Huang Tian continued to wait for his big cousin.

Suddenly, there was a commotion not far away from. He was curious what it was, so he went ahead to the commotion"s direction.

"You pervert, it was you who clearly touched my bottom. Don"t deny it, I even caught your hand at that time. I"m going to report to the police." A young and extremely beautiful lady could be seen speaking furiously, pointing her finger at a fat guy as her other hand took out the phone, seemingly wanted to dial to the police.

"Pretty girl here, I didn"t touch you. Even if I did, there"s no evidence right? Well, putting it that way, if I already touched you, kekeke, wouldn"t it mean your body is already mine." The fat guy said while laughing, his gaze was very lewd and disgusting.

The young lady couldn"t endure it anymore, as a result, she put her phone back and suddenly leaped up and kicked the fat guy in his face furiously. The impact from the kick made the fatty fell to the ground and rolled brilliantly like a soccer ball for a few rounds.

The spectators couldn"t hold it anymore, although it was somehow a serious situation earlier, however, it became a funny show now. As a result, most of them laughed out loudly.

The fatty stopped rolling and got up. He was holding his face, however, he couldn"t hide it. There was a shoe imprint in the middle of his face, he was extremely embarra.s.sed and rage. He glared back at the young lady and said "d.a.m.n b.i.t.c.h, you dare beat me? Do you know who I am? I"m the young master Ping from the Ping family. You"re dead, I"ll call for my body guards and catch you to become my slave." The fatty was smiling evilly. He took out his brand new iPhone X and dialed to his body guards.

The crowd couldn"t do anything about it either, they were just normal civilians while that fatty was from a powerful family. It would be liked taking the egg to fight the rock.

Just a few minutes later, six men with black suit could be seen running to the commotion"s direction. The crowd immediately made way for them. Two men in black suit immediately went to the fatty"s direction and helped him got up. "Young master, are you okay? Need us to help you with anything?"

"Bull, hurry up and catch that d.a.m.n pretty chick for me. She"s the one who kicked me in the face."

"Yes, young master." The guy named Bull acknowledged and then he turned his head to the other men in black and gestured them to go and catch the young lady.

"Y-you, what do you want? W-what are you doing? Stand back, do you know who this young lady is? I am the only daughter of Huang Dafei, you dare?" The young lady said while shuttering.

"Huang Dafei? Who"s that? I never heard of him, I don"t care if you"re the only daughter of Huang Dafei or Huang Feihong, today I will take you with me." The fatty said with disdained. (A/N: Huang Feihong was a Chinese martial artist, physician, acupuncturist and revolutionary who became a folk hero and the subject of numerous films and television series. He was considered an expert in the Hung Gar style of Chinese martial arts.)

Three men in black were about to catch her. However, just as one of the man was about to touch her, suddenly there was a very fast shadow flew in his direction and kicked him in the abdomen, making flew away a few meters and crashed into the wall.

Everyone became astonished, just who was so strong to kick that big man to fly away. When the crowd saw who it was, they couldn"t help but exclaimed loudly, "d.a.m.n, who is this handsome young man? He"s so strong, is this the hero rescuing the damsel in distress?"

"Wow, so handsome."
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"That pretty girl is so lucky to have this handsome hero rescued her."

The handsome guy was naturally Huang Tian.

He then looked at the young lady and smiled at her, then he said "Sister Qingxuan, it"s me Huang Tian."

The already stunned Qingxuan, when she heard that he was Huang Tian, her cousin, got stunned even more. However, it didn"t last long before she came back to her sense. "are you really Huang Tian? The one I used to play with?"

"Yes, it"s me."

"d.a.m.n brat, why are you so handsome now? Want to become my boyfriend? After this, let"s go on a date. By the way, how are you? You must be very healthy right? I can"t believe the you became this handsome, I expected you to be uglier than this, but now, I"ve fallen for you. Right, how did you become so strong now? You were quite weak when we were young. By the way, how did you recognize me ealier. Bla bla bla…" The previously nervous and shuttering Qingxuan suddenly became like a squirrel that had her mouth talking nonstop, one could instantly tell that she was a loquacious person. She even forgot that now, it wasn"t a situation that they could chit chat freely.

Huang Tian was also stunned to see his original refined and innocent big cousin became so different like this just after four years. However, he couldn"t bother to worry about it now, he needed to deal with the unruly people in front of him first.

"Boy, who are you? You dare to oppose this young master? Looks like you still drink milk from your mother. You should know that I hate handsome guy the most, so today is your unlucky day. You guys, beat this handsome b.a.s.t.a.r.d and make him become ugly, ruin his face for me, I hate his handsome face the most."

