Even after an hour, Huang Tian still could not find any interesting item in the Antique Market. As a result, he decided not to waste any more time and left the market.

Without noticing it, it was already dusk. Huang Tian was walking along the street near a certain park. He was thinking about how to level up and whatnot.

Suddenly, some noisy noise could be heard, waking Huang Tian from his thinking.

Looking ahead, Huang Tian saw a commotion broke out. He saw a group of people were surrounding an old man who was lying on the concrete with his eyes closed, he was also sweating furiously. He was clutching his chest with a pain expression.

"If no one sends him to the hospital immediately, I"m afraid it"s going to be troublesome."

"Someone calls 120 ah, this old sir seems have difficulty catching up to his breath."

At the same time, a young lady could be seen running toward the commotion as another middle-aged man with a doctor"s suit followed her.

"Make way, make way. The doctor is here; the doctor is here."

The young lady immediately kneeled down as she tried to comfort her grandfather.

"Grandpa, please try to hold on, doctor Liu is here."

Huang Tian was surprised as soon as he saw the young lady, "Un? Isn"t she Long Ge Yue, Jiang Nan University"s top beauty, many guys" dream girl?"

The doctor immediately performed instant treatment as he took out his stethoscope and listened to the old man"s heart"s pulse.

"Miss Long, old master, his situation is very bad, I"m afraid…"

Long Ge Yue"s face instantly went from already-pale to even paler than that as she finally could not keep her calm anymore, "Afraid what?"

"Listen to me, old master"s illness is very strange, if we want to save him now, a surgery is needed, but it"s still troublesome, unless I use…" speaking till here, the doctor with the nervous expression on his face paused.

"Hehe. I need to delay this, this is my once in a life time"s opportunity. If fortunate, maybe I and the Long family can advance to another step…" That was his inner monologue.

Just as he was about to continue, a young man suddenly stepped forward, "It"s not that bad, I can cure him."

Long Ge Yue"s attention suddenly placed on him as she thought "This person"s face is quite familiar, where have I met him?"

However, the doctor"s expression suddenly turned ugly without anyone noticing. "s.h.i.tty brat, you dare to steal this doctor"s business?" He shouted loudly inside his own mind.

The doctor immediately stood up as he pointed at Huang Tian and asked him with an angry tone, "Are you also a doctor? Which hospital are you from?"

The doctor expected Huang Tian to shout back at him, but unexpectedly, a calm reply came out of Huang Tian"s mouth instead, "I"m not a doctor, but I can cure his illness."

Hearing this, the doctor named Liu flared up even more, "You"re not a doctor and you dare say this? Let me tell you s.h.i.tty brat, even I could not still identify this illness, yet you dare to say that you can cure it? If you waste any more of my time, let see if you can bear the consequent." Unexpectedly, the doctor pushed Huang Tian away.

"Hey, my grandpa"s illness is a chronic one, please do not joke around if you"re not a doctor." Said Long Ge Yue.

Huang Tian sighed as he turned around and made a comment in his mind, "Humph, I"m a kind of person who wouldn"t ignore the dying ones, but if they don"t want my help, let just go with the flow, why bother showing kindness just to receive a cold rebuke?"

Right when Huang Tian started walking a few steps away, the old man suddenly coughed out blood furiously.

"Grandpa, what"s going on? Are you okay?" Long Ge Yue"s eyes turned moisture as she her voice started shaking.

The doctor also started panicking, "Old master"s started worsening."

Long Ge Yue suddenly called out to a man beside her, "Brother Jun, hurry and take grandpa to the hospital, we cannot delay any longer." A few drops of tear could be seen dropping.

Huang Tian halted his steps as he decided, "Ay, whatever, saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor paG.o.da."

Without any delay, Huang Tian suddenly rushed towards the old man as he took out a handful amount of needles out of nowhere and injected them into the old man"s body. With a flash, all needles were penetrated into the old man"s body.

At the same time, Long Ge Yue, doctor Liu and the man named Jun also promptly reacted to this.

"What are you doing?!"

"He wants to kill people, quickly stop him." Doctor Liu intentionally said this as he finally found an opportunity to dispose of the eyesore.

