To the south of Snow Blade Kingdom was the City of Wilderness and Manse City. Going further south from the City of Wilderness laid the real wilderness. A large piece of land even birds would not p.o.o.p on, and where mounted bandits and demons frequently appeared, it was quite the dangerous place.

Only the most desperate or daring merchants were bold enough to enter this wasteland. They brought experienced guides, large groups of bodyguards, and travelled to the Gloomy Marshes at the other side.

The Gloomy Marshes were a swath of dead land, but also a place full of riches. Before the demons had appeared in large numbers, tens of thousands would die there every year, but even more had obtained treasures. The Gloomy Marshes contained many things, such as different types of herbs, crystal gems, as well as rare beasts. Merchants relied on these to earn profits. However, these people didn"t necessarily need to obtain the goods themselves. To the south of the Gloomy Marshes were many beastman tribes. They were bold, powerful, and familiar with the surrounding terrain. Trading a few outside goods with them would allow one to obtain many more of theirs in return.

Thus, some merchants believed that the beastmen were easily bullied and couldn"t resist but to cross the line. Others, however, might be killed by the beastmen instead.

The humans wanted to trade with the small beastmen tribes, yet they called the beastmen barbarians behind their backs. The beastmen spent most of their life in a relatively closed off environment, and needed to be careful of their children being kidnapped by humans. The two sides have always had a sour relationship, and it could only be said that they were trying to exploit each other.

The sand leopard tribe around the Gloomy Marshes was a considerably powerful tribe in the area. They had a low population, but each one of them were good fighters. They also harbored more resentment towards humans compared to other tribes. The Gloomy Marshes, also contained the snake tribe and bear tribe. The snake people were handsome, yet their lower bodies were that of a snake, making those people who loudly voiced their adoration for mermaids take a step back…there"s no need to even discuss the bear people. As children, the bear people were all quite cute. However, after they grew up, each one of them would grow to be over two meters tall. The aristocrats who liked to buy beastmen as pets didn"t even dare to ask for a bear beastman  _(:зゝ∠)_

Therefore, since ancient times, the sand leopard tribe were always targeted by despicable people. After all, no matter if they were in human or beast form, the sand leopard tribespeople were beautiful, which brought satisfaction to the twisted mentalities of certain perverts.

This time it was the son of the sand leopard"s chief, Ti Na, who had disappeared.

When he disappeared, no humans had been pa.s.sing by, so at first the tribespeople thought that Ti Na was just playing and running around. This child had always been naughty and liked to go to obscure places. However, they were unable to find him even after two days of searching. It was only on the third day of searching that they found traces of humans over fifteen kilometers out to the north. This group of people seemed to have used medicines that could eliminate their scent, and were able to avoid being discovered by the sensitive noses of the sand leopard people.

The sand leopard tribe immediately exploded in uproar, new grudges and old hatreds surging into their hearts and mind. The eldest son of the sand leopard"s chief Kanaman was angered to the point of smashing apart his father"s tent with his fist: "Father! Let me lead the others to save my little brother!"

He father looked at this brave, fearless son of his and then looked back again towards his collapsed tent. He really didn"t know what he should say.

Hesitantly, he nodded his head: "…Alright."

In the morning, the City of Wilderness gradually awoke beneath the sun"s light. The simple atmosphere of the city always gave one a warm feeling. The gambling house was closed in the morning, yet those who didn"t go home the night before would often sleep in front of its doorway. The gambling house owner went outside to count: "One, two, three…eight, nine, hah, f*ck me, why are there so many people today? Get up, get up, you"re blocking my door! Shoo! Shoo!"

Outside the city gates, people were driving their livestock, which were pulling their goods, into the city. Camels, cows, and horses were all releasing manure. As soon as the manure fell, those who had the duty of picking up feces would take it away. For a long time, this has been a source of fertilizer for the city"s surrounding farmers.

The City of Wilderness had no clear divisions between commercial or residential districts; rather, the entire city was an enormous market. A small desert sparrow flew into the second floor of the gambling house. It chirped out thrice and, after disturbing Xu Jun"s rest, flew away with a flap of its wings. Downstairs, a half-beastman was arguing with a human peddler: "F*ck you…why are the onions today worth an entire copper more!" "If you"re buying, buy! Otherwise, scram! If this father wants to increase the price by one copper, I will! What can you do about it?" The argument seemed it would soon escalate into a fight.

This was the City of Wilderness, crude and prosperous, barbaric and shrewd.

Xu Jun stretched and sat up.

