Within the Church of Holy Light"s Sacred Light Church in the center of Ming Ri (Tomorrow) City, situated between the Golden Flag Empire and Snow Edge Kingdom.

"Your Highness Holy Son Daeniste, I heard that you and this hero, Xu Jun, have a deep friendship." After the daily prayer to the G.o.d of Light, Archbishop Mikael stopped the Holy Son Daeniste and asked such a question.

He bowed slightly: "If the Hero Xu Jun, you mentioned is the one I know, I do indeed know him. However, our friendship can"t be considered deep."

Archbishop Mikael pursed his lips slightly. He had lived a long time, his hair was already white, and his deep blue eyes filled with wisdom. The archbishop, with his hard and sharply defined, chiseled face, felt cold and serious. The Holy Son Daeniste knows that this archbishop"s coldness was for outsiders and that towards friends, he was warm and friendly. Archbishop Mikael  seemed to accidentally look in the direction of the Elder"s Circle: "Hero Xu Jun, without a doubt, is already the entire Shen Juan Continent"s hero. If you know him, why don"t you convey to him the church"s good intentions, maybe even send some men to a.s.sist him."

Holy Son Daeniste nodded his head: "It"s just that, we haven"t met for seven to eight years. I don"t know if he still recognizes me."

The two exchanged a mutual glance. The Elder"s Circle was overlooking everything, and so they could only communicate so much on the surface.

…Oh, Xu Jun. Daeniste recalled this friend of his from when he was still back in an orphanage. The great Light G.o.d"s Holy Son actually came from an orphanage. How ridiculous this was. The Holy Son Daeniste hadn"t been raised as the Holy Son when he was young. As soon as he was born, he found himself abandoned. He had spent the first seven years of his life in an orphanage. Most of orphanage"s children were a bit precocious, organizing into groups and fighting each other. Since his body wasn"t very good, he could never beat any of the others.

Fortunately, a child named Xu Jun who always wanted to help him. Indeed, even since Xu Jun was small, he displayed a certain kind of courage, the kind of courage that incurred admiration, but also helplessness, from people. He dared to steal the orphanage director" cookies, he dared to s.n.a.t.c.h bird eggs from trees, and he dared to catch rats in dirty sewers… all for the sake of eating. Many people would probably feel disgusted even hearing about this. Stealing things, which even dogs wouldn"t eat… but, really, this was the Holy Son Daeniste"s first impression towards the word "hero."

Xu Jun also knew how to fight people, and he would fight other small children. One could not see him as allowing and understanding. He would never force himself to forgive other brats; however, at the same time he had a kind of honest innocence. Towards those that really needed help, he would never be selfish.

That was Xu Jun seven to eight years ago, the him of ten years before.

The Holy Son Daeniste sometimes even felt that Xu Jun was more fitting to be the so-called "light," but instead, it was he who became the holy son, he who had been adopted by the Pope, and he who had been raised with care. Xu Jun, on the other hand,  had felt, crawled, rolled, and fought through life, becoming a hero… a single one among many heroes in this world.

After that, the times they could meet were few. His Highness the Holy Son of the Church of Holy Light sounded grand and imposing, but was actually more like a mascot; a Holy Son who had yet to mature. The numerous eyes of the Elder"s Circle were constantly monitoring him. Compared to him, Xu Jun had far more freedom. He had built up his name in many guilds, and received many tasks. The number of monsters and uncapturable criminals1 he had killed might be even more than the Knights of Light. Reports about him were scattered across many countries, but no one knows if they are credible.

No one, including Holy Son Daeniste himself, would"ve thought that Xu would actually successfully kill the Demon King.

When he first learned of this news, he rejoiced for a while. He felt that Xu Jun, this person, was f*cking carried into the sky. Carried from small until large, he could take this event outside and show off! It seemed just like when they were small, and Xu Jun would s.n.a.t.c.h bird eggs, and would start hollering happily, hollering until the entire orphanage had heard him—but soon, this childlike innocence retreated, and his gradually cooled down.

Xu Jun… would think like this?

Is he still the same as before? Is he still that brave and just person?

Actually, two years ago, when the demons invaded Snow Blade Kingdom"s Rum County, as the Lord Holy Son, he had once been there to boost the troop"s morale and aid the commoners. That was the last time he had seen Xu Jun.

