Neta Chara

Chapter 36

36: the birth of novice warrior

(this chapter is sponsored by M.L. please give him a round of applause)
(author note: please point out mistakes and also reviews)

My skill of 【Gigolo】 has leveled up form level 5 to 7 when I looked at the notice log in the morning. The thing that cause it to grow rapidly must be my 【s.e.xual prodigy】 skill. If this goes on, in less than a year it could be leveled up to level 50. More importantly the skill 【service】 is helping me to control the ‘beast’ in me.

However, because I tried to control my l.u.s.t, I become more pa.s.sive than usual. Still, the girls succeed in pleasing me so I am very happy.

“Kent-san, have you wake up? Breakfast is ready.”
Feria is notifying me through the door.

“Oh, I’m awake. I’ll head out in a minute.”

“Alright, we’ll wait for you.”

After that I eat breakfast and change my clothes. I come back to the hunter guild training field at the back and there are other trainees too as usual. However, there is one more girl in addition. It was strange because I clearly use the 「hallucination」 so everyone should appear as a man. Whether it was really a woman I saw or not maybe I can determine it from her voice. Or this could perhaps be a trap that haven’t experienced his voice breaking. Once the idea of this female could be a male bring endless damage to my heart so I decided not to think of anything about ‘her’.

After a while that bearded instructor come out form the guild entrance. The first day he brought iron sword that is having dull edge which is no different from wooden sword. “Although today still using dull edged sword but it still hurts when you got hit so please be careful.” After he said that, he distributes the iron swords to us, trainees again.

Today sword is two handed iron sword, the damage taken may be bruises if we get hit by the iron sword but this two handed iron sword may cause bone fracture due to its weight and momentum.

“Alright, before we start the mock battle training between trainee, we still need to start it with running. As a warrior, there is no excuse for lack of physical strength!”

I let out a sigh as I run along while still wearing the heavy plate armor like the other day. However, I am able to run five laps today, unlike the first day. Is this training really having effects?

After we all finished running, the instructor gives instructions in rapid succession.

“Alright today will be another mock battle and since there are girls, boys, don’t rely on your brute strength to win. The purpose of this is to determine to winner from the effectiveness of your hitting. It wasn’t because of your gender advantage.”

Because of this, Annabella and Feria also doesn’t have a reason to go easy on anyone.

“Annabella, Feria, when the time comes, don’t let me win on purpose. If I lose, I lose.”
“But, we don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I’m okay with losing to Kent.”
The two of them still have the intention to concede if they fought me. However, in the end they give in to my stubbornness. Alright, now let’s see how far I can go.

The enemy for the first game is a man from the 「magic」 race from yesterday. A young man whose age is still in his teens. When it started I was really nervous but since the first day I fought with the instructor, the disparity between this man and instructors, makes him look weak. They can’t be compared. The speed of slash, feints, parry, his reaction is really slow. Calmly I turn to his flank and send a slash.
“Winner, Kent!”

The instructors declared the victor and the teens is now on his keens.
“I wonder which one is stronger, you or the giants?”

I hear what he said and realized that he didn’t come to the training ground alone. He come to the training ground with his maid, a woman from the 「giant」 race. Judging from his tone, this man isn’t humble at all and seem to be coming from a n.o.ble family and used to debauchery. It seems I should have punished this boy harsher.

I went to another round and this second enemy skill isn’t different from the first so I went on a winning streak. Surprisingly it is all not a big deal. In the end I have a four winning streak records. The remaining enemy is Annabella, Feria and ‘her’.

“Next, Kent versus Aurelia. Get ready in your position.”

I set up my sword and shield and it seems the opponent Aurelia comes from the 「Ashura」 race. Again, Aurelia is definitely a girl’s name right?

I was caught off guard since I was distracted by the thoughts that she is really a girl. Aurelia taking advantage of this have launched an attack at me. I recover in the next second and use the shield to block it. Aurelia attack however is heavy, her strength is about the same with the instructor and make my parry ineffective.

My left arm is numb because I try to block her attack earlier. At that moment Aurelia took notice that I couldn’t move my left arm and take a step back. After that she didn’t give me any mercy and goes to attack my right flank with a quick piercing movement.

I tried to dodge but it was useless, the iron sword hit my flank and it was even able to hit the seams between the plate armor. I let out a groan as I fall to the ground.

I believe my ribs is broken because of that attack and my HP bar is reduced until it was blinking red.

“Ugh…*cough cough*”
“My G.o.d, Kent-san!”
Immediately the two girls who is watching on the side approaches me.

“Winner, Aurelia! Kent-san is good but the difference in skill is too big. If not, you won’t be rolling up on the ground right now.”