"Why is it so noisy…" He thought groggily, where is the city management? Is the city management not going to come manage this?

Also, when did a market open up beneath my house?

Hold on…this doesn"t seem to be the lower level of my house?

It was only after he thought to here that he awoke completely, and remembered how, last night, he had discovered that he had crossed into a new world. That death-deserving Gale dad actually sent such a message as a reminder—what the h.e.l.l this? This precious child played your game and had even crossed over, and all you do is send a message with a few lines of words? This precious one had already spent thousands of RMB1 on buying game cards these past few years! Why don"t you also take the items bought in other games, pack them up, and send them over to me!

Even if you can"t bring over the fortress that I had finished constructing with great effort in …you could at least send over the G.o.d-cla.s.s armor set that this precious one had pieced together in ! Doesn"t crossing over mean that this precious child has died in the real world? Shouldn"t you be burning this precious" possessions as an offering to this one?!

Xu Jun"s heart was full of sorrow. On one hand thinking, thank goodness I"m an orphan and don"t have a girlfriend, but on the other hand, that he had yet to play the which he had just bought…cough, keep your head out of the gutters, this game was purely a business simulation game. It just so happened to be that the game contained many beautiful, young ladies.

Learning that one has crossed over really was a major event that would shatter one"s worldviews. Yet, when such a thing really happened, one would find that their minds wouldn"t actually collapse. Xu Jun had a feeling of having just tried his best on a test. Then, when waiting for his test results, the world is about to end and his test results no longer mattered…and once he accepted this kind of setting…

How the f*ck would it feel good! This father is even more miserable alright!!!

However, even if it was like this, he couldn"t just go commit suicide because such a thing happened_(:зゝ∠)_

Xu Jun rubbed his hair until it turned into a mess, resembling a golden bird nest… Oh, that"s right, he was now the real "Hero Xu Jun," and after playing this game for two years, he had already immersed himself into the role of "Hero Xu Jun"…but suddenly telling him that he could never go back again, this was still a big no-no!

He heavily sighed, and once he thought of how all of those games he had bought had suddenly turned into his "inheritance." He a.s.sumed that his good friend Little Fatty would inherit it all. He felt sorrowful and heartbroken, and he really wanted to tell this cold, heartless world, "your mother"s a b*tch."

"Hero, what exactly is going on with you?" Having felt the Hero"s soul start to destabilize again, Demon King Rozenke asked this question.

Xu Jun, lost in his thoughts, replied: "Because I discovered, I once had a shelter to hide from the gales, but now I can no longer return to it. Now I"m a thin, blue, dried mushroom."

Thin, blue, dried mushroom? Where is this dialect from?2 Demon King Rozenke decided it was better not to ask. He didn"t want the stupid Hero ridiculing him for his lack of knowledge. As for first half of Xu Jun"s speech, he found it a bit interesting. However, for a weather-beaten Demon King such as himself: "Where in the world can shelter be found? Stop deluding yourself, hero, shouldn"t you already be familiar with the cruelty of this world?"

The cruelty of this world…this world was indeed cruel! Xu Jun thought back to life in the past, and how he had always been an orphan, how he had not dated once in his entire twenty years of living! Up until today, he had only five good friends who were females—oh, right! That world was so cruel; crossing over into this one was definitely acceptable!

"Yes! You"re right!" Xu Jun, who had recovered his spirit, gave his thanks to Prince Ryan: "I should first look at the facts, then go to White River Town to find the lovely Miss Anna or Miss Grace to get married! This is the best way to leave behind this tragic way of living!"

Demon King Rozenke with a completely stumped expression: "???" Did I say any of this to you?

The Author has something to say:

One year later.

Hero Xu Jun jun: ╭(╯^╰)╮ In that world, this precious being a lonely dog for twenty years isn"t the fault of this precious one!

Demon King Zeze: Right, right, right, it"s not your fault. Therefore, you no longer are one.

Hero Jun Jun: What?!

Translator"s Niche:

[1] This was actually a play on words. So the Chinese dollar is ren ming bi(RMB) while the raw actually says ran mei bi(RMB) which translates to soft sister currency. Basically this:
rather than this:Return

[2] I put in literal translation of 蓝瘦香菇(lan shou xiang gu => or blue, thin, dried mushroom) which sound similar to 难受想哭(nan shou xiang ku) which is feeling bad, want to cry. That"s why Rozenke thinks it"s a dialect Return

Also, there"s a discord channel now. Just an FYI, feel free to join if you want. Here"s the link: 

Also, author, stop giving spoilers!

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