The little sand leopard"s eyes widened after he was untied. After a while of dazedly staring at Xu Jun, he involuntarily cried out in fear: "What, what are you doing!"

Xu Jun maintained an att.i.tude of coaxing a small child: "Big brother is here to save you. You"re safe now."

The small sand leopard suddenly seemed to become alarmed and stared vigilantly at Xu Jun: "I don"t believe you!"

He started to twist and turn, wanting to break free from Xu Jun"s grasp: "Don"t try to trick this father! I heard you what you said to that other person; you"re also a villain! You want to sell me! Ahhh I"ll bite you to death!"

At this point, Demon King Rozenke"s soul snorted with laughter: "This child is able to see your true nature."

Xu Jun"s felt bitterness in his heart and thought, did you actually see me as such a person?!  Prince Ryan, I have misjudged you!

However, this brat was really too annoying when he was twisting this way and that, so this righteous and kind had no choice but to press this brat down upon his knee and whacked the child"s b.u.t.t a few times: "You dare to call yourself "father" before this father! You deserve a spanking! You still dare to call? You deserve a spanking!"

Once again, thinking that this Hero Xu Jun would continue to cajole the brat "gently," Demon King Rozenke, once again, was speechless.

He thought back to the times when he was still a prince, and was still a Golden Knight of the Church of Holy Light. He had also received tasks related of saving brats, and he met those naughty and disobedient children. Thinking back to how he had needed to maintain his image, and how he was a representative of the Church, he could only force himself to be gentle and coax the child… he shuddered as he thought back to those miserable times.

Brats are fiercer than tigers, really.

Still, even though he abhorred brats, he never hit them, ever! This doesn"t seem right! Being a knight, being an adult, how could one beat a child?!

Therefore, when he saw Xu Jun immediately start beating the child, Demon King Rozenke felt complicated emotions.

"Hero, I really did not think you would be this kind of hero," he muttered quietly.

Xu Jun did not hear what the other had said: "What? What did you say?"

All the while, the small child upon Xu Jun"s knee, who had started crying loudly after the first hit, thought that his b.u.t.t would be hit until it blossomed like it had a few days ago, or that he would once again be hung upside down for a night as a punishment. He remembered what his mother and father had once told him, a boy must be brave and unafraid of pain. He too, did not want to fear pain, but…wowowow these humans are way too mean! The leather whips they used were all soaked in medicine!

Although he was a man of the sand leopards, he still cried quite a few times, and let loose countless drops of golden beads _(:зゝ∠)_

However, this tall (Hero Xu Jun"s average height seemed tall indeed in a small child"s eyes) and savage (the child had b.u.mped up the savagery filter to the max on the handsome Hero Xu Jun) and frightening man simply raised his palm high.

This kind of strength did not feel like a hit, but rather warning and soothing.

It made the child remember his father. In the past, when he was making a ruckus at home, his dad would also hit him, but the hit wasn"t heavy, and instead made him feel safe… before he had thought his dad, mom, and big brother were all mean, and always being too harsh on him. Big brother was always bullying him, but now, he found himself missing his family. With them around, he was unafraid of anything. Thinking of this, he wanted to cry again.

Xu Jun looked and saw the brat was finally quiet. He thought about offering a few comforting words, take the child, and immediately rush off. However, upon lifting up the brat, he saw that the small sand leopard, for some reason, was crying tears the size of poached eggs. His tears splattered down, making Xu Jun feel a bit guilty.

He hadn"t even felt guilty for three seconds before the small child ferociously brushed away some snot and wiped his hands on Xu Jun"s armor.

Xu Jun: "…"

Demon King Rozenke: "Thus, the hero decided that one beating was not enough, this child needs two."

However, Xu Jun calmly and rationally rejected him: "No! Prince Ryan! You truly are much too cruel! You were actually this type of person! I"ve seen through you!"

Demon King Rozenke made a confused face: "???"  Shouldn"t I be the one to say those words?!!!

