Never Thought You'd Be This Kind Of Hero!

Chapter 23 Pseudo Xiu Luo Field

This Kind of Hero Chapter 23 Pseudo Xiu Luo Field

As the day pa.s.sed, Golden Knight Nar and Demon King Rozenke became strongly aware of one fact: they must not ever let these two—whose minds are full of drinking, eating, and playing—get together, because they would become extremely decadent! They would have no future! They would definitely not have any good thoughts running through their heads!

Hero Xu Jun commented, "Hey, that store"s roast meat is pretty tasty," and Holy Son Daeniste replied, "The girl selling the roast meat is also quite pretty"—hey, are you two really the Hero and the Holy Son! Are you sure you not just some honey-tongued good-for-nothings!

Between the two of them, Nar was suffering the most as he and Demon King Rozenke were still a bit different. At least, the Demon King never liked the Hero from the start, and did not have high expectations for the Hero. After all, he had once thought that the Hero was a hypocritical villain… but he discovered that the Hero might be slightly brain damaged, and thus slowly became interested in the Hero. Nar, however, was different! He had followed His Highness Holy Son Daeniste for five to six years! He had followed His Highness since His Highness was only fourteen years old! His Highness was his light!

However, my light is someone who drinks wine, plays cards, and checks out girls, Nar thought.

His heart was calm, and he even felt like laughing.

As for Xu Jun and Daeniste… they fooled around the entire day in an easygoing manner.

Oh, right, Tina was also brought along.

Ti Na was even more worried than Nar. This child didn"t know how Xu Jun was taking care of him, but he kept finding himself getting spanked and teased like a small child. These were all things that infuriated him. However, whenever Xu Jun"s attention wasn"t on him, the brat couldn"t help but feel uneasy.

He wanted to go home.

Clearly, he hadn"t felt this way earlier in the day.

Originally, he had been afraid, petrified by the abuse he faced after being captured by despicable people. It was to the point where he felt fear every time he saw a human. At that time, he had constantly though about returning home. Afterwards, the Hero Xu Jun "saved" him, but Ti Na still held some wariness towards him for awhile. However, when Xu Jun brought him into the city to play, and fed him with meat, Ti Na had started to like him a bit.

Now, Xu Jun was busy talking with someone else.

Ti Na looked menacingly at that man who was always being called Holy Son this or Holy Son that. Making use of the time when Xu Jun went to the bathroom, the small child glared at Daeniste and shouted, "Stop following us!"

Daeniste thought, you little beastman shaman, me not choking you to death is because I"m a kind and merciful person. Yet you still dare to talk to me in this way? Daeniste raised an eyebrow, and smiled a pure, holy, and hateful smile. "I"ve known Xu Jun since childhood. When did you meet him?"

Ti Na: "…Xu Jun had been with me the last two days, not you!"

Daeniste: "Oho, when I was following around behind Xu Jun, you were still in your mother"s stomach."

Nar: "…cough, cough."

The calm Golden Knight suddenly felt extremely tired.

…Your Highness the Holy Son, why must you argue with a child?

Meanwhile, Man Tou, walking in the very back, was full of self-satisfaction; his hooves raised high with pride. No matter what these people think, it"s useless! The one who has always followed Xu Jun was he, Man Tou! Man Tou is the most devoted!

It was a pity that he couldn"t turn into human form yet, and that his soul wasn"t strong enough to communicate with people other than Xu Jun. Thus, Man Tou"s smugness could only dwell within his heart, hidden from view.

—If he had been able to say it aloud, a three-way melee probably would"ve occurred, and the world would no longer have a horse named Man Tou_(:зゝ∠)_

Ti Na and Daeniste glanced at each other, both thinking the other was a nuisance.

At noon, they looked around several markets in the inner city. Xu Jun purchased quite a few of Wilderness City"s local products. He got a few nuts, seasonings, he plundered—I mean, bought quite a bit.

As expected, being in the game was great. He followed the reasoning of since he was the one to buy the game, then of course everything in the game was his. Thus, Xu Jun had always enjoyed looting, killing, and burning everything. The enemies and monsters he killed needed to be thoroughly searched and cleaned of all possessions. Whenever he entered an NPC"s house, he would also "clean it up." For example, these small markets, with his previous style, he would have definitely bargained with the stall owners for quite a while, before taking advantage of when the owner wasn"t paying attention to take everything away.

