Ding. A notification could be seen appearing on Huang Tian"s phone.

50.000.000 Yuan has been transferred to your account.

What? Who transferred so much money to me? Someone must"ve sent to the wrong the person.

But suddenly, his phone rang and he saw the caller ID was Song Yue.

"h.e.l.lo brother Yue."

"Hi little Tian, did you see the money? I transferred 50 million to you, take it, it"s my grat.i.tude for saving my grandpa. In the future, if you need anything just tell me, I"ll try my best."

"Then thank you, as long as you keep your promise, our friendship will last for a long time."

"Naturally, then I"m hanging up now. See you later."

"Have a good day."

This was not bad at all, a common grade pill for 50 million. Huang Tian didn"t spend anything on the pill at all, he wondered how much he would get if he sold all the Healing Pill, surely, to normal people, it was something hard to come by even in their entire lifetime, the Healing Pill would become a lifesaving treasure for them. So spending tons of money on it seemed worth it for them, however, Huang Tian was not a money-lover, but without money, the society would eat him up for sure. So money was simply meant power in this modern society.

After that, he made a call to his best friend.

"Hey old third, what"s up?"

"Four eyes, are you free on the first three days next week?"

"Yeah, we don"t have cla.s.s on Money and Tuesday right? So I"m free, though I might go back home to play game."

"Jeez, then why bother stay at the dorm then? You might as well stay at your home from the start, you can play games until you die."

"By the way, do you need something?"

"I"m just asking you if you want to go Shanghai with me? We can go there to play; my uncle gave the permission to go with him."

"Hoh, then I"ll go. You"re going to ask Xiu Mo to come with us too right?"

"Isn"t it obvious? You two are my only brothers after all."

"Good, then see you at university tomorrow."


Then both of them hung up the phones and Huang Tian made another call to his other best friend Xiu Mo.

"Cough, cough, h.e.l.lo old third, how are you?"

"What the f**k, why do you sound so polite like Taibai today? You b.a.s.t.a.r.d must be using this tone because you want to impress your girl right? I know your birthmark too well." (A/N1: Also known as Li Bai or Li Bo, Taibai was his courtesy name, he was a Chinese poet acclaimed from his own day to the present as a genius and a romantic figure who took traditional poetic forms to new heights.) (A/N2: I know your birthmark too well – I know everything about you.)

"F**k, can you at least give this brother of yours some face? The chick I"m currently wooing is a top notch, so I need to be a top notch gentleman as well."

Huang Tian just rolled his eyes and replied "Then get away from her, I don"t want to feel guilty for ruining your shameless plan."

"Then talk, what is it?"

"I"m going to Shanghai next week; do you want to come with me? Four eyes will also go."

"Shanghai must"ve had a lot of beautiful chicks right? So how is it possible that I, lord Xiu not go?"

"Tch, you only know to chase after girls. Sigh, then come to my apartment on Monday morning as early as possible. Oh, we will stay at Shanghai for three days. See you at university tomorrow."

One week later, Monday early in the morning.

"Hey Xiu Mo, when will you arrive?" Huang Tian could be seen standing downstairs in front of the apartment"s building, talking on his phone.

"I"m already there, already there, I"m running towards you now."

Then Huang Tian suddenly heard the running steps of someone from his left side. The runner was Xiu Mo who wore a black jacket that looked so expensive, then Huang Tian looked at the jacket on his body. They wore the same jacket, what a coincidence.

After a few seconds, Xiu Mo arrived in front of him. Before, Huang Tian was shorter than Xiu Mo, but now both of them had the same height. When standing together, both of them looked like a gay couple… really made people confused.

Suddenly, two black sedan cars arrived in front of them, they were Huang Tian"s uncle cars.

Then his uncle came out of the second car and approached him.

"Big uncle, your subordinates are going too?"

"Not all of them, only a few will go with us…" Suddenly, big uncle Huang paused as he looked at Xiu Mo strangely then he whispered to Huang Tian "Little Tian, y-you… that guy, are you and him having that kind of relationship? Both of you are wearing the same jackets."

Here he comes again, why must you full of nonsense like this my dear uncle? What"s wrong with your view? Do you by any chance read too much BL manga that it made you become like this? But… it seems impossible for you to read those things.

Then his uncle continued "It"s similar to the BL manga I used to read before, uncle won"t blame you for walking this path, after all, it"s 21st century now."

Huang Tian just rolled his eyes at his uncle and said "Just stop with your imagination already uncle. He"s just my good friend."


Another black sedan car arrived, the pa.s.senger"s door opened and the person who came out was Four Eyes.

His big uncle"s eyes suddenly gleam and turned towards Huang Tian and nodded in understanding "I see, so this is your real boyfriend… right?"

Huang Tian almost spurted out blood. Why must the d.a.m.n NEET Four Eyes had to wear the same black jacket as them too? Did Four Eyes do this on purpose or he made a plan with his big uncle? Huang Tian was suddenly full of nonsense.

Four Eyes walked towards him and waved his hand. But just as he was about to say something, a middle-aged man came out of Four Eyes" car"s driver seat and called out to him "Young master, here"s your luggage. Please give madam a call after you arrived at Shanghai, make sure to take care of yourself well. Also, don"t play too much game. If you go out at night, please promise me not to go to red light district, it"s dangerous there. Don"t forget to take a lot of photos and send it into the Wei family chat group okay? Oh, madam hopes that you will get her a few gifts from there too. If anything happens, please give me a call and I will contact our people in Shanghai. For madam sake, she also hopes that you could bring back home a beautiful girlfriend…."

Some of the people around suddenly took out their headphones and plug it into their ears, they"d rather listen to ABC than listening to this guy prattling non-stop like a monk reciting Dharma or Gatha instead.

Four Eyes still stood there until his butler finished talking. The people here were amazed by him and really wanted to give him a thumb up. Maybe hot got used to it that he became numb and normal to his butler now.

"h.e.l.lo Huang Tian, h.e.l.lo uncle."

"U-uncle, this is also my good FRIEND, he"s called Wei Yuanjun."

"O-oh, s-so he"s a friend huh, a friend… nice to meet you, I"m Huang Tian"s uncle, Huang Dafei. By the way, you must be from the Wei family right? The one who"s the king of wine."

"Oh, uncle knows about my family too?"

"I"m a wine lover, how could I not know about the king of wine family?"

The Huang Tian on the side really didn"t know about Four Eyes" family at all. He only knew that Four Eyes" family sold wine, and he never care about his friend"s background too. Real friendship never included one"s background.

"Right, uncle I have not introduced my other to you yet, he is Xiu Mo."

"Nice to meet you uncle."

"Good, good, little Tian, your boyfr- I mean your good friends are so polite. Alright, let us depart now, you boys get into my car."

"We"re going to the airport right uncle?"

"Yes, we"ll fly to Shanghai by a private jet."

Then all of them departed to Beijing International Airport went took off directly by the private jet.
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It would take them more than two hours from Beijing to Shanghai, however, it didn"t take long for them to arrive there, two hours wasn"t that long after all.

"Uncle, you have a business here right?"

"That"s right, but I"m not sure if the deal will go well. That"s right little Tian, I heard a secret news that right now Shanghai is kind of dangerous, it is said that a war between two hegemons families will erupt here, so when you and your friends go outside, be more careful than usual okay? It"s better to be safe than sorry after all."

Huang Tian"s expression suddenly turned solemn and he nodded at his uncle "I understand uncle; I"ll be more careful."

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