As expected of a companion who has weathered an entire two years with Xu Jun! Man Tou bolted off almost immediately after Xu Jun climbed on! A Moonlight colt"s speed is able to match that of a Lighting Leopard!

"How exactly did this happen ah!!!"— Xu Jun shouted as he drove his horse into a frenzied gallop without even putting his feet into the stirrups.

The Moonlight colt, Man Tou — with his high IQ, knew that they were in big trouble, and also knew that his owner had ran a high risk to free him — had bitter words. He also does not know how this happened ah! He was just following Xu Jun"s orders and was waiting there ah! Who knew that while waiting, it was not Xu Jun who arrived but rather… a male unicorn with a very questionable s.e.xual orientation?!

Xu Jun clicked his tongue. Perhaps Man Tou was not clear on just how powerful the male unicorn was, but he knew very well. His strike had indeed been directed at that unicorn, and the other was indeed in an undefended posture.

There were no issues with the timing and angle of his attack, but the other party still easily dodged it, and at the same time, also added a Holy Light Shield to themself. Xu Jun saw it clearly. This male unicorn"s Holy Light Shield had a magical strength only slightly less than that of humanity"s pope.

Thus he immediately changed his attack target. First, save Man Tou before anything else…and he succeeded.

"Man Tou! Go faster! Go even faster!!!" Xu Jun roared wildly. Even though he could no longer feel that strong, almost pungent aura of light, he could guarantee that he and Man Tou were still in danger! "Man Tou this is all for the sake of your purity ah!!!"

However, even if the Moonlight colt ran faster, how much faster could he run? It wasn"t like he was a dragon and was able to fly ah. Man Tou felt like he was about to vomit blood: owner, can"t you think of a good plan to let me be forever rid of that frightening male unicorn?[1]

Xu Jun suddenly had an intriguing feeling. He seemed to be able to understand Man Tou"s thoughts…this had never happened before, but he still answered, almost like he was talking to himself: "How about you find a Moonlight colt and try doing what adult Moonlight horses would do? Unicorns only hook up with virgins ah. Man Tou don"t worry, I will help you ~(≧▽≦)/~"

"Pu–!" Poor Man Tou choked because these words.

Owner, you"ve changed. You weren"t like this before. I Never would have thought you were this kind of owner ->_->

Xu Jun and Man Tou were like lightning, covering a few hundred meters in a moment. This speed could only allow people to praise and exclaim, as expected of a Moonlight colt…however, to royal unicorns, this speed is not actually considered that fast.

The unicorn, who has already taken on a human form, possessed a far-reaching vision. He did not think he would find so many interesting things upon just crawling out from the Dark Abyss.

The Demon King"s aura has almost disappeared. It is possible that the big news, "the Demon King is dead," will soon spread. However, there was a clear trace of the Demon King"s aura attached onto the young man just now. The young man, who was almost brave to the point of a new-born calf unafraid of tigers, looked normal, but the Demon King"s soul and strength were contained within his body.[2] He was also able to ride on the Moonlight colt, the very Moonlight colts that did not have a good relation with humans, and his relationship with the Moonlight colt was not just a simple owner and mount relationship. Otherwise, he should"ve known, to offend a powerful unicorn for the sake of a Moonlight colt…especially a unicorn beastman, was very inappropriate.

Although…if he did not see wrong, this Moonlight colt should be of Moonlight royalty. His bloodline was very pure, and he possessed strong potential. Perhaps in a few years, this colt will be able to change forms.

The young man had a strong battle experience. After the young man found out he could not defeat him, he immediately prepared to go on the defensive. If he had chased after them just now, it is likely that he might run into the magical traps spread out by the other.

Shen Juan Continent was finally a bit more fun.

While thinking this, his hands raised up a black ball of light, something that was in complete contrast to the Holy Light within him. This was the purest element of darkness. There had been no issues with Demon King Rozenke"s perception. The nearby dark elements had, indeed, been absorbed by this strange male unicorn.

After Man Tou, following Xu Jun"s instructions and wildly running southwest for twenty to thirty kilometers, his body no longer could support itself. Indeed, he had experienced a shock today_(:зゝ∠)_

Xu Jun let him drink some water and fed him two loaves of bread—who knows why a Moonlight colt, a gra.s.s-eating beast, wants to eat bread—and then he used a perfume to remove any smells from Man Tou, and continued to run southwest.

"Relax, Man Tou, here is already quite safe. We can mix in with a caravan as soon as we find one…" Xu Jun patted Man Tou"s neck, then suddenly realized the soul of First Prince Ryan dwelling in his body has been silent for a long time: "…First Prince Ryan, are you alright?"

Demon King Rozenke was thinking in his heart, when you were asking for the treasury"s key, you were constantly saying "you" ah. Now you are starting to rudely address me as an equal?

Alright, this hero is just a coa.r.s.e fellow, this isn"t the first time that he has been made aware of this.

