Here to Pick Up the Crumbs!


As for Xu Jun, although His Highness the First Prince Ryan often looked down on his clever ideas and way of life, His Highness was living under another"s roof and so had to bow his head. Even after considering how a stronger stimululation could have caused Xu Jun to commit suicide, thus ending two lives with one death, he still treated Xu Jun relatively gently. So it was that Ryan severely reprimanded Xu Jun for the first time.

This baby felt he had grievances and wanted to cry.

Xu Jun pitifully begged Ryan, "I don"t know how to protect my soul…only warlocks can do that, but if you know how to, can you help me set up some sort of protection?"

Demon King Rozenke was speechless.

Xu Jun thought for a bit, "I don"t need anything too complicated. Maybe just give me a master-level soul ward?"

Demon King Rozenke felt like beating someone up. He really wanted to vent something along the lines of, let"s just perish together, at Xu Jun. How shameless this man was! How deserving of a beating!

Rozenke then thought, this is truly too terrifying! Why am I already used to this sort of thing!!!

Still, in spite of his reflection, His Majesty the Demon King used his remaining spiritual power to give Xu Jun a soul ward of the highest grade.

He was beyond saving.

Elsewhere, Holy Son Daeniste and his guardian knight, Nar, had been in discussion for a while. Essentially, the holy son wanted to go look around the Holy Light Elves" place no matter what, but his guardian knight didn"t agree… in the end, they reached a compromise. The holy son wasn"t allowed to sneak off on his own, so they needed to report to His Holiness the Pope first. That way, if anything happened, Daeniste would not have to bear much responsibility as it was His Holiness the Pope who had given him permission to go.

Daeniste lamented, thinking in his heart that his adoptive father, the pope, had truly encountered misfortune. Not only did his good holy son learn bad things, but the guardian knight he had given to said Holy Son back in the day had also been bent.

However, Daeniste himself was content.

He looked at Nar, and felt that the gap between them had closed a bit. It was like a bad student finally managing to pull a model student into their faction. Daeniste felt extremely smug and satisfied.

Nar smiled helplessly, acquiescing to Daeniste"s scheming thoughts.

#Like this, golden knight Nar boarded the pirate ship#

#The pope, about to have lunch, sneezed loudly and dirtied his face#

Holy Son Daeniste was like an elementary student about to be let off on vacation. Going two laps around Xu Jun he exclaimed, "He agreed! His Holiness the Pope allowed me to visit the Holy Light Elves undercover!"

Xu Jun glanced at Nar, "…I don"t think that"s what His Holiness said. _(:зゝ∠)_"

Daeniste had spent so many years in the Bright G.o.d Church, a place that seemed grand and inviolable, but was actually no different from imperial aristocracy, yet had still managed to maintain his innocent and cute personality… Nar must"ve worked really hard.

Xu Jun couldn"t help but feel moved. "To take care of someone like Daeni, Nar"s definitely had it rough."

After waiting a long time for Xu Jun to go on, Demon King Rozenke could no longer help but ask personally, "He"s had it rough, but what about me?!"

The clueless Xu Jun replied, "What about you?"

Thus, after another day of being good people, Xu Jun and Daeniste, along with three others (actually, four others) decided to start on their impromptu road trip. They said their goodbyes to the Wilderness City"s lord, Kanaman, and Ti Na.

The Wilderness City"s workers were currently rebuilding the city gate. Two days had already pa.s.sed, but a b.l.o.o.d.y smell still seemed to lurk in the air. Ti Na and his brother walked over while holding hands. Upon arrival, Ti Na immediately remembered the terrifying sight of people dying on the city walls. The small child"s legs shook slightly.

His blood-related brother, Kanaman was concerned and straightforwardly stated, "Ti Na, don"t pee yourself out of fear this time. You don"t have any spare pants left to wear."

Ti Na: "Can we not talk about me peeing my pants!"

