Naruto Hiden

Chapter 44

Pages 72 and 73

RAWEnglish「春野サクラが導入を提案し、発足から一年半が経過した『子ども心療室』ですが、一定 の効果を上げています。次期の予算、ここにもう少し回してもよいかと思いますが……」“One and a half years have elapsed since proposition, introduction, and the establishment of the “Children’s Mental Heathcare Clinic” by Haruno Sakura. However, it has been achieving a consistent efficacy. For next term’s budget, I think that we might as well invest a bit more here….”カカシの発言に、上座を占めた大名は、ふむと顎を撫でた。なにやら考えているような顔だが、その実、大して頭を巡らせていないことは、カカシにもわかっていた。退屈な会議が早く終わればいい、考えているのはそれぐらいのことだろう。The Daimyo who was occupying the seat of honour stroked his chin with a ‘Hmm’ gesture because of Kakas.h.i.+’s proposal. For some reason, his facial expression seemed to be as if he was considering it. However, he was in fact not very concerned about it in his head. Kakas.h.i.+ even knew that (about his behavior). The tedious meeting should be over soon, so perhaps that’s about all he was thinking about.大名殿で会議が開かれていた。議題は主に予算の振り分けについてだった。The meeting was held at the mansion of the Daimyo. The agenda was primarily concerning the part.i.tioning of the budget.出席者は大名以下、国の上役たち、火影であるカカシ、御意見番のホムラとコハル、さらに暗部の幹部クラスなども顔をそろえていた。医療班の幹部として、シズネも出席して いる。Those present who were below the rank of the Daimyo were the superiors of the country. They were arranged accordingly: the Hokage Kakas.h.i.+, the Honourable Council members Homura and Koharu, and the executive cla.s.s of ANBU. As an executive of the Medical Treatment Corps, s.h.i.+zune was also present.「春野サクラからもう少し詳しい報告を聞きたいものだが、今、あの娘は里を離れているのだったな?」“I wanted to listen to a more detailed report from Haruno Sakura, but that girl has left the village for now?”言ったのは、コハルだった。Koharu had spoken.ええ、とカカシはうなずく。Kakas.h.i.+ nodded affirmatively.「山中いのとともに、砂に行っています。砂の医療関係者に『子ども心療室』の現状報告をし、意見交換をしたいと本人が言いましたので」“She went together with Yamanaka Ino to Suna. They reported to Suna’s medical personnel about the current state of the “Children’s Mental Healthcare Clinic”. They wanted to exchange ideas and opinions as well as personally speak to her.”「砂や、あるいは他里でも同様の仕組みが導入されれば、共同研究のようなこともできるかもしれません。そうなれば、今後、子どもの心のケアがより充実していくと思われま す」“If we introduce an identical infrastructure to the Sand, or possibly even with other villages, perhaps we will even be able to do something like collaborative research. If that happens from now onwards, I think that the mental care of the children will be even further enriched. “カカシの隣の席にいたシズネが、そう一言添えてくれた。s.h.i.+zune then added (her statements of support). She was seated next to Kakas.h.i.+.「暗部への予算はどうなります?」“What about the budget for the ANBU?”ぴしゃりと、そこに声が差しこまれた。 カカシの斜め向かいに座していた男だった。Someone interjected and raised his voice. It was the man who was sitting opposite of and diagonally from Kakas.h.i.+.積木キドという、 現在暗部で複数の班を束ねている幹部だった。年齢は、確かカカシとほとんど変わらないはずだ。 鷲鼻と鋭い目が特徴的な顔だった。キドの隣には、副官的立場のマギレという男もいる。His name was Tsumiki Kido. He was currently an executive from the ANBU who managed several groups of them. His age was surely and practically the same as Kakas.h.i.+’s. Kido had a hooked nose and sharp eyes for his characteristic face. Next to Kido was someone named Magire, who was positioned as his aide.キドが続ける。Kido continued:「心療室への予算は、これまでにも十分すぎるほど与えられています。 一定の効果が認められたのなら、もうそれ以上の予算は不要かと思いますがねえ」“The budget that was bestowed upon the mental clinic from beforehand was even more than sufficient. If we are observing consistent effectiveness, then I think that it’s unnecessary to increase the budget again.”粘着質な語尾が耳障りだった。The phlegmatic inflexion on the end of his words was harsh on their ears.「制度の維持と発展のために必要な予算もあるんです」“The necessary budget is for the sake of the maintenance and development of the system.”

