[WARNING: Violence and gore. Those who cannot take it, don"t read this chapter. But this is a tasteless thrilling chapter.]

The door was unlocked and the owner of the apartment entered the room. She turned on the light of the room. The living room lightened up. She threw her handbag on the sofa and took off her shoes. She took her tired body to her bedroom.

She turned to see the time. It was ten-thirty. She rubbed her head in frustration. "Why did I have so much workload tonight? I missed tonight"s show. Tsk." Clicking her tongue, she entered the bathroom.

It was winter. The gla.s.s door became clouded as she bathed in hot water. After she finished bathing, she covered her head and body with pink towels. She stretched her arms and sat on the stool in front of her dressing table.

When she reached out to take off the towel from her head, she heard a small noise. She turned towards the door and found nothing.

"Maybe I"m just too tired." After talking to herself, she shrugged. She took off the towel and shook her head lightly. Droplets of water fell from her wet locks. She wiped her locks and bent down to take the hairdryer. When she straightened up and turned on the hairdryer, she shockingly saw a black figure behind her.

Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth to scream.


The black figure hit her head with a heavy object without restrained. Her vision got blurry and she lost consciousness.


When she woke up, she didn"t know how many times pa.s.sed. She woke up with a throbbing pain on the back of her head. She winced. She tried to touch her head. However, her hands were tied. She tried to move her both hands but the rope was tied tightly.

"Mmm! Mmm!" She tried to scream but something soft was inside her mouth. It was her handkerchief that was in her handbag.

The room was dark. Her eyes adjusted in the dark. She looked around and found the intruder right in front of her bed.

It was a man she knew very well. Her eyes widened his shock. She wanted to say, "Y-you…! What are you doing? Let me go!" But she couldn"t.

The man smiled wickedly. "Sure, I will let you go, but before that, let me have a taste of you!" Saying that he forcefully kissed her lips. He bit down her lips, licked and nipped her.

"Umm!" She cried out in pain. She couldn"t imagine that she would be violated by a person she was acquainted with. Her body shook in fear. She cried and wanted to beg for mercy.

"Please, let me go! I didn"t do anything to you. Why are you acting like this?" Her mouth was covered. Even if she wanted to say all these, she couldn"t speak.

But the man didn"t heed to her cry. He licked her whole body and bit down her soft skin. She was a virgin. When he violated her, she almost died in pain and suffocation. However, it didn"t bother him at all. He roughly kept going with all his strength. He moved her in many positions and enjoyed the ride. It was almost dawn when he stopped. When he looked down at her, she was already dead.

He pulled out from her body and took out the condom. He put it in his bag. He bathed and dressed up. Before leaving, he turned around and looked at the dead girl.

He slowly licked his lips. "She doesn"t taste good at all. She is not as tasty as you." He signed and said, "Ah, I miss you, Xue Lin."

He gave an evil grin.


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