This was his blood-related brother?! He actually brought up this baby"s dark history up in public! Also, he wasn"t willing to carry this baby either! He was obviously sleepy after waking up so early, but this big brother just said something along the lines of, Sand Leopard cubs should be strong. He then said he was hungry and that he would go back to prepare some meat to eat. Ti Na remembered that his brother, Kanaman, had said, "You can"t be so squeamish when we go home this time. You should start learning how to eat raw meat."

Heuurgh–Ti Na felt like vomiting._(:зゝ∠)_

Ti Na thought things through and felt that he actually wanted to follow Xu Jun instead now.

After all, Xu Jun had taken good care of him in the few days that they had lived together.

"Let"s part ways here," Xu Jun said while gently tugging the brim of the fur hat he had just put on. "Being able to meet in Wilderness City was a happy twist of fate. I hope you also feel this way."

The Wilderness City"s lord didn"t have as many words prepared. He simply bear hugged Xu Jun. "Thank you! Big brother!"

Xu Jun slightly smiled and returned City Lord Dika"s hug. "Good brother!" –This was someone who could pay twenty thousand gold coins for video evidence! Where could one find another tyc.o.o.n like him!

Kanaman watched the humans behave so intimately and snorted coldly. Humans, one second they would be hugging and having a heartfelt interaction, in the next second they could be trying to stab each other. He did not believe that such a race could possess "sincerity."

Then, when he lowered his head, he saw that Ti Na was dazedly staring at Xu Jun, his face full of reluctance.

–Ugh! So p.i.s.sed! My stupid younger brother!

The also stupid, blood-related brother, Kanaman, was infuriated. He was going to need to properly train Ti Na after they got back! He must make Ti Na recognize the treacherous and detestable nature of humans!

"Good brother! I will always remember the kindness you"ve shown to Wilderness City!" In the end, City Lord Dika decided to say these words. Xu Jun waved farewell to him, before heading towards Daeniste. Together, with his childhood friend, he embarked upon a new journey.

A new journey filled with Elven little brothers and sisters, as well as the many local specialities of the Holy Light Elves. ~(≧▽≦)/~

He could already imagine what he would after arriving at the Holy Light Elves" Dreamland. It was truly a future he could look forward to!

While the Bright G.o.d Church"s holy son and his childhood friend were traveling far and wide, three high ranking members of the Bright G.o.d Church were eating ash in the Burning h.e.l.l.

The Burning h.e.l.l was like its name. Here, the sun appeared to be larger than anywhere else. The nights were so frigid that people could freeze to ice; the mornings so hot that a person could burn to ash. Mounted bandits and Beastmen could survive in the wilderness on the outskirts, but even they held no power in the Burning h.e.l.l. No intelligent creatures existed here, or rather those with even a little bit of brainpower knew to stay far away from this h.e.l.lish place. Only insects with truly pitiful intelligence lived out their brief lifespans here.

It was here, that Demon King Rozenke had perished.

A brave by the name of Xu Jun had courageously battled the demon king for the sake of Shen Juan Continent"s peace or perhaps for the harmony of the world. However, for some reason, he didn"t publicize himself after such a heroic undertaking, but rather quietly left the scene. Although the prophet elder claimed that the brave was the true, fated enemy of the demon king, the elders of the Bright G.o.d Church did not recognize such a statement.

For them, even if the prophecy had stated long ago that an ordinary human would kill the demon king–such a thing was an affront to the Bright G.o.d"s teachings. It was an abominable and baseless claim, for glory belonged to the Bright G.o.d and so glory also belonged to the Bright G.o.d Church. That was how things should be.

Perhaps those of the Pope"s faction would think that it was good for the Brave Xu Jun to have the glory, since Xu Jun could be considered Daeniste"s–the pope"s foster son"s friend, perhaps even family. Then they could make a farce about how the prophecy had long ago confirmed that Xu Jun would be the hero, and that his glorious deeds were set in stone… how ill.u.s.trious and grand! However, if Xu Jun didn"t have any relation to them, would they still say such things?

Taking advantage of the fact that said brave had not yet publicized his achievements, the Bright G.o.d Church"s Elder Circle decided to make the first move.

The person the public believes to have killed the demon king doesn"t have to be the one who had actually killed him.

