Currently, everyone was doing their job hurriedly. Trying to find the hidden time bomb in every place possible.

The people who were finding them under the seats found nothing. The flight attendants also found nothing in their places, even in bathroom, resting place etc.

So, Huang Tian finalized his thoughts that the hidden bomb would most probably be hidden in among one of the luggage.

"d.a.m.n, whose luggage is this? There"re so many weird stuffs here." A man with brown hair suddenly exclaimed out loud as he raised two white d.i.l.d.os.

"Hey, they"re mine, if you don"t want to die, hurry and put it back." A woman seemed to be around thirties shouted at the man as she threatened him with a fierce glare as thought wanting to swallow him whole.

Then the man gulped a mouthful of saliva as he immediately put them back, zipped the root of the luggage as he placed it back to its original place.

"So checking luggage can be this dangerous…" Thought Huang Tian as he shook his head. Bothering with this any longer would only be a waste of time, so Huang Tian reverted his attention back.

Normally, a professional terrorist would plant bombs in various locations where they were close to the plane"s engine, the plane"s wings or inside the c.o.c.kpit.

However, from the look of it, the guy was not a professional terrorist but could possibly be a perverted psychopath instead.

Huang Tian glanced at the now tied psychopath.

Earlier, it took quite an effort to separate him from the lady, now, he was being tied up and held by two strong looking men.

Huang Tian walked towards him as he wanted to ask some questions.
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"Hey, psycho, tell me, where did you plant the bomb? I might have a reward for you if you tell me?" Huang Tian smiled at the psychopathic terrorist as he questioned him with a strong gaze.

"Humph, why should I tell a pretty male s.l.u.t like you?" The guy rebuked as he made an angry face. "Well, if you let me do you, I may consider telling you. Changing a taste this time once should be a new experience to me."

The guy was just saying things blindly, however, it was because of this blindly reprimand of his that made Huang Tian angry, it was Huang Tian"s weak spot after all.

Huang Tian"s expression instantly became black as he glared at the psycho coldly.

A sudden cold shivering feeling manifested on the psycho"s body, despite the coldness, he still had sweat all over his body.

The guy saw Huang Tian rose his palm and aimed on his cheek.

Pa! A loud slapping sound resounded throughout the plane, making the busy people halted their actions and looked at Huang Tian"s direction.


In the direction, they saw two teeth mixed with blood on the ground. Naturally, the owner was the psycho.

On his cheek, there was red palm imprint as blood could be seen flowing out of his mouth.

"Sorry, this guy just refuses to tell us where he placed the bomb, so I hit him." Huang Tian"s excuse was pretty blunt, but it made sense to everyone.

No one would care about a psycho who placed a bomb on the plane, even if Huang Tian were to break his arms or legs, not a single soul would stop him from doing so either. A crazy psycho like him should be punished for good.

"Now, tell me, where is the BOMB?" Huang Tian"s tone seemed to change, even the two guys who were holding the psycho beside him could also feel an oppressive feeling and the chillness.

"Dream on, even if you cut off my tongue, I won"t tell you either." The psycho still refused to tell him.

Huang Tian also wanted to use violence on him, but he was afraid that he would accidentally kill the guy, after all, he was a martial artist, a fighter and a Master rank at that.

As a result, Huang Tian just glared at the guy one last time and he went ahead and checked all over the guy"s body.

Well, Huang Tian saw that in some news, the suicidal terrorists placed the bombs all over their bodies, though. He thought that the guy would do the same, but to his disappointment, he found nothing.

Almost six minutes have pa.s.sed, yet, Huang Tian didn"t find anything.

He sighed as he glanced over at the people who were checking in the luggage.

Suddenly, an idea popped up on his mind.

"Arghh, why didn"t think of it? The psycho"s luggage…" As soon as he thought of this, he didn"t waste a second more as he immediately went to find the psycho"s luggage.

Huang Tian thought to himself that he was so slow to think of this. In fact, he thought that this idea should appear at the instant that the psycho declared he placed the bomb inside the plane.

Anyway, it was still lucky that this thought still surfaced on his mind.

Huang Tian opened the overhead locker above the psycho"s seat and he saw three different luggage.

He took out all the three and started opening the red one first.

He saw that inside the red luggage, it was full of clothes and some personal items such as comb, mirror, bra, lipsticks and stuff, simply said, this red one must be a female"s luggage, and quite a young one at that.

Huang Tian didn"t bother to close the red luggage as it would be a waste of time. So he put it to the side and continued to check on the gray one beside that.

Inside the gray one, nothing suspicious could be found either, just some snacks and a few clothes.

Finally, Huang Tian moved to the last one, a dark green military luggage.

Huang Tian didn"t open it immediately either. He lowered down his left ear next to the luggage, trying to listen if there was a ticking sound of a typical time bomb.

When Huang Tian opened the luggage, on the surface, he saw a layer of clothes. However, as soon as he lifted the clothes away, he saw a strange box that was covered in silver mirror, its size was two times bigger than an adult"s palm.

