Never Thought You'd Be This Kind Of Hero!

Chapter 24 One b.u.t.ton to Scale the Wall

This Kind of Hero Chapter 24 One b.u.t.ton to Scale the Wall


The beastmen were attacking? The sentinel standing atop the lookout tower swiftly blew his war-horn. Wilderness City was silent for a split second before it exploded with the sounds of shouting and screaming. While some were scared witless, others picked up their weapons, looking ready to fight heroically in battle.

The soldier who first blew the war-horn, however, crawled away from his post. He scrambled down from the city wall"s lookout and ran towards the City Lord"s mansion. His actions were inconspicuous and almost no one noticed that a foot soldier had fled the city wall.

No one, except Xu Jun.

At this time, the beastmen"s "main" army was still about two kilometers out.

The beastmen were moving quickly, not because they were riding horses, but because they were riding on the fiercer war-beasts—these war-beasts were on a different level from horses and could burst out with great battle prowess. In actual combat, they might even be stronger than the beastmen themselves.

Why did the beastmen choose to attack Wilderness City at this time?

Xu Jun was also unsure of why they chose this time. He knew that the surrounding beastmen invaded Wilderness City annually due to the city"s strategic position—however; Wilderness City had a strong military. Usually what would happen was that the humans would hole up and defend the city. The beastmen would then simply plunder the outlying villages before leaving…perhaps it was an issue of having poor IQ and vision that the beastmen could never get their hands on anything good. They always got just barely enough for their tribes to get by the winter.

Beastmen… considering their IQ, truly are marvels in the history of evolution.

Furthermore, much earlier in history, it is said that amongst the demons were evil spirits that could crawl out from the demonic abyss. Back then, this group of brainless fellows were the prey of the beastmen, and were even dumber than the beastmen.

What kind of abysmal IQ did they have?

At this moment, Xu Jun no longer had the time to lament. With a dignified face, he pat Ti Na"s small head. "It shouldn"t be around this time."

"This isn"t normal."

If the world and the game were the same, then the only time Wilderness City needed to prepare to fight the beastmen was during the month when autumn turned to winter. After fighting for so many years, both sides had developed "feelings" and neither side was willing to change the time of battle. Like this, the beastmen invasion became a formalized event.

What is even more suspicious is that the war-horn had been blowing for a while, yet the city army remained unresponsive.

Connecting back to the fl.u.s.tered movements of the foot soldier just now, Xu Jun subconsciously felt that something had gone wrong.

But what is the actual reason for the invasion? The sentinel definitely wasn"t just seeing things, and Xu Jun"s senses wouldn"t be wrong either. From the ground, he could feel a slight vibration running through his feet. This was a vibration that would happen only when hundreds of beastmen were charging forth on gigantic war-beasts. Ordinary people were completely ignorant to such a thing. Xu Jun"s five senses, as a hero, were obviously stronger than a normal person"s. The beastmen were coming, yet why was Wilderness city"s response so sluggish?

A light whiff of wine drifted through with the wind.

It was a fine wine, the kind only the upper echelons of the Snow Blade Kingdom could afford to drink.

He thought of something, but the idea quickly flitted by like a cat, unable to be caught. He clicked his tongue. "Daeniste, we need to be ready. It seems the city garrison isn"t reacting, so let"s go up ourselves."

Xu Jun was, of course, readying himself for battle. Although being a hero meant he took a neutral stance, he couldn"t just stand aside and watch beastmen attack humans. Luckily, Holy Son Daeniste was at the scene. As he was the Holy Son, he would definitely be a superb nurse.

However, as his eyes landed on his small band of companions, Xu Jun discovered…

Daeniste was looking at him with tearful eyes.

Ti Na was craning his neck upwards, his eyes filled with a worshipping light.

…Wait a second, what happened to all of you.

Looking again at Nar he realized that this man, who didn"t like Xu Jun very much, was giving him an approving glance that seemed to convey, "you actually do have some good points."

Finally, Daeniste muttered out, "I am so happy…

"We can fight side by side again. Boss Xu Jun, give the orders."

He remembered a distant night when Xu Jun led the orphanage kids to fight against some punks.  Apparently it was to defend a bullied child. Anyways, that night, the eight-year-old Xu Jun demonstrated his outstanding talent for battle. He directed everyone to use boiling water and wasp nests to fight and made those little punks scream for their daddies and mommies.

As for the final outcome of that incident, Daeniste had completely forgotten about it. He vaguely remembered the orphanage"s dean punishing them…but that"s not important.

The important thing was that, Daeniste had felt courageous and hot-blooded for the first time in his life that night.

"Motherf.u.c.king beastmen!" the Holy Son continued to mutter.

Xu Jun… didn"t dare to look at Golden Knight Nar"s expression.

—This really wasn"t his fault!!!

—Who knew what was going on with the Holy Son!!!

Boom! The southern city gate seemed like it had been struck by thunder, and it let out a deafening sound. The walls shook violently, appearing as if they weren"t built from stone, but rather from tofu

Dust flew into the air, blurring people"s visions. Outside the city rang the screeching of metal striking against stone, a sound that set one"s teeth on edge. The screams of humans and the guttural, mad laughter of beastmen blended together. The situation quickly became messy within the city as well.