"b.a.s.t.a.r.d fatty, how unruly of you. It"s your whole family who drink milk, moreover, it"s the pig milk. Today, if I don"t beat the s.h.i.t out of you until your father can"t recognize you, I won"t have the surname Huang." Huang Tian shouted back as he rolled his sleeve and walked to the direction of the fatty. However, he was stopped by the five body guards. "Pretty boy, I know that it was just a fluke that you managed to kick one of our guy earlier, so be obedient and let us beat."

Huang Tian ignored his word and he just glanced at them back coldly, "I think today is the day for me to test my new strength, you guys will be my testing subject, kekeke."

Suddenly, one of the man in black rushed at him, interrupted his laugh. That guy"s body was big and taller than Huang Tian.

"Huang Tian be careful!!!" Qingxuan shouted.

The crowd could only feel pity for Huang Tian. That guy was big and he looked so strong, what could a smaller guy like him do?

However, contrasted to their expectation, the next scene made them slacked jaw. Just when the big guy was about to punch Huang Tian"s face, it was suddenly stopped.

They could see that it was stopped because of it was caught by Huang Tian, he even caught it with only one of his hand. His expression was clam and cold as ever, it made the crowd thought that he just catching it leisurely without even using much of his strength. `

Huang Tian, although he hadn"t trained any martial arts or fighting styles yet, to confront normal bodyguards like them, it was no sweat for him. His reflex, strength and speed were not the same as normal people, he was almost six times stronger than normal people.

The man in black, when he saw that his hand was caught by his opponent whom he thought to be weaker than him, suddenly, he had this chill ran down his spine and he also broke in cold sweat. He wanted to pull his hand back, but no matter how hard to tried, his hand was still stuck there, in the other party"s hand.

He felt that the instant his hand got caught by Huang Tian, it was basically the end for him. However, he was paid to protect the fatty, so he could only gamble with his life on the line.

When Huang Tian noticed this, he smiled and said "Looks like your personality is not bad, however, you chose the wrong master." Then the smile on Huang Tian"s face vanished, he directly threw the man to the other side, made him crashed into the wall.

When one of the bodyguard saw this he shouted at Huang Tian, "d.a.m.n, I don"t believe you"re that strong. Humph, let me test you."

He rushed toward Huang Tian and he raised his leg to kick at Huang Tian, but it was dodged by Huang Tian easily. Then he also changed the direction and punched his fist, Huang Tian caught the sight of the fist and he also greeted the incoming punch with a punch back. "You, don"t have the capability to say the word "test"".

Surely, the punch from Huang Tian who had the strength almost 6 times stronger than normal person, there wouldn"t be a coincidence where one could retaliate right?

As expected, the man in black"s hand got desolated, because Huang Tian held back his strength, if Huang Tian didn"t hold back, the guy"s hand would be completely broken.

The other bodyguards were shocked, among the six men, the guy who was just got beaten was the second strongest in the group. However, to think that he would just get thrown away like a piece of paper like that, the pretty face boy"s strength must be something abnormal. The three guys who went to catch the young lady were completely knocked out.

The guy named Bull was the boss of the five bodyguards, he was also naturally the strongest. When he saw this, he could not help but shocked to the core. Even him, the strongest amongst the six, couldn"t necessarily beat the second strongest guy in a matter of seconds like that.

Bull wanted to test the strength of Huang Tian more, so he gestured to his men to take care of it. When the remaining two bodyguards saw this, they gulped their saliva. Sweat could also be seen cascading on their faces.

However, not even six seconds had pa.s.sed, the remaining two bodyguards also fell to the grounds like carpets.

Finally, it was his turn to go up and challenged the boy who had a pretty face. He walked forward and stood over ten meters away from Huang Tian and made his stance. The stance was similar to the prepare-to-run stance, but his face was very determined. He seemed to have some skills.

"Pretty boy, considered that today is your lucky day to see me release my skill." Then, Bull took ran forward to the direction of Huang Tian and then his both knees suddenly touched the ground, he spread both of his hands and they were like the wings of airplane. He was sliding on the ground with his knees, the speed was very fast.

Seemed like his skill was a bit strange, interesting. Then I think I should release my strength a bit more to beat this guy.

Just as he was about to arrive in front Huang Tian, suddenly his both hands were put together like he was saluting and asking for mercy. The determined face was still the same.

When Huang Tian saw this, he somehow felt that this attack was nothing serious. He just clenched his fist and just as he was about to punch at the incoming Bull who was sliding his way toward him.

Suddenly, Bull shouted with a crisp voice, "Master, please spare this one. I know my mistakes, now, don"t kill me okay? I can let you do whatever you want to my fatty boss okay? ..." The determined face Bull had completely vanished, it was instead replaced by a pity and asking-for-mercy face Bull.

Huang Tian, the fatty, Qingxuan and including the crowd almost spurted out blood. What level of shamelessness was this? His level of shamelessness could even put in the museum for the later generations to copy from. If anyone wanted to learn how to be shameless, this guy named Bull would be the ideal candidate that one could learn from.

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