All truths can be concealed through greed and profit.

The third elder of the Bright G.o.d Church"s Elder Circle and two powerful golden knights bore the expectations of the entire Elder Circle and secretly…ran into the Burning h.e.l.l to find the demon king"s body.

The prophet elder had insisted that the brave had not destroyed Demon King Rozenke"s body, but had rather buried him. His corpse had been placed somewhere in the center of the Burning h.e.l.l and, with the demon king"s defenses and resistances, should not have rotted yet as it has only been a few days. As long as they dug up the demon king"s body, they could say that they were the ones who had killed the demon king and claim to be the savior of the Shen Juan Continent. However frightening Demon King Rozenke had been in life, however enticing he was now in death.

(Demon King Rozenke: f.u.c.k, I"ve been f.u.c.ked over…)

As a result, they wandered the Burning h.e.l.l for an entire two days and found absolutely nothing. In addition, the third elder now had a sunburn on his face because he hadn"t applied his sunscreen evenly._(:зゝ∠)_

Although he was always sleek and cool, the third elder couldn"t help but feel a bit irritated. Even the two guards he had brought with him were starting to feel dissatisfied. No wonder no one was willing to do this task! The Burning h.e.l.l really wasn"t a place that a person should stay in, he thought. This elder"s skin can"t even be healed by healing magic anymore!

How was he to explain this when he got back? Fighting with the demon king, he sustained no wounds except for a sunburn?!

The three of them had already forgotten how fiercely many elders within the Elder Circle had fought for the privilege to "kill the demon king." In the end, it was the third elder who had triumphed with great difficulty through his qualifications and social connections… at the time the three of them had been filled with confidence. They believed that they could just dig up the body and leave right after arriving at the Burning h.e.l.l…haa, so angry!

"Who"s there!" While daydreaming and gulping down water at the same time, the third elder suddenly felt that a human figure had flashed past a sand dune in the distance. His heart froze and he subconsciously felt an impending disaster. At this moment, the white heat of the Burning h.e.l.l suddenly caused the sky and dunes to shimmer. The temperature dramatically changed in an instant and, within the span of a single breath, snowflakes began to drift down lazily from the sky.

The third elder quickly opened his domain[]. His two golden knights also pulled out their longswords and adopted a combat stance. It was a pity that even now they did not know where their enemy was. As for who the enemy was, they only had a vague speculation. Other than the one who served under Demon King Rozenke as one of his Four Lords, Ice Lord Weize, who else could turn this ma.s.sive desert into an ice-sealed world.

The ice lord appeared from the void in a place about twenty meters away from the three members of the Bright G.o.d Church. Third Elder brandished his magic staff and began his attack, only to be casually smacked away. The two guardian knights activated the Life Shield[] imbued on their armor and charged towards the ice lord"s position.

Third Elder yelled out, "My knights, fight bravely!"

The two knights responded loudly. The atmosphere was extremely moving and tragic, for a moment. When they didn"t hear the third elder"s voice, they turned back and discovered…the spot where the third elder had been standing was now completely empty.

Taking advantage of his two knights" charge against the Ice Lord… the third elder had fled. _(:зゝ∠)_

The two knights" eyes shone with murderous intent, "f.u.c.k you!!!"

The author has something to say:

My heart goes out to the two knights_(:зゝ∠)_

Everyone, guess what Xu Jun wants to do in the Holy Light Elves" Dreamland!

Translator"s niche:

[1]So, something magic related. Pulling from my knowledge of stuffs, I a.s.sume the domain is where the priests and other magicky people draw their power. ⏎

[2] This is a spell. A google search brought me to World of Warcraft. Apparently the spell"s original name is likely Healing Way, but I"m just going to try to translate it literally based on the Chinese version, just in case it"s wrong. The description of the spell on the Chinese site was that it recovered 80 points of health. ⏎

These Bright G.o.d Church people really make me angry. Although I found that ending hilarious for some reason… I mean *ahem* poor knights. Then again, they kind of brought it on themselves by wanting to steal credit.


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