He still remembered back then, because time had been tight, he and Xu Jun only exchanged two sentences before leaving. His childhood companion had revealed an adult"s slight, slimy smile. It made him feel estranged, and even afraid of recognizing him.

Being the Holy Son within the Church of Holy Light was obviously more comfortable than being in the orphanage. However, the longer he stayed here, the more Daeniste felt that there was no way to trust others.

Then what about Xu Jun? What kind of person did he become?

He wanted to see for himself… he wanted to see what kind of person his childhood companion was now.

"The prophecy… the world-saving hero will appear in the City of Wilderness."

The City of Wilderness is one of the most commercially developed cities in the southern region of the Snow Blade Kingdom. Here, many large markets had been held for Beastmen and Elves to do business. After the City Lord Saen-Kerdore bought the city twenty years ago, the city had not stopped in expanding its economy. Thus, even until now, after the city lord had changed three times, business is still booming.

There is no curfew in the City of Wilderness. Anyone, of any race, who wished to enter the city only needs to pay a small fee in order to enter. However, this doesn"t mean that the City of Wilderness is loosely managed. This city is a typical example of having a relaxed exterior but tense interior. Everything seems to be disorganized and without order: various races are messily mixed in with each other, and, from time to time, there are fights and brawls occurring. However, the very high-cla.s.s n.o.bles have a very tight control of the city. Outsiders and commoners without backgrounds must learn to be as tame as lambs here.

"The great Prince Ryan walked into the City of Wilderness. When he saw the guards who was drooling at gold coins, he feels extreme sadness in his core, and thinks that humanity has become completely depraved." Xu Jun entered the City of Wilderness, tightly holding onto the small sand leopard, Ti Na, who had fallen asleep, and recited such things in his heart.

Demon King Rozenke felt some helplessness in his heart: "What kind of nonsense(⊙v⊙) are you saying?"

Xu Jun put on pure (⊙v⊙) expression and answered: "Aren"t you a Golden Knight of the Church of Holy Light? Aren"t all Golden Knights very upright? How can you not feel indignant when looking at that foot soldier taking bribes?"

Demon King Rozenke thought in his heart, me being a Golden Knight is old history from decades ago. This father is now the Demon King, and the Demon King who had been defeated by you at that. Like I would be indignant. However, he was naturally refined. Even if he became a Demon King, he is still a cultured and elegant Demon King. He definitely could not tolerate addressing himself as this father, and so, could only earnestly criticize the hero who was becoming more and more unmanageable: "Xu Jun, your att.i.tude is becoming more and more unrestrained."

At this time, a second-floor window opened across the street, and a middle-aged woman who had some serious horizontal development, poured down a pot of water while cursing. Xu Jun once again felt like speaking: "Ah, a great aunt"s foot-washing water fell from the second floor, just like Prince Ryan"s depressed tears."

Demon King Rozenke: "…presumptuous!"

However, he in the form of a soul, other than saying a "presumptuous" could not protest in any other way_(:зゝ∠)_

He could clearly feel that Xu Jung"s att.i.tude had relaxed a lot upon entering the city. Although he had seemed very relaxed on the road here, there had actually been a tight string in his heart. Even the wind blowing and gra.s.s moving made this powerful hero—as a hero who could defeat the Demon King, of course he is strong—vigilant for a long time. Although he didn"t act in such a way, his soul was indeed vigilant.

Now  that he had reached one of humanity"s cities, Xu Jun could hardly wait to strip down his defenses. His soul showed off a soft and leisurely att.i.tude.

He liked humanity. Humanity lets him feel safe.

He really is… a naïve hero.

The author has something to say:

At the start, Hero Jun Jun was not brave enough to speak such rumors to "Prince Ryan." Although he dared to call the Demon King "child," Prince Ryan seemed just too grand of a person… he could not spout nonsense to Prince Ryan.

However, the longer the two "cohabitate," he also settles down_(:зゝ∠)_

Poor Demon King Zeze->_->

Translator’s Niche:

[1]Criminals so dangerous that they can’t be caught and have to be killed X_X is what this means Return

New chapter, yay! It’s a bit overdue, but it’s done! Who knows, I might have another chapter release this week ?

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