It was as the instructor said. I was caught off guard and the disparity in skill was clear. Aurelia gives a bow and go back without saying anything. Oh G.o.d, I can barely cope up with the pain. When I open my eyes again, I already lying down on the healing room like yesterday. It’s also almost noon time. It seems I pa.s.sed out again and I have fainted for half a day. My head still feels heavy too.

Annabella and Feria is looking at me anxiously. I also noticed that there is a warm feeling to my flank which is hurting before. It is the same feeling when Miri used 《heal》 on me. Looking on my side, there is a nurse that is clearly tending me while casting 《healing light》.

“Ah, Kent-san, how are you feeling? Is it still hurting?”
Annabella asked me impatiently.

“It’s alright, the 《heal》 helps a lot.”
“It’s good. As long as you’re okay.”
Feria who is on the side is relieved while sobbing a little.

“I’m sorry I caused Feria to be worried.”

I got up and say thanks to the therapist that is tending to me. It was actually Rina.
“Rina, you’ve come back? Is Miri with you?”
“What? What?”
Rina give me a puzzled look but a mischievous thoughts arise when I saw her.

“Rina, thanks for casting 《heal》 on me. You have my grat.i.tude.”
As I said that, I hug her body.

Rina body suddenly becomes tense and there is a sense of incongruity. After all she still feel discomfort with close contacts. But examining closer the discomfort comes from her chest. It was clearly A cup chest but there is a feeling that it is actually growing bigger. Is it really getting bigger in just mere two days?
I examine her again. This pet.i.te silver haired and blue eyed girl from the 「Rakshasa」 race have her hair let down today not in ponytails.

“oh… please… let me go.”
Rina in my arms is protesting weakly but today, she looked like a doll and cute. She gives of a vibe that makes me want to protect her.

“Kent-san, that person is not Rina. It’s her twin sister, Rana.”
When I heard that remarks from Annabella I was shocked. Not Rina? Twins? After that I let go of her and immediately she hides behind Feria.

“Rana, Kent-san mistaken you for your twin sister. I’m sorry about this.”
Feria is trying to comfort Rana who is hiding behind her while crying.

“I’ve been tainted by a man… huuu…”

Wait… why did I saw her real figure? As I put my hands around my eyes, I noticed that I’m not wearing my 「hallucination」 and saw it on the table.

Annabella and Feria seemed to notice my behavior and there is a possibility that Rana has been charmed by my 【handsome】 skill. I really don’t want to have another girl fallen and become my victim. I look at the log window and prayed.


> 【handsome】 skill triggered, Rana’s friendship increased
> Rana state is changing from stranger

Ugh, I really don’t want her to become a victim like Rina.

“Kent-san… she also has become affected?”
Annabella asked me with a grim face as I nod at her. Feria also understood what have happened.

“Kent-san it’s alright. This time it was an accident.”

The victim at this moment, Rana, is still crying behind Feria it seems that she really hates me.

“We should leave this matter for now and consult with Rina and Miri when they come back.”
I said that to the girls because I also don’t want Rina to misunderstand me because of this.

Rana still hiding behind Feria when I apologize to her. After that she turn back and run away after I said that. In addition, there is a magic stone that I receive from Rina which let out a spark.

Before I go home, I use the guild 「job check」 stone to confirm the job acquisition. When I look at it, I successfully gained the job 「warrior」.

I opened my log.

> successfully obtain 「Warrior」 job.
> received 1 skill point
> stamina added from job correction
> 「Swordsmanship I」 is unlocked
> 「Body Art I」 is unlocked
> 「Defense mastery I」 is unlocked
> HR1 is updated on ident.i.ty card.

I look at the log and new skills related to the 「warrior」 job has been unlocked.
「Swordsmanship I」 increased physical attack power of sword, large sword, and two handed swords by 25%. 5 skill points needed to acquire the skill.

「Body Art I」 increased bare handed power by 25%. 5 skill points needed to acquire the skill.

「Defense mastery I」 increased effectiveness of shield type equipment by 25%. 5 skill points needed to acquire the skill.

These are the skills that is unlocked and needed to be acquired if I want to be an adept hunters and soldiers but I can’t acquire it at the moment because I lacked skill points. Unfortunately, skills points gained when your job level increased.

Annabella and Feria also able to get 「warrior」 job.

The bearded instructor who is drinking at the guild’s cafeteria is surprised when we told him that we successfully acquired the job.

“You and Annabella is without a doubt will get the job sooner or later. Which confuses me is Feria because she lacked affinity with this job.”
The instructors said that without caring that he is drinking alcohol in broad daylight.

“Trainee Kent, since you’ve been promoted how about I teach you some sword slash skill like 《heavy impact》? How about it? Do you want to experience it?”
The instructor said that while grinning and looking at me. Just listening to the name of the technique it seems powerful but I don’t want to be injured. I declined it and we head home afterwards.

(author note: Kent finally have his warrior job! And training arc ended)

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