The vein on Jun"s forehead suddenly bulged as he declared angrily, "You want death!"

As soon as his declaration ended, he instantly sent a ruthless kick towards Huang Tian from behind.


The corner of Huang Tian"s mouth raised up as he said silently, "Just base on you?"

With one hand holding the needles" position, preventing it from damaging the old man"s body, Huang Tian used his other hand to retaliate back at the kick.

Putting his index finger and middle finger together, Huang Tian threw them at the feet bottom of Jun.

Seeing this, Jun even let out a chuckle as the brat in front of him became foolish to the point that he wanted to use fingers to counter against the kick. As a fighter himself, he also knew that it was possible if the other party was a high level fighter, but a Wet Behind Ears brat in front of him, no matter how he looked, he was just an immature brat.

But as soon as he made contact with that seemingly simple two fingers, sweat instantly appeared on his face.

"What the h.e.l.l?!"

Right after that, he retracted his kick back and positioned himself away from Huang Tian for a few meters.

And by the time he looked back at Huang Tian, he saw that Huang Tian already stood up faced against him.

"My kick just now had the strength at least 300 Kg, yet he just casually blocked it, and with just two fingers at that?!" He was stupefied inside, however, his face was still as calm as ever. This was the special trait of a veteran fighter.

Jun was expecting Huang Tian to attack him back or something, but the other party just unexpectedly walked away with hands behind his head.

"Brat, stand right there, don"t go!" He shouted.

Only to get a casual yet meaningful reply from Huang Tian, "I helped the person, but you want to attack me instead, sigh, really doesn"t know kind people"s good intention. Whatever, I"m really lazy to nitpick with you muscle-head."

"s.h.i.tty brat, come back if you dare!!!" Just as he was about to chase after Huang Tian, he suddenly heard Long Ge Yue said, "Grandpa! You"re already awake?"

"En?" Jun turned his head to look for confirmation, and he was surprised yet excited at the same time as he decided to stop his foolish action.

Stop chasing after Huang Tian and went back to his elder.

Long Ge Yue wiped out the tears on her face and she smiled beautifully at her grandpa, "That"s really great!"

The old man with pale expression on his face earlier had now turned back to normal, with a few drops of sweat left on his face, he replied, "I… I"m alright now…"

Jun was so surprised to the point of being stunt, "That kid really didn"t lie!" Jun also noticed that all those dozen needles also disappeared, he was wondering how did that kid achieve that kind of feat.

However, among all people, the one who was surprised the most was doctor Jun instead, "This…This is impossible! How did he accomplish this?"

"Old chief Long Ao Tian, are you really okay now?" Jun decided to ask for further confirmation in case the old man was still uneasy somewhere.

"Yes, my chest pain has vanished…" Long Ao Tian paused as he looked around and asked, "That"s right, where"s the expert that helped me earlier?"

However, the three people, Long Ge Yue, Jun and doctor Liu suddenly had a question look on their face as they asked the old man back, "Huh? Expert?" the three of them made foolish expressions as they didn"t know who that expert was.

The certain expert was too casual ah, he casually helped curing a strange illness, casually block a not less than 300Kg kick and casually walk away as though doing this kind of thing was a casual habit for him.
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A light bulb suddenly appeared on Long Ge Yue"s head as she immediately replied to her grandpa, "Cough… Grandpa, it seems like the person you called expert has already walked away…"

Long Ao Tian suddenly got up from the ground as he made a serious expression and said, "We need to find that expert earlier, use whatever method we could, I have to express my thanks to him for saving this old bone."

Long Ge Yue acknowledged her grandpa as she nodded, "I understand grandpa."

Jun also made a solemn expression.

As for doctor Jun, his situation suddenly became awkward, but he still managed to find an opportunity to ask Long Ao Tian, "That… Old master, do you still need to go to the hospital to do a surgery? Do a physical check is also okay~"

"Do your a.s.s! Do your whole family! You quake doctor hurry up and scram from this old man"s face!"

Doctor Liu was fortunate as he was prepared beforehand, if not, he was afraid that he would receive Long Ao Tian"s wrath of death, immediately, he scrammed away without even dare looking back.

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