All that can be said is that the Lord of Flames falsely reported military intelligence, truly hateful.

Xu Jun seemed to be very considerate when asking him: "You alright? Have you not been talking because you feel uncomfortable somewhere? …oh, I get it…it"s definitely because that unicorn beastman"s abnormal behavior just now aroused some unpleasant memories. Hey, First Prince ah, you need to think things through. You see, I killed the Demon King. However much hatred there was, we have solved it. From now on, don"t constantly think about those dissonant memories of your past."

Demon King Rozenke: "…"

So in the end, what kind of dissonant memories do I have exactly?!

He wanted to talk about the meaning of life with the hero on this issue, but Xu Jun interrupted him in his heart: "Let"s drop this for now, I see people."

Southwest of the dunes, a small caravan travelled slowly. Two carriages full of people, a few tens of fit young men who seemed like bodyguards guarded both sides on horses. Following them were five to six carriages with supplies. "If it isn"t Black Soil ore, then its Swamp crystals…eh? That"s a horse thief…? Let"s go! Man Tou!"

From a high position, obviously he could observe many things. This was also a relatively flat desert area. Anything a kilometer, and more, away could be spotted. Xu Jun had also spent endless amounts of effort to enhance his five senses within the game; his vision was also originally much stronger compared to ordinary people. He saw one or two horse thieves trailing the caravan from far away. However, the caravan seemed to have not noticed them.

It can only be said that G.o.d was strong-arming him to do some good deeds.

Burning h.e.l.l has been called Burning h.e.l.l since long ago; however, it is not actually h.e.l.l, but rather an endless desert. Those who entered found it difficult to come back out. It is said that when the sun rose to straight overhead, the sand would also be cooked to a fiery red. As soon as someone walked onto it, smoke would rise from them with a hiss, and they would quickly become well-cooked.

After the Dark Abyss split open completely–extending from the northern Ice Sealed Snowfield to the Burning h.e.l.l in the south and occupying almost half of the Snow Blade Empire–the Dark Abyss and the Demon King"s appearance became a heavy blow for the Snow Blade Empire. The Empire has since then, become a kingdom.

Before the appearance of the dark elements, there were paths around Burning h.e.l.l that provided a route for caravans to travel. They went to the Gloomy Marshes further south in search of ores and herbs, and then selling them to human countries. After the Dark Abyss split open and the demons appeared, many caravans no longer dared to continue. However, there were still people who valued money over their lives and came to earn this desperate money, and they, along with horse thieves, formed a food chain relationship.

The caravan stopped by the side of a small river at dusk. They had seen this river when travelling here, therefore they knew they have almost arrived at Firewood Town…finally, they will soon be safe.

"Tina! Don"t run around!" The caravan"s boss was an ordinarily dressed middle-aged person, his hairstyle resembling a flipped over bowl. Paired with his two eyes with drooping eyelids, he seemed a bit nondescript. But the small child named "Tina," who may have been his daughter, was very pretty. It is likely the child was bored for a long time, as she paid no heed to her father"s words. She jumped down and wanted to go to the riverside to fetch some water to drink. She ran pretty fast, and wearing a small hat with leopard spots, she seemed like a quick little leopard about to stick her head in the river.

The middle-aged businessman gasped: "Quick, quick, quick, grab her!!!"

However, the nearest bodyguard was still five meters away. They could not catch up to her at their speed. Eyes looking at the child about to fall in the river, the businessman"s face paled and turned ugly. However, in the nick of time, from the opposite side of the river charged forth a rider on a white horse. This rider rode directly across the river, landing steadily on the riverbank while also picking up the small girl about to fall in the water.

The group of people who were nervously gasping let out a small breath of shock.

Xu Jun jumped off his horse: "Little girl, are you alright?"

While talking he tightly grabbed onto the lively girl, lest she throw herself onto the ground. Even if she is a young, willful girl…this girl is too good at tossing around!

The middle-aged businessman had been walking towards Xu Jun, but at this time he stopped. He looked embarra.s.sedly at Xu Jun: "This kid is much too naughty…"

Xu Jun accepted the middle-aged businessman"s apology, and put the child on the ground. This child with a delicate and beautiful look jumped as soon as they hit the ground, poking Xu Jun"s arm with his young, tender fingers: "Open your eyes and look closer! Is this one a girl?! Hmph!"

Xu Jun: "…Yi?! As expected someone this cute is definitely a boy ah!!!"

Translator’s niche:

[1]Man Tou isn’t literally about to literally start spewing out blood… I hope. Usually this term is used for expressing extreme emotions, usually anger. Return

[2] A Chinese idiom, used for people are extremely brave. I’ve seen it crop up quite a few times in other translations, mainly xianxia and xuanhuan stuff. Return

So I should probably explain that “he” and “she” sound the same when spoken in Chinese, but differentiates when written. Thus, when the middle-aged guy says “her,” it’s more like XJ’s interpretation at that time.

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