
Chapter 6

_Naatil_, talent, skill, ability.

_Naat_, intelligence, wisdom.

_Naatah_, to understand, to divine.

_Nanaol_, to consider, to contemplate, to meditate, to commune with oneself, to enter into oneself.

_Noh_, great, skillful; as _noh ahceh_, a skillful hunter.


_From Maya Dialects._


_Naual_, a witch or sorcerer.

_Naualin_, to tell fortunes, to predict the future.

_Qui naualin_, to sacrifice, to offer sacrifices.

_Na_, to feel, to suspect, to divine, to think in one"s heart.

_Nao_, to know, to be alert or expert in something.

_Naol_, a skillful person, a rhetorician.

_Naotizan_, to make another intelligent or astute.

_Natal_, the memory.

_Natub_, the soul or shadow of a man.

_Noh_, the G.o.d of reason ("Genius der Vernunft," Scherzer).

_Noh_, to fecundate, to impregnate (_Popol Vuh_).


_X-qna_, to know.

_X-qnaulai_, to know often or thoroughly (frequentative).

_Naom_, wise, astute (_naom vinic_, hombre sabio).

_Naoghi_, art, science.

_Naoghibal_, memory.

_Ghnaoghel_, a wise man.

_Alaghom naom_, the G.o.ddess of Wisdom.

_From the Zapotec, of Oaxaca_.

_Nana_, _gana_, _gona_, to know.

_Nona_, to know thoroughly, to retain in the memory.

_Nana ticha_, or _nona lii_, a wise man.

_Guela nana_, or _guela nona_, wisdom, knowledge.

_Hue gona_, or _ro gona_, a teacher, a master.

_Na lii_, truth; _ni na lii_, that which is true.

_Nacina_, or _naciina_, skill, dexterity.

_Hui naa_, a medicine man, a "nagualist."

_Nahaa_, to speak pleasantly or agreeably.

_Nayaa_, or _nayapi_, to speak easily or fluently.

_Rigoo gona_, to sacrifice, to offer sacrifice.

_Ni nana_, the understanding, the intelligence, generally.

_Nayanii_, the superior reason of man.

_Nayaa_, } superiority, a superior man (gentileza, gentil hombre).

_Naguii_, }

_From the Nahuatl, of Mexico_.

_Naua_, to dance, holding each other by the hands.

_Naualli_, a sorcerer, magician, enchanter.

_Nauallotl_, magic, enchantment, witchcraft.

_Nauatl_, or _nahuatl_, skillful, astute, smart; hence, superior; applied to language, clear, well-sounding, whence (perhaps) the name of the tongue.

_Nauati_, to speak clearly and distinctly.

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