The City of Wilderness had a rather rough feel to it, and did not seem like a civilized human country. Instead, it seemed like a city constructed by beastmen.  The city walls were built up with giant, uneven rocks. When entering the city, one would find the ground to be the original, muddy terrain of the land, rather than the brick roads found in most cities. The city lacked tall buildings, with most of the buildings having no more than three floors and spread about the city randomly. The city"s design was completely different from Manse City and White Horse Manor, which Xu Jun had pa.s.sed on the way.

As the City of Wilderness"s name suggests, it was wild and primitive, but also lively and unique.

"Place your bets! Place your bets! Hey, hey, hey, cheating idiot, let me see that!"

"Sir, shop over here! The slaves here are well priced! There"s even the rarely seen, beastmen slaves!"

"Mister, come play~"

Xu Jun moved from the outer city to the inner city, and found that the city had developed even more. Lamps lit the pubs and gambling houses of the red light district so brightly it seemed as if it were day, even late at night. Helplessly drunk humans, dwarves, and beastmen walked side by side in the streets. Xu Jun vaguely felt that that the City of Wilderness was quite different from when he had visited before. The city, compared to his visit a month ago, seemed to have become much more… mature.

Well, the game should be censored, and the "mister, come play" can"t sound too arrogant_(:зゝ∠)_

The poor child who had developed the love mod was still squatting in prison…

"Did they relax their policies?" Xu Jun rubbed his hands together. He looked left and saw the small building that was obviously a brothel; he looked right and saw a large house, from which the shouting of gamblers emerged. His heart felt ready to make trouble.

Demon King Rozenke snorted: "You really want to go to these kinds of places to play?"

When saying the word, play, it brings along an ambiguous tone. Rather than play, it seems more like, ♂play♂.

Xu Jun promptly made an "Aiya" sound: "you devil! Where do you want to go~"

Arriving in the city, there were living beings as far as the eye could see, and it made Xu Jun extremely happy. He really had enough of living in the wild. He really couldn"t f*cking understand! That Demon King Rozenke, what the h.e.l.l was he doing building his main camp in such a desolate place! How was it fun there! At night when he had wanted to rub one out, he couldn"t even rub!

How about human cities? There"s alcohol! Gambling houses! Amphitheaters! Street vendors! Everything was here!

Oh, as for those brothels and slave traders, forget about it… Xu Jun, as an upstanding youth of the new generation, definitely does not need those ->_->

He was only slightly curious as he headed towards the small building that looked like a brothel to look around—after all, according to the norm, these kinds of buildings are all just decorations, and one can"t enter them. Even if he could enter, he couldn"t take things to the final step. If he did manage to reach the final step, he would very likely be taken away by the internet police uncle…

However, it"s fine. After all, even though he had been a single dog all the way until now, it still wasn"t necessary for him to seek comfort in the game.

Xu Jun again headed right towards the gambling house. It really was strange; the game didn"t prohibit gambling. There had been a point in time when he was so poor he couldn"t even afford to repair his equipment, and could only go gamble. That was a truly amusing memory, and it made the game feel closer to reality.

Xu Jun even remembered the past when he had been living a poor life. At that time, he had been amidst the wind and rain of the City of Darkness, Ghallasin, and had gambled against the city owner"s son until the son didn"t even have pants to wear anymore. He had talked and laughed with the gambling king of the area. Thinking back to those glory days, Xu Jun could not help but feel proud and self-satisfied. One must know that the game"s highest difficulty wasn"t only difficult because it was harder to kill monsters, but that even the AI became much smarter! Many people in the game couldn"t even outplay the NPCs!

On the other hand, he was able to crush both NPCs and most other players in terms of fighting prowess and intelligence!

Thinking up to here, Xu Jun couldn"t help but point towards the gambling house while saying: "Little sand leopard…you"rer called Ti Na right? This father will bring you to see some amazing things, let"s go!"