However, now that the game had turned into reality, Xu Jun no longer acted that way.

Who knows if the stall owner has an eighty-year-old mother and three-year-old daughter to support. =.=

Hero Xu Jun felt his morals rising, and he could not help but lament, "I am truly too nice."

—"The Xu Jun who once plundered, killed, and burned everything was now actually visiting a market without stealing or robbing anyone. Such a great change would make even Gale Dad feel moved."

The Demon King Rozenke, who heard the Hero call himself a good person, thought to himself, how are you not a good person, you basically saved the world. Then, after hearing the words that followed… he fell silent.

This Hero… what kind of deeds has he done before?

Is this man really a hero, and not a bandit?

Thinking it over, it was a frightening thought.

Moving forwards, they planned to visit the Holy Light Elves. At first glance, it would appear simple, just like dropping a relative"s house. After all, Xu Jun is the Hero, and should have friends all over the world. Indeed, amongst the Holy Light Elves, he did have friends—the Holy Light Elves" youngest princess. Xu Jun had obtained this princess"s sincere friendship.

Of course, the princess had been a possible romantic partner, but ever since Xu Jun failed with the Holy Maiden, he decided to never hook up with any girl of high status. Thus, his friendship with the princess just amounted to him having sent Moonlight Lotuses to the princess; and the princess giving him water from the Wisdom Well in return. After he returned from the Elves" Dreamland, he used half of the well water to turn in his quest.

He kept the other half of the well water. This kind of Wisdom Well water was clear of impurities. It could be used as a spirit cleansing medicine, and was able to save a person"s life, if necessary. Even now, it was in his current body"s backpack.

If he were to go to the Holy Light Elves" Dreamland, he could use this Wisdom Well water to earn the trust of the elven guards.

He and Daeniste had discussed this before. Daeniste didn"t want to visit the Holy Light Elves" Dreamland with great fanfare using the Bright G.o.d Church"s name, because then there would be no way for them to buy, buy, buy, and eat, eat, eat as much as they wanted—cough, it was because it would raise too much publicity. There are many factions within the Bright G.o.d Church, and each found the others unpleasant. If it was made public that he had visited the Holy Light Elves, everyone would think he went representing the Pope"s faction. Others would then take the opportunity to raise a ruckus.

They had already arranged for where they would stay for the night, so they continued to shop and eat until evening. Nothing much happened the entire day. A slight situation that had popped up, however, was that a horse trader had caught Man Tou and begged to use Man Tou for breeding. Man Tou was scared to death and almost raised his rear legs to kick the man. Xu Jun quickly went to apologize. He gave a few silvers to the frightened horse trader. The horse trader big brother was quite outspoken, "It"s fine, it"s fine. We traders have tough bodies—say, are you sure you won"t breed your horse?"

Man Tou turned pale with fright. His tail whisked around before finally choosing to securely cover his rear end.

Xu Jun: "…so, why are you covering your rear?" Man Tou, what kind of misunderstanding do you have about your gender?

It"s all the fault of that perverted male unicorn!!!

Their small group of people started walking back. Xu Jun comforted Man Tou, telling him he would definitely buy clothes for him in the future. He also told Man Tou that as long as he was unwilling, Xu Jun would never make Man Tou do something he didn"t like. Only after this, did Man Tou settle down. The evening sun set to the west, dyed in a shade of blood red. Wilderness City"s evening carried with it a simple, beautiful, yet sad atmosphere. Most of the sun had already gone below the city walls, its flames burning across half the sky.

Xu Jun frowned, and held back Daeniste and Tina. "Wait, don"t move."

Daeniste: "What"s wrong?"

Ti Na: "Did you find something fun?"—this child was already beyond helping; his only thoughts are about playing.

At this time, a war horn sounded from the southern city gate.

"Beastmen are attacking!"

Translator"s Niche:

The t.i.tle was not quite suitable for translation, so I"ll just try to explain its meaning. Basically xiu luo field (xiu luo chang) is a situation where the protagonist"s harem fights over the progonist. However, it"s psuedo probably because the person the harem is fighting over is usually of the other gender.

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