It would be better if the quest included more hints for Huang Tian to complete it, for example, it could contain the time that his enemies would come or a timer.

Huang Tian took a deep sigh as he didn"t know what to do about this. This went on until the sun went down and the night was replaced.

Just suddenly, the electricity was cut off as the room went dark.

Huang Tian was startled as he abruptly got up from the bed and he immediately went to the window and open it up.

Huang Tian saw that outside, other buildings, streetlights or houses were still bright as usual, indicating that only the hotel he was staying got the electricity cut off.

"But as a five stars" hotel, they should have an electricity generator right? Ah, also, that party tonight, it would be troublesome for them, but not my problem." He mumbled to himself.

The room that Huang Tian was staying was not completely dark, because the surrounding"s lights reflected in. Somehow, this scene made Huang Tian thought that it was quite sentiment and romantic, though his partner was here.

"If those enemies of mine are here by now, it would be a bit troublesome for me to deal with them. And I wonder if the electricity gone off actually had something to do with them…"

"If I have the Temporary Vision Pill, things would be more convenient for me, a pity the only one I obtained was already used."

Huang Tian was pondering to himself as suddenly, he heard the sound of someone was unlocking the door of his room.

"Well, that is unexpected. Looks like your plan is going smoothly, but… I"m the last boss, all of you… are screwed." Huang Tian muttered as he sit on the bed and faced towards the direction of the doorway.

From the dim reflected-light from the surrounding"s lights, Huang Tian could see over ten people were starting to make their way into room through the door.

The one who walked in first was a man in his thirties with black suit. Beside him, three men with different heights, and the bunch behind were very random people. Huang Tian could not see their face clearly but that was not important anyway, they didn"t know that they were currently in a tiger"s den.

The people who were walking in somehow didn"t notice Huang Tian at all, Huang Tian also felt it was strange.

Huang Tian didn"t do anything immediately as he wanted to see for himself what they were really going to do.

"Boss, this is the right room right?" Someone from the group of people suddenly said, his voice was not that loud, but in a room like this, it was more than enough for everyone to hear him.

"Shh, you stupid Fu Fu, don"t talk, what if you startle the guy and he collapsed?" A low sound of whispering could be still heard, somehow, a whispering was even louder than a normal tone in this room.

However, unexpected to them, the man in the front didn"t bother to low down his tone at all as he exclaimed loudly.

"Well, are you guys stupid or something? Anyone would"ve already noticed as soon as we open the door, isn"t that right… boy?" The man in the front said this as he looked at Huang Tian"s direction, it seemed like he noticed.

Pa pa pa.

"You noticed me." Said Huang Tian as he clapped his hands. "Well, who the h.e.l.l are you guys?" Huang Tian didn"t want to beat around the bush as he asked them directly… well, anyone would do the same.

"Hehe, you sound kind of scared, boy. Well, let"s get to point, I"m to take the jades from you. For a young boy like you, it"s not appropriate to have so much wealth, you should let me keep it for you."

"So you guys are greedy dogs huh? But are you not afraid of my uncle?" Huang Tian wanted to test them first as he knew that they should have an idea who he was referring to.

"The middle-aged man with bodyguards is your uncle right? If so, then sorry to tell you that he"s not here right now." The one who spoke was a fat guy.

Somehow, Huang Tian felt that he heard this voice before, but the voice owner should not be someone he was familiar with.

If the lights were on, Huang Tian was sure that he would recognize the owner of the voice immediately.

"I don"t want to say much, just hand over all of the jades and I promise I won"t do anything to you."

"Is that so? But what if I don"t want to?"

"Even if you don"t want to, you still have to, because we"ll beat you."

"Kekeke, I"m afraid it"s the other way around instead." Huang Tian laughed evilly as he suddenly got up from the bed and went towards to the window.

"Boy, are you so afraid that you want to commit suicide? You don"t have to y…" He halted his words as he saw that Huang Tian clearly didn"t plan on jumping but he closed the windows instead.

The remaining dim lights earlier were nowhere to be seen as the room went almost completely dark. The people from the gang also reacted as they took out their phone and turned on the flashlight.

They aimed the lights towards Huang Tian"s location, however, Huang Tian was nowhere to be found. It was like he disappeared right after closing the windows.

Thud. The sound of someone falling on the floor could be heard, when the people with flashlights aimed their lights at where the sound came from, they saw that it was actually one of their man who had flashlight in his hand.

"s.h.i.t, is he dead?" Someone screamed as one of them instantly dashed to the collapsed body and he sighed in a relief when he felt the guy was still breathing.

"He"s fainted."

"Everyone be care-…" Someone couldn"t even finish his sentence before a thudding sound resounded again.

Thud, thud, thud…

One after another, almost all people from the gang continued to fall on the ground, unconscious. Only a few people could be seen standing, but they couldn"t say anything because the scene in front of them right now was terrifying and made them dumbstruck, they were not really sure what was happening right now, they also wanted to run but the strength just left the body.
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None of them was able to see what was happening right now. The sound of the human body falling on the ground was the only thing they heard.

Surprisingly, the lights suddenly came back as the entire room was lit up once again.

Human, human"s bodies were the only thing that the remaining people saw. Those collapsed ones were none other than their people.

Pssshhh. Suddenly, the sound of opening a soft drink could be heard. When they turned their heads to look where it came from, they saw that it was actually coming from Huang Tian who was now, already drinking that soft drink casually, as though he didn"t care about everything that had happened.

"Y… y-you…!!!" Rong Ding was stuttering as he suddenly fell on his knees.

"Kyaaa!!!" A sudden sound of someone screaming in excitement could be heard. The owner of the sound was none other than the gay baldy gang boss.

"I didn"t know my prey today is actually so handsome ahhh." Heart shape pupils could be seen in his eyes as he looked at Huang Tian with a hot and h.o.r.n.y gaze, he was also breathing heavily.

The composed Huang Tian suddenly felt a chill ran down his spine as his hair stood on end. His sixth sense was telling him that he was in a dangerous situation now.

No one else said anything as the current situation was too intense. Only after a while did Rong Ding started talking again.

"What did you do to us, brat?"

"Hmm? I didn"t do anything to you guys. Maybe your people have Nyctophobia, as a result, they collapsed?!" Huang Tian spoke playfully as he got up from the bed and walked towards Rong Ding"s group.

Huang Tian glanced at the fatty whom he just saw today as he said "h.e.l.lo there!"

"H-h.e.l.lo." Fatty felt awkward and scared at the same time.

"Now, what should I do with you guys?"

"Do something to us? Do you think you can win? Hehehe…" Rong Ding laughed as he stood up from the ground as he suddenly took out a handgun from his suit"s inner pocket.

"Now, now, are you going to commit a crime?" Huang Tian asked camly.

"I don"t care about that, as long as I get the jades, killing you is worth it."

"Heh? I guess there"s no choice then." Huang Tian suddenly moved his body like a ghost as only his blurry shadow could be seen.

Bang, bang. Rong Ding also shot out bullets as soon as he saw Huang Tian moved but he didn"t hit even Huang Tian"s shadow.

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