They Speak of Xu Jun


There were two ways of triggering magic traps. One was to use activation magic, the second was to start a fight; after all, most magic arrays were used for defensive purposes. However, it was that Xu Jun could not start a fight with Daeniste, and he didn"t need to. He knew of many ways to activate the magic arrays.

"But we can"t use magic here," Daniste pointed out. Perhaps he had suffered too great a fright as his voice was now quite dry. "There"s a deathly fig outside…"

Xu Jun slapped his head. "Ah, I almost forgot!"

He walked beside the window and stuck his head out of the window to give a greeting, "Wenqi, how have you been?"

Who was Wenqi…? Just when everyone began to harbor doubts in their hearts, a young child"s sweet and delicate voice answered from outside, "Xu Jun, greetings to you too, but I am not Wenqi, I am Manqi. Wenqi got sick and was taken away for treatment."

The deathly fig was talking.

The deathly fig, as a plant monster, was believed to be voiceless like all other plant monsters. Could plants talk? Of course not. Therefore, could plant monsters talk? They shouldn"t be able to either!

Daeniste and Nar glanced at each other. The two"s spirits were broken, their worldviews seemingly shattered into a million pieces.

#The old scholar who wrote the entire Encyclopedia of Plant Monsters three hundred years ago was about to jump out from their grave!#

#The coffin planks can"t contain them!#

Not to mention Daeniste and Nar, even the young Prince Loya was stunned: his sister had said before that only the people closest to nature were able to make plant monsters open their mouths and speak! This human was actually this amazing!

Although the Holy Light Elves highly valued the holy light, as Elves, their base instinct was to love nature. Even the youngest of Elves knew of nature"s greatness, however, even if they were the Elven race, which was close to nature, only a few of them could communicate with monsters!1

This, this human was truly too awesome!

What the young prince didn"t know was that the gaze he was currently looking at Xu Jun with wasn"t far off from the one he used when seeing his sister cast high-level magic; it was a gaze full of admiration and reverence.

At this time, the deathly fig, Manqi, spoke, "I know what you want to do, Xu Jun. Detestable Xu Jun, you haven"t come here in so long, and you even brought two, stupid humans here this time. Are you going to activate all of the magic arrays for them to see? Haven"t you had your fill last time?"

The words "stupid humans" struck Daeniste, shattering both his heart and worldviews.

This time, it wasn"t just Manqi who opened their mouth. A deep voice akin to booming thunder rang out, "I don"t agree, Xu Jun, it"s much too dangerous."

Oh, this time it was the large tree that spoke. It appears that this also wasn"t an ordinary, big tree, but rather a tree spirit.

As the great tree spoke, the ground seemed to tremble, and leaves fell continuously from the canopy. It seemed like a poor, balding, middle-aged man. Xu Jun immediately pushed the pot onto the young Prince Loya. "It was your small prince who wanted to see!"

With an expression of, no matter what kind of pot, I am willing to bear it, Loya cried, "Right, right, I want to see!"

The great tree appeared distressed. "But it would indeed be quite dangerous…"

The young Elven prince immediately jumped up. In this aspect, brats truly possessed great fighting prowess. He cried and kicked up a fuss. In the end, Xu Jun was therefore allowed to give one "performance."

When he was about to begin, the deathly fig, Manqi, extended a branch inside, expressing that it wanted to watch. Meanwhile, the tree spirit was struggling to press down its crown to bend over to the window. On their mouths, they spoke of it being for the sake of safety, but their tone clearly differed from just now. Even Nar, someone who hated a.s.suming things, couldn"t help but feel suspicious: perhaps these high-level plant monsters, with an upper-cla.s.s atmosphere, weren"t actually taciturn and refined fellows.

…Luckily they hadn"t seen the appearances of the Holy Light Elves" Elves in an all-out brawl.

In response to Xu Jun"s "summon," the Silvermoon Wolf let loose a low howl as it crawled up from the floor. The loose pelt became taut and st.u.r.dy, wrapping around its slender body; mechanical birds fluttered down to perch atop the Silvermoon Wolf"s head, guided by the gestures of Xu Jun"s hand; on the walls around them, the magics within the paintings rose and released. Just as they were about to hit Xu Jun, a large sword struck them into pieces. Xu Jun moved like the pa.s.sing clouds and flowing water. Indeed, he had gone through hundreds of battles and was quite skilled at these sorts of "mini-games."

Daeniste and Nar could only marvel at Xu Jun"s rich experience. His practiced combative moves had a textbook-like precision. If the strength he used was any greater, it would be too much, but if it was any lower, it would have been too little. The heavy sword had smacked the fireball with just enough force to extinguish it, leaving not a single spark by the time it hit the ground.

Nar subconsciously gripped his own sword tightly. He was eager to exchange pointers with Xu Jun; doing so would greatly help increase his own combat capabilities.

The young Elven Prince Loya was even more excited. As a small, young child, who had yet to see the world, he had believed the world"s strongest person was his mother, Queen Aikar, back when the queen had still been alive. Afterward, his sister, Ellie, became the queen and she became his new idol. Now…

Although, although, Xu Jun was a human! He was good at fighting! And he could tell stories too!

The young prince glanced at Xu Jun with sparkling eyes. Suddenly he rushed up and hugged Xu Jun"s leg, "I"ve decided! I"m also going to become a Brave!"

–Child, why can"t you think things through?