They seemed to have stayed in the tent for a while. Actually, only a minute has pa.s.sed since Xu Jun had knocked out the guard and finished beating the small sand leopard child. The mounted bandits that had arrived were well trained. They had dismounted a relatively short distance away, where they had then prepared for the sneak attack, rather than charging straight in. Charging in on horseback is pretty cool, but it was also easy to be exposed, and allows the fish within to escape from the net.

"It seems like I have to kill," he thought while biting his lip.

Demon King Rozenke felt the hero"s reluctance: "It seems like you don"t actually want to kill people."

Xu Jun exasperatedly said: "That"s not it either; it"s just that killing people… isn"t really worth it…"

He bound the brat to his with chest cloth, effectively forming the effects of mirror armor. One could say he was equipping the G.o.d tier defensive item, the brat. The brat now stopped making a ruckus. Perhaps he also thought his crying was a bit shameful. Thus, holding a steel sword in his left hand and a golden sword in his right, Xu Jun snuck out of the tent, valiant and spirited.

Then he made a strange expression.

The bandits were right outside the tent, chatting with the caravan boss. Their postures were relaxed and their att.i.tudes were friendly. The caravan boss were calling the other bodyguards out, and he was even patting the young bandit boss saying: "Quickly, quickly, start randomly spilling some blood onto the ground – all of you listen closely, those who are willing to follow us, stand out now; those who are unwilling, then just stay here!"

The bodyguards hesitated, one cleverly said he would go ask the leader, and was beheaded by the bandits.

Another bodyguard immediately cursed at being on the fence, and fawningly stood to the left of the middle-aged businessman and asked: "Lord, what should we do about that knight we met in the morning?"

"What else could we do?" the middle-aged businessman snorted with laughter and drew a line across his neck with a thumb.

They all did not notice the hero, who they had seen was sleeping like a pig much earlier, had already snuck within twenty meters of them. The swords in his hands hardly able to contain their thirst.

The brat hugged onto Xu Jun"s neck, and lightly whispered: "Look, they also want to kill you.You, you, you, you need to protect me well…"

Xu Jun sounded an agreement: "First, don"t talk for now. Turn your head over here, don"t face outwards."

Why not face outwards? What is this man planning to do? The small sand leopard trembled. Growing up within a beastmen tribe, he has often seen b.l.o.o.d.y scenes. He has seen the forms of his parents hunting, and his big brother peeling off the hide of a bull. Back then, the beast-skin had been dripping with blood as his brother ripped it away and then donned it. When his brother came back, he came back to the cheering of the entire beastman tribe because he had been hunting the strongest, adult, wild bull of those plains.

As the youngest son of the sand leopard chief, even if he had been overprotected, he still saw many b.l.o.o.d.y scenes. Still, he felt an inexplicable sense of fear and excitement when he heard the cold tone of this man.

He did not know what Xu Jun had done, he only knew that the bursting sound of an explosion came from behind him. Xu Jun"s voice, indifferent, majestic, and proud, said to these despicable humans: "For committing such despicable actions, as a hero, I will attack you in the name of justice."

"You have all been afflicted with my paralysis bomb, and can feel the powerlessness of your bodies right?" Step by step, Xu Jun walked out from the shadows. He looked at all the fearful yet wrathful eyes, and raised a slight smile: "Now, hand over all of your possessions. Also, record a video according to my instructions. Don"t worry; you won"t die as long as you"re obedient."

The author has something to say:

Xu Jun: "Don"t worry, you won"t die! It"s just that I want to start killing, looting, and burning everything!"

So today"s hero still doesn"t know that he has pa.s.sed through_(:зゝ∠)_

Translator’s Niche:

Went from more literal to less literal, since it makes more sense, so I’ve changed “bear/bearish child” to brat.

Also, there seemed to be some confusion around the order of events, so I made a brief . Please leave a comment somewhere if there’s anything missing from the timeline.

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