The little sand leopard boy Ti Na: "No, I don"t…"

However, it was no use. As a seven to eight year old who was currently seemed like a pendant, he was unable to resist the Hero Xu Jun. Especially the Hero Xu Jun who was already excited. The small leopard struggled for a bit, but became obedient after Xu Jun rubbed the boy"s hair. Although this brat had said he wasn"t willing, his main reason was that he still held a faint fear towards Xu Jun. Actually, on the road to the city, he had about realized that Xu Jun was different from the people that had kidnapped him. Although he would hit children, he would hold onto him solidly. He also wasn"t mean, so Ti Na wasn"t very afraid. Add on his strong curiosity, after all, he was a beastman of the cat family… a sand leopard _(:зゝ∠)_, he kind of wanted to see what exactly the "amazing things" Xu Jun was talking about, were.

One must know, this was his first time in a human city!

He was the youngest son of the sand leopard tribe"s chief, and thus, was well protected within the tribe. After all, the world"s roads are a complete mess right now. The Demon King and his demons weren"t the only enemies of each race. In truth, the fighting between the various races were the most serious. At present, it seemed as if the various races were scattered and mixed together, but there were still estrangements, and it was still easy for the women and children of rare races to be kidnapped and sold. These kinds of crimes weren"t actual battles, and for a city or a part of the continent, it wasn"t a big deal, so everyone had already become accustomed to it.

At the very least, those of the sand leopard race, whether they are man or woman, were forbidden from entering areas populated by humans alone until they became adults.

Especially as the sand leopard"s characteristics are similar to cats… their curiosity was very strong_(:зゝ∠)_

It would be even easier to get into trouble.

For example, this time Ti Na had been kidnapped, and the entire sand leopard tribe was ready to explode. Ti Na"s mother, father, and brother were searching for him, leaving no land unturned.

However, Ti Na was clueless about what was happening. All he felt was that he had finally arrived at a human city! -This idiotic child forgot he had almost been sold -"Ah! Ah! So many people! So much food!"

The little boy pointed at the raised grill rack within the gambling house shouting "Ao ao," with drool about to flow out. He had already not eaten meat for several days!

"Meat! Meat!" the small boy"s eyes shone. Dragging Xu Jun"s arm: "That is delicious! It smells good! Let"s go eat!"

"Hey, you don"t say, this is roasted sand rabbit meat!" Xu Jun looked at it closely and his mouth also started to water. The sand rabbit was famous for its delicious meat! "Chef, this sand rabbit, how much is it?"

The master who roasting the rabbit wiped off his sweat: "Five silver for one roasted sand rabbit… customer, can you eat spicy food?" He asked while raising his head, and saw two pairs of eyes, one large and one small, filled with desire. The chef was startled for a moment: "Customer… you brought your child?"

Xu Jun thought for a moment. Bringing a child to a gambling house was indeed a bit strange. He patted Ti Na"s head: "Children need to start their education young."

His Majesty Demon King Rozenke could not resist groaning quietly: "You"re educating jacksh*t… "

He had angered by this hero to the point where he is… already able to say words like "jacksh*t"…

The author has something to say:

Demon King Zeze: Before I had said this isn"t our child, there is no need to coax. I said wrong.

Hero Jun Jun: Wait a second, what did you say?

Demon King Zeze (serious and helpless): You probably shouldn"t interfere in the child"s matters. Play at the side. You wouldn"t be able to raise a good kid.

Hero Jun Jun: …so, where is the child? Why don"t I know there is another child???

The author has something to say:

Demon King Zeze: Before I had said this isn"t our child, there is no need to coax. I said wrong.

Hero Jun Jun: Wait a second, what did you say?

Demon King Zeze (serious and helpless): You probably shouldn"t interfere in the child"s matters. Play at the side. You wouldn"t be able to raise a good kid.

Hero Jun Jun: …so, where is the child? Why don"t I know there is another child???

Translator’s Niche:

Of course Xu Jun doesn’t need those kinds of *cough* facilities… there is the internet.

This chapter felt a bit different from previous ones, I wonder why…

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