leaving it here to go see its master first, and she still had the cheek to cry.

Bai Liyue looked at Da Bai as if she was looking at that heartless Feng Shengxuan. Even though it had already turned around and returned to her side, the grievances it had brought her could not be washed away.

“You’re so annoying! So annoying! You heartless man!” Bai Liyue suddenly burst into tears, and she started hammering Da Bai with her hands while she cried.

Da Bai that suddenly got whacked, “… o ((⊙ ▽ ⊙) o”

“Heartbreaker! Stupid heartless man!”

To appease this troublesome woman, Da Bai placed its front paws on Bai Liyue’s body. It would never touch anyone other than Nuannuan. Now that it went out of its way to stop console this woman from crying, why was she still telling it off?

Since when was it being heartless?

It was already treating her so well!


Da Bai let loose an impatient roar as it opened its cavernous mouth. Bai Liyue could even smell the fillet mignon it just ate.

She smelled a waft of crusty iron.

“How dare you roar at me? Who’s the one who usually feeds you? You’re so picky. If you were with Nuannuan, you’d be a stick-thin African lion! I only cried a little, and you have the nerve to be impatient. Leave me then! Leave!”

Bai Liyue vented all her anger reserved for Feng Shengxuan on Da Bai.

Da Bai simply let out a frustrated cry before being yelled at again. Bai Liyue even lectured it.

In an instant, it could only let out an extremely soft awoo like a failed hero before he started to lick the tears off Bai Liyue’s face.

So salty!

That did not taste good at all!

Da Bai stuck out its tongue in disgust. When it saw Baili Yue looking at it in dismay, it hurriedly resume licking her tears like a people-pleasing puppy.

“Go away! You stink!”

After Bai Liyue’s nudge, Da Bai finally realized that their woman just gave it a cold shoulder.

Da Bai had already licked her disgusting tears, so why must she still despise it?

In an instant, Da Bai became arrogant as well. It sprawled on the ground. Even though it did not dare to leave, it did not want to have anything to do with this crazy woman anymore.

Bai Liyue gloomily took out a wet tissue to wipe her face before squatting down to rub Da Bai’s head. “He might bring you along soon. Before that, I won’t feed you anymore. If he can’t remember how to feed you, go to him yourself. However, since you’re Nuannuan’s pet, he’ll treat you well and won’t let you starve.”

Watching this woman acting like she was giving it away, Da Bai did not know what was going on but it did not like this feeling. It ignored Baili’s words and opened its mouth before chomping down on the corner of her pants.

“What’s the point of biting me? In any case, both of you only like Nuannuan. When both of you get to her side, everything will be fine, and you’ll be happy every day. There’s no such thing as a banquet without an end in this world. Take care of yourselves in the future!”

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