Neta Chara

Chapter 19: Teacher Miriaria

Chapter 19: Teacher Miriaria
(Give thanks to M.C, E.S, and I.R for the support in this chapter. Many many thanks and wish you all the best)


After finished shopping in the shopping district, we had lunch at a nearby place and when we got back to the mansion, I decided to immediately start to study. The one who will be teaching me is Miri.

Miri asked me to get my blackboard and chalk and I am waiting for her in the study room. I do what she asked me to, books, chalk, and the blackboard were already lined up on the desk and I’m waiting for her.

Since she didn’t arrived, I decided to flick through books and textbook however I couldn’t even understand the writing that looked like wriggling earthworms.

*knock *

Has Miri finally came?

“Please enter.”

The one who came inside was Miri. She wore a black, combined with white frilly blouse, and tight black skirt that was so short. The blouse couldn’t contain her enormous chest and her blonde hair tied in a ponytail.

Even when I examined her from head to toe, this time her bat wings doesn’t exist. Maybe this wasn’t Miri, this was just someone similar.

“Erm… Miri, what happened to your wings?”

“Insolence! You should call me Miriaria-sensei Kent!”
She seemed to be engrossed into her role of a teacher. Right now she had turned into blonde teacher with dynamite body. How am I supposed to concentrate when you wear such daunting clothes? What ever, let’s just play along with her.

“Miriaria-sensei! I have a question, what happened to your wings?”

“Oh, I just used magic to hold it in. because I can’t wear this outfit otherwise.”

“Is that true? I never heard of something like that from you before.”

“The succubus wing, Ashura six arms, all can be drawn back to the body using magic. Now, it’s time to you for studying Kent.”

Miri also explained about uncle Arbalest from the Ashura race. I don’t know if she purposely mentioned him.

“It seems like Miriaria really is a smart person and suitable to be a teacher. Why don’t you enrolled to be a teacher in an academy?”

“No Kent, seriously I’m glad you said that but I will only teach you.”
Then Miriaria-sensei returned to her cold strict att.i.tude.

The first learning was the letter of this world because I had no trouble in speaking. So we will begin to learn the characters. This world seemed to have the general alphabet , like A, B till Z.

“Well, let’s start with the letter A.”

When Miriaria wrote the letter A, I had a deja vu that I’ve seen it somewhere before. Ah, it really seemed like the character A in the real world however the lines are wriggling. After that, I followed what Miriaria displayed and write it on my blackboard.

“Kent-kun, you did it wrong. The bottom line should be longer.”
After that Miriaria showed me how to do it once again and I used a simple cloth to erase my previous writing. Carefully I did it again.

“Miriaria-sensei, is this correct?”

“Excellent Kent. I wonder if sensei should give you a reward?”

That was unexpected, a reward. Uhm, would it be some special cla.s.s of physical and health education? It was to be expected right? I looked at Miri’s body that was taunting in that tight fit clothes and swallowed my saliva. In the AV there are many situation like this, and the t.i.tle will be “Special Lesson with Miriaria-sensei”. My mind was now wandering around and lost in my delusion.

“Kent-kun, should we cancel the reward then?”

“Miriaria-sensei! How about we have a ‘special’ lesson?”

“Well, we still have studying to do.”
of course I interpreted it in my own way, that we can do it after we are finished.

After that, we continued to the letter I. Again, it was similar to the I in the alphabet. Followedb by u, e , o, and after that the whole alphabet. Miri corrected me a few times but after that I can already write it perfectly. It was pretty simple after that we moved to the number which used Roman numeric. When you already understand the logic behind it, it was much easier to understand the writing of this world.


“Eh, what?”
Miri read what I wrote and was surprised.

“Eh, is there something wrong with my writing?”

“no, I was just surprised. Is this really your first time writing ? You must be a genius.”
I was delighted seeing Miri surprised so I continued to write longer sentences.

Combining writing and number, I wrote the date of today completed with month and years. After that, I continue to write until the sky turn to dark.

“I couldn’t believe it that in half a day you have mastered on how to write.”

“No, it was just that the writing was similar so I can do it just fine.”

However I was disappointed that the extra health and physical education cla.s.s wasn’t going to be done. I was feeling a little regrettable that I can learn the writing easily.

“Miriaria-sensei, thank you very much for today.”

I had finished the lesson for today thanks to her and I am now checking my windows log.

〙 Reading comprehension completed: Westron writing acquired.
〙 Doc.u.ment creation skill unlocked.
〙 Job level up: Citizen Lv 1 → Lv 5
〙 Skill points, 4 points acquired

I really got level ups so it was possible to earn experience points by studying?
It seemed like every time a job level up I will earn one skill point. Since I got enough skill points, the skill menu windows is now unlocked. It was dark black and couldn’t be opened but now I can access them.

There are two skill that is available to be acquired. So I checked out the skill description first.

Doc.u.ment Creation Lv 1
It is possible to create doc.u.ments necessary for doc.u.ments writing. Increased your grammatical strength.
Cost to acquire: 5 Skill points.

Bed Technique Lv 1
Amaze your partner with a decent technique. 10% affection increase when activated.
Cost to acquire: 5 Skill point.

right now I only have 5 skill point so I have to choose between the two of them. However no matter how you looked at it, 【Bed Technique】 was a trap skill. There is no way I’m choosing that skill.
I was about to close the 【Bed Technique】 description window when accidentally I clicked on the acquire b.u.t.ton. Oh no! WHY??
(Tl note: accidentally. Yeah…)

〙 【Bed Technique Lv 1】 acquired
〙 Job acquired 『Gigolo』
〙 1 Skill point earned
〙 stamina is increased as a bonus of the new job

No way! 『Gigolo』!! and more stamina! Does it mean that I can now go on at it longer?

Ah, Wake Up Me! How can I acquired the trap skill and acquired a shady job? It was already embarra.s.sing enough that my l.u.s.t was not controllable. Added with my new job, this is a big shame.

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