The merchants acted as if they had seen the city management pa.s.sing by1 and quickly packed their wares before rushing off. A few people who seemed like combatants sensed the change in atmosphere and their expressions morphed. Just now, they had been shouting to kill the beastmen… now they were terrified. _(:зゝ∠)_

Xu Jun felt that having these people run away was a good thing. It must be known that when the melee starts, what one should feared isn"t that the enemy army is too strong, but rather that one"s own army had pig-like teammates. If these people were to charge up against the enemy without a care for their lives, how was Xu Jun save them?

After all, they"re all human combatants, so he couldn"t just let them die—not knowing how they died—beneath the iron hooves of the beastmen.

When the southern gate was about to break open, the sky became truly dark. Some beastmen were actually dissatisfied with the rate at which the city gate were being broken, and so they drove their war-beasts to jump onto the city wall…cough, the first beastman who tried plunged headfirst off the wall. The second one to try was also unable to get a proper footing on the city wall. The two front paws of the war-beast scrambled and grabbed before, finally, it could no longer overcome the powerful force called gravity and fell like the one before it. Even though this was the case, a third beastman was still willing to continue to try and jump the wall… why is it that those with low IQ"s are all so stubborn these days?

Xu Jun felt that he couldn"t bear to look on any longer. He threw Ti Na over to Nar, and then mounted Man Tou for the sake of speed. On the other hand, Daeniste quickly hopped onto his white, perverted horse, which Nar had brought over, and followed after Xu Jun. Nar also mounted onto his own horse; however, before he even moved two steps, he heard the faraway Xu Jun yell back at him, “You don"t need to come with us! Just make sure you protect Ti Na well!"

The Golden Guardian Knight Nar heard this and became furious. He thought to himself, what gives you the right to order me around!—Daeniste then quickly spoke, "Nar! Listen to Xu Jun!"

Nar: "…"

In between the vast heaven and earth, he suddenly felt desolate.

Inexplicably, he had the feeling of being a parent, sad and frustrated, as he helplessly watched his child grow up and run off with the wrong crowd.

Daeniste"s horse became excited when it saw Man Tou, and immediately rushed over. Being an ordinary horse, the fact that it"s speed managed to match a moonlight colt"s really left one feeling speechless.

Xu Jun comforted Man Tou while asking, "Why didn"t you let your Guardian Knight come? He is quite powerful."

Daeniste snorted with laughter. "If he were to come, what would I do?—I have long wanted for him to stop minding my business."

Nar always looked at him with expectation. However it wasn"t just expectation for him, but rather an expectation for him to become the true "Holy Son" of the Bright G.o.d Church. He is respectful and humble, yet also cold and aloof. He waves his longsword to protect, yes, to protect a belief.

"I don"t need people like him to protect me," Holy Son Daeniste continued.

The "Prince Ryan," who had disappeared for a while now, commented at this time, "this Holy Son really is clear-sighted."

Xu Jun nodded his head while thinking, who the h.e.l.l knows what you guys are thinking. If someone were willing to protect me at all costs, why would I care why they want to protect me? He is so powerful that this precious one is totally willing to bring him along to clear out dungeons and plunder others! However, on the surface he played it cool, and patted Daeniste"s shoulder, "come, let"s go up the wall."

Daeniste looked at the ladder not far from him, which lead to the top of the city wall. "…while riding our horses?"

Are you sure? You want us to ride our horses up there?

However, when he turned around, all he saw was Xu Jun letting out a shout. A wind formed beneath Man Tou"s hooves and carried them directly up the wall. The panicking people in the city let out a cry of surprise.

Daeniste: "…"

Wow, so flashy?! Had I known earlier I would"ve ridden with you big bro! Why didn"t you tell me Man Tou could do that earlier big bro!

Author has something to say:

Daeniste"s Weibo2:

@Nar stop following me all the time. This Highness, the Holy Son, doesn"t need your protection! Look at my handsome and elegant fighting posture╭(╯^╰)╮



Xu Jun: ->_-> Are you sure you"re not deliberately creating a picture? Tell me, how long did it take for you to Photoshop this?

Pope: You don"t want Nar to follow you yet you still @ them? Get out, your daddy here doesn"t have a foster child like you.

Demon King Rozenke: …The current Holy Sons are all  scheming [beep]

(After some various, mocking comments)

Nar: The pictures are very nice. The third image of Your Highness the Holy Son holding the Holy Light Scepter is exceptionally beautiful. But, the robe Your Highness the Holy Son is wearing should have Bright G.o.d Church"s emblem on it. Next time you need to remember to have it on.

Daeniste reply to @Nar: …mdzz3

Translator"s Niche:

[1]In China, there are a lot of hawkers who sell goods(illegally), such as toys for children and such. Thus, when city management (police) come around, they immediately pack up and go. The same thing is going on here.⏎

[2]If you"ve forgotten, this is a Chinese social media site.⏎

[3]This is an acronym for a pretty rude way of saying “idiot” in Chinese.⏎


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