The Holy Light Elf Elders had fought a great battle with each other to obtain goods. They fought until they had completely forgotten that the Moonlight Elves would have an envoy arriving in two days; they had even forgotten why they had started fighting in the first place. The duels became a brawl. The elders rolled up their sleeves and began to go at each other from the morning until the evening sunset. Only when their stomachs felt hungry did they realize the pa.s.sage of time.

"It"s been a while since I"ve had this much enjoyment," the Spirit Beast Elder let out a long sigh. Usually, amongst the elders, he appeared to be the most polite. However, how could those young Holy Light Elves know of his heroic image back in the day as his hands tore apart Holy Knights and his feet stomped upon Moonlight Elves?

The Alchemy Elder"s personality was relatively restrained. He only nodded his head slightly. That"s right, the current, young Holy Light Elves only knew that he was solemn and harsh; they feared and hid from him. If they read more books, they would understand how charming and insane the "Mad Disciple of Alchemy, Muse," of five hundred years ago was. If they could understand his past, they would definitely not find the Alchemy Elder scary.

After all, the him of then had killed any G.o.d that stood in his way and butchered any Demon who blocked his path– he had been a weapon of ma.s.s destruction…

The other elders also smiled understandingly. Everyone remembered the time when they had been young and wild. After the fight, their moods had improved drastically, and Xu Jun"s goods weren"t as attractive anymore…at least not attractive enough for them to start fighting again.

Although, it could also be that it was simply because they were old and didn"t have enough energy left.

"I can give you a mutant lotus seed… however, you need to give me a piece of your salamander molt." The Spirit Beast Elder reluctantly handed over a seed, but he didn"t want to be someone who could be taken advantage of, and so asked the Alchemy Elder for something in return.

The Alchemy Elder thought, Xu Jun brought three pieces of molt anyway, so what does it matter if I give him one. However, he didn"t want to appear too relaxed, so he displayed a hint of bitterness on his serious face. "Alright…:"

The other elders also made compromises with each other. Xu Jun truly met expectations, bringing over a mult.i.tude of goods that were all high quality. It was only because of this that they had the opportunity to distribute the goods evenly. Otherwise, with every person only getting a little, all they could do was hold tightly onto their pockets.

Xu Jun was truly a good person.

Thinking so, the elders headed towards the conference room, only to see Her Majesty Queen Ellie and Knight Commander Jesse walking towards them.

Her Majesty Queen Ellie…had something cloth-like poking out from the side of her dress" pocket. The Alchemist Edler took a look and found that it appeared quite familiar. Upon taking a second look, he discovered that it was the salamander molt that Xu Jun had brought!

For a moment, the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

Queen Ellie acted first and dealt herself with the good person card. "Fellow elders weren"t here, and the conference room was full of precious materials. It wasn"t safe for no one to look after them, so I took the initiative to store them away."

The elders were speechless.

Wait a second, my Queen! How was it unsafe there! Ordinarily, the only people able to enter and leave that place, with the exception of you, is us–oh, and also Xu Jun.

Furthermore, because the conference room has a self-cleaning system, not even the cleaners go there!

Your Majesty the Queen, you should speak to us while feeling your conscience!

Obviously, Her Majesty the Queen had no need for morals. She had been searching through everything thoroughly and had discovered that the hair products Xu Jun had spoken of were not amongst these goods. That meant that Xu Jun had indeed left something specifically for her.

At least he had some conscience.

Queen Ellie"s mood brightened up a bit. Although Xu Jun"s low EQ often left her speechless, that fellow really did treat her sincerely. Of course, she didn"t actually need any beauty products. After all, when she had first mentioned the thing about her hair, she hadn"t actually been worried about her changing color! How could a beautiful Holy Light Elves" appearance lower just because of a change in hair color?!

However, Xu Jun didn"t understand that. Having a friend like him wasn"t bad. It was a shame that they could only remain as friends.

"Fellow elders can rest a.s.sured that none of the items are missing," Ellie said, smiling slightly.

The elders, on the other hand, felt as if they were seeing the goods growing wings and flying away and were crying profusely within their hearts. However, their mouths still had to say, Your Majesty, the Queen is wise, Your Majesty the Queen has done a magnificent deed.

Hah…this was really infuriating QAQ

Queen Ellie felt full of pride. The feeling of stealing from another"s hands was great. Knight Commander Jesse, however, seemed a bit worried and anxious. "Your Majesty, letting the young prince and Xu Jun spend so much time together…" Wouldn"t the young prince learn from Xu Jun? Although Xu Jun"s personality wasn"t bad, the Holy Light Elves" young prince couldn"t learn from a human Brave. What if the young prince also wanted to become a Brave in the future?

–Of course, the Knight Commander Jesse, who worried for his country and his people, did not know that His Highness the Prince was currently hugging onto Xu Jun"s thighs, begging to become a Brave.

Ellie gave him a glance, "I think, that is not what you"re truly worried about."

Furthermore, if Loya wanted to become a Brave, that would be because of his adventurous spirit being ignited from reading too many stories. It wouldn"t have much to do with Xu Jun.

In short, it would be the one who told him so many stories, the Spirit Beast Elder, that was at fault…

Knight Commander Jesse pursed his lips. "Your Majesty, many young Elves have gotten sick recently. The situation with the Tree of Life being tainted by the dark elements…I"m afraid we can"t keep it hidden for long if this continues."

Queen Ellie halted. Her fists clenched together tightly, appearing as if she had just made an important decision. "…I will go ask Xu Jun and see if he has any ideas."

Translator"s Niche:

[1] So there were two words here that appeared to have been censored. I just had to make do and interpret it the best I can to be "communicating with monsters." The original was "少一部分人能够和魔□□流呀!" ⏎


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