On the surface of the box, there was a sticker attached on it, there were also words on the sticker.

Military Grade Time Bomb,

Demonic Fingers Organization Product, 2019,

Use it to your heart"s content.

And at the bottom of the texts, Huang Tian saw a black demonic-claw-like finger symbol. A total of six black fingers on a hand to be exact.

Huang Tian opened the box and saw a black square object and there was a timer on it.

"d.a.m.n, everybody, I found it." Huang Tian shouted loudly as soon as he saw that there were only two minutes left for the bomb to detonate itself.

"Someone tell me, where are we right now?" He wanted to know the location of the plane right now, because he could not carelessly throw the bomb out of the plane. Two minutes was enough for an object this heavy to arrive on the ground from this height, and if it were to land on a place with people, Huang Tian was not sure about whether or not he would be arrested for murdering people by his carelessness.

"We don"t know, it"s hard to see from up here. We can only ask the pilot."

"Then hurry and go, ask the pilot this instant. Our lives need to depend on the situation in these two minutes."

Before the guy who answered Huang Tian could do anything, the beautiful flight attendant already dashed towards the c.o.c.kpit.

A few seconds later, she shouted from afar.

"Right now we"re above an area with people."

"d.a.m.n, driving the plane to an area without people is impossible now, it"s hard to change the direction of the plane after all. This time bomb is so strange, unlike those ones I saw that has wires."

"d.a.m.n, I know this bomb, it"s the mini version of aerosol time bomb. This guy must be wishing to torture us with this, this type of bomb, it uses oxygen from the surrounding air to generate a high-temperature explosion. In other words, we will suffer from the lack of oxygen before the bomb explodes…"

"d.a.m.n, stop talking, listen to me, go to your own seats right now and put on the oxygen masks and the seat belts tightly. I will throw this bomb out when there are a few seconds left. And leave that psycho alone to suffer by himself. And hey, miss flight attendant, have the pilots contacted the people on the ground yet?"

"Yes, we already receive a reply from them. By now, they should"ve already prepared everything at the airport."

"Good, now, you go and put on the oxygen mask too." Huang Tian got up with the time bomb in his hands and just he was about to walked away, the pretty flight attendant suddenly said.

"Handsome, what"re you going to do next?"

"Of course, I have to put on the oxygen mask too, and you will be the messenger for me, I will tell you to tell the pilot to open the door and I will throw this thing out. s.h.i.t, this thing is starting to absorb the oxygen… go now."

After that Huang Tian went to his seat as his two friends looked at him.

"I don"t want to say much… "we believe in you" in the only thing both of us can say." It was Four Eyes who said it.

Xiu Mo also nodded in agreement as he gave Huang Tian a thumb up.

Everything and everybody was prepared, they were sitting tightly on their respective seats as the eyes of children, teenagers, grandpas, grandmas, the police man and even the psycho were focusing on Huang Tian.

Right now, their lives are in the hand of Huang Tian. If a mishap were to occur, everyone including Huang Tian himself, will die for nothing.

Huang Tian also looked at the bomb in his hand as he thought about everything possible, everyone"s life including himself are in this box. If the box exploded in here, all the people"s lives would also end with the explosion, however, if the box exploded outside the plane, it would be a blessing from the heaven instead.

Not long, there were only 30 seconds left and Huang Tian could feel the oxygen inside the plane had decreased tremendously.

Then Huang Tian turned his head to look at the flight attendant and gave a nod as the sign of telling to notice the pilot to open the plane"s door.

The next thing was a crucial step for Huang Tian, after all, after the door was opened, he would need to face against the extremely pressuring air and wind. He knew from the start that only him could do this, any normal person would be vacuumed away out of the plane by the incoming wind, even if that person could hold himself to avoid being swept away, it would be still hard for him to throw the bomb away.

However, this was not certain for Huang Tian.

The door slowly opened itself as the time on the bomb was reduced to only 15 seconds left.

Not long, the door was completely opened and the wind was so strong that the people inside became scared. If they didn"t put on the seat belts, they could be sucked out of the plane by that wind for sure.

Huang Tian was startled as he could feel the pressure of the wind, it was so strong that it made him hard to breathe. However, he could still endure this.

The wind was like a human who was trying to pin Huang Tian"s entire body on the ground and rendering him powerless. Huang Tian was trying so hard to throw the bomb far away from the plane, if he just threw it carelessly, the bomb might be swept backward by the wind and hit the plane, the result would be a tragic one.

Veins could be seen popping up on Huang Tian"s hands. His face was red and his eyes were looking at the 6 seconds number on the bomb as he gritted his teeth.

5 seconds. Huang Tian concentrated all of his strength into his right hand as he left hand was holding onto the steel of the plane.

"Ahhh, GO FOR ME, d.a.m.n IT!!!"

Whoosh. The bomb had finally thrown out and swept away by the wind to a negative direction.

3… 2… 1… 0

BOOM. A loud booming sound of the bomb could be heard clearly by everyone inside the plane, this was a sign of… being alive again.

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