Pages 74 and 75

RAWEnglishシズネが尖った声で言った。s.h.i.+zune spoke in a sharp voice.「それを言うなら、暗部の維持と発展も考えていただきたいものですな」“If you’re saying that, then I want you to consider the maintenance and development of the ANBU as well”キドは言って、カカシのほうを見た。冷たい目をしていた。As Kido spoke, he looked in Kakas.h.i.+’s direction.「カカシさん――失礼、六代目。この二年、暗部に振り分けられる予算が、 減少傾向にありますが、はたしてこれは正しい選択なのでしょうかね」“Kakas.h.i.+-san――excuse me. Rokudaime: For the past two years, the budget that was part.i.tioned to the ANBU has tended to decrease. As expected, I wondered if this was the correct choice.”「少なくとも俺は正しいと思っているが…」“But at least, I thought it was correct…..”カカシが言うと、キドは「はははっ」と芝居がかった笑い声を立てた。As Kakas.h.i.+ spoke, Kido raised his voice and pompously laughed with a ‘Hahahaa’.「火影様の発言とは思えませんね。暗部は火影直轄の組織です。その暗部の予算を、火影自ら削ろうとするとは。しかもあなた自身、元暗部の人間じゃないですか」“Hokage-sama’s words don’t seem to be (correct), right? The ANBU are an organization under the direct control of the Hokage. The Hokage himself is trying to reduce the budget of the ANBU. And yet you, yourself, were originally a member of the ANBU, right?”「優先順位があると言ってるんだよ、俺は」“I said that it was about prioritizing”「子どもの面倒を見ることのほうが、暗部より重要だと?理解できませんな、私には」“As for looking over and caring for the children, did you say that they’re more important than the ANBU? I’m unable to understand why”そもそも、と、キドは語気を強める。Firstly, Kido emphasized his tone.「子どもの心の傷を対話によって快復させるというやり方がまどろっこしい。そのために専門職を養成する。実に迂遠だ。そんなことをするなら、薬でも飲ませて、さっさと不安症状を取り除いてやればいいんだ」“As for doing the rehabilitation of the children’s mental trauma through conversation, that method is sluggish. Hence, specialists are trained (to render that care). Indeed, that’s a roundabout (way of treatment). Even if you’re going (to treat them), make them take medicine. Then their anxiety and symptoms should quickly be relieved.”「薬も一つの方法だろうさ。でも、それ一辺倒ってのもね」“I suppose medicine is another method. But that’s a complete commitment (to that means of rehabilitation). “「マギレさん」“Magire-san”シズネがキドの隣にいる男に声をかけた。s.h.i.+zune called out to the man who was sitting next to Kido.「あなたは医療忍者ですよね? あなたもキドさんと同じ考えなのですか?」“You’re a medical ninja, right? Are you also thinking in the same way as Kido-san?”聞かれたマギレは、シズネのほうに顔を向けた。色白で、片眼鏡をかけているところが、 いかにも学究肌どいう印象の男だ。Magire listened and then turned his face towards s.h.i.+zune. He was faire-skinned and was wearing a monocle. Indeed, the man gave off the impression of being a scholar.「……対話することで子どもの不安を取り除いてやる、そのこと自体を否定するつもりは ありませんが、効率性、確実性を考えるなら、薬の投与による治療のほうが合理的かと判断します。以上です」“…….Conversation will relieve the children of their anxiety. I do not intend to deny that method itself. However, if I consider it in terms of efficiency and certainty, I’ve concluded whether or not treatment through prescribing medicine is more reasonable. It’s better (than rehabilitation through conversation), that"s all.”マギレはそう言うと、また顔を正面に戻した。どことなく傀儡めいた、人間味のない動 きだった。As Magire spoke, his turned his face towards the front again. For some reason, he seemed like a puppet. He moved unlike a human being.キドがあとに続ける。Kido continued afterwards.「効率性、合理的。実にいい言葉だ。医療も、そして予算もそうあるべきです。予算には、 カネには、 限りがある。 本当に里のためになるところに振り分けるべきかと思いますがね」“It’s efficient and reasonable. Indeed, those were excellent statements. The medical treatment and the budget seem to be ideal. As for the budget, well….it’s limited. Truly, I think it should be part.i.tioned for the benefit of the village.”「今は平時だ。世界は緊張状態にない。そんなご時世の今、暗部に手厚い予算を下ろす必要を、俺は感じないがね」“For now, it’s peaceful times. The current state of the world isn’t tense. With such current times, I don’t feel that it’s necessary to reduce the cordial budget for the ANBU. “

