Neta Chara

Chapter 13

Neta Chara chapter 13


(ps: once again I have to remind you that the series on this site all machine translated mistakes sometimes will occurred… some people complained about the lvl 999 which is poorly translated, but xant will be taking over them so don’t fuss over it again alright?)

(ps2: talking about someone behind their back is something I couldn’t get it… what’s the point if the person found out about it?)

(ps3: grammar n.a.z.i, bad translation complaint, I will take them all as long as you have better suggestion. Rather than saying it was poorly translated and such, how about helping me correcting them? Feel free to join my ranks of editor and translation checker ^^)

(ps4: if your j.a.panese is that good why don’t you start your own translation? And why bother reading translated chapter lol?)


What Rina said about transported into another world may be considered as punishment for some, but I didn’t exactly feel that way. In this life, I have Miri as my lover, Annabella as my maid, what’s more can I ask? I could say I didn’t regret having come to this world. Since the sky is getting dark, we returned to Miri’s house.

“This light is powered by magic stone. You can adjust the brightness.”

After dinner, Miri take me to a tour around the house.

“This will be your room Kent.”

My room is located at the second floor and right in the middle. The size is around thirty tatami. There is a king sized bed with canopy and table on both side. There is also a set of sofa and table. Of course this room is really large.

“This is my room?”

“I’m sorry, if you don’t like it you can choose any other room. We could even change the furniture.”

Well, this whole room even bigger than my house to tell the truth.

“No, I was just amazed at how good this is.”

“Ah, since this is my house, you can tell me anything else you need.”

After that, we resume the tour of the mansion. The second floor mainly consists of bedroom and guest room. Besides from mine and Miri, there are six other rooms and one that is used by Annabella. We head to the first floor. There is a living room, a guest room, a chamber for taking a meal. The chamber for taking a meal is huge with large table placed in the middle and twelve chairs surrounding it. We didn’t enter the kitchen though because it is Anabella sanctuary.

After finished touring the mansion I only have one question.

“Come to think of it, where is the toilet?”

“What is the toilet?”

Miri tilts her neck while asked.

“You know, restroom.”

“Oh, I will take you there.”

I’m glad the concept of toilet exists in this world. What’s more it’s the modern western style with a flush. So it seems that plumbing works are already being developed here.

“Then, do you want to see the bath?”

Uuh, just hearing her saying bath, I was too excited. I wonder what kind of baths exist in this world. Bubble? Steam?

“It might be too small for you.”

Miri said that while opened the sliding door. There is steam coming out from the hot water inside the bath. The water itself comes out from a fountain shaped as a lion’s mouth. You know, judging from the size alone, the size is as big as a public bath.

“The hot water is constantly supplied using magic tools powered by magic stone. So it can be used anytime.”

Hearing Miri words, I am so inspired. To be able to take a hot water bath anytime. Viva different world! I really feels like I’m living in a five-star hotel. For j.a.panese that loved to take a hot spring bath (onsen) this feels like heaven.

“Miri, this is amazing. I’m glad I come to this world.”

“I’m glad  it suites your taste Kent… well, how about we enter together after dinner?”

Eh?Together? Who? Me and Miri?

“What? Oh, yes.”

I replied involuntarily in surprise.

“Kent-sama, Miriaria-sama, dinner is ready.”

Anabella called from outside telling us that food is ready to be served.

“Kent-sama, after dinner, allows me to wash your body.”

It seemed that Annabella also heard what I’m talking with Miri.

“Eh, I also want to wash Kent.”

“Then, we can do it together. Two people will do it better.”

Anabella said that like dropping a bomb to my brain.

“Earlier, don’t you say that dinner is ready?”

Finally some words coming out from my mouth and we headed to the dinner room to escape from the grave situation.

When we arrived, variety of meals already lined up there. This is all cooked by Annabella. Amazing.

Stewed beans, rabbit meat soup, vegetable salad, roasted chicken, even bread and cheese spread. The desserts are also fruit looked like grapes. This is like a fancy medieval European meal however what this strange feeling is?

Ah, there is a chopstick in front of me. Usually this kind of meal is served with knife and fork as the utensils. Why is there a chopstick?

“Erm, why do we use chopstick?”

“Eh, Kent, do you prefer knife and fork?”

Miri asks while she already holds her chopstick.

“Not, this is fine. But why use chopstick?”

“I am just used to it. I have been eating using chopsticks from a long time ago.”

It is strange such a medieval themed setting uses chopsticks.

“I think this is spread by the 『Forgotten race』, eat with chopsticks, scoop with a spoon and take a sip of soup from the bowl.”

Annabella replied anxiously: “is the bowl is too big for your mouth?”

“No, I’just feel a little lost here.”

I take a sip of the soup directly from the bowl, and it tastes good. The meat just melts in my mouth. Annabella cooking is amazing.

“This is delicious. Thank you.”

“Ah, please have a taste of this too. This roasted chicken.”

Annabella then hands me a portion of the roasted chicken. The skin has been burned to crisp and topped with chopped onion and potatoes. The gravy is from the onion too with spices added.

“Really, this is all delicious.”

Anabella can only look at me with a smile as she served my meal. However this is awkward seeing me and Miriaria eating while Anabella standing there serving us. Anabella refused to eat with us saying that she is only a maid but she comply after we ‘ordered’ her to eat with us. Meal is more fun when you are eating with everyone.

Ever since my parents pa.s.sed away, I never have a dinner with anyone else. To have dinner with someone, socializing, I forget that it is so fun.

Suddenly my eyes blurred.

“Kent, what is it? Is there something wrong?”


I am crying but this is full of fun and joy. If I didn’t come to this world, I would have forgotten this feelings. The warmth of the people.

“No, I cried just because Anabella’s cooking is too perfect.”

“Kent, you are exaggerating it.”

“Thank you for the praise.”

After eating till full, my belly even bulged a little. Next is the bath time, however I feel sleepy because my stomach is full.

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