Neta Chara

Chapter 9

Neta Chara provisional play-string life Arc (Hen)

Ninth episode – City of Wall, Abyss

According to Miri, the journey from the [Dark Forest] to [Abyss city] will take around two days. Although we encountered some monsters but Miri power makes our journey proceed without difficulty.

On the way, I was taught general knowledge of this world from Miri. This world is another world called [Grimoire]. We are now in a continent called magic continent. The one who ruled in this continent is a demon country called “Shinma Kingdom”.


Shinma Kingdom is composed of eight tribes. “Makotoma-zoku(TL note: this one is temporary)”, “Black dragon”, “Nightmare(Succubus)”, “Ashura”, “Rasetsu”, “Beast”, “mystic” and “demons”. The ratio of the population is 100 Makotoma : 1 Black dragon: 1 nightmare : 3 ashura : 5 Rasetsu : 5 Beast : 15 mystic : 30 demon and : 40 monsters.

Next, the language that is used in the Kingdom is called [westron]. Although I can understand the language but it wasn’t the same with writing. I can’t read the written character. There is also another tribe language like mystic language, dragon language and beast language. However the [westron] language is seemed like their national language to communicate. It is also used in this world so for me who have a bad score on language and literature, it was a relieve.

However Miri will teach me to read the character. In any world, there is nothing good that will come to someone who can’t read and write.

I also know that in this world there is something called [magic]. Miri showed me some recovery magic. The first time I saw it, indeed I realized that this is a fantasy world.

I asked Miri to show me some beginner offensive fire magic, from her fingertip, five arrows of fire immediately jolted out. It was great and wonderful, I asked her to teach me but she refused. It seemed that all teaching of magic can only be given in the [sorcerer’s guild]. You also will need a magic certificate to use it out open. It was rare for people who can use magic without going trough the certification test, however it turn out that their level of magic usually was really low.

This world is not a game. It was real but I don’t know if I could return or whether I have been summoned here. I need some power in order to survive. That is also the reason I want to learn magic but the more I learn about it I get discouraged.

It doesn’t take long to arrived at the [abyss city] since the conversation makes the distance seems close. Abyss city is the biggest city in the south of Shinma kingdom. It was a city surrounded by tall walls. The city itself divided into four parts, north, south, east and west and each parts covered a four kilometers square.

In the north, there is a mansion of the lord of the city. In the south is a hunter districts where inns, taverns, and hunter guild can be found. In the west side, Sorcerer’s guild and magic shop is located. In the east are the shopping district that is full of blacksmith and merchants. Apparently there is also the kingdom military garrison nearby the city.

We’re now going to enter trough the south gate. There are also four to five people who was about to enter the town.

“Halt! Please show your identification card or a guild card to enter and 3 copper as the entrance fee.”

Someone who seemed to be the gatekeeper is saying that out loud. However I don’t know if it was expensive or cheap since I don’t know the value and price on this world.


Finally it is our turn.

“Please show me your ID card or guild card.”

“I don’t have both. Also I don’t have money.”

As I said that, his face shows a big question mark. Then Miri come approached me.

“I am a servants of Kent.”

The face of the gatekeeper who saw Miri becomes white beyond pale.

“Black dagger- sama!!”

Then he started to cause some commotion and buzz.

“Can I be the one who guaranteed his ident.i.ty to enter?”’’’’’

“Yes, please, please.”

The gatekeeper then bows and give us a VIP treatment. In front of us, the path immediately opened. However, who is Miri? She seemed to be a n.o.ble and received a VIP treatment in the city.

“Sorry Kent I have to do that. When entering the town, even if you pay the entrance fee but if I don’t do that they still have troublesome procedures.”

“Don’t worry. However you are so awesome Miri. Even the gatekeeper respected you.”

“Well, it’s because I’m quite well-known in the city.”

Miri said that and show a little shy.

“The, do you have somewhere you want to visit?”

“No, I don’t have any place that I’m interested in particular. I’ll just go where you go Miri.”

Although I wanted to gather some information but I still don’t know about this world. It would be better to go with Miri. After that, Miri take me to tour the town.

“Alright, now we only need to visit the Hunter guild and find a place to rest.”

“So, why don’t we do that earlier? “

“I just want to stroll around with you.”

Without any shame, Miri said that. In my world, strolling around like before and going sightseeing can be considered as a “date”. This world might not consider it that way but acting all lovey-dovey , holding hands in the public, eating together, isn’t this a “date”?

While I was thinking that way, we have arrived at the Hunter Guild.

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