Page 76

RAWEnglish「治にいて乱を忘れず――という言葉もある。平和なときこそ、世が乱れたときのことを想定しておく必要があるのですよ。それに――」“ There’s a phrase: ‘In times of peace, prepare for war’―― Surely it’s currently peaceful, but it’s necessary to a.s.sume that there will be chaotic times in the world. Besides――と、もったいをつけるようにキドはそこで言葉を切った。Kido seemed to have a pretentious air about him as he cut off his words.「はたして平和と言えるのでしょうかねえ、今」“As expected, I guess I can say that it’s not peaceful for now”キドが冷笑とともに粘っこく言った。Kido persistently spoke with a derisive laughter.「――過日、大名様とホムラ様が何者かに襲われたことは、ここにいる全員が承知していることです。無論、大名様の護衛の任を果たせなかった暗部は、 その責めを負わなければなりません。 ですが、だからこそ暗部の強化が、今の急務なのだと私は思いますが、 いかがでしょう」――Recently, Daimyo-sama and Homura-sama were attacked by someone. Everyone here acknowledges those incidents. Of course, the ANBU were not able to fulfill the responsibility of being escorts for the Daimyo-sama. So we should hold ourselves accountable. However, because of that, we should strengthen the ANBU. I think that’s an important matter to consider for now. How about it?”巧みなプレゼンじゃないか、とカカシは鼻白む。だが、言っている内容は正論なので、 ケチをつけるところはない。‘It was a clever presentation, wasn’t it?’ Kakas.h.i.+ thought that as he felt daunted. But the contents of what he was speaking about were reasonable arguments. Kakas.h.i.+ didn’t find faults with it.「まあ、わしは、キドの言う通りにしてもいいと思うが……」” Well as for me, I think I’m fine with what Kido has spoken about.”大名が言い、ホムラのほうに視線を向けた る。 あとはお前が決めてくれ、と顔に書いてある。As the Daimyo spoke, he glanced towards Homura. It was written upon his face, as if saying ‘Afterwards, please decide for us’腕組みをして、険しい顔をしていたホムラが、 一つ息を吐いてから言った。Homura folded his arms with a grim expression on his face. He took a breath and then spoke:「暴漢なぞに後れをとり、傷を負ったわしにも責任はある。 ただ、これは言い訳めくが、 わしを襲ってきた者どもは、それなりの技量を持っていた。里に不穏な空気が流れているのは事実だ」“We’ve been postponing (on the investigation) about the hoodlums and such. I even suffered wounds, so I’m responsible for it. However, that seems like an excuse. As for the ones who attacked me, they certainly had considerable abilities. It’s a reality that there is an ominous atmosphere that’s streaming through the village. “ホムラは、キドとカカシを交互に見て、続けた。Homura glanced alternatively at Kido and Kakas.h.i.+. He then continued.「次期の予算は、暗部の体制強化を最優先事項として組むこととする。よいな?」“For next term’s budget, let’s strengthen the system of ANBU. I’ve decided that it’s a matter of maximum priority. Is that fine?”

//End Translation.